Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 66: Arrival


It was just after noon, the sun was still high, and the spring breeze was blowing slowly. Baron Band was sitting in an open space in Bundaberg, drinking sugar water.

The spring sun is not too harsh, and drinking slowly under the warm spring sunshine is a pleasant experience, but Baron Band is not in a pleasant mood at this time,

Today, another fleeing villager asked for asylum outside Bundaberg. From their mouths, they learned that one of their villages had been attacked by ogres,

Baron Bender has clearly noticed that this time the ogres did not simply want to rob and leave, but wanted to drive them away and completely occupy this place.

In order to suppress the anxiety in his heart, Baron Band made a pot of thick sugar water alone to rest in the castle after inspecting the city defenses, and thought about the possibility of breaking the situation.

The Lanster family is strong if they are strong, but they have recently suffered a new defeat and are the main target of the ogres. I am afraid they will not be able to send any reinforcements.

The situation in the other war zones is similar to that of the fifth war zone. They are all unable to protect themselves, let alone sending reinforcements. Baron Band only sent a few messengers in a symbolic manner, without any hope at all.

The only thing worth looking forward to is the messenger sent to the Hunter family in the Sixth War Zone for help.

The originally unknown Hunter family defeated the Weir family in the Battle of Xiaoling River and annexed the Weir territory in one fell swoop, attracting the attention of many interested people.

In particular, after the Hunter family annexed the Will family, they did not attract any intervention from the Lanster family, but instead received acquiescence. This shocked Baron Bender even more.

After that, I paid more and more attention to the information about the Hunter family. The more I paid attention to it, the more clearly I could sense the power of the Hunter family.

Some things cannot withstand careful investigation, and Richard has no intention of hiding it.

And when Richard showed no scruple to the strength of more than a dozen knights to win the position of commander of the Sixth War Zone,

Baron Bender’s evaluation of the Hunter Territory’s strength has reached a new level. In his eyes, the Hunter family is at least a count-level noble, and one of the stronger ones at the earl level.

I hope we can invite reinforcements from the Hunter family. Baron Bender is not sure that the Hunter family will send troops.

To talk about the price jointly offered by the Bender family and several other surrounding nobles, it is no problem to invite a few knights.

But the situation is tense now, and the knight-level combat power has naturally increased, and they will not even send help easily.

“Lord Baron, reinforcements have arrived outside the castle.”

While Baron Band was still thinking hard, a soldier hurried to Baron Band to report to him?

“Ahem, say it again.”

Baron Bender, who was taking a sip of sugar water, was so shocked by the news that he almost choked before he could swallow it.

“Reinforcements are outside the castle.”

“Are you sure?”

Although I understand that as long as the soldiers are not crazy, they will not joke with him about such a big matter,

But the reinforcements came so quickly, completely beyond Baron Bender’s expectations,

As soon as he wanted to come, the messenger just left the day before yesterday. He came and went again. No matter how fast he was, he would have to wait for a week before he could see the reinforcements.

Now that he was told that not only had reinforcements arrived, but they had also arrived outside the city, Baron Band was naturally extremely suspicious.

“Lord Baron, the Hunter family’s reinforcements are outside the city.”


Looking at Pato in front of him, Baron Band finally confirmed the authenticity of the news. After all, Pato was the messenger he had high hopes for,

Pato himself is also an important member of the Bande family, so he is naturally more trustworthy

Before approaching Bundaberg, Pato left the team and returned to Bundaberg in advance to say hello and make preparations to avoid any unpleasant incidents.

After confirming the news, Baron Bender stood up almost as if he had bounced off a stool.

I greeted Pato and prepared to go out.

“Lord Baron”

“What’s wrong?”

Baron Bande, who was about to leave, saw Pato standing there looking hesitant and confused.

“The situation is a little different than expected.”

“There are not more than ten knights in the Hunter family, but close to thirty. Although the vanguard is not many, they are absolutely elite, with a total of twenty-five knights.

There should be half a flag regiment of soldiers following. ”

Then Pato briefly told Baron Bande about his experiences with the army. There was no exaggeration. It just made Baron Bande understand the strength of this small force led by Richard.

“In other words, the ogres entrenched in Antler Village have been eliminated?”


Sometimes, some things are so magical, and the things you were worried about early in the morning have been solved quietly.

“What are the conditions for the Hunter family?”

Baron Bender is not a naive fool, and there is no such thing as a pie from the sky. Such a powerful reinforcement may not be able to be mobilized under the conditions promised before.

“Other conditions remain unchanged, but money must be added, and the gold nard must be increased to 10,000 gold.”

Baron Bender frowned when he heard this. This increase is a bit strong. Even if other families share the money, it will take several years of accumulation of the Bender family to come up with this money.

“You agreed?”

“Everything has to wait for the Baron to decide.”

Pato did not answer directly, but his meaning was obvious. Of course, he agreed, but whether he would implement it or not would of course depend on Baron Band’s intention.

“Just ten thousand, let’s send someone to notify the other companies. If we don’t have enough now, let’s make up for it first.”

Baron Bender still knows what is important and what is important,

Of course it hurts to spend such a large amount of money, but life is naturally more important than wealth and life.

“Let’s go out with me to greet you.”

Baron Band walked in front, and Pato followed closely behind him.


“Pull up the hanging door.”

“Crunch, crunch”

Following Baron Band’s order, the soldiers on both sides shook the noose with all their strength, and the heavy iron gate was slowly opened.

“Let’s go into the city.”

Following Richard’s order, the troops that had paused for a while outside Bundaberg filed in from the city gate.

“Lord Richard”

Baron Band and his people stood at the door to greet him,

Richard is only the eldest son of the Hunter family, but does not have any title, but Baron Bender still keeps his attitude very low.

Baron Bender is very clear-headed. Title does not represent everything, but strength is the foundation of everything.

“Baron Bender doesn’t have to be like this.”

Richard didn’t care much and quickly got off the horse, not wanting to hit the smiling man.

After a few casual conversations, Baron Bender kept glancing at the Crusaders,

Baron Band, who had learned about the strength of the Crusaders from Pato, could not help but pay attention to them.

Of course Richard also noticed Baron Bender’s wandering eyes, but he didn’t pay attention. The point was not here.

“Lord Baron, Hunter leads Kuhan. We have come all the way and fought another battle with the ogres. The soldiers have not even gotten a single silver nard.

What do you think of this ten thousand kinaar? ”

At this time, Ron had already pulled off his visor. He had no choice but to do it, it was still too shameful.

It is true that the Hunter family’s land is bitterly cold, but it is really shameless to say that the Hunter family is short of money. Richard has been running a small business in the past few years, and the Hunter family’s annual income is higher than that of some counties. .


Baron Bender did not adapt to Richard’s direct way of talking and fell into a moment of embarrassment.

“Bring the box up.”


Several large boxes were placed on the steps. The boxes were opened, and inside were neatly folded gold nuggets.

“Sir Richard, do you want to take stock?”

“No need.”

Richard then ordered several people to carry away several boxes of gold. Naturally, he did not need to go and count the gold in person. He would go back and store all the gold in the system to ensure that the calculation was accurate.

“Look, when will the troops be sent out?”

Baron Bender on the side saw that Richard’s men had carried Kinnar away, and finally couldn’t help but speak.

The next step is the drama…


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