Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 669: Northland and new merchandise



Spring plowing has basically ended, and the crops planted earlier have even grown to half a person’s height.

The war in the kingdom has basically not affected the normal production order in the North, and even infrastructure construction such as building bridges and roads has not stopped.

The introduction of a large number of kobold slaves made it possible to build many projects in the North without the need for corvee labor.

Most of the idle farmers gathered together for training under the leadership of the village sheriff, and the chants of military training could be heard in every village.



“One, two, three…”

The peasant and soldier training in the Northland has a very distinct personal style of Richard, especially when lining up, there is a very strong sense of military training.

The peasants and soldiers in the village, led by the sheriff, formed a neat square queue. The team of dozens of people formed a neat line no matter which direction they looked at it.

Not to mention combat skills, this formation alone made the peasants and soldiers feel separated from the ranks of the mob.

The peasants and soldiers still wore a variety of armors, including rattan armor made of bamboo strips and cowhide, and iron-leather armor inlaid with pure cowhide and iron plates. Finally, they all had spears in their hands. Only the leading sheriff wore one. Some old cloth armor, with a long sword on his waist.

Of course, farmers and soldiers equipped in this way are no different from cannon fodder sent to death on the battlefield fighting orcs.

But when all the main forces of the Northland Army moved south, they played a role in maintaining the place.

The regular army cannot defeat the orcs, but it is still quite powerful in arresting bandits, maintaining law and order, and suppressing some strange churches. After all, it is an armed force that has received formal training.

“Report to the Sheriff!”

“There should be fifty-one peasants and soldiers in Mopan Village, but there are actually fifty-one! Please give me a lesson!”

The sheriff standing on the big millstone at the entrance of the village glanced at the group of peasant soldiers he brought out.

After having a full stomach and receiving training for more than half a year, these originally timid farmers have undergone tremendous changes in their temperament. They all hold their heads high, their eyes are full of hope, and their spirits are high. It was completely different from when he first arrived.

“Very good!”

The young sheriff looked at the peasants and soldiers below and nodded, then shouted:

“Who will allow me to live and work in peace and contentment?”

“Lord Richard!”

“Who will give me enough food and clothing?”

“Lord Richard!”

“I am willing to die for Lord Richard!”

The sheriff was responded to by the fanatical shouts of the peasants and soldiers.

Dozens of peasants and soldiers almost shouted these words with the momentum of hundreds of people, and after a few shouts they almost became hoarse.

They were not forced to shout these words. Their support for Richard came completely from the heart.

After all, they are a group of farmers who did not even have enough to eat a year or two ago. They are just waiting to die from exhaustion or illness in a dilapidated house. There is no progress in life.

Now under Richard’s rule, not only can they have enough to eat, but they can even eat meat occasionally. Richard is like a savior to them.

After shouting a few times, the sheriff signaled the peasants and soldiers to stop, and then continued after the scene calmed down:

“Let me tell you some good news, good news from Miracle City!”

“Our Northern Army has two battles and two victories, and has basically eliminated the main force of the orcs.”

Although Northland has established an extremely fast information transmission mechanism, the news was sent back to Miracle City on the same day that the army eliminated the main force of the orcs.

Most of the senior Northland officials who stayed behind received the battle report in time.

But this is not the information age with developed networks. In a small, isolated village like this, even if the road is built, there will be a delay of at least half a month in getting information.

The peasants and soldiers only knew that Lord Richard had led the Northern Army south, and the news of defeating the orcs had not yet spread from Miracle City to these remote villages.


When the peasants and soldiers heard the news, they immediately roared excitedly, causing the old and young in the distant village to look here curiously.

As for the authenticity of the news?

The Northland Army led by Richard is invincible. How could they lose? It’s just that they won a little faster this time.

The sheriff standing on the big millstone was very satisfied with the reaction of the peasants and soldiers, and added:

“I’ve sent someone over today to make a pot of soup and congratulate Lord Richard on his victory in the evening!”

“Long live Lord Richard!”

“Long live Lord Richard!”

As soon as the Sheriff finished speaking, the reaction of the peasants and soldiers became even more enthusiastic.

A sheep weighs at least thirty or forty pounds of meat. If it is stewed in a large pot, dozens of people present can eat several bites.

Although the civilians in the Northland no longer have to worry about having enough to eat, meat is still an expensive thing for ordinary people. These farmers and soldiers may not be able to eat a pound of meat in a month.

Only the vigilantes with quasi-knight strength have the financial resources to eat meat every day. The peasants and soldiers are drooling when they think about the feeling of eating meat.

