Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 665: Accident


“Xiaoqi, give me the thing quickly!”

Old Bakken looked at the red skull in the young man’s hand, and his eyes, which were already ashen, suddenly glowed.

The location where Syl appeared was very suitable for the old Buchan. Originally, the Buchan bunker was built in the backyard, still some distance away.

But Old Bakken’s desperate escape just happened to pass through the entire mansion and reach the backyard. The exit of the bunker, which was pressed by a pile of ruins, happened to be right next to Old Bakken.

Although the entire Bakken House has been surrounded by the Northland Legion, it is still some distance away from the old Bakken and Seal.

Sil only needs to take a step forward and pass his hands to deliver the red skull to Old Bakken.

Unless Richard immediately initiates teleportation, it would be difficult for anyone at this distance to stop Old Bakken from getting the skull.

No one present at this time expected that a young man would emerge from the underground of Bakken House, and he was holding something that seemed dangerous.

Although I don’t know what the red skull does, the weird shape alone makes people feel a little uncomfortable.

Coupled with Old Bakken’s urgent words, everyone except Richard and Varys next to him subconsciously felt that they should prevent the other party from getting the skull.

The fastest mover was Gru standing next to Richard. Gru, who had quick eyes and quick hands, quickly completed the action of nocking an arrow and drawing a bow the moment Syl appeared.

There was an intention to kill the Marquis of Buchan directly with an arrow. With Gru’s reaction speed and strength, if Richard hadn’t raised his hand to stop Gru’s movement at the last step, he might have been able to get it in Old Bakken. Kill the opponent before the skull.

After stopping Gru’s movement, Richard stood still and did not take any action. Instead, he glanced with interest at Varys, who also looked calm, and the man who had just ran out of the bunker and was now in a daze. young people.

“Sil, what are you doing standing still? Why don’t you give it to me quickly!”

Seeing Syl standing there without moving, Old Bakken thought that the other party was shocked by the scene in front of him, and even gave a warning, and even took the initiative to extend his hand to the other party.

If it weren’t for the fact that Old Bakken was seriously injured and had difficulty moving, and he didn’t want to waste any more energy, he would have taken a step forward to grab it after Silr was so stunned.

Sil looked at Old Bakken, and then looked around at the messy corpses in the front yard, with a look of painful struggle on his face.

But Old Bakken’s words seemed to bring Seal back to his senses. Faced with Old Bakken’s order, Seal did not immediately execute it for the first time.

“Grandpa, what are you going to do with this devil’s head.”

“Of course it is to open the passage to the abyss, allowing the great ancestors to come to the royal capital and bloodbath the entire Golden Dragon Kingdom.”

“Your parents, brothers, your relatives and friends are all dead. Don’t you want to take revenge?”

No matter how dull Old Buchan was, he saw something was wrong with Syl’s situation. He couldn’t think of the reason for Syl’s hesitation at the moment, so he could only point to the corpses in the courtyard to arouse Syl’s hatred.

Old Buchan’s voice was urgent, hoping that hatred would prompt Syl to make up his mind.

“A bloodbath in the kingdom? Is this the consequence of the arrival of the ancestors?”

The bloodline nobles have always referred to the demons as their ancestors.

No matter what attitude the demons have towards them, the bloodline nobles have long since recognized their ancestor.

“How many people will die? We are human beings too.”

“I have long said that we are human beings, we shouldn’t do this, we shouldn’t do this…”

Old Bakken’s radical words had some counter-effects. Although there was still grief on Syl’s face, the look of struggle had faded.

He looked at Old Bakken with cautious eyes and slowly stepped back.

“Give it to me!”

Seeing Syl retreat, Old Buchan became anxious, and eagerly moved forward to **** the skull from Syl’s hand.

If Old Bakken was uninjured and at such a close distance, Sil would have almost no power to resist.

But at this time, old Bakken could hardly find a good piece of skin on his body.

Old Bakken was able to survive the blow from Richard because his demon bloodline was somewhat resistant to high temperature damage.

Now I feel like my whole body doesn’t have control over making big movements.

After reluctantly taking a step forward, Syl had already ran out more than ten meters away with the red demon skull. Old Bakken could only watch as Syl brought the thing to Richard and Wallis.


