Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 668: Unstable portal


After a big battle, it was late at night.

The starry sky is very low, and the stars are twinkling in the sky, like a dynamic picture, and visually it seems that you can reach out and touch it.

It is already late spring, and the weather in the capital has been quite good these past two days. When you look up, you can see this wonderful picture of the stars falling into the sky.

If you have some leisure time, this is the perfect time to watch the stars.

But at this time, there was something in the royal capital that was much more eye-catching than the stars in the sky.

It is the portal that connects the abyss and reality.

Although tens of thousands of Northland Army soldiers have surrounded the Buchan family’s mansion.

But the light door where Diabo appeared was about the same height as the city gate. It stood out among all the buildings in Golden Dragon City, and it emitted an eye-catching blue light in the dark night.

In addition, the battle between Richard and Diabo in the sky attracted a lot of attention. Anyone who was not blind would have discovered the eye-catching blue light door by now.

If there were not the Northern Army surrounding it, people from the City Guards and Imperial Guards would have come to investigate long ago.

But now, if the sky falls, there will naturally be someone tall to hold it up. Even Ren, as the king of a country, just sent someone to inquire about the situation and knew that the Northland Army had surrounded it, so there was no further progress. After making the move, Richard was left to fiddle with it, completely lying down.

Anyway, if it is something that neither Richard, the current top master of the human race, nor the monster-like Northern Army can handle it, Renn will not have any power at his disposal to handle it.

At this time, Richard had been standing in front of the light curtain for dozens of minutes, and there was no movement for a long time.

Because the system suddenly displayed a prompt, Richard fell into thinking.

“Portal (unstable): a two-way portal with the abyss. Through the portal, you can enter another world.

Note 1: The status of the portal is unstable. Without accurate coordinate guidance, you may get lost in the turbulence of space when passing through the portal.

(Bloodline is the most eye-catching road sign.)

Note 2: The portal can be repaired, which requires a lot of resources. The repaired portal will stably connect the abyss and the continent, so please make your decision carefully. ”

The demon king of the space system was able to open the portal between the abyss and the continent because he was powerful enough to open a stable portal.

But it is using the power maintained by its head at this time, and it is very normal for the portal it opens to be defective.

After the defeat, the demons could only use the prince’s head to secretly open an unstable channel to harvest some souls.

As for the guidance needed, how can it be accurate to use one’s own blood as a guide?

The demons who successfully used unstable portals to infiltrate in the early days consciously spread their bloodline on the mainland. In addition to cultivating a group of young men, they also relied on their bloodline to complete precise guidance and harvest souls on the mainland.

Because to demons, human souls are the most delicious food after elves, so demons even consciously protected humans when humans were extremely weak.

Later, the magic power became increasingly depleted. By the time of Aragorn, it could no longer support the opening of the portal, and the devil lost the possibility of sneaking into the mainland.

Until recently, the magic power revived, and the former bloodline noble reactivated the demonic bloodline in his body and successfully contacted the source of his bloodline. Diabo became the first “lucky person” to pass through the portal

Unfortunately, when he was supposed to be feasting, he met the unreasonable Richard, and his role changed from a livestock owner to a prisoner.

Although Richard easily defeated Diabo, he was full of doubts about completely stabilizing the portal.

What made Richard suspicious was not the massive resources needed to stabilize the portal.

Northland, which now controls sea trade and several portal trade routes, can be said to be the richest force on the entire continent. The dragon who likes to hoard treasures is just a poor man in front of Richard.

After all, even if the giant dragon goes to rob, it will not be able to grab that much gold. The northern forces that control the upper reaches of the Jinlong River, the southern sea trade, and several two-way portals can do business much faster than making money from robbery.

The large amount of resources required is just a matter of spending some time mobilizing supplies for the entire Northland.

What really worries Richard is the impact that the portal will have on the mainland after it is stabilized.

This is a two-way portal. After it stabilizes, humans can pass through, and demons can also come through.

Richard is not an arrogant person. He knows very well that his own strength is out of touch with the entire human race. Even the elite Northland Army has not actually jumped out of this range. The current high-end combat power of the Northland Army is also They are generally at the level of great knights, and even the earth level is rare.

It’s okay to let them surround and suppress scattered demons, but if they really have to face the demon army directly, it will be the fate of cannon fodder.

Only systematic troops and heroes can barely keep up with him.

Although he has no specific understanding of the demonic forces living in the abyss, it does not affect Richard’s general impression from the fragments of classical books.

At least if the portal is stabilized at this time, the demons that have been held in for who knows how long will come out like mad dogs, which will be a disaster for the Golden Dragon City and even the humans on the entire Central Plains.

After thinking for a long time, Richard finally chose to give up on the repair option. He was not fully sure and he was unwilling to easily create such instability.


“Lord Richard!”

“Take someone to guard the door and don’t let anything get in.”

“Yes, sir!”

However, although Quill is not bad in ability, he is not strong enough to guard against the demons emerging from the abyss, so Richard turned to Gru and gave some instructions, asking him to lead the phantom shooters to be vigilant at all times. Now, seal the portal.

