Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 658: The wind rises


(Change your mind, update steadily this month)

In Golden Dragon City, the situation at this time is quite complicated.

Since the Northern Army entered the city, the atmosphere in Jinlongdu has been tense, and most people are tense.

Especially when Richard was attacked when he entered the city, many people’s strings were broken. Some people who were extremely loyal to the royal family were ready to fight the Northland Army to the bitter end.

Most of the nobles and wealthy households closed their doors to prevent them from being harmed by the rebels in the chaos, waiting to regroup at any time.

If Richard raises a flag to rebel and successfully controls the royal capital, then more than half of them will immediately kneel to Richard’s side.

Although the policy of the Northland does not take into account the interests of the nobles at all, the force of the Northland trumps any reason, and interests are always less important than life.

And these nobles still resented Ren to some extent. In their view, Ren letting foreign troops like the Northern Army into the city was simply an act of being kicked in the head by a donkey. The loyal Duke of Ross led the Western Territory When the army came for reinforcements, they could only rest outside the royal capital, but they were not allowed to enter the city.

There was almost no movement in the palace, as if they had made the most negative option. After Richard left, the gate was closed, and all the old troops of the Imperial Guard were stationed in the palace, with a posture of swearing to defend the palace to the death.

But everyone knows that it will not be peaceful forever.

Finally, one morning early one day, the more than 100,000 Northland troops who had previously been stationed in Jinlongdu suddenly mobilized in large numbers.

It’s just that they didn’t rush directly to the Royal Capital as most people predicted. Instead, after leaving the camp, they divided into more than ten groups and rushed towards the Golden Dragon Capital in various directions.

Most of them rushed towards the place where the nobles lived in the southern part of Golden Dragon City.

Golden Dragon City is not the home ground of the Northern Army. To station troops in the city, spies from all forces are naturally indispensable.

At least half of the traffickers and pawns around the North Army garrison are spies sent by various parties in Jinlong City. It is impossible for Richard to drive away all the people around the garrison in the city. He can only let it go. As long as it is not relying on The camp was too close, and the soldiers of the Northland Army were too lazy to take care of it.

Now that the Northland Army made a sudden move, there was a flurry of chickens and dogs all around. Spies from all sides either released windbirds or rode horses directly in the city to report back. Many people who were interested in the news of the Northland Army’s changes quickly reported Information received.

The Northland Army did not care about these spies. The entire Golden Dragon was like a big urn at this time. The Northland Army only had to act according to the set goals


In the school grounds of the Buchan family mansion.

The old Marquis, who was wearing a martial arts uniform, was wielding a heavy sword in the field. His strength was steady and his movements were agile. He did not look like an old man in his seventies or eighties at all.

The giant sword weighing dozens of kilograms was as light as nothing in his hand. If it weren’t for the sonic booms that erupted from time to time to remind everyone, others would probably think that the two-finger-wide heavy sword was a wrapped sword. Iron-clad wooden sword.


Suddenly, a dark red fighting spirit burst out from the heavy sword and struck the marble pillar beside the school grounds. The one-meter-diameter marble pillar was opened by the fighting spirit, leaving a gap that was larger than the mouth of a bowl and nearly a foot deep. , gravel flew everywhere, and the waiters standing around subconsciously raised their hands to block it.

The power of this outward fighting spirit is already considerable. The Earth Knight’s outward fighting spirit definitely does not have the power to leave such a big gap in the hard marble.

However, the old Marquis was particularly dissatisfied with the effect of this blow. His arms began to swell, his muscles swelled to an abnormal degree, and his skin changed from normal white to dark red.

Then he floated into the air and slashed down with his sword in both hands. A dark red fighting spirit slash that was several meters wider than before struck the ground again.


This time, the marble pillars on the edge of the school field were not spared. The huge force directly blasted the more than one meter stone pillars to pieces, leaving only piles less than a foot long.


“It feels good to have power.”

After Marquis Buchan landed on the ground, he exhaled and nodded with satisfaction at the damage he caused.

Since the recovery of magic power, many former blood nobles have reawakened the demon blood in their bodies, and those with more established backgrounds, like the Bakken family, have even reconnected with the demon lords in the abyss.

Old Bakken was originally stuck at the peak of the Great Knight due to his age, but he successfully broke through to the earth level under the tide of magic recovery, and gained stronger power after completing the deal with the devil. With Bakken The combat power at this time was a country-level master who could rival the Dragon Knight a year ago. After gaining strength, the ambition of Old Bakken, who was originally dissatisfied with the kingdom, grew infinitely.

A mess is exactly what an ambitious man like him needs.

Bakken glanced in the direction of the palace. The huge pillars on the square in front of the palace were still clearly visible, but in his eyes, the raging fire was already burning. He could vaguely see the collapse of the palace building. The prosperous royal capital was burned to the ground, and melodious screams were heard.

“A kingdom of five hundred years is really too long.”

