Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 662: Step through 4


“Lord Marquis! The Vasco family has been attacked by the Northern Army, and the entire Vasco family has been massacred by the Northern Army.”

“Lord Marquis! The Northern Army has surrounded us, and the messenger sent out to negotiate was shot to death by random arrows from the Northern Army.”

“Father, what should we do!”

At this time, bad news came back to the Marquis of Buchan’s house one after another. The sons of the old Marquis were all wearing armor and holding swords, and were armed to the teeth.

Although their talents were not as good as those of the old Marquis, they still reaped the dividends of magic recovery. In addition, they made several sacrifices to Diabo and gained a lot of benefits.

These core members of the Bakken family are at least at the level of knights, and they are already experts. If placed in the garrison, they are qualified to be a legion commander.

The remaining dozens of men from the Bakken family, except those who are underage and less talented, are at least at the level of knights.

The bloodline nobles are generally cruel in character and are not qualified rulers. There is a reason why they were able to rule mankind for hundreds of years after the collapse of the Elf Empire.

At least in terms of force, the bloodline nobles have an overwhelming advantage.

This group of masters, plus the hundreds of soldiers raised in the Marquis Mansion at this time, should have been a strong armed force. With their strength.

With Thor dead in battle and all the dragon knights lost, as long as Lord Qing in the palace doesn’t take action, Ren will have to break his teeth if he wants to touch them.

Originally, the Golden Dragon Kingdom has always had a powerful royal family that could always dominate the nobles. However, after a great war and several changes, the Charman family and the nobles below have actually formed a balance of power.

As soon as the Bakken family and other nobles unite, they should sit back and relax. Even if it continues to develop, the nobles will gradually rise and the royal family will weaken, creating a situation where the powerful family will overwhelm the royal power.

It’s just that it’s not Ren’s Imperial Guards who are taking action now, but Richard, the leader of the Northland army who should have more common interests with them.

The powerful Northland Army and the currently weak Charman family are completely different things. The rumored Holy King of the Northland alone is enough for them to be afraid of, not to mention that there are still more soldiers in the Northland than the Kingdom. twice as big as the dragon.

This was even more terrifying than the previously powerful Charman family. The original idea was to use the knife of the Northland Army to test out the royal family’s trump card. Unexpectedly, the knife suddenly changed direction in the air and did not hit the royal family. , but turned around and cut himself.

Faced with the Northland Army, which was obviously coming with bad intentions, the people in the Buchan family were a little panicked.

“Why panic! Haven’t the Northland Army not invaded yet?”

At this time, the killings in Nancheng have been going on for half a day, and the nobles on the list may all be removed after today.

These nobles who have been in the upper echelons of the kingdom for hundreds of years are not without any background. During the entire purge process, seven or eight masters of the earth rank emerged, and even a master of the earth rank emerged from one of the palaces. The peak master, with the help of a magic weapon left over from the Elf Empire, briefly displayed his sky-level combat power.

Counting the families whose property was confiscated and demoted to commoners, at least half of the entire royal capital’s nobles were implicated.

The Bakken family was also involved in the attack on the King of the North. According to the current situation, the Bakken family is not even qualified to be demoted as prisoners and sent to the army. They should be the ones who were directly exterminated. How could one not panic?

However, as the backbone of the Buchan family and the old Marquis who has controlled the Buchan family for decades, no matter what he is thinking at this time, he cannot show panic, otherwise his morale will completely collapse.

“Since the King of the North is here as a guest, our Bakken family should also behave like the master’s family.”

“Xiao Qi, go take out that thing from the basement.”


“Yes, Grandpa!”

The full name of the young man whose name was called is Silbakken.

This young man from the Buchan family is not very old, but he is extremely talented. He is a leader among the younger generation of the Buchan family.

Although he is the seventh oldest among young people, he is the most powerful being. He successfully advanced to become a knight when he was in his twenties, just two years later than Richard. He was famous in the capital before. genius.

In recent years, after the resurgence of magic power and the awakening of the blood in the body, the strength has improved even further. With the training resources of the Bakken family, it has directly entered the level of the Grand Knight level, surpassing most of the older generation of the Bakken family. , is one of the core areas that the Buchan family focuses on cultivating.

Of course he was extremely familiar with the affairs of the Buchan family. Many people present were confused about what the old Marquis asked him to pick up, but he knew exactly what it was.

That thing was so special that when the old Marquis mentioned it, Syl was stunned. It wasn’t until the old Marquis looked at him with a firm look that Syl realized and hurriedly turned around and headed towards Buchan’s house. Go to the underground secret room.

“Go and open the door. The King of the North is such a distinguished figure. He comes to our Bakken house as a guest, and we keep the door closed. What does it look like?”

Everyone subconsciously responded with a yes, and soldiers immediately went to open the door, completely forgetting who had ordered the door to be closed and ready to stand.

The majesty of the old Marquis, coupled with the fact that the Buchan family fell into a state of panic at this time. Let everyone act subconsciously according to the order.

“Come on, come with me to greet Lord Richard.”


Seeing Syl leave, the old Marquis greeted everyone, turned and walked towards the door.

The old Marquis still walked at the front in his casual brocade clothes, looking calm and composed. Anyway, at the level of Sky Level, ordinary armors and even high-quality products produced by dwarves would not have much impact on him. .

Even wearing a suit of armor may affect your movement.

Only a few personal guards carried a bright red giant sword to Old Bakken and followed him.