With Gru leading some of the system’s troops, plus the 100,000 Northland troops around him, even if another Diabo comes, he won’t be able to escape in a short time.

“In addition, release the wind bird and let Sandru come to Golden Dragon City quickly.”

“Yes, sir!”



Clyse City

City Lord’s Mansion

The eldest prince’s Iron Guards guarded the mansion tightly, and the soldiers patrolling back and forth had murderous looks on their faces. After a difficult battle, the surviving Iron Guards soldiers seemed to have been sublimated.

Originally they were just well-trained elites, but now they have a touch of iron-blooded spirit.

“Your Highness, the orcs outside the city have escaped. After this battle, the orcs should be unable to invade Clais City again.”

In the hall, a general was reporting the latest military situation to the eldest prince sitting in the main seat.

The general did not use the word “retreat”, but “escape”.

The orc army that originally besieged Kress City suffered a huge rout. This was a very rare thing for the orc warriors who were known for their bravery and endurance in fighting.

The defeat of the orc army is a great event for the entire city of Clays. If the orcs are allowed to break through the city, including the eldest prince, there will be no way for hundreds of thousands of humans in the city to survive.

However, everyone present, including the eldest prince, had no joy on their faces. They all had their brows furrowed and looked worried.

Richard led the main force of the Northland Army into Golden Dragon City. At this time, the only ones who could break the siege of Clays City were the undead army that had been divided.

Under the leadership of Sandro, more than a dozen skull dragons, hundreds of death knights, thousands of black warriors and hundreds of thousands of skeleton warriors defeated the three soldiers of Clay City in less than a week. An army of one hundred thousand orcs.

The defenders of Clay City, who were still struggling to survive, watched the drama for several days.

If a normal army came to help, they would naturally be happy to see it, but this group of undead reinforcements that exudes musty and foul smells really cannot make them happy.

At this time, the war has basically come to an end. The eldest prince seems to be a little undecided on how to face this “friendly army”.

After a long time, someone broke the silence and said:

“Your Highness, I think they are flying the three-arrow flag of the North, so we should send someone to contact them again.”

“What if they ask to go into town?”

“They must not be allowed to enter the city.”

“Okay, don’t use the hanging basket to let people down anymore. Open the city gate and let me go there myself.”

“Your Highness, no!”

“Your Highness, although the troops outside are flying the three-arrow flag, they are completely a group of monsters. You can’t take risks!”

“No need to say any more, let’s open the city gate. If they are really malicious, can the city of Clays still be defended?”

“Or do you think the generals are confident that they can stop the army outside?”


Although the people here have never fought against the Undead Army, it is easy to get the answer through comparison.

A partial orc army of more than 300,000 people had already shaken the city of Clays. Now the monster army outside the city defeated the orcs like a chopping melon and vegetables. The gap between the two sides was obviously not even a little bit.

Just by looking at the group of ancient dragons flying around in the sky, they knew that if the other party attacked the city, they wouldn’t be able to hold on for even a day.

“Everyone pack up, open the city gate, and come with me to welcome the reinforcements from the North.”

“Yes, Your Highness!”

The eldest prince’s authority in the Iron Guard is not low. After making a decision, even if others have any doubts, they can only nod and obey the order.

Outside the city

Shandru and Elsa sat on the floor

Generally speaking, with an army of hundreds of thousands, a military meeting must have two digits of senior generals discussing it in the commander’s tent.

Even if you don’t express your own opinion, you must know the military order for the next step.

However, the undead army does not have a command post or a command post. Even some intelligent high-level undead are only equivalent to ordinary human soldiers, and they cannot be expected to command other soldiers to direct operations.

The actions of hundreds of thousands of troops depend entirely on the command of Sandro and Elsa.

Necromancers must not only have strong mental power, but also have the ability to lead an army to march and form formations.

If you can just summon some undead warriors, but without the corresponding command ability, you can only charge in a swarm.

On the continent of Erathia, you can only be beaten by famous generals from all races.

Having two abilities at the same time is what makes Sandro become a legendary necromancer.

“Lord Sandro, we lost a bone dragon and seven death knights in this battle.”

“Well, let’s screen the orc corpses again and see if we can add some black warriors and death knights.”

When Aisha reported the losses, she only mentioned the losses of bone dragons and death knights, because units such as skeleton warriors and zombies were just cheap consumables in the eyes of the necromancer.

As long as there is enough time to recover the magic power, it can be replenished quickly.

There are at least more than 100,000 corpses of orc warriors on this battlefield. Bone dragons and death knights are difficult to replace, but there are as many mid-level and low-level undead soldiers as you need.

“It seems like a guest is coming.”

Just when Sandru and Aisha stood up and were about to pick out some high-grade materials from the corpses of the orc warriors, there was a “rumbling” sound from the gate of Clays City in the distance.

As the barrier to the east of Golden Dragon City, Clays City is naturally well-defended and its gates are extremely thick.

