Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 660: Treading through 2




After being captured by the Northland Army, Count Frey knelt on the ground and slapped himself repeatedly. At this time, he had long lost the commanding temperament of the upper nobles, and his cheeks were congested and swollen. .

After seeing Quill turn his eyes to him, he immediately muttered:

“I shouldn’t slander Lord Richard, I shouldn’t say bad things about Lord Richard!”

“Please, spare me this time and give me another chance!”

“Let me see the King of the North. I apologize to Lord Richard in person. The King of the North has a lot of people, so he will definitely let me go this time!”

The murderous Northland Army around them obviously frightened Earl Frey. This normally pampered Earl had never been so frightened.

Normally in the royal capital, even the officers of the Imperial Guard have to give some respect to nobles of Count Frey’s level, such as the garrison and security forces, and they just nod and bow down to serve them. He was an officer at the level of a Grand Knight, and he did not dare to offend a noble of the Earl’s level.

But the Qiu Ba of the Northern Army did not take him seriously. The so-called nobles of the kingdom were nothing in the eyes of the Northern Army. They only believed in Richard and the sword in his hand.

That kind of unruliness and disdain is written on the face of every Northland Army soldier.

After being stripped of his armor and beaten by the Northland Army soldiers and squatting on the ground, he had no doubt that these guys would kill him like a chicken.

In the face of the fear of death, Count Frey lost his composure slightly.

However, his behavior did attract Quill’s attention.

Quil turned his head and looked at Frey with interest as he slapped himself in confession.

After the other party couldn’t move anymore and stopped, Quill said:

“Don’t worry, Mr. Frey, His Majesty Ren and Mr. Richard are still very kind. Your life will not be in danger.”

As soon as Quill finished speaking, Count Frey showed a hint of joy on his face.

Just the next words from Quill made Count Frey feel as if he had fallen into an ice cellar.

“However, participating in the attack on Lord Richard is a felony and must be punished.”

“All the Frey family’s territory was recovered and all family property was confiscated.”

“Everyone in the Frey family was demoted to civilians, and the adult men were made prisoners, allowing them to perform meritorious service.”

“My lord, my lord! Let me see His Majesty Ren, our Frey family has shed blood for the kingdom, we…”

The punishment of being directly demoted to a commoner and having his family property confiscated is a little better than the genocide. How could Earl Frey, who was used to living a pampered life, accept it? He continued to cry on the ground.

Other members of the Frey family also wailed, and there were even several knights among them, a group of extraordinary beings who did not dare to resist the powerful Northland Army at all, and only dared to keep crying on the spot.

“Take all the people away and wait to be recruited into the army.”

“Yes, sir!”

“Let’s go, be honest!”

Quell ignored Earl Frey who continued to beg for mercy this time, and left directly with his people. According to the plan, it was not just the Frey family that had to be cleaned up.

The Northern Army soldiers who were left behind to **** them were not polite at all and ordered the Frey family to get up and take action.

Earl Frey took a step slower and was kicked to the ground by a knight-level officer, rolling around like a ball.


Earl Frey originally wanted to cheat, but when he heard the sound of the weapons of the Northland Army being unsheathed behind him, he immediately got up in fright and walked slowly in the direction led by the Northland Army.

“Huh, is this the noble of the kingdom?”

Earl Frey is obviously also a knight-level master, and with the accumulation of resources, his fighting spirit is not low, but he has no ability to resist at all in front of a Northland Army officer who is also a knight-level. He was so frightened that he crawled a few steps after receiving a fierce look.

Seeing the way the other party was urinating, the Northern Army officer felt sincere disdain for the kingdom’s nobles, and became more determined that his own Lord Richard should lead the kingdom.

In fact, the nobles of the kingdom are not particularly useless. Three or four hundred years ago, these nobles in the royal capital were definitely considered to be full of martial virtue and the mainstay of the kingdom.

They are all people who have seen blood on the battlefield, and they must have contributed to the kingdom. For a period of time, they were even the mainstay of the kingdom, playing a positive role.

Just five hundred years of peace, it is too easy to feed people to waste. Except for a few families like the Ross family with good inheritance, most of them have become worms in the kingdom.

From the original meritorious minister, he turned into a blood-sucking parasite lying on the huge body of the kingdom.

For a kingdom, the nobility has not been completely corrupted for five hundred years, which is already quite an achievement.

The Frey family members were escorted out by the soldiers of the Northland Army while crying. When they walked to the main street, they discovered that they were not alone. There were several other families who were well-known in the capital. The nobles were suppressed from the house by a group of sergeants from the Northland Army, and they were all disgraced.

For those like Earl Frey, they were lucky. All they lost was their property and land, and some families who actually participated in the attack were really facing great terror at this time.

“Fire the arrow!”

“Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh…”


“We, the Vasco family, have plenty of money. As long as we are spared, we will have as much money as we want!”

“Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh…”

No one in the besieging Northern Army cared about what Vasco’s family said, and rounds of arrows poured into the house as if they were free.

The house was completely covered by arrows, and the dense arrows fell directly through the hall. Some people hiding under the table were not spared, with several sharp arrows stuck in their bodies.

“Master Richard has an order! No one from the Vasco family will be left alive!”


After several rounds of indiscriminate arrows, a large group of Northland Army soldiers wearing blue and white armor rushed into the mansion under the leadership of officers.

