Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 655: Processing and reaction


At the city gate

All the attackers have died

The Northland Army is cleaning the battlefield. Because Richard did not give the order to keep prisoners, the Northland Army’s killers are particularly ruthless. In addition, the attackers have a tenacious will to fight and no one surrenders voluntarily. This will Er could only arrange hundreds of corpses in a row for people to identify.

“Sir, after identification, most of the attackers were soldiers of the Imperial Guard, and some were members of the City Guard and the Security Army. The leader was a flag captain of the Imperial Guard.”

Quil stood beside Richard’s carriage and leaned over to report the battle situation to Richard.

Richard nodded, but there was nothing unusual in his tone and expression, he just asked again.

“What are the casualties?”

“Only two of our troops were killed and more than a dozen were injured.”

The casualties of the Northland Army are almost negligible compared to the hundreds of corpses of the attackers. The Northland Army’s own combat power is several levels stronger, and there are high-end forces such as elite swordsmen to assist in the battle. It is completely Crushed.

Of course Quill did not regard the guards brought by Orang as his own, and only reported the casualties of the Northland Army.

“Go and call General Orang and the Left Prime Minister.”

“Yes, sir!”

After the attack, the Northland Army completely sealed off the carriage, and the Left Prime Minister and General Orang were never able to see Richard immediately.

After waiting for Richard’s instructions, Zuo Xiang and Olang were led through the blockade of the Northland Army by a small officer of the Northland Army and hurried to the carriage.

“Lord Richard!”

“Lord Richard!”

The two came to the carriage and saluted each other. Richard was not polite and immediately asked:

“Boy, what does the kingdom mean? Why was I attacked by the imperial guards when I first arrived in the capital.”

“Sir Richard, this is definitely not His Majesty’s intention. Someone must be taking advantage of the opportunity to frame the blame. You must not be fooled by them.”

“But so many people heard it, and the assassin was still shouting “Long Live Your Majesty” before he died.”

“Besides, someone has already identified them. These corpses wearing Guards armor are all actual Guards sergeants. The leader is still the flag bearer of the Second Flag Regiment of the Third Legion of the Guards. Commander, this is an old unit of the Imperial Guard.”

“Yusi” has always focused on the layout in the Golden Dragon City. Although the intelligence network is not as deep-rooted as the Black Prison, like the situation of the Imperial Guard, this kind of intelligence that is clearly out there is still very clear.

These imperial guards who came to attack were not only regular troops, but also the ones with advanced numbers.

The number at the front means that this force is not an emergency expansion later, but an old force left over from Sol’s time. Normally, it should be the most loyal to Renn.

“Sir Richard, His Majesty Renn will never have the idea of ​​harming you. If it is His Majesty Renn’s order, the Guards will not only dispatch this small number of people. At least more than a hundred units will be deployed on the streets on both sides. Divine Crossbow.”

“And Princess Messiah is also on the carriage. No one in the kingdom knows that Princess Messiah is His Majesty Ren’s favorite daughter, and it is impossible for His Majesty to harm His Royal Highness the Princess.”

Orang then tried his best to defend himself, fearing that Richard might misunderstand something.

“Huh, maybe you are afraid that I will notice you if you move too much?”

Actually, Richard believed in his heart that this matter had nothing to do with Renn. After all, based on his understanding of Renn, he knew very well that the other party could not be so stupid.

“Dear, my father would never do such a thing, you have to believe my father.”

“Well, I believe it was not instigated by His Majesty Ren, but by another group of people with ulterior motives.”

Messiah listened for a long time, and finally couldn’t help but also defended Ren. Richard originally wanted to criticize the left prime minister and Orang, but looked at Messiah who looked anxious. I had no choice but to give up. This silly girl was so anxious that she almost cried.

Although the Charman family is a group of ruthless people, the feelings between family members are weak.

But she is very friendly to female members. Messiah has never been treated too harshly by Ren since she was a child, and she is not like several princes who have been scheming since they were sensible.

The relationship with the family members is not bad, and they have experienced family affection. If Richard and Ren fall out, it will definitely be the most uncomfortable for Messiah to be caught in the middle.