“Okay, isn’t it just about eating stew? Give me a good training, so that when we recruit regular soldiers next time, all the men in Mopan Village can be selected to earn some face for me!”

“Don’t worry, sir! If anyone dares to be lazy, you don’t need to come, I, Wright, will be the first to smash his ass.”


The peasants and soldiers burst into laughter.

The news of the great victory and the good news of eating meat made the atmosphere extremely heated. If these peasant soldiers were placed with other lords and equipped with better equipment, they could become regular military envoys.

But in the Northland, it is still necessary to select the remaining soldiers from the previous round of military expansion.

The war potential of the Northland is far from being explored to its limit.

“But, Lord Sheriff, now that the orcs have been defeated, who else can we fight with? Do we still have a chance to be picked as a regular soldier?”

Among the farmers and soldiers below, there are also some with slightly more flexible minds. Now the intelligent creatures on the mainland have basically been defeated by the Northland Army. Even powerful orcs have fallen in front of the Northland Army. The Northland Army seems to have There are no more opponents.

As soon as this question came out, the surrounding peasants and soldiers looked at each other. They were really afraid that there would be no more battles to fight in the future and no chance to join the regular army.

“Hey, who said that after defeating the orcs, there will be no enemies? We just defeated the main force of the orcs.”

“Our Northern Army will definitely come east from Longxi Pass and destroy the orc kingdom!”

Humanity has been suppressed by the orcs in the Dragon’s Breath Pass for nearly a hundred years. They are used to passive defense, and most people have no intention of counterattack.

When the Sheriff mentioned it at this time, the peasants and soldiers below were stunned for a moment before they came to their senses.



The peasants and soldiers responded enthusiastically that there was still a fight, but they didn’t know that they didn’t have to worry about such things at all. Richard found them an absolutely powerful enemy…

“Everyone has it!”

“Ten kilometers of weight-bearing running around the village!”

“Team up!”

The peasants and soldiers started the day’s training with great enthusiasm after the police chief injected a large amount of chicken blood. The posture caused the dogs in the village to run excitedly…

A hundred miles away from Mopan Village

Miracle accomplished

At this time, the sun has gradually set, and a little halo of dusk makes the shadows of passers-by grow longer.

There is no curfew in Miracle City. If you act quickly, vendors have even hung up colored lights, waiting for nightfall to attract more customers.

In the giant stone castle at the core of Miracle City, a figure suddenly appeared in the center of the castle.

It was not completely dark at this time, and the figure appeared quite abruptly in the light of the setting sun.

But the people in the city have long been accustomed to it. The nearest group of patrols saluted and then continued to perform their patrol tasks.

“Dear envoy of the gods, welcome to your arrival.”

Striding into the door of the market, Grandet was still waiting at the door. He seemed to be in the market all the time, waiting for Richard.

“Show me this month’s new items.”

Without a word of nonsense, Richard walked straight to the counter in the lobby to check out the new products from the moment he entered the market gate.

“Treasure Category: Heart of the Dungeon

Transform any underground city into a Negan (underground city) main city. The heart of the underground city will randomly generate five high-level buildings and one special building for the successfully transformed city, and randomly provide a small group of high-level troops.

Introduction: The gift of the Creator, the miraculous treasure of the dungeon, the legendary Dragon Queen Moriel successfully unified the chaotic Negan after obtaining this treasure.

Price: 120,000 gold.

Pharmacies: God’s Sigh

Effect: Greatly improves the user’s combat power. Even a mortal can have combat power comparable to that of a saint after using it…

Duration: 90 seconds

Warning: Serious side effects may occur after use.

Introduction: This is another pinnacle work of the alchemist master. A super potion that can truly compete with the gods. The power of killing gods is actually in this shaky potion. It is so mysterious that even the gods can’t see it. All he could do was sigh.

Price: 100,000 Jinnar

Soldier type: Great Demon Lord X1

Introduction: They are the most powerful demons, the princes who rule in hell, and are the top existences that can compete with the holy dragon.

Skill 1: Advanced fire resistance (90% immune to fire damage).

Fire is the great demon lord’s best toy.

Skill 2: Space shuttle

They are born to be super creatures that shuttle through space. They can keenly perceive the dynamics of different spaces, sneak through multi-layered worlds, and steal a large number of souls.

Skill 3: Lord’s Coercion

As a powerful demon at the lord level, the Great Demon Lord exerts strong pressure on mid-level and low-level demons, and has a certain probability of attracting demons who admire the strong to join their camp.

Price: 100,000 gold.

