Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 663: Step through (5)


“Let it go!”

“Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh”

“Damn it! What kind of ecstasy did Ren pour into this King of the North!”

A rain of arrows all over the sky covered half of the Buchan family yard at once. This was a real rain of arrows, no exaggeration at all. The rain of arrows continuously thrown by thousands of Northland Army archers was simply denser than raindrops. In an instant, dense clusters of arrows appeared on the walls of the Marquis Bakken’s mansion, in the pavilion, on the door, and even in the room.

Because the arrow rain was an indiscriminate covering arrow rain, many arrows also fell into the fish pond of the Hou Mansion. Even the fish in the pond suffered, and the blood quickly dyed the pond red. Obviously, the fish in the pond were Many fish were nailed to death by arrow clusters in the water.

It is difficult for ordinary arrows to really hurt the masters of the Buchan family and the soldiers wearing heavy armor, but in addition to armed personnel, the Buchan family also has a larger number of servants, women and children. These people are in the Northland Army. There was no resistance under the rain of arrows. Screams came one after another in the house. Many people were directly shot by arrows and turned into hedgehogs and fell to the ground. Even some people hiding in the house were killed by arrows shot in from the windows. .

The old Marquis, who was the main target, was almost unaffected at this time and was still alive and kicking.

I saw that Old Bakken had taken out his bright red giant sword at some point. As soon as the big sword danced, it formed an airtight fan. The arrows fell in a circle around Old Bakken and all penetrated. On the ground, not a single arrow could fall within three feet of Old Bakken.

Although he successfully blocked all the arrows fired at him, Old Bakken’s face did not show any joy, but was instead very gloomy.

Because these rounds of intensive arrow rain represented the Northern Army, or in other words, Richard’s attitude. The Northern King didn’t even give him a chance to talk to him.

Originally, according to Old Bakken’s idea, as soon as Richard showed up, he would lower his attitude to the lowest level and persuade the King of the North to stand on the same front as them from the perspective of interests. They could even work together to support The Hunter family in the Northland became the new kings of mankind.

Although in this Golden Dragon City, various noble families were slaughtered by the Northern Army like chickens and dogs, but it does not mean that these higher-level nobles in the kingdom are weak.

It’s just that the Northland Army is too strong, and the incident happened suddenly, and each family was not prepared in advance. If you give them some time to make preparations, relying on their financial resources and influence accumulated over hundreds of years, they can unite and organize a few more An army of one hundred thousand is not difficult, and with their support, it will be much easier for Richard to usurp the throne and become the new king of mankind.

No one can refuse that position. When we reach the stage of King of the North, it is obvious that if we advance, we will live or if we retreat, we will die.



“Damn it, this lunatic!”

The bloodline nobles, who have always been known for their cruelty, tyranny, and moodiness, all call others crazy. This shows how little Old Bakken understands the actions of the Northland Army.

If the previous rain of arrows had given Old Buken the thought to consider how to persuade Richard to change sides, this low muffled sound completely shattered Buken’s illusions. Only a few women and slaves had died before. That’s all, there is no threat to the real core of the Bakken family. Just think of it as the King of the North making a show of force and expressing his anger. Maybe the King of the North will be angry and be willing to talk to him, but this low muffled sound It was obvious that he was here to kill himself.

Old Buchan was not a pampered nobleman like Count Frey, who could not even wear armor.

As the leader of the bloodline aristocracy, the Buchan family is rich in martial arts. Not only do they have a large number of masters, but they are also very familiar with various weapons and armaments. Without even looking at it, just listening to this low muffled sound, Buchan knows how to shoot. What’s coming.

This is the sound made when a large crossbow in the army is fired. The Northland Army’s signature weapon, the Divine Crossbow, is theoretically a weapon that has the possibility of injuring a white dragon. In large numbers, it can also damage sky-level masters. A certain threat.


More than twenty Shenwei crossbows fired arrows more than one meter long at the same time and rushed towards Bakken. These giant arrows had already adjusted the shooting direction and angle, almost blocking all the old Bakken’s escape routes.

Faced with the roaring giant arrow, Old Bakken naturally could not sit still and wait for death.