“That’s the enemy of the Buchan family!”

“How could an unfilial person like you come out of our Bakken family?”


The grumpy old Bakken could no longer maintain his composure. Seeing Syl running towards the Northland Army, he understood the other party’s intention and began to curse.

Because of his anger, the expression on Old Bakken’s face was almost distorted. As long as he could move, he would like to cut Syl into pieces.

Ciel ignored Old Bakken’s incompetent rage, stood in front of Vals and silently handed out what he was holding.

“Thank you for your contribution to the Kingdom and the Black Prison. You can go down and rest first.”

Varys nodded and took the red head from the silent Syl.

After Syl handed the things to Wallis, he seemed to have breathed his last breath, and his whole person lost his energy.

After taking a look at Richard, he was led out by the people around Wallis.

Ciel did not hide the hatred in that look. Wallis was afraid that Ciel’s look would cause Richard’s dissatisfaction, so he quickly signaled to his men to take Ciel away as soon as possible.

Whether Seal is a spy from the Black Prison or not, the Buchan family is where he grew up. It is impossible not to have some feelings. Richard has just killed his entire family’s enemies.

However, Richard didn’t care about this hateful look. The level difference between the two parties was too far.

No one will kill all the ants in the ant nest just because they stepped on it.

On the contrary, Richard became more interested in the methods used to bury spies in the prison and the intelligence they collected.

“Lord Varys really has some tricks up his sleeve. Even direct descendants of the Bakken family can recruit spies.”

Sil belongs to the direct lineage of the Buchan family. From a normal perspective, the interests of him and the Buchan family are completely bound. They will both prosper and suffer. No matter what, he should not take the initiative to betray. I don’t know. What method did Black Prison use to make Seal willingly become Black Prison’s secret agent in the Buchan family?

“Master Richard is ridiculous. The power of the Black Prison is not due to me, Varys. More than ten years ago, when the old king was still there, someone started to contact Syl.”

More than ten years ago, Syl was still a little kid. From that time on, Black Prison had a way of exerting a subtle influence on Syl.

This matter is simply terrifying to think about.

The Black Prison can become a terrifying existence that makes the nobles and officials of the royal capital talk about it. Sure enough, there are still two reasons.

The Yusi under Richard are all Northland intelligence agencies. With the support of Richard, they have sufficient financial support and continue to grow with the strength of the Northland Army. However, the operating time is still too short and cannot compare with Black Prison. This is a long-established organization that has existed for hundreds of years. You never know how many years ago the black prison will start to lay out a spy.

“I don’t know if Lord Varys has placed a spy beside me.”

“I am not afraid of Mr. Richard’s jokes. The Northland is somewhat beyond the reach of the Black Prison. In the past, there were only some arrangements at the Lanster family. There were only a few insignificant spies in the Northland to pass on the news.”

Varys did not shy away from this topic. If he told Richard that there was no black prison in the North, it would be an insult to Richard’s intelligence.

It’s just that the North is far away from the core of the kingdom. In the past, the only people who paid more attention to the Black Prison were the Hou Lanster family in the North. However, the Hunter family rose too fast, and the Black Prison had not had time to make more updates. More arrangements.

Or to put it more bluntly, the former Hunter family was just a kitten or puppy in the eyes of the Black Prison, and it was really not worth the effort of the Black Prison to bury a spy.

“Then does Black Prison know the origin of this thing?”

“This is the Demon Skull. Legend has it that it was made from the head of a demon lord who had mastered the power of space. It can be used to open the passage between the abyss and the human world.”

“This head has been in the Buchan family for hundreds of years and has never had any reaction, just like an ordinary animal head.”

“It’s just that recently this head has changed from the original pale color to the current red color. The Bakken family also initiated sacrifices through it, and contacted the source of the Bakken family’s bloodline, a lord-level demon, for This cost at least hundreds of lives.”

Richard knew almost nothing about this thing except that he could feel waves of evil and manic aura coming from the red head. However, Wallis knew everything about the origin and function of this thing, and even Even the Bakken family’s sacrifice of human life and blood is very clear.


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