Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 656: Interview


“Sir Richard, His Majesty has ordered that you do not need to undergo inspection. The carriage can enter the palace directly.”

“The accompanying guards can enter the palace together, and the school grounds in Xiyuan can be used for them to be stationed.”

The palace of the Golden Dragon Kingdom is extremely grand. Its area is equivalent to twice that of the Forbidden City. The height of the city wall is more than fifteen meters, and the base is several feet wide. Once the thick city gate is closed, it is definitely a place that is easy to defend but difficult to attack. fortress.

Of course, no matter how strong a fortress is, it must be guarded by people. Most of the majestic forbidden palaces are generally just to guard against assassins or civil unrest.

If the outer city is really destroyed by an external army, no dynasty can resist the enemy with the help of the Forbidden Palace.

The person in charge of guarding the palace gate is the commander of the first legion of the Royal Guards. This man and Olang are of the same composition. They are both civilians. Because of their outstanding talents, they entered the knight academy in the royal capital and became deeply involved in the royal family. brand.

Of course he doesn’t have a good impression of a noble like Richard, who is a big warlord, and he is even more worried about thousands of Northern troops entering the palace together.

But at this time, he was still very loyal to execute Ren’s order and opened the palace door in advance to welcome Richard’s carriage into the palace.

Because there was no need to get out of the car for inspection and they could lead the troops into the palace, the team hardly stopped after arriving at the palace gate. Richard just gave a simple hum to the person who greeted him.

After entering the palace gate, the first thing you see is a wide square. The square is paved with white jade slabs, which is a bit dazzling in the sun. The fighting in the square last year did not leave any trace on the square in front of the palace.

Zuo Xiang, Ao Lang and others stopped in front of the palace gate and did not follow them into the palace.

Thousands of soldiers from the Northland Army protected the carriage and entered the palace, accompanied by several internal officials, the commander of the First Army Corps and a small number of guards.

Thousands of northern troops placed in the square in front of the palace, which can accommodate more than 100,000 people, seem a bit small.

Quell and the Northland Army soldiers present were a little nervous in the square that was open on all sides. It was not that they had never seen a big scene, but that they were surrounded by palace walls and marched on the open ground without any obstacles in the middle, giving them a chance to It feels like being a turtle in a urn.

The battlefield instinct made them reject this kind of terrain. Without Quill’s orders, shortly after entering the palace city, the soldiers of the Northland Army completed the adjustment of their formation during the march, naturally forming a circle. shaped defensive formation.

The leading officials could not understand this scene, but the commander of the First Legion frowned slightly. What he was thinking about was how many troops would it take to suppress thousands of elites if they started making trouble in the palace. Go down.

At least twice the number of troops is needed, and it must be an old army like the first three legions. If the new recruits are added later, even one legion may not be able to defeat the opponent.

Fortunately, neither side’s worries happened. The team quickly passed through the square in front of the palace and arrived at the palace complex of the palace. Behind a thick wall was the real core of the palace.

“Your Majesty, your Majesty is waiting for you and the princess in the apse. The carriage can only go here.”

“Your soldiers can go to Xiyuan and stay temporarily.”

The internal officer responsible for guiding stopped here. He said that the carriage could only go this far. In fact, he also told Richard that these thousands of soldiers from the Northern Army could not follow him into the apse.

In fact, it is outrageous for foreign troops to directly enter the palace. The so-called treatment of going to the palace with swords and shoes, entering the court without following, praising and worshiping without fame, and adding nine tins are all nothing compared to Richard. The latter is still considered a powerful minister and leads troops directly into the palace. He can basically be equated with the rebellious ministers and traitors.

It is reasonable for the internal officials to stop the Northern Army here at this time. Even the Imperial Guards who welcomed Richard into the palace could only stop here unless they received an order.

On hearing this, the Northland Army made no move at all. No one followed the internal officials to the West Garden of the Palace. Quill even glared at the opponent to express his dissatisfaction.

“Okay, Quill, take your people to Xiyuan and station them first.”

“Yes, sir!”

Fortunately, at the moment of embarrassment, Richard had already got off the carriage arm in arm with Messiah, and ordered Quill to take the group of northern warriors to Xiyuan.

