Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 667: Diabo


Originally, the surrounding Northern Army officers and soldiers were on high alert, and their crossbows and arrows had already been set.

Li Cha waved his hand gently, and a rain of arrows flew towards the red figure behind the blue light curtain.

In a short period of time, at least thousands of sharp arrows covered the entire light curtain.

The Northland Army is well-equipped and the soldiers are well-trained. The accuracy and power of these arrows are not weak. Under the dense rain of arrows, there is no room for shelter in the entire area. The heavily armed knights There is a possibility of falling into it.

But the red figure on the opposite side showed no intention of dodging. Instead, it accelerated towards the arrows and quickly crossed the blue light curtain.

I rushed over from that world thousands of miles away.

“Bang, bang…”

The arrows hitting the opponent were like hitting a steel plate, and they all fell to the side.

“Divine Crossbow!”

“Buzz, buzz, buzz…”

The Northland Army has long had experience fighting high-level creatures, and naturally knows that some existences cannot be solved with ordinary strong bows and crossbows.

The more powerful Shenwei crossbow has also been prepared for a long time.

Almost a second later than the rain of arrows in the sky, the deep muffled sound of the divine crossbow came, and a dozen giant arrows were caught in the rain of arrows and rushed towards the red figure. It felt like it was raining heavily. It was mixed with several fist-sized hailstones.

This time, the demon who came through the light curtain did not directly use his body to intercept it.

The red demon looked quite large, but his movements were very agile. He jumped more than ten meters high with a single leap, and turned around several times to avoid several giant arrows.

Then he grabbed it with his big hand, and a suction force came from his palm, which abruptly changed the direction of the giant arrow’s flight. All the giant arrows originally shot at him were caught in his palm.


The demon squeezed it gently, and the giant arrow first deformed and then turned into ashes in a burst of fire.

The red figure stood proudly in the air, looking at the densely packed Northland Army soldiers around him, his eyes full of contempt, as if he did not take these tens of thousands of fully armed soldiers into consideration.

“Human beings have not made much progress after so many years. The best they can do is deal with mindless inferior beings like violent demons.”

“Without the elves, can we only create this toy-like weapon?”

“But human souls are really delicious. They are only a little bit worse than elves. They are indeed perfect domestic animals.”

“Prepare the divine crossbow!”


Quell commanded his sergeants to prepare for a second round of attacks, but Richard waved them to stop.

With the speed of this red demon, if he deliberately dodges, the giant arrows fired by the mighty crossbow may not be able to catch up with the opponent. There is no need to continue to waste your efforts.

“The ancestor of the Bakken family, Diabo, the great purple moon demon, is actually real!”

After seeing the red figure stopped in mid-air, Wallis thought of something and shouted out in surprise.

“Purple Moon Demon?”

Richard looked at Wallis with some confusion, it seemed like he had exclusive information from the Black Prison.

“It is Diabo, the ancestor that the Bakken family has always claimed. It is exactly the same as the statue they have always enshrined. According to the legend, the great purple moon demon is one of the most powerful high-level demons in the abyss. Only with the bloodline of the great Ziyue Demon can one become the head of the bloodline nobles.”

“Oh, are there still humans who know about my existence?”

Although they were hundreds of meters apart, Diabo, the demon in the sky, also heard what Wallis said. The eyesight and hearing of strong men at this level have reached a level that is difficult for ordinary people to reach. As long as they are willing, they can reach hundreds of miles around. It is difficult to escape perception within a range of meters.

“But I have to correct one thing. They are not my bloodline. They are just a group of humble servants who manage the livestock for me.”

“How dare you, humble domestic animals, attack your master.”

Diabo in the sky did not deliberately amplify his voice, but his words were clearly transmitted to the ears of most people present.

The soldiers of the Northland Army below all looked angry, wishing they could rush forward and chop them into pieces.

After all, everyone would feel uncomfortable if the other person refers to human beings as if they were domestic animals.

Richard did not get angry because of this, but was digesting the information revealed in the other party’s words.

There was a long gap of hundreds of years between the collapse of the Elven Empire and Aragorn leading the humans. During this period, a weak race like humans should have been wiped out by the Orc Kingdom long ago.