To open such a heavy gate, at least a dozen strong soldiers are required to push the winch. On the already quiet battlefield, this kind of movement is particularly eye-catching.

After the gate opened, a group of cavalry surrounded the eldest prince and walked straight towards the undead army.

“Humph, it’s the humans in the city who ran away when they saw the orcs, and finally dared to open the door and come out.”

“If Lord Richard hadn’t allowed us to kill humans and slaughtered this city, we could have added a few death knights.”

Aisha looked at the eldest prince and others coming from a distance, expressing her dissatisfaction in a hoarse voice.

In the past few days, they have been fighting with the orc army. The gates of Clays City are tightly closed, and they appear to be on tight defense. Anyone who is not a fool will know what they are wary of.

Aisha didn’t realize how terrifying her army was, but she just felt that the behavior of the defenders in the city was disrespectful to Sanya Qi and Lord Sandru.

“Sir, would you like to give them some color?”

Because Sandru strictly prohibited his undead army from attacking humans, although the surrounding undead warriors were instinctively hostile to the living, they just watched the prince’s team and did not launch an attack.

More than a hundred cavalrymen have passed over the undead on the periphery and walked towards the center.

“His Royal Highness Ward is here. Which general from Northland is leading the army across the way?”

The eldest prince rode a horse and walked at the front with a relaxed expression.

When he was defending Clay City, Ward had already prepared to die. At the height of the battle, flammable materials were placed everywhere in Clay City. Once the orcs broke through the city, War would be destroyed. Germany is about to prepare to burn the city to delay the orcs.

At this time, being able to survive was considered a gain in Ward’s eyes, and walking among the undead seemed to have no pressure at all.

The soldiers on both sides kept shouting, trying to attract the attention of the commander of the undead army.

Loyalty and courage were not a problem for the soldiers who followed the eldest prince. They completely ignored the hostile undead warriors around them and marched towards the center while shouting.

“This eldest prince is quite a figure.”

“It seems that we can’t teach him a lesson. This person is a relative of Lord Richard.”

“Let the death knight bring people here.”

“Yes, sir!”

Soon, under the guidance of the death knight, the great prince finally came to Sandro.

“Ward, give my regards to General Sandro and thank the general for leading his army to rescue Clay City.”

The eldest prince kept his attitude very low as soon as he came up. He was obviously a prince with a noble status, but he took the initiative to dismount in front of Sandru, not daring to show his status at all.

“I also came to reinforce Clais City on the order of Lord Richard. If your Highness wants to thank you, please thank Lord Richard.”

“Ho ho…”

Shandru let out a burst of laughter that wanted to express kindness, but this laughter sounded creepy.

Even a man as strong as Ward felt an inexplicable chill.

After a slight adjustment, Ward continued:

“Brother-in-law, I naturally want to express my gratitude. I don’t know what help I can provide to your army now.”

Ward’s words have two meanings. One is to show that he is close to Richard, and the other is to provide help to Sandro. In fact, he hopes to stabilize the undead army and prevent the undead army from wanting to Enter the city.

“Ho ho…”

“Our army has been fighting hard for many days, and now we are in need of a place to rest and recuperate. We only need to go into the city to rest for a while. After the battlefield is cleaned up, we will go into the city to rest for a while.”

The army of the undead did not need to enter the city specifically to rest. It was just that the attitude of the defenders in Kress City made Sandru and Aisha unhappy, and Sandru had a bad taste.

Although Sandro is already a strong man who has escaped from the mortal world, he still does not have the instinct to escape the undead, and he has no good impression of the living. If it were not for the restraint of Richard, the living creatures inside and outside the city of Clais I’m afraid they are all targets of his attack.

The undead army does not need to go to the city to rest. Once Sandro and Aisha rest, the entire army will be rested.

“Sir Sandro, the city is small and the army is…”

“Oh? Prince Ward doesn’t want us to enter the city?”

Sandro glanced at Ward and the others with a very dangerous gaze, and the pressure of the Holy Order was released without restraint.

Everyone including Ward felt that their lives did not belong to them. Cold sweat soaked their backs, and they could not say a word of rejection.

“Of course not. If your army wants to enter the city, the Iron Guards will first vacate the camp…”

However, just when Sandru was about to lead the undead army into the city and announce the existence of the undead, a Northland horseman who was delivering the order galloped over from the west.

The soldiers who delivered the order were also brought all the way to Sandro by the death knight and handed over the wax-sealed military order.

Sandru glanced at the military order and immediately ordered to Aisha:

“Let the army gather immediately, let’s go to Golden Dragon City.”

“Yes, sir!”

Almost in an instant, the undead warriors who had been scattered on the plains to clean up the battlefield began to gather, and their efficiency was much higher than that of the ordinary army.

“Your Highness Ward, it seems that we can only see the scenery of Clay City next time…”

“There are still many organized orcs on the central plains, so be careful not to lose Clays City.”

After saying that, Sandro led a group of high-level undead around him and turned westward. Hundreds of thousands of undead legions crossed the nearby Clay City and headed towards the Golden Dragon City in a mighty manner…


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