The steps of the several guards carrying the giant sword were heavy, and one could tell at a glance that the weight of this sword was not light.

The other members of the Bakken family had no idea. As soon as Old Bakken left, they all followed him towards the door.


“General, someone seems to have come out!”

As the heavy wooden door of Buchan’s house slowly opened, some sharp-eyed Northland Army soldiers saw the crowd of people walking out.

The flag captain responsible for sealing the main gate of the Bakken family had the strength of a great knight, and his eyesight was clear. Of course, he also saw the person slowly coming out from inside. Valley

“Don’t worry about them, send someone to report to Lord Richard immediately.”

“Pay attention to the warning. As long as they cross the line, shoot arrows. No one is allowed to be released.”

“Yes, General!”

The Bakken House covers a large area and is built in a castle style. It is larger than ordinary noble mansions and has certain military defense capabilities. The Northland Army deployed tens of thousands of people to surround the Bakken House.

They had been making preparations, waiting for an order to launch an attack. The heavy iron-clad wooden door was one of the main attack directions. Even the medium-sized assault vehicles used to attack the city were pulled up. Unexpectedly, the opponent actually took the initiative. Opened the door.

While the entire Northland Army was on alert, an old man in regular clothes walked out of the gate, followed by some heavily armed soldiers.

The old man walked about ten meters out of the gate, stopped next to a body shot to death by the North Army, and then said in the direction of the North Army:

“I don’t know what happened to my Bakken family that offended the King of the North, so that the King of the North mobilized troops and mobilized people like this.”

“Lord Richard, that person is the Marquis of Buchan!”

At this time, Richard had arrived around the Bakken House, and of course he saw the scene at the gate.

Varys, the leader of the black prison on the side, identified the leader, Marquis Buchan, for Richard.

“You do have some magnanimity, much better than those trash guys before.”

Although the Marquis of Buchan is old and has gray hair on his temples, his physique is very strong and he walks with a graceful pace. He does not look old and frail at all. Compared with the pot-bellied knights he saw before, his image is much better. I don’t know how much better it is.

Looking at the corpses on the side as if they were nothing, showing no shyness in the face of the sharp and powerful Northland Army, coupled with the self-confidence of having been in a high position for a long time, people can really call him a hero at a glance.

“This old Bakken is just a bit ruthless, nothing compared to the hero of the King of the North.”

“Hahaha, Lord Wallis, there is no need to deliberately belittle this old Bakken. There is such a person among the blood nobles, and His Majesty must be very uneasy.”

After the bloodline nobles gradually regained their bloodline power after the recovery of magic power, they showed a tendency to stick together. There are also people like Old Bakken who can take the lead, which of course gives Ren a headache.

But no matter how troublesome it is, there is no way around it. The one who gives His Majesty Ren the biggest headache is not yourself, Sir Richard?

However, Wallis did not dare to say this directly to Richard, so he could only laugh and try to get over it.

“However, His Majesty’s methods are cruel and he is not very friendly to the nobles. Lord Varys is an earl and his family is in the southern city…”

“What your Majesty doesn’t like is just these people who are just eating the corpses and doing nothing but harm to the kingdom.”

“My family does not invade the land, is not greedy for the kingdom’s interests, and is loyal to His Majesty, so of course it is not included in this list.”

When it came to this topic, the leader of the black prison suddenly became serious, and his words were no longer as flattering as before, and even a little stiff.

Whether these words came from sincerity or out of fear, I am afraid only he knows.

Standing on the shoulders of his predecessors, Richard could see things more clearly than Wallis.

Dealing with these rising bloodline nobles is just a matter of hunting down rabbits. Renn is using his hands to scrape the bones and cure the poison.

After hundreds of years in the kingdom, the power of the nobles has grown stronger and stronger. Even with the pressure of the Dragon Knights of the Kingdom, the nobles of the Golden Dragon Kingdom have also shown a tendency to become cliques.

After the war with the orcs, most of the order was destroyed, and the kingdom’s power declined greatly. This trend has been accelerated.

Like the south, the regular legions that the kingdom can directly control have been basically depleted. When Parley first arrived in Posey City, government orders could hardly leave the city. Even now, rebellions occur from time to time, and the southern nobles who obey their orders in secret are not even aware of them. How much, this would have been an unimaginable phenomenon a hundred years ago.

After a secret chat between Ren and Richard, they decided that Richard and Ren would cooperate once.

It is today that the horse tramples the nobles.

Only the big nobles who were close to the Charman family on weekdays could escape the disaster, but they would have to cough up a lot of benefits afterwards.

Only when a large number of benefits are vacated can a little vitality be injected into the human kingdom that has fallen into stagnant water and is struggling to struggle.

“Sir Richard, Old Bakken seems to want to see you.”

At this time, Old Bakken was still standing in front of the gate and wanted to see Richard. Although he had been waiting for a long time, he did not dare to show any impatience.

His respectful and calm demeanor is completely different from his usually violent and cruel temper.

But he is well versed in the principle of being able to bend and stretch, and he is indeed a character.

However, although Richard praised the other party, he had no intention of giving face.

He just replied to Wallis lightly:

“If he wants to see me, should I see him?”

Then, Richard turned to Quill and ordered:

“Now that he’s out, let’s test his quality. Order the troops to fire arrows and prepare to attack. I want to see what this blood noble has to be afraid of.”

“Yes, sir!”

“Archers prepare!”

“Prepare the divine crossbow!”


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