Although Quill was still worried about Richard’s safety, he was beaten by Richard before and now he did not dare to say anything. He could only follow the order and lead the soldiers of the Northern Army to Xiyuan.

And Richard and Messiah followed the officials into the back hall of the palace.

After wandering around the palace for a long time with the officials, they finally stopped in an inconspicuous small courtyard.


Two internal officials stood on both sides, pushed open the door, and said to Richard:

“Sir, His Majesty is waiting for you inside.”

“You go to see your father first. I’m walking around the palace by myself. It feels like I haven’t been back for a long time.”

Messiah very wisely found a reason to stop at the door and did not follow him. Richard nodded and went in directly.

As soon as he entered the gate, Richard felt a few qi energy locked on him. Judging from the aura, he was not a weak player, at least he was a master of the earth level.

The people who benefit most from the recovery of magic power are still those at the top. Many masters who were originally stuck at the peak of the Great Knight have advanced to the earth level, and Renn seems to have more power in his hands. Quite a few.

Of course, no matter whether they have malicious intentions or not, several earth-level masters are like air to Richard now. If Richard is willing, he can blow up the whole room when he explodes.

Completely ignoring a few qi machines that locked him, after walking through the corridor, he saw Renn sitting in the room. Renn’s face was calm and there was no emotion. There was tea on the table but it was not steaming. Yes, obviously I have been waiting for a while.


Ren’s eyes moved to Richard, and he unconsciously exerted a certain amount of pressure. After being the king for so many years, his aura has been developed long ago. If it were an ordinary person who would be looked at by Renn like this , somewhat nervous.

But this method has no effect on Richard.

“Your Majesty!”

Richard walked into the room with a natural look, but he still bowed politely and gave a half salute. Without saying anything else, he pointed out that the other person was the father of the Messiah, and he had to maintain a certain amount of respect.

But Ren just responded lightly and waved his hand. The internal official who was standing outside the door immediately exited the yard, and even Richard felt that the few qi that were staring at him disappeared.

Then Ren asked again:

“Get up!”

“Thank you, Your Majesty!”

“I heard that you were attacked when you entered the city?”


“No doubt that I sent someone to do it?”

“I believe that Your Majesty will not harm me.”

Richard said this sincerely. Although Ren was not a bad person, he was definitely sensible enough. He would definitely not be able to do such a thing.

“Oh? Is it because of the Messiah?”

“No, I just believe that His Majesty is too wise to do such a stupid thing.”


Richard’s frankness not only did not make Renn angry, but made Renn laugh.

“Saul once told me that you are trustworthy and Master Qing values ​​you, but I think you are a rebellious person.”

“Tell me honestly, do you want to sit on that chair in the Golden Dragon Palace?”

After Ren said these words, if it were another person, he would probably be so frightened that he would kneel on the ground and swear to the sky to express his loyalty to His Majesty and the kingdom. He would definitely not have such treasonous thoughts.

But Richard thought for a moment and replied:


Ren didn’t expect that Richard would really dare to say yes. He held it in for a long time and didn’t know how to react, so he could only say:

“You are really my good son-in-law.”

Although the two sides are nominally dominated by Renn, their status is actually equal. Even in terms of strength, Richard is still on the stronger side. The conversation between the two is different from Renn’s usual and his subordinates. The conversation between the aristocratic minister and the noble minister was completely different. Richard did not mean to flatter and flatter him. Fortunately, Renne’s adaptability was relatively strong and he quickly adjusted his attitude towards talking to Richard.

“Do you know who the person who attacked you this time is?”

Ren changed the subject and instead of dwelling on the previous topic, he brought the topic to a place that Richard was more curious about.

“Your Majesty, do you have any clues?”

Ren did not answer directly, but handed Richard the list that Wallis had given him before.

Richard glanced at the list. It involved at least a dozen nobles from the royal capital, and some were marked as being related to the Rising Sun Cult.

“So many?”

“Just suspicious.”

Richard thought for a moment and realized that Renne was using the attack on him to expand the scope of the attack.

“Your Majesty wants the Northern Army to make swords?”


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