“These humble mortals have actually been on an equal footing with the great blood nobles for five hundred years!”

Marquis Buchan muttered a few words, and then his eyes suddenly became sharp.

“The bloodline nobles will once again become the masters of the human race!”

The Marquis of Bakken is somewhat self-aware and has never thought about becoming the master of the continent. Even the blood nobles in their heyday could only retreat to the south to resist the orcs.

He has no intention of destroying the orc kingdom.

In his mind, the Northern Army and the forces loyal to the royal family had a chaotic battle in the royal capital, turning the prosperous Golden Dragon City into a pile of ruins.

The dead souls in the royal capital will become the best equivalent in the deal with the devil.

Relying on the power of the royal capital, it is absolutely impossible to resist the Northern Army. At that time, both the great prince of Kresscheng and the Prince of Parley in the south will immediately have a life-and-death relationship with the Northern Army. .

And these blood nobles can tangle their forces, choose a prince to cooperate, and form a confrontation with the Northland Army in the south.

Although the Northland Army is strong, as long as it takes that step, it will not only have to face the counterattack of the remaining forces of the Golden Dragon Kingdom, but also have to confront the orc army that has entered Longxi Pass. It is estimated that it will take a while. Don’t care about the south.

They, these bloodline nobles, will rise again from the south, gradually eclipsing the puppets of the Charman family, and the glory of the bloodline nobles will shine again.

As for the Bakken family, as the blood descendants of the great demon lord Diabo, they will become the worthy leaders of the blood nobles.

As for how many civilians will die tragically after the civil strife breaks out, or whether the direct loss of the Central Plains will bring an existential crisis to mankind, they are not within the scope of consideration.

In the eyes of nobles, especially blood nobles, there is no difference between ordinary civilians and domestic animals except themselves. Hundreds of years ago, blood nobles did not regard themselves as the same species as humans. They were noble demon blood descendants. .

“Your Majesty the Marquis! Your Majesty the Marquis!”

Just when Marquis Buchan was thinking about the future, a hurried shout brought him back to reality from his intoxication…

A spy in civilian clothes hurriedly entered the school grounds from outside the courtyard. The guards on Friday did not stop him and allowed him to rush in.

Looking at the anxious-looking spy, Marquis Buchan was also a little curious, so he put away the sword in his hand and took the initiative to greet him.

“What happened?”

“Your Majesty the Marquis! Almost all the Northern Army stationed in the city have been dispatched!”

In order to deliver the information as soon as possible, the spies were moving as fast as possible along the way. After entering the yard, they were so tired that they were out of breath.

After saying this, I couldn’t help but take a long breath.

The Marquis of Buchan listened half way, only to hear that there was a big movement from the Northland Army, and he immediately became happy.

“Young man, finally I can’t sit still…”

He didn’t believe that anyone could resist the temptation of that position, especially since he had created an excellent excuse for the other party.

At this point, the entire Northland Group should be fighting to the death with the Kingdom.

As for Richard being Lane’s son-in-law?

Haha, from the perspective of people at their level, as long as it affects their own power, they can even kill their sons with their own hands. Do they still care about a son-in-law?

Even if you take a step back, there is a one in 10,000 chance that the Northern King is a bigot and is unwilling to take action. After being stimulated by such an attack, his men will have to coerce him into rebelling.

The fate of the kingdom is about to change. When the Northern Army begins to besiege the palace, it is time for him to take action.

I just don’t know if the Northland Army is going all out. The King of the Northland is a bit young after all. A kingdom that has lived for five hundred years should have some background. At least the Lord Qing in the palace has always made him extremely afraid.

“How many people from the Northland Army went to the palace?”

Thinking of this, Marquis Buchan turned around and wanted to confirm whether the entire Northland Army was dispatched.

But what he met was the spy’s increasingly anxious and panicked eyes.

The more anxious he became, the more breathless he became. After a few seconds, the spy who reported the news finally caught his breath and continued:

“No, Lord Marquis, the more than 100,000 Northern troops in the city did not go to the palace, they came towards the south!”

“How is it possible?”

The royal palace is basically located slightly north of the center of Jinlong City. It can barely be said to face south.

The main camp of the Northland Army stationed in the city is to the east of the royal capital. If the Northland Army wants to rebel, the first target should be the palace in the center, followed by controlling the city gate and placing it in the Northland outside the city. The army entered the city instead of heading south.

What is there in the south? Isn’t the south where noble people like them live?

“Sir! The city guards have sealed all the city gates!”

“Damn it!”

At this time, Marquis Buchan still didn’t believe that the Northland Army’s target was not the palace but the nobles in the south.

He really couldn’t figure it out. Logically speaking, they should be considered half allies of the North.

Although he didn’t know what kind of medicine the Beidi Army was selling in his gourd, he wasn’t the type to sit still and wait for death, so he immediately ordered:

“Close the door, women and children hide in the tunnel, and everyone who can handle weapons takes action.”

“Yes, sir!”


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