Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 654: Secret conversations


Southern Jinlongdu

The luxurious mansions are one after another, and the decoration style of each mansion is slightly different. The only thing in common is that these houses are all gorgeously decorated and have extremely high thresholds.

Although Golden Dragon City is the capital of the human kingdom, it is an extremely prosperous city, but its hierarchy is also extremely strict.

Most of the people living in Beicheng are commoners, and there is a mix of people on the east and west sides. There are commoners, minor nobles, and some wealthy merchants.

Nancheng is the most suitable place to live in Jinlong City. The streets are clean and the environment is beautiful. Even the soldiers from the security team come more frequently to prevent blind thieves from causing trouble nearby.

The most powerful people in the kingdom live in the south city of Golden Dragon City. To live here, you don’t have to be rich. The knights who guard the courtyard of any house may have the title of baron, and there is no one above earl. With my status, I can only walk with my head down while living here, and I can only accept the insults.

The house that Lei En gave to Richard was also located in Nancheng. Now there are people cleaning it regularly, waiting for Richard to move in at any time.

At this time, the gates of various noble residences in the south city were closed, and the guards and knights all climbed up the wall in neat clothes, staring at the wall with vigilant faces.

Most of these aristocratic residences are only a few miles away from the south gate of Jinlong City. The news of Richard’s attack was not small, and the nobles living in Nancheng were on guard, fearing that something big would happen.

However, under this tense situation, in a garden of a separate courtyard, an old man was still leisurely enjoying the warm spring sunshine in the garden.

I saw this old man wearing plain brocade clothes, minding his own business by boiling a pot of hot water in the garden. After the water boiled, he poured the water from the copper pot into the celadon teapot, and then poured it into the celadon teapot. A cup of light cyan tea was poured from the teapot.

Making and drinking tea is a very high-end enjoyment in the kingdom. This custom was brought about by the first king Aragorn. It is an enjoyment only enjoyed by high-ranking nobles. To be able to drink tea in the kingdom, you need to know the correct way to make tea. It is also one of the status symbols.

Although the old man has gray hair, his face is rosy and he is in good spirits. He makes tea very quickly, and he is not as skinny as an ordinary old man. His clothes are bulging and he has a strong body. He looks like he should be famous. A powerful knight or even a great knight.

Compared with the calmness of the old man, the faces of the two middle-aged people sitting next to him were a little nervous. Two middle-aged nobles in gorgeous clothes were sitting on the table bank, their whole bodies stiff, holding the tea that the old man added in their hands. Drinking it all in one gulp is much more refreshing than drinking alcohol for many people.

The old man shook his head and said:

“This first brew of tea is used to clean the fine particles and grass ash produced during the tea frying process. By the way, you can also scald the cup. What is the difference between drinking it in one sip and drinking pot water?”

“Lord Marquis, how can we be in the mood to drink tea with you here at the moment? The operation has already begun over there. The spies said that a huge arrow of a mighty crossbow was directly inserted into the carriage where the King of the North was sitting. On the ground, the fighting was fierce and the ground was full of corpses.”

It’s not that these two people are poor at cultivating qi, but they participated in the attack on the now powerful King of the North. If you don’t pay attention, you will die and your family will be destroyed. If you don’t have a fatal grasp and someone can take it. Threats, they dare not get involved no matter what.

“You two, you must remember that it was a group of Knight Academy officers who were loyal to the royal family and instigated a part of the Royal Guards to launch the attack on the King of the North, and they had nothing to do with you.”

“Besides, do you really expect that you can assassinate the King of the North with just that few people?”

“According to the spies’ report, the carriage was shot through by a divine crossbow. If it hits, it is a weapon that can hurt the dragon.”

One of them made a hesitant guess, as if he really thought that Richard might be killed by the enhanced version of the Divine Power Crossbow.


The old man shook his head and was too lazy to explain. The two people opposite him were also middle- and high-level nobles in the kingdom. One was a knight and the other was a great knight. It seemed that they were not unsophisticated commoners.

But the gap between them and Richard is still too big. The class gap between them and Richard is actually wider than the gap between civilians and them. The dragon is already the most powerful existence they can think of. , I have no idea about the Holy Order.

The old man known as Lord Marquis also broke through from the peak of the Great Knight to the earth level after the recovery of his magic power. Only after he had the ability to release fighting energy and protect the body’s fighting energy can he barely get a glimpse of how high the mountain of the holy level is.

Don’t even think about injuring the Holy King of the North with two divine crossbows.

It is possible that by some bad luck, Princess Messiah can be killed. In that case, the situation in the royal capital will be wonderful.

“It is impossible for the King of the North to be killed by a mighty crossbow. You mobilize your manpower more quickly. Just say that Ren is jealous of his talents and will not tolerate the King of the North who has made great achievements. You are preparing to ambush and kill the King of the North in the capital.”

“By the way, please pay attention to Princess Messiah’s situation. If there is anything unusual, please notify me immediately.”

The old man was too lazy to explain too much to the two of them, and just explained to each other what to do next.

“But, Lord Marquis, will the King of the North believe it?”

The two were a little hesitant. It wasn’t that they thought Ren was noble or Richard was loyal. It was just that this attack was just a show. If Ren wanted to kill Richard in the city, let’s not talk about the possibility. How many people are there, but it’s not like we only need a few hundred people.

If you think about it from their perspective, they are Rennes. They have to deploy dozens of divine crossbows and mobilize several legions of guards to surround them.

This kind of thing can be figured out by smart people with a little knowledge.

Hearing the other party’s doubts, the old man smiled and said:

“It doesn’t matter whether the King of the North believes it or not. As long as he is willing to believe it, and as long as the ants in this Golden Dragon City believe it, it can be true.”

After speaking, the old man picked up the teapot, poured out the hot water he had just added, added the hot water from the copper pot to the teapot again, poured the brewed tea into the cup, blew on it, and sipped it lightly. One mouthful, and then said in a profound tone:

“Doubt is the most terrifying thing.”

“Go ahead and make things more beautiful.”

“Yes, Lord Marquis!”

The old man had reached this point, and the two of them had no hesitation. If this kind of thing was done, it would only end in one way, and they could only continue to do their best.

The two stood up and bowed before turning around and leaving in a hurry. The old man made another pot of tea.

“The gods, the church, and the Charman family are becoming more and more interesting.”

“Hey, it’s really chaotic, I like chaos…”


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