Richard kept patting Messiah’s head, comforting the anxious Messiah, and without thinking for too long, he ordered:

“Continue heading towards the palace, don’t delay.”

You will know what is going on when you go to see Ren En. Even if it is a dragon’s pond and a tiger’s den in the palace, Richard will have the confidence to escape unscathed.

He didn’t believe that Renne would take action against him, but he also didn’t believe that Renne’s control over the royal capital would be so low.

This is Richard’s confidence in an old Yin coin.

This is the lair of the Black Prison. A group of Imperial Guards will attack him. Two Shenwei crossbows are a bit too much. Each piece of this kind of military-level weapon-level equipment should be strictly managed.

Furthermore, the weight and size of this reinforced Shenwei crossbow are much larger than those of the Northland Army. They are set up in ambushes on both sides of the streets, and the rain is hidden. There should be some news from the Black Prison.

“Sir, the capital is not safe, do you still want to enter the palace now?”

“Should we withdraw from the city first and make plans after Lady Catherine’s troops gather together in the royal capital?”

After Richard’s order was issued, the system heroes such as Gru did not show any expression. They considered the problem a little more simply and generally only acted according to Richard’s order.

On the other hand, local officers such as Quill and several great knights of the Northland Army hesitated and put forward different suggestions.

“According to your opinion, should I also call Sandru and the others over, gather the army in Golden Dragon City, and let the kingdom give an explanation?”

After annihilating the main force of the orcs, the army did not go south together, but acted separately under Richard’s order.

The largest force was the Northern Army’s local army led by Richard himself, mixed with some system heroes and troops, who continued to sail south to the royal capital by boat.

Catherine brought the high-end combat power of Sir Mrak and the giants and dragons, and cooperated with the undead army to clean up the scattered orc army. The target was Clay City, the gateway to the royal capital, which was previously besieged by the orcs.

Quil was silent when asked. In fact, according to their thinking, if the orcs are around, they should attack the orcs first. The orcs are no longer a serious problem now, and the threat is greatly reduced.

It is naturally in the best interests of the Northland to seize this opportunity to overthrow the kingdom together. Now the territory of the Northland and the river valley, the entire group has expanded to the extreme.

These two areas of land are not dominated by large barren deserts like the Ross family in the West.

Although there are many brave and fierce miners in the Western Region who can provide high-quality soldiers for the Western Region Army, the small amount of grassland has raised the best Western Region horses in the human kingdom.

However, the food output of the Western Territory is the biggest shortcoming. Not to mention the large population flow, most of the food has to be purchased from the Central Plains. Although the Western Territory army is strong, the foundation of the Western Territory is not enough to support the Western Territory’s many ideas.

But now the situation in the Northland Group and the Western Region is completely different.

The river valley itself is extremely rich, densely populated, and prosperous in commerce. After Moriel’s iron-blooded suppression and Catherine’s gentle rule, it has reached a new level in a short period of time.

Although the Northland is a bitterly cold land, it is only compared to the fertile land of the Central Plains. As long as it adapts to the cold climate, the grain harvest in the large amount of black soil is not low.

In addition, after expelling the ogres, the Northland controlled the wilderness pastoral areas.

Not only can the Northland feed a population of 70 to 80 million people, it has also developed the wilderness originally occupied by ogres for grazing. It has introduced Western Horses and Crimson Flame Horses and will soon be able to produce better quality food. war horse.

The quality of ordnance and equipment is also top-notch, with no shortcomings from food supply to armaments.

Moreover, the Jinlong River flows from north to south, and the natural barrier of Zhenbeiguan is controlled by Richard. Just like this time when the Northern Army went south to fight the orcs, starting from Piaoxue City, the army can follow the Jinlong River by water. Going directly south threatens the Central Plains and Golden Dragon City.

The initiative is completely in the hands of the Northland, which is a thorn in the back for any ruler living in Golden Dragon City. It is difficult to imagine that such a monster-like group can live in peace with the central government of the kingdom.

Not to mention the suspicion of the kingdom, even Quill and the generals of the Northland cannot trust themselves. The kingdom is weak, two legions have entered the city, and the other party has taken the initiative to launch an attack, giving them a pretext.

