Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 664: Breaking through (End)


“Run! Run quickly! Spread out!”

From the time Richard jumped into the air to when the “sun” fell from mid-air, the whole process actually took less than ten seconds. As soon as Old Bakken ran back to the big yard, he felt the terrifying power behind him. Dozens of Shenwei crossbows pointing at it are much more dangerous.

When you reach the peak of Sky Level, you will not only be more sensitive to abnormal fluctuations in energy, but you will also have a certain instinctive perception of upcoming dangers.

From the moment the sun appeared in the sky, all the hairs on Old Buchan’s body stood up, and every cell in his body seemed to be sending a warning to him.

Run! Otherwise you will die!

After Old Bakken returned to the hospital, he ran and loudly warned the people around him, but not everyone could react quickly from fear like Old Bakken, facing the “scorching sun” like a natural disaster above. , most of the Buchan family’s soldiers froze on the spot like fools, not knowing how to respond. They all looked at the sky with their mouths wide open, but they couldn’t make any sound for a long time.

Only a few masters of the Bakken family reacted to Old Bakken’s reminder and quickly ran in different directions.

Only now, after facing the “sun” in the sky, did they realize how much they wanted to cooperate with the Northland Army. Not to mention the powerful Northland Army, the Northland King in the sky alone was as powerful as them. They are not on the same level, so they are not worthy of cooperation.


Several figures left quickly.

And in midair, the sun that was right in front of us finally set.

A huge roar came, and there was almost no other sound except this huge roar in the world.

Even ordinary people in the entire royal capital heard the loud noise, and the huge power even caused a weak earthquake.

In the palace, Ren was still warming a pot of hot tea in the garden. The “sun” that suddenly appeared in the sky of Golden Dragon City didn’t seem to attract his attention.

Until the table in front of me suddenly shook, the hot tea that had just been warmed fell to the ground with a crash, and the teapot shattered on the floor.

“Your Majesty.”

The internal officer waiting next to him was also not an idle character. The light in the sky did not attract his attention. His attention was always on Renn. As soon as the teapot fell to the ground, he was ready to come up and warm Renn again. If not Don’t make too big a move in front of Ren, as this pot of tea may not even fall to the ground.

“That’s all, let’s clean up the floor.”

At this time, Renn seemed to have lost interest in drinking tea. He stood up and looked towards the direction of the explosion.

“This kid actually made such a big noise.”

“Tsk, tsk, if his goal is this palace, it won’t be as simple as throwing a teapot.”

There is no one else around Renn except the internal officials.

The internal officer didn’t seem to hear what Ren said behind him, and just silently cleaned up the debris on the ground. Ren’s words were more like talking to himself.

After finishing speaking, no one responded as if they were bored, so they got up and walked towards the palace

Outside the Bakken House, the Northland Army, which was two hundred meters away from the Bakken House, was affected. The officer yelled something, but his voice was completely covered by the explosion of the “Sun” falling to the ground. No matter how loud he was, , the soldiers who were very close could not hear what he was saying. Most of the soldiers heard a “buzzing” noise in their ears, and no other sounds could be heard.

Then a wave of air came, and the soldiers in the front row were blown back several meters by the wave of air even though they were two hundred meters away. There were even gravels hitting the armor of some unlucky guys. There was a crisp collision sound, and it was painful to hit even though it was flying over hundreds of meters away. The originally tight formation was in chaos.

“Get up!”

“Restore formation!”

After the explosion, the quality of the Northland Army was clearly demonstrated. The soldiers reacted quickly without the need for the officers to remind them. Except for a few who were seriously injured, most of them got up immediately and resumed their formation, but their eyes remained patient. He couldn’t help but turn to the Buchan family’s mansion.

The magnificent and luxurious building now looks nothing like its original state. The trees in the courtyard all fell to the ground and turned into a charred black color. Even the original pool has evaporated by half, and all the fish in the pool have been cooked. , floated to the surface.

The Buchan family mansion, which covers an area of ​​dozens of acres in the royal capital, was not reduced to ruins but was completely razed to the ground, as if it was flattened by a giant palm falling from the sky. Even the surrounding areas of the Buchan family residence Several noble mansions were affected, and many houses collapsed.

As for the people in the original mansion, the situation is certainly not optimistic.

None of the hundreds of elite soldiers in the front yard, plus the women, children and slaves who had survived the arrow rain just now, was still alive. Under the explosion and high temperature, death was only a matter of seconds. , they walked with almost no pain.

The armor on the body softened and deformed, sticking the body to the ground, and even partially vaporized. Judging from the remains, this group of people basically maintained their basic formation.

The few corpses scattered outside are still the masters of the Knight level of the Bakken family. It turns out that escaping is useless, and they still end up dead. The whole scene is in a mess, except for the corpses, which are mutilated. Rubble and blackened trees.

For more than a month after the battle with the orc great shaman, Richard has not really been idle. Richard, who has experienced the state of jealousy, does not have any bottlenecks in improving his strength. He only lacks some skills. Just accumulation.