But humans not only withstood the attack of the orcs, but also occupied the south for a time, forming a confederation-like force headed by the blood nobles and fighting against the orcs for hundreds of years.

Judging from the gap in combat power between humans and orcs after the magic power is exhausted, if nothing else happens, humans should be crushed by the orcs.

Although the bloodline nobles can barely compete with the high-end combat power of the orcs in terms of force, they are small in number, and secondly, these bloodline nobles who are affected by the chaotic character of the devil are basically not human beings, and they do not kill people indiscriminately in their territory. Even if they are enlightened, it is impossible to expect them to govern mankind very well.

During the period of the bloodline nobles, except for the bloodline nobles with demonic power and a small number of soldiers, the combat effectiveness of most of the standing armies might not be as good as the peasant soldiers who had been casually trained for dozens of days in the North.

It is similar to the situation in the late Ming Dynasty on earth in the previous life. The blood nobles are the military leaders of all sizes, and the personal soldiers are the servants. The biggest role of the standing army is to build up its power and fight against the wind.

It was almost impossible to fight against the powerful Orc Kingdom. In the end, when faced with the uprising, the rule of the Aragonese nobles was quickly overturned like paper.

Now it seems that demons should have a share of the credit for humans being able to survive under the pressure of orcs.

Although these demons just treat humans as domestic animals because human souls are more delicious than orcs.

It was only as the magic power declined more and more seriously and the devil could no longer appear on the mainland that it gradually became a legend.

If Richard’s guess is accurate, in a sense, the devil has been protecting humans for a while.

However, this is not the reason why Diabo bites a domestic animal up there.


An arrow streaked with white light towards Diabo in the sky.

The speed of this arrow is many times faster than the previous arrows. Diabo, who had always looked down on human long-range weapons, instinctively felt a hint of danger the moment the arrow was shot.

I couldn’t avoid it, and my energy was completely locked.

In a flash of lightning, Diabo made the most correct choice.

I saw him raising his hands, and a red flame-like halo appeared on his two sharp claws, which instantly collided with the white arrow light.

The arrow was like a comet hitting a celestial body. It hit a bright light in the dark night, making the entire golden dragon flash. It was like a thunderous sound that resounded through half of the night sky.

However, the white arrow light gradually dimmed and was wrapped in flames, completely losing its kinetic energy when it approached the palm of the demon Diabo.

Diabo grabbed the arrow with one hand and broke it into two pieces, but his expression became a little more serious.

He glanced at the people below, and then fixed his gaze on Gru beside Richard.

Looking at Gru’s slightly different appearance from humans, Diabo was stunned for a moment, and then said in an uncertain tone:


Obviously, Diabo was shocked by the resemblance between Jean Gru and the elf.

Purple Moon Demons are extremely rare, but each one has a long life. Especially for a strong man at Diabo’s level, as long as he does not die in an accident, he can live for thousands of years.

Diabo was a participant in the war with the elves back then. He was still frightened by the terrifying power of the elven magisters and gods. Looking at Gru’s face that looked like an elf, his heart suddenly trembled for no reason.

But after finishing speaking, Diabo immediately shook his head and said in denial:

“No, they just look a bit similar. The pure-blooded elves have long been extinct, and they don’t have any magic power fluctuations on their bodies. They are more like the offspring of humans and elves.”

“Sure enough, how could a domestic animal like a human be able to cultivate to such an extent that he could almost hurt me? It’s a pity that if you were a pure-blood elf, then your soul would be so delicious…”


Diabo licked his tongue, as if he was still recalling some delicious food, but before he finished speaking, Richard’s figure flashed and appeared in front of him.

Then he waved the blue Angel Alliance, with a relaxed smile, and used violent power to slash towards Diabo, who was still a little unresponsive.

The wave of flames caused by the sword’s edge made Diabo, the great Purple Moon Demon who was accustomed to high temperatures, a little uncomfortable, and he hurriedly turned around to avoid the sword.

However, Richard’s next attack came in hot pursuit like a violent storm.

“Bang! Bang! Bang!”

Fistes, feet and weapons came one after another. Diabo in the air resisted a little at first, but was soon fully suppressed by Richard. He turned into a large red sandbag and was hammered unilaterally.

As the Purple Moon Demon at the top of the Holy Realm, Diabo can withstand much more beatings than the dragon.

