Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 653: Chaos 2




Cries of death and screams spread on the streets. The attackers were not careful at all. They did not consider the dense civilians on both sides when firing arrows. After several rounds, many of the guardsmen brought by Olang fell down. In addition, some civilians were also accidentally killed and fell to the ground wailing.

It’s just that although