Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 659: Step through 1


“Tap, step, step…”

“Hurry up! Surround this side and don’t let anyone leave!”

“Yes, General!”

The Northland Army, under the personal leadership of Richard, moved very quickly and soon surrounded the entire area where the nobles gathered.

During this period, some city guards responsible for security in Nancheng came up to inquire, but they were glared at by the fierce North Army soldiers and retreated obediently, not daring to ask any more about the North Army’s actions.

The surrounding people had been vigilant for several days amid the rumors. Now, seeing the Northland Army in action, they had long since disappeared.

Under the command of the officers, the soldiers of the Northland Army quickly blocked the almost deserted streets, and set up Shenwei crossbows and other heavy equipment at commanding heights. They built three lines of defense inside and outside, and surrounded Nancheng. This place was almost completely crowded.

If an army of more than 100,000 were placed on the battlefield against the orcs, it might only make a little splash.

But placed in this royal capital, it can form huge waves.

Under Richard’s order, the Northland Army directly detached half of its army to surround hundreds of noble families in the entire area, isolating all personnel exchanges within the encirclement.

Although most of the nobles in this area were well-informed and knew the news about the North Army’s actions, it was still too late for them to get the news. Moreover, no one could have imagined that the target of the North Army’s action was not the palace, but the area of ​​Nancheng. The living area of ​​the nobles.

Since the establishment of the Golden Dragon Kingdom, this place has not experienced any weapons in the past five hundred years. The public security is good and there are no thieves or beggars. It is definitely a good place.

Now the Northland Army is surrounding this place with a menacing look. Most people are in a state of confusion. Some even think of themselves as highly respected people who want to come out and ask Richard what happened.

As for those who still had ulterior motives, they were even more panicked at the moment, and subconsciously wanted to ask Marquis Buchan for advice.

It’s just that the Northern Army didn’t leave much time for the nobles in the encirclement to respond. Richard didn’t even show up. After the siege was completed, the remaining Northern Army soldiers, led by officers, rushed in in several groups. Went to the residential area in Nancheng and started a cleanup operation according to the list given by Renne.




The nobles in Nancheng are basically high-level nobles from the Golden Dragon Kingdom. Those who can live in this area can be said to be powerful families. The mansions they live in are all high-gate courtyards. Close the door and face them. With the three to four meter high courtyard wall and heavy gate, it is difficult for ordinary people to enter.

But the Northland Army was obviously well prepared. Facing the closed door, more than a dozen soldiers quickly brought a huge battering ram, which made the door bang.

“What do you want to do! This is Count Frey’s mansion!”

The door was crumbling after two hits of the battering ram outside. The people inside could no longer sit still and subconsciously announced the name of the Frey family.

The Frey family can be regarded as a member of the upper class in the royal capital. Generally, few people are willing to offend the Frey family after their name is announced.

It’s just that these Qiu Ba from the Northern Army have never heard of the Frey family. Even if they have heard of it, they will not have the slightest awe for such powerful people in the royal capital.

Faced with the threat from the Frey family, the soldiers of the Northland Army did not hesitate at all, and the battering ram hit the door again.


The battering ram used by the soldiers of the Northland Army was a sharp weapon that could be used directly to attack cities and strongholds. More than a dozen elite soldiers, who were close to the strength of quasi-knights, carried iron-headed battering rams that weighed thousands of kilograms and struck violently. Some The gates of the small town would not be able to hold up and would be knocked down, let alone the gate of this mansion.

The door made of wood and iron collapsed suddenly, and there were several desperate male servants behind it who had no idea of ​​the horror of the battering ram and were still standing behind the door, trying to block the door.

After the ram opened the door, it knocked several people out together. Several people lay on the ground and vomited blood and could not get up.

“What on earth do you Northern Army want to do! You actually came to Earl Frey’s Mansion to run wild!”

“Do you still have a kingdom in your eyes? Where is the King of the North! I want to see the King of the North!”

After the door was broken open, the current head of the Frey family had finished dressing up. The chainmail he wore was a bit ill-fitting, and it was obvious that he had not worn it for a long time.

In order to become a knight, Count Frey actually practiced martial arts hard and had a lot of muscle.

After becoming a knight and successfully inheriting the title, Earl Frey lost any motivation. A superior noble in the capital like him does not need to fight in the bitter cold like the nobles of the North, let alone some Lower-class nobles and even landless knights went to Longxingguan to strive for military merit.

It is enough to live a comfortable life by relying on the merits of the ancestors and standing at the top of the kingdom to **** blood. There is no motivation to practice hard.

You must know that the training of a knight has never been a kind of enjoyment. Instead, it is a relatively painful process of polishing the body and strengthening the meridians day after day.

The nobles in the royal capital are actually very similar to the nobles in the river valley. They have all changed from a group of military nobles to businessmen relying on privileges and rent, and they are more powerful than the merchant nobles in the river valley.

Only a few families still maintain the tradition and do not completely lose their skills when grabbing profits.

The rich-looking Earl Frey looked at the Northland Army who broke open the door and rushed in. He didn’t know where the courage came from.

He led several family generals and dozens of soldiers from the palace to block the door, and shouted questions loudly. However, although the voice was loud, it felt somewhat like a stern and internal quarrel.


The leading Northland Army officer was Quill. When he heard the other party’s questions and threats, Quill didn’t even bother to show a disdainful expression. He just glanced at the group of soldiers wearing fancy clothes on the opposite side.

Although the brightly colored armor looks good, it is of no use in fighting. Although the soldiers are strong, their formations are messy and they have no combat experience at all.

“The Frey family colluded with the church and attacked the King of the North. They should be punished!”


When more Northland Army soldiers rushed in, Quill gave the order without any hesitation.

A large group of Northland Army soldiers, led by officers at all levels, rushed forward.

“Block them from me!”

“Stop them!”

Although the Northland Army was small in number, these warriors who had gone through many fierce battles charged, but Earl Frey, who had just threatened loudly, was so scared that he turned around and ran back.

Murderous aura is a metaphysical thing, but the indomitable and fierce momentum of the Northland Army soldiers when they attack cannot be faked.

As soon as Earl Frey ran away, the soldiers following him could not stop the charge of the Northland Army.

Standing there tremblingly is worthy of the money the Frey family has given them over the years.

Although they are in good health and look good, they have never experienced any actual combat. They can be used to bully civilians. As soon as they join the Northern Army, they immediately show their prototypes.

In less than ten seconds after coming into contact with a comparable number of Northland troops, several Frey soldiers were stabbed to death with spears, and then quickly collapsed.

The few knight-level masters mixed in were also no match for the Northern Army knights. They were targeted by the Northern Army knights as soon as they released their fighting spirit, and were randomly attacked before they could cause any damage to the ordinary Northern Army soldiers. Killed with a blade.

“Kneel down and surrender! Anyone who resists will be killed without mercy!”

“Kneel down and surrender! Anyone who resists will be killed without mercy!”

“Stop fighting, stop fighting, we surrender!”

The Earl’s Mansion in Nuoda was captured by the Northland Army after only ten minutes of resistance.

Under the banner of Earl Frey’s Mansion, there are at least dozens of caravans, and the land and population controlled are unimaginable to a group of rural nobles in the North.

As for the Frey family, this family is barely ranked in the royal capital.

If the Frey family was given some time, it would not be a problem to use the power of the Frey family to raise an armed force of tens of thousands of people. However, at this time, they were easily overturned by several groups of Northland troops.

Most of the Frey family members were now gathered in the front yard. The wealthy Earl Frey had his chainmail stripped off, and was only wearing a somewhat tattered brocade suit.

His hands were tied together with ropes, and his feet were shackled.

His hair is messy and there are a few bruises on his face. He has obviously suffered a little. Now he is squatting in the front yard like a prisoner.

The other surrendered soldiers were also stripped of their armor and weapons, and squatted on the ground with their hands tied. A few of them were bound with heavy iron chains. They should be several masters of the Frey family.

As an upper-class noble in the royal capital, although the head of the Frey family only has a knight-level mobile phone, it does not prevent them from recruiting some masters of the knight-level to work.

It’s just that when faced with the menacing Northern Army, these knights were much more awake than Count Frey, and they didn’t dare to fight against the army. Those who were not clear-headed already fell to the ground and became corpses.

The big knights who could still squat here waved their weapons a few times to show off, and surrendered as soon as the Northland Army approached.

It’s not that these people are not loyal to the Frey family at all. Although the Frey family is harsh on their own people and treats the common people as pigs and dogs, they are still good to these great knights. Some people even use Frey to It was only with the family’s resources that he was successfully promoted to the rank of Grand Knight.

It’s just that the heads of the Frey family ran away first, and then fell to their knees and became prisoners. What’s the point of resisting desperately.

“Sir! Let us meet Mr. Richard. There is a misunderstanding here. Our Frey family has never participated in the attack on Mr. Richard.”

When the soldiers of the Northern Army searched the house and gathered the main members in the front yard, Quill brought several locals from the royal capital over to check if anything was missing.

The sharp-eyed Earl Frey saw Quill, who looked like a senior officer, changing his dull look just now, and shouted loudly in Quill’s direction.

It’s just that the tone was humble and even a little crying. Count Frey was really frightened. He didn’t understand what was going on at all.

He only took Quill’s accusation of attacking the King of the North seriously, and tried desperately to explain and prove the Frey family’s innocence.

In the North, Richard set up education, distributed land to farmers, and suppressed the nobility. These made him hate the entire aristocratic class in the kingdom. Naturally, Earl Frey also hated Richard very much, and even hated all the people in the North.

I often cursed Richard by myself in the yard, or scolded him angrily with other nobles.

But it is a bit unfair to say that the Frey family participated in the attack on Richard. The head of the Frey family has a typical character of bullying the weak and fearing the strong.

It was extremely cruel to exploit his own tenant farmers and slaves, but he never dared to provoke a person of Richard’s level.

Up to this point, he didn’t know how he could passively participate in such a big event as the attack on the King of the North.

“Count Frey, his four sons, two of whom are knights, and Count Frey’s five brothers, the strongest Knight Nick under Count Frey…”

“The main members of the Frey family are all here, no one is missing…”




Just when Quill ignored Count Frey’s cries and was concentrating on determining the identity of the prisoner, Count Frey suddenly began to slap his mouth as if having a convulsion.

Although Earl Frey had little combat experience, he still had the strength that a knight should have. A few loud slaps attracted the attention of the entire audience.


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