Resource type: super resource package

Provides a large number of various resources.

Price: 5000 gold.

“Heart of the Dungeon?”

After seeing this treasure, Richard was no longer calm. This treasure was the most expensive treasure he had ever seen on the market.

One hundred and twenty thousand gold is equivalent to the regular expenses of several legions.

But in terms of its effects, the price is definitely worth it.

Five high-level buildings are generated at the beginning. If you are lucky, you may get a Black Dragon’s Lair directly. This is equivalent to using the heart of the dungeon to generate the main city of the system. You can skip more than two months of development stage, let alone return It will come with a special building and a small group of advanced dungeon troops.

The only problem is that it must be generated in an underground city.

Looking all over the continent, Richard couldn’t think of anywhere to find a city built underground. Even the dwarves only mined in caves, and most of the settlements were on the ground.

And he can’t put the dungeon on the dwarves’ territory, because he has to go to war with the dwarves first.

After thinking about it, the only suitable place to use the Dungeon Heart is to go to the Devil’s Abyss to find it.

There are all kinds of strange demons in the abyss. According to the records in the elven classics, there is a cave-dwelling demon that looks like a spider and likes to live underground.

During the war when demons invaded the mainland, the cave demons even built an underground castle to block the attack of the elven coalition. It was several fire-based holy magisters who used forbidden spells to summon multiple large meteorites. Destroyed the underground castle built by the cave devil.

No matter what, this Dungeon Heart must be bought.

The potion that appears in the mall is currently the most powerful potion that Richard has ever seen, as you can tell from its name alone.

The Sigh of God

A creation that even gods are impressed by.

Ordinary people can have power comparable to that of a saint after drinking it. Then, after drinking this bottle of potion, will a strong man like Richard, who is at the peak of the saint level, have the power to kill the Lord God?

As for the serious sequelae described in the description, they are not within the scope of Richard’s consideration for the time being. When he is forced to use this trump card, it will not work and will there be any sequelae.

The price of one hundred thousand gold naars is worth it.

The creatures that appear in the market are also the second holy-level unit after the holy dragon.

Great Demon Lord

It exerts pressure on mid-level and low-level demons, and can recruit a large number of cannon fodder in the abyss for its own use.

“The heart of the dungeon, the great demon lord…”

“Haha, everything is arranged so thoughtfully.”

This is to give him a pillow when he feels sleepy. The things that appear in the market this time perfectly meet the needs of exploring the abyss. This is because someone wants to push him to explore the abyss.

Li Cha chuckled lightly, showing no emotion or anger, and naturally purchased all the goods except the resource gift pack.

More than three hundred thousand kinaar was spent like water.

This amount of gold coins is a considerable expenditure even for the entire Northland.

Fortunately, Richard did not have to withdraw money from the Beidi Treasury this time.

The nobles in Jinlongdu are richer than Richard imagined. Just a few bloodline nobles have provided Richard with millions of gold nards. The money buried in the ground was finally found in Li Cha’s hands. The inspector has played some role.

First, a purple-black stone floated on the counter out of thin air. It looked a little plain on the outside. If you look closely, you can see a little light around the stone.

If it appeared elsewhere, Richard would probably just regard it as an ordinary gemstone that was not very good-looking.

The second potion looked much more gorgeous. The thumb-sized potion bottle was filled with golden liquid, and the color of the potion turned into red, purple, and blue in the next second.

The color of the potion is constantly changing, making the light in the market hall constantly changing, like a disco scene in a bar.

“I believe this thing, even if you tell me it can turn into a colorful toad after drinking it.”

The change in color of this potion may be regarded as a miracle in the eyes of others, but in the eyes of people like Richard who are used to seeing flashing neon lights, it feels inexplicably earthy.

After complaining, he stuffed the potion and the Dungeon Heart into his arms.

At this time, a figure carrying a huge scythe also appeared in the market hall.

The big demon lord is more than three meters tall, with red muscles all over his body. He wears a black breastplate in front of his body and a pair of black iron boots on his feet. However, the front of the boots is hollow, with five sharp claws coming from Boots appeared in front of them, making a slight friction sound with every step. There was a pair of black horns on top of its head, and it looked ferocious, with traces of sparks on its body.

With this look, just standing there gives me a sense of oppression.

However, when this unruly-looking demon lord came to a position about two meters away from Richard, he respectfully bowed his knees and half-crouched on the ground.

He raised his head to face Richard, with a fawning smile on his fierce face.

“Devil Sven, obey your orders, your will will be the direction of my battle.”




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