Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 661: Step through 3


The spring breeze is gentle and the setting sun is like blood.

These nobles of the kingdom who have lived in the southern city cannot feel the gentle evening breeze of spring now, but the blood-like setting sun is more suitable for the scene.

In hundreds of years, they have never experienced such a day of panic and despair.

The sound of shouting and fighting continued from noon to nearly dusk. Thousands of richly dressed nobles were taken out of their houses and strung together with ropes.

They did not receive any preferential treatment because of their noble status. Instead, they were escorted by the Northland Army and walked on the main road of Nancheng like a parade.

Although their gorgeous and luxurious brocade clothes are beautiful to look at, they are not durable and are not as good as the linen clothes worn by common people in terms of quality.

Just being **** with a rope and rubbing a few times, many people’s luxurious clothes were damaged after a few bumps, and they looked very embarrassed walking on the street with their hands wrapped around them.

The Qiu Ba of the Northern Army don’t know what pity is. Even the delicate eldest lady will be whipped if she takes a step too slowly in the crowd.

How could this group of nobles, most of whom had never suffered anything, stand this? After everyone gathered together, all the emotions of fear and fear were intertwined. They didn’t know the way forward, nor what was waiting for them in the future. What is it? The sound of crying in the team has never stopped. People with a softer heart will feel sympathy when they see this scene.

I just don’t know if the people and tenants who were once controlled by them were forced into such a desperate situation during the disaster years.

However, compared to those nobles who were actually involved or had major suspicions related to the attack on Richard, they were already considered lucky leaders.

In today’s Golden Dragon Capital Nancheng, in addition to the sound of crying, there is also a strong smell of blood.

In addition to the dozens of noble families whose homes were ransacked and imprisoned as civilians and prisoners, there are also seven high-ranking noble families in the kingdom who have been ordered to exterminate their families.

At this time, four noble families, including the Vasco family, have been destroyed, and the rest have been surrounded by the Northland Army. It is only a matter of time before they are destroyed.

“Tap, step, step…”



Iron hoofs stepped on the stone road, making a crisp impact sound, and a cavalry team passed by the crowd.

There was someone in front of the team carrying a golden three-arrow flag. Everyone knew that the flag was about two feet high and was probably made of precious animal skins tanned.

It is not an easy task to carry such a large flag with a flagpole of two feet and keep it held high.

The flag soldiers holding the big flag next to Richard are all knight-level masters. Otherwise, they really wouldn’t have the strength and stamina to carry the big flag until now.

The appearance of the cavalry and Richard caused all the Northland Army soldiers passing by to stand up straight and salute.

The sound of horse hooves and the soldiers saluting also attracted the attention of some nobles

Every noble family living here closed the door, listened to the movement outside the door with fear, and prayed that the North Army would not kick open the door and break in.

After hearing the sound of iron hooves on the street outside, some people couldn’t help but observe secretly, fearing that the other party’s target was them.

At this moment, these superior nobles are no different from the common people at the bottom of the kingdom facing the nobles in front of the Northern Army.

“Lord Varys, you told us to be careful about the Bakken family. Did the Black Prison get any special information?”

In addition to Richard and some of his cavalry, the people riding through the main street also included the famous intelligence chief of the Golden Dragon Kingdom, Varys, the leader of the Black Prison.

“According to the intelligence from the Black Prison, the Bakken family should be the masterminds of this incident. Their bloodline should be the highest among several bloodline nobles. The Bakken family is also respected by various bloodline nobles.”

“Old Marquis Bakken can at least display the strength of a sky-level master.”

“Also, there is information that I am not sure about, but if the information is true, the entire kingdom may be in trouble.”

The intelligence leader Wallis explained to Richard the situation of several big nobles on the list in great detail.

When talking about the situation of the Buchan family, Wallis’s tone became unusually solemn.

“Oh, do the Bakkens have any other trump cards?”

The Buchan family, as one of the marquises of the kingdom, is also the top noble family in the kingdom. It is one level higher than the count families such as the Frey family and the Vasco family.

As a family that existed when the Golden Dragon Kingdom was founded, and has been rooted in the core of the kingdom for a long time, the power of the Bakken family in Golden Dragon City is even stronger than that of the previous Lanster family in the North.

This kind of family with great influence in the royal capital and even the kingdom is of course also the key intelligence target of Yusidu.

Richard basically has a grasp of the situation on the surface.

An earth-level family leader who is suspected to be a sky-level family leader has at least more than five great knights, and most likely one or two earth knights.

The number of knights is at least twenty or thirty. In the palace in the royal capital alone, there are at least four to five hundred soldiers. They usually do not wear armor, but they continue to train daily.

If the Bakken family is allowed to prepare for a period of time, relying on the Bakken family’s hundreds of years of accumulation, it will not be a problem to arm tens of thousands of strong men in the territory.

With this level of military preparation, the Bakken family is one of the few nobles in the Golden Dragon Kingdom who still maintain martial ethics, but their inheritance of force is not due to their loyalty to the kingdom and their preparation to fight for the kingdom.

Rather, he always holds the ideal of restoring the status and honor of the bloodline aristocracy. From the beginning to the end, he has the mentality of a young man.

However, although this kind of strength that Yusidu has detected is stronger than most of the nobles in the royal capital, it is definitely not worthy of the attention of Hei Jing and Richard.

Even under the influence of the resurgence of magic power, it can’t survive a sky leveler and one or two earth knights.

Several elite swordsmen were able to lead the Northland Army to crush the opponent. The reason why it attracted so much attention was because the Black Prison obtained a piece of information that was difficult to confirm whether it was true or false. For the sake of caution.

The Northland Army just surrounded the Bakken family, and Richard would handle it in person in the end.

The spies buried in the Buchan family are supposed to be top secrets. Only the intelligence leader Varys is qualified to master them. He is always in single-line contact with Varys. In order to ensure confidentiality, even Ren will not inquire about this level. information from the spy.

At this point, Wallis hesitated for a moment before replying:

“There is a nail in the Bakken family in our black jail. His identity is very special. Even now I dare not confirm whether the information is true or false.”

“According to the news he sent, the Bakken family not only restored the blood power in their bodies, but also got in touch with the source of their blood, and even descended into clones.”

“The source of the bloodline? A high-level demon?”

“No, it’s a demon lord.”


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