The azure blue Angel Alliance could only barely scratch the skin when it slashed it. Apart from the embarrassing scars all over its body, there was no fatal danger in a short period of time.

At the end, Richard simply raised his fist and hit Diabo one after another.

Diabo’s body is three meters high, which is a bit bigger than Richard, but he is unable to fight back under Richard’s fist.

The blazing fighting spirit and the violent fist wind made the entire night sky in the capital tremble, as if with just a little carelessness, Richard could tear a gap in the night sky with one punch.

The strength of the Realm of Jealousy was fully demonstrated at this time.

They are just ordinary soldiers. This group of Northland Army soldiers who shouted long live Richard never thought about the possibility that Richard would lose. In their eyes, their invincible Lord Richard beat someone for who knows what. It is a normal thing for monsters to emerge from the place.

Only people like Wallis who knew more were dumbfounded when they saw Richard completely suppressing the Purple Moon Demon in the sky.

That is the legendary strong man, the great Ziyue Demon who is more powerful than the dragon. The strong demon who has left his name in the ancient elves and demons war, why is he acting like a weakling now? Richard beat him unilaterally.

Varys was wondering if the demon in the sky was really the Great Purple Moon Demon. Could it be that he had admitted his mistake?

But the flickering light and explosive energy fluctuations in the sky told him that that guy was the real Ziyue Demon.

Not to mention the reactions of the people below, Diabo in the sky finally began to scream in agony.

Richard is not particular about fighting. He hates others hitting him in the face, and he also likes to greet others in the face.

Richard punched him hard, and Diabo’s originally handsome and three-dimensional facial features became flat as if they had been dimensionally reduced by the two-way foil.

Richard’s nose was so beaten that it was almost squeezed into his brain, and he couldn’t find a good piece of skin on his body. If it were placed on other creatures, this kind of damage would almost make the air in but not out, even if it doesn’t kill him.

But Diabo’s screams were still full of energy, but Richard had no choice but to punch the opponent several times, and finally gathered the strength to hit Diabo with an elbow on the back of the heart.


The tall red body hit the ground heavily, landing on the remaining marble slab of the Buchan family, making a big hole in the hard stone slab and bringing up a circle of dust.

With a golden-red light, you chased him down and struck hard again, then caught Diabo who was embedded in the ground and caught him in mid-air.

“Weren’t you very arrogant just now?”

“Tell me, who is the domestic animal now?”

At this time, after being tortured both mentally and physically by Richard, Diabo no longer looked as aloof as before. He was lifted up in the air like a pile of rotten meat.

However, to this extent, Diabo still did not die, and even had some reaction to Richard’s words.

“Let me go, I am willing to be your livestock, and I will be your livestock from now on.”

Diabo’s reaction was somewhat beyond Richard’s expectation. He was a strong man in the Realm after all. Look at Gro, this Diabo has no dignity at all as a strong man.

This is because Richard does not understand the rules in the abyss. Thousands of miles of bare ground, the environment is extremely harsh, the weak eat the strong, and the strong are respected. There is no order at all.

It is easier for a demon to surrender to someone stronger than him than to drink water. In order to survive, Diabo would not care about the dignity of the strong.

However, creatures like demons are tyrannical in nature, and it is almost impossible to truly conquer them. The only way to make them obedient is to always be stronger than the other party.

Considering that he still needed to get some information from the opponent, Richard did not choose to kill the opponent directly, but took Diabo to the ground.

Using the fighting spirit, it pierced the opponent’s spine and collarbone.


Diabo screamed again.

The collarbone was okay, but after the sword hit the spine, normal creatures would be paralyzed, and Diabo could still move.

The surrounding Northland Army soldiers were also unambiguous. They quickly brought up a specially made chain and quickly passed it through the wound that Richard had just stabbed with the Angel Alliance. They completely locked up the seriously injured Diabo and put it back in. In an iron cage.

“Keep an eye on it, and know what to do if you find signs of healing.”

“Understood, my lord.”

Under the **** of several high knight officers, Diabo was taken down. This strong man, who could also be called the overlord in the abyss, fell into the hands of Richard alone because of his carelessness.

At this time, Richard turned his attention to the portal that was still in place…


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