After a low growl, Old Bakken’s image immediately changed dramatically. His skin became dark red, and his muscles also bulged. If he was just a healthy old man before, now he looks like a muscular man. His image and even his facial features have undergone some changes. The lower edge of the tip of his nose has a faint aquiline shape, and his eye sockets have become slightly sunken, causing the already somewhat vicious-looking old Buchan to run in an inappropriate direction. go.

“Dang! Dang! Dang!”

The blood-red giant sword was very flexible in Old Bakken’s hands and blocked several arrows fired at him.

Later, in order to save some energy, Old Bakken simply jumped into the air, dodged more than ten subsequent arrows, and landed on the ground in a half-crouched posture.

“Close the door!”

After Old Bakken landed, he glanced at the Northland Army’s military formation and could vaguely see the Divine Power Crossbow being loaded again. At this time, he ran back to the door without looking back and immediately ordered to stay behind the door. soldier closes door.

At this moment, he could no longer maintain his dignity. The Northland Army was really here to kill him.

“It’s a bit interesting, it really looks like the seed of a devil.”

Seeing the Marquis of Bakken fleeing back to the house in embarrassment, Richard was not in a hurry to chase him. Instead, he observed the old Bakken who used his bloodline ability with a sense of curiosity.

The opponent’s image when exerting his full strength really fits the image of a devil in Richard’s impression.

“Some are like the great demons of the Over Kingdom, and their strength and reaction speed are stronger than those of the great demons of Over, but they don’t seem to have the teleportation ability of the great demons.”

“If my lord had asked me to take action just now, he should have no chance of escaping back.”

Gru, who was standing next to Richard, probably didn’t take Marquis Buchan seriously, and even told Richard very confidently that if he was the one who fired the arrow just now, the other party would be left behind. After all, with the power of the Holy Level The gap between the peak level and the sky level is still too big.

Old Bakken’s strength is at most equivalent to that of an elite great demon from the Kingdom of Over, and Gru’s scimitar and longbow already contain the blood of countless great demons.

“Don’t be impatient, let me see what the devil in this world looks like.”

“Sir Richard, although the bloodline of the Bakken family comes from a very powerful demon lord, compared with real demons, they are not qualified to be called demons at all. Abyss demons dared to secretly rob elves during the Elf Empire. The soul is a very terrifying existence.”

“Oh? Lord Varys seems to know a lot about demons?”

“As the eyes and ears of the kingdom, Black Prison naturally has its own sources of information.”

“Master Richard must be more careful, the demon lord is more powerful than the dragon.”

Varys saw that Richard just let the army shoot arrows to test, and had no intention of taking full action. He really didn’t understand Richard’s intention, so he couldn’t help but give him an admonishment.

Li Cha is of course not a person who relies on others. If possible, he usually likes to deal with the enemy as soon as possible. He will never do it in such a sloppy manner as he did today.

The reason why Richard waited for Old Bakken to transform was of course not only to take a look at the strange appearance of the half-demon, but also to look forward to the appearance of the main city of hell. Unfortunately, Old Bakken, the half-demon, seemed unable to make the system any better. reaction, until the other party turned around and ran away, Richard didn’t get the hint he wanted.

It’s just this reason that is not enough for outsiders to understand.

“What a pity.”

Seeing the door of Buchan’s house closed completely, Richard said softly, “It’s a pity.” Valley

“Sir, the Buchan family’s mansion is not a real castle after all. As long as two collision cars are needed, they can be knocked open quickly. It just takes a little more time.”

Varys on the side thought it was a pity that Richard did not seize a perfect opportunity to attack.

The next second, Richard had jumped out of the attic and directly into the air.

“The blazing sun, gather!”

Richard shouted loudly in mid-air, and a huge ball of light gathered on the tip of his sword, and it continued to expand.

“What is that?”

“Has the sun set?”

At this time, it was almost evening, and the fire clouds on the horizon were almost extinguished, leaving only a faint firelight. But suddenly, half of the golden dragon was illuminated again, and Richard, who was shooting with all his strength in mid-air, became brighter than the sun. Want a bright light source.

The sky that had darkened suddenly brightened again, and some people who looked into the sky subconsciously lowered their heads to avoid it. The “sun” hanging in the sky in Golden Dragon City was even more dazzling than the scorching sun in summer.

In the Golden Dragon City, the strong men who had reached the earth level looked into the air with some feeling. Their perception ability was much stronger than that of ordinary people. The violent energy fluctuations made them feel uneasy. Human beings had not appeared for too long. A strong man who has passed this level

A house in Nancheng occupies a large area.

The decoration of the house is not as luxurious as that of most nobles in the royal capital. It can even be called simple. It seems a bit unusual in the royal capital where extravagance is prevalent, especially in Nancheng where there are splendid mansions everywhere. It’s like a civilian residence.

Of course, no matter how simple a house that occupies such a large piece of land in Nancheng is, its owner is no ordinary noble.

At this time, the door of the house was also closed, and most of the people inside looked anxious like all the nobles in the southern city, and even listened in panic to the screams coming from outside from time to time.

There was only one middle-aged man practicing in the school grounds of the house with a normal expression.

The ancestors of the Stuart family were one of the first people to follow Aragon. The tradition of only following the orders of the Charlemagne family has been passed down in the Stuart family for more than ten generations, and they are the ones most closely bound to the royal family. Nobles, compared with the blood nobles who were subdued by Aragon halfway, the Stuart family was the royal family with the most roots in the Red Temple.

If Richard rebels, apart from Charman’s direct descendants, the first thing to be clear about is the **** Stuart family.

Stuya Hou, who was practicing martial arts in the field, knew very well that the Northern Army did not choose to surround the palace, but surrounded Nancheng. Then their Stuart family was safe, so no matter how screamed and practiced outside, he did not With a hint of emotion, he still practiced martial arts according to his own life rules.

It wasn’t until the sky suddenly burst into red light, like the sun falling into the royal capital, that Hou Stuart put down the giant sword in his hand and looked towards the sky with a look of shock.

“Father! What is that? Is the sun falling?”

Next to the school grounds, a young man hurried up to Stuart Yahou, pointing in the air and asking in a panic.

It can be heard from the words that this young man has been frightened out of his mind by the dazzling light source that appeared in the air like the sun.

No matter how much light and heat the sun emits, it is still far away after all. The sun in mid-air now appears dozens of meters above the royal capital.

The powerful energy was almost visible to the naked eye, and almost half of the royal capital was frightened by it.

“What does it look like to be so panicked? The sky won’t fall!”

Seeing his son’s unbearable performance, Stuart Yahou put away his shocked expression and scolded him with a straight face.

After being scolded by Hou Stuart, the young man stood still for a moment and walked behind Hou Stuart. If you look closely, you can still find that the edge of his plate skirt is still trembling slightly.

When faced with the great horror that the “sun” is about to set, this instinctive and heartfelt fear cannot be suppressed at all.

Stuya Hou did not have more energy to pay attention to his son’s slightly unbearable performance, but looked at the dazzling “sun” in the sky with a serious face.

Then he ordered to his eldest son:

“Go and return all the land that has been occupied over the years, except for the part that His Majesty Aragon gave to our ancestors.”

“We bought all that land, why should we hand it over.”

As soon as Stuart Yahou mentioned this, the young man suddenly stopped shaking and subconsciously questioned.

The Stuart family has been one of the top nobles in the kingdom for hundreds of years. Even if they are not particularly greedy, their land and wealth have increased more than ten times compared to what Aragorn gave them five hundred years ago.

If you hand them all over, wouldn’t it cost you your life?

“Did you really buy it?”

Looking at the serious face of Stuart Yahou, the young man did not dare to tell lies with his eyes open, and only emphasized:

“Father, if we hand them all over, I’m afraid we won’t even be able to pay the servants’ salaries.”

“If you go to Liuying Street a few times, you can pay out the servants’ wages.”

“Besides, why do you need so many servants? The people in my Stuart family have no hands or feet.”


After his father exposed his affair, the young man blushed slightly, then his face straightened and he wanted to argue.

At this moment, a huge roar came, interrupting his thinking.

The “sun” in the sky fell to the ground, and a strong wind came, rustling the trees in the courtyard, and some fragile and precious flowers and plants were directly broken by their roots.

“This is?”

“In the direction of the Bakken family, there will no longer be a Bakken family in the kingdom.”

“Your Majesty has given our Stuart family a chance. If we don’t want the Stuart family to follow in the footsteps of the Buchan family, just do as I say.”


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