After more than a month of steady training, coupled with the accumulation of a large amount of auxiliary resources, Richard’s strength has steadily entered the realm of jealousy, instead of relying on the trace of energy Aragorn left for him. The power of jealousy.

This realm has only been reached by Aragorn for hundreds of years.

“No wonder Aragorn was able to lead humans to bring the powerful orc kingdom to the brink of collapse.”

Not to mention the surrounding Northland Army soldiers, even Richard himself was a little surprised by the power of the blow just now.

Richard had not had the opportunity to attack with all his strength before. This time, he happened to use the Bakken family as a target. The damage caused by one blow indeed exceeded his own imagination.

“It was like being hit by a missile.”

In the eyes of everyone, Richard fell from the sky and came to the front of the army. He looked at the damage he had caused and muttered to himself.

The higher you stand, the more incredible it is that humans overthrew the Orc Kingdom. At that time, the Orc Kingdom occupied the most elite area of ​​​​the Central Great Plains, and its population was only slightly smaller than that of humans today. The strength is more than ten times stronger than the current orcs.

At that time, the Orc Kingdom had several strong men of the Holy Order, as well as the Orc King Gro of the Realm, not to mention a large number of Orc warriors.

Although the golden dragon is powerful, it will never be able to help humans destroy the orc kingdom so easily.

Now that Richard, who has destroyed the Bakken family in one blow, finally understands how humans can overthrow the orc kingdom with such overwhelming force, if before the Realm of Jealousy, the Holy Orders were still surrounded by the army on the battlefield. It is possible to kill, but in the state of jealousy, the role of quantity is greatly reduced.

It is almost impossible for an ordinary soldier to survive within a few miles of a single blow. Which army can withstand a few more blows? What’s more, Aragorn back then was no weaker than himself now. With him leading the human counterattack , Only if the orc kingdom can withstand it can there be ghosts.

“Be careful, adults!”

While Richard was observing the damage he had caused, there was a movement from the pile of broken bricks and rubble. Several Northland Army soldiers around him instinctively took a step forward, regardless of himself and Li Cha. He knew how big the difference in strength between Cha was, and almost instinctively stood in front of Richard to protect him.

I saw a half-red figure slowly getting up from a pile of damaged buildings.

There are actually living creatures in the Bakkenhou Mansion.

It’s just that the image looks a bit embarrassed. The dirt and dust all over his body can’t block the brutal wounds. Green wounds are all over his body. A pair of horns on the top of his head were broken in half, and there’s even a hand missing on the left side of his body.

This man is the half-demon Marquis Buchan.

“All dead, all dead, the Buchan family is all gone.”

The Marquis of Buchan stood up and looked at the ruins and corpses around him. He first muttered to himself with dull eyes, and then stared fiercely at Richard not far away. His hatred seemed to have materialized. Normally, ordinary people would probably have nightmares if they were stared at like this, but Richard looked at him without any sign of weakness.

“It’s a pity that Xiao Qi is a step too late. If Xiao Qi takes the things and opens the passage to the abyss, you will all be buried with him.”

“But the magic power is recovering. One day the devil will return to the continent and slaughter Lord Diabo’s bloodline. It will inevitably be liquidated by Lord Diabo. The Hunter family will not end well. Your blood will be evaporated by the fire of hell, and I will wait for you.”

Although Old Bakken survived, looking at his current state, he has basically lost his ability to fight. Let alone facing Richard, maybe a few officers from the Northland Army can handle him. Anyway He didn’t expect to leave alive, so he could only take advantage of this last opportunity to say harsh words in an attempt to disgust Richard.

“Prepare the divine crossbow!”

Quell on the other hand had no intention of continuing to listen to Old Buchan’s nonsense. When he heard Old Buchan cursing the Hunter family, he was ready to shoot the opponent directly with a divine crossbow as soon as he got angry.


Just when Old Bakken had closed his eyes and was waiting to die, Richard waved his hand to stop Quill and asked Old Bakken instead.

“What do you think can open the passage to the abyss?”


Old Bakken snorted coldly and was not prepared to cooperate with Richard’s question, but Wallis on the other side answered.

“There have been rumors that the Buchan family has a treasure that can communicate with the abyss. After paying an unimaginable price, they can invite the demons in the abyss to help. Is it true?”

“Where is that thing?”

Old Bakken remained silent. This was because he had made up his mind not to cooperate. At this point, arresting such a person and extorting a confession from him would probably have no effect.




However, just when the scene was slightly frozen, there was another movement among the broken bricks and rubble.

This is a sound coming from the ground. The entrance and exit that originally led to the secret underground castle of the Bakken family was buried by the collapsed building. The people inside tried twice but failed to open the door. Finally, they made a strong force in their hearts. Finally, he used brute force to open the hidden door from bottom to top.

A young man in his twenties emerged from the ground holding a ferocious red skull in his hand and looked around with a blank expression.


But the old Bakken, who was already ashen-faced, regained his energy and called out to the young man who had just come out with some surprise…


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