The time is right, the place is right, and the people are all occupied. It is really a great opportunity to replace it.

So, even if Richard gave the order, Quill and several great knights of the Northland Army actually wanted to persuade him.

Richard’s tone seemed slightly dissatisfied. After hearing Richard’s question, Quil felt a huge pressure. When Richard looked at him, he was killing ogres, kobolds and even some unruly people in the wilderness. The well-behaved human slave-catching team, butcher-level figures with blood-stained hands were sweating nervously on their foreheads.

Quil didn’t dare to pick up Richard’s words. The direction of the undead army’s march was set by Richard. He was qualified to comment. He could only skip this question and knelt on the ground and said:

“Sir! Your safety is important.”

“My order is to continue to the palace.”

“Yes, sir!”

After Richard’s order was confirmed again, the knight responsible for driving had already started driving the carriage.

Quil did not dare to continue persuading him, so he could only get on his horse again and follow closely beside the carriage.

“Quick, keep up!”

Quell spoke submissively in front of Richard, but when he turned around and gave orders, he was full of anger.

Under Quill’s organization, the Northland Army regrouped in a short time and quickly surrounded the carriage in the previous formation. Ten elite swordsmen also returned to the side and front of the carriage to open the way. .

It’s just that the group of lookalikes led by Oran were completely in chaos after an attack. Under the organization of Orang and the Left Prime Minister, a group of gorgeously dressed guards lined up in front of the carriage and followed the carriage.

Due to the attack, the crowd that had originally greeted them dispersed, and the doors and windows on both sides of the street were basically closed. Occasionally, a few brave people dared to sneak up and observe the movements of the carriage and the Northland Army.

The streets became very empty and more spacious. Walking on the main street which was a full fifty meters wide, the speed of the entire team became much faster.

In the palace, in an inconspicuous room in the apse.

Ren was wearing casual clothes and sitting on a recliner with his eyes closed to relax.

Varys, the intelligence chief of the Black Prison, was respectfully standing next to Ren and reporting the situation.

“Your Majesty, the King of the North was attacked, and the attackers were basically soldiers and officers of the Imperial Guard.”

“Is Messiah not hurt?”

“Her Royal Highness the Princess was not injured.”

“That’s good, what’s the boy Richard’s reaction?”

Ren didn’t ask what the outcome of the attack would be. He was completely sure that the attack would not pose any threat to Richard, so he directly asked Richard what his reaction was.

“We are on our way to the palace. We should be able to reach the palace in two or three hours.”


Ren opened his eyes and hummed slightly, not knowing what it meant.

Then he continued to ask:

“Any clues?”

“Yes, some suspected targets have been locked in, and the Black Prison will further collect evidence.”

“Does the black jail also need evidence to do things?”

Varys was a little choked by Wren’s words. After all, secret service agencies like Black Prison sometimes acted overbearingly and arrested people without evidence.

Anyway, the situation of being beaten into submission must have happened more than once in the prison of Black Prison.

Normally, even Varys wouldn’t bother to ask about such trivial matters, but after all, they couldn’t be brought to the table. When Ren asked this question, Varys didn’t know how to answer.

Fortunately, Renn seemed to have struck a chord before skipping the topic, and then ordered:

“Give me a list of all suspects.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

“Also, let the imperial guards open the gate of the palace city to welcome the carriage of the King of the North.”

“In addition, the King of the North is allowed to enter the palace directly without being inspected.”

“Your Majesty, the Northland King’s carriage is followed by thousands of soldiers from the Northland Army. Another legion of the Northland Army has already entered the Golden Dragon City. It may not be safe to open the palace gate directly.”

“They have all entered the royal capital, and you are still worried about Miyagi.”

“What if we just let him bring the soldiers in?”

“It just so happened that the school grounds in Xiyuan were empty, so we let the Northland Army enter the palace and station themselves in Xiyuan.”


“Go quickly and make sure the palace door is open when Richard arrives. Don’t look like I’m stingy.”

“Yes, Your Majesty!”

Just like Quill couldn’t persuade Richard, even though Varys was Lane’s confidant, he couldn’t persuade Lane either and could only follow Lane’s orders.

A few hours later, the team arrived in front of the wide-open Miyagi…


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