These Northern Army soldiers who only obeyed Richard’s orders implemented Richard’s orders very loyally.

They rushed into the yard and killed everyone they could see moving.

The female family members and waiters without armor protection had basically fallen under the dense rain of arrows. Some men, especially the knights of the Vasco family, also used their fighting spirit to try to resist.

The battle on the Vasco family’s side was much bloodier than that on the Frey family’s side. Not only because the Vasco family had a much stronger armed force than the Frey family, but also because the Northland Army was aiming at genocide from the beginning. Come on, you didn’t even give the opponent a chance to surrender.



The Vasco family has at least three hundred armored soldiers in their mansion. Even though the Golden Dragon Kingdom has few restrictions on the armed forces of nobles, it is still a bit taboo to have so many soldiers in the royal capital.

Every one of these soldiers was equipped with armor. Although they did not take much precaution against the sudden attack of the Northland Army, they still tried their best to resist.

It’s just that in front of the Northern Army, these soldiers are still too young. On one side are old soldiers who are killing people, and on the other side are well-trained recruits who have never seen combat, and they are still at a disadvantage in terms of numbers. Hard to resist.

After enduring several rounds of arrows, the soldiers of the Vasco family collapsed under the charge of the Northland Army. Several knights saw that the situation was not right and wanted to organize resistance, but they were quickly solved by several officers leading the team.

In terms of military force, the Northern Army is at the ceiling level in the kingdom at this time. The soldiers and knights raised by the nobles of the royal capital are like domestic dogs to wild wolves in front of the Northern Army.

“You forced me!”

“Come on!”

“Ancestor from the abyss, please lend me your power, I am willing to pay any price.”

In a nearly one-sided battle, a knight from the Vasco family suddenly appeared a little unusual.

After a while of prayer-like murmurs, the Vasco knight’s eyes began to become bloodshot, and his face gradually turned blue-red.

An angry growl came from his mouth, and he swung away the blow from the Northern Army knight with a sword.

The huge force made the knight of the Northern Army almost lose his weapon, and he took several steps back before regaining his balance.

The knight officers of the Northern Army looked at each other in surprise, not only because of the change in the opponent’s appearance, but also the change in the opponent’s strength.

The opponent’s original strength and fighting spirit cultivation level were only equal to his, and he had little combat experience. He almost choked the rookie opponent to death.

Give him some time, and he can slowly grind the opponent to death. Why is he suddenly so much stronger? It’s like he is fighting against a great knight.

“Hey hey…”

“See the power of the abyss.”


The Vasco knight’s eyes have completely turned red, and his breath has become very heavy. You can feel the crazy temperament on him from a few meters away.

At this time, not only did his strength improve greatly, but his speed was also much faster than before, and his strength was no worse than that of the Great Knight.

In the face of absolute strength and speed, combat experience was not very useful at this time. The knights of the Vasco family rushed forward and attacked, and the officers of the Northland Army only had time to raise their swords to block.

It’s just that this time the force was heavier. In a hurry, I couldn’t block this powerful and heavy blow. The tiger’s mouth was directly shattered, and the weapon in my hand was directly knocked out. The whole person was under the opponent’s huge force. They all appeared in a backward posture, and the whole body was empty, and the situation became very dangerous.




Just when the red-eyed knight of the Vasco family raised his sword to take the life of the Northern Army knight, a ray of blue light struck.

In the blink of an eye, the knight’s head and helmet disappeared with a roar. The sword that was supposed to be chopped down also stopped in mid-air, and then fell to the ground along with the headless body.

Afterwards, several green arrows flashed, and all the direct descendants of the Vasco family, whose strength suddenly increased and turned red-eyed, turned into headless corpses.

Gru appeared in the battle against the Vasco family…

“This breath is like the breath of the Abyss Violent Demon. It is strong and somewhat brainless. Once you enter the battle, you don’t know who you are.”

The Vasco family and the Bakken family both belong to the ranks of blood nobles, that is, humans mixed with some demon blood.

It’s just that their bloodline is obviously not as noble as the Bakken family. The Bakken family’s bloodline can be traced back to powerful demon lords, while the Vasco family is only the bloodline of a mid-level demon like the Berserk Demon.

Even after the magic power was revived and the power of the bloodline was reawakened, the effect was much worse than that of the Buchan family’s bloodline. After barely raising it by one level, it also had a mind-lowering effect.

Under the general trend of the Northern Army, a few more knights cannot reverse the situation. At most, they will only cause some damage to the Northern Army.

There is no need for reinforcements. The Northland Army soldiers on the scene have already begun to change their formations. Their guns, shields, and hooks are all out, and they have come up with the tactical formation of a hunting master.

The Vasco family was originally unable to fight against the Northland Army, and they completely lost the ability to resist after some of their direct clan members were named and shot in the head by Gru.

A crushing battle soon entered its final stage. The noble mansion that was originally decorated with flowers was now covered with bloodstains.

Hundreds of corpses lay scattered in the large house that was entering and exiting, making the Vasco family’s mansion completely like a ghost land. Soldiers from the Northern Army were still walking among the corpses in twos and threes, taking care of each other.

Master Richard’s order is not to leave any one behind, so naturally you have to check it carefully to make sure you don’t miss any one.

There is only one reason for the difference in treatment between the Vasco family and the Frey family, and that is that according to the intelligence from the Black Prison, the Vasco family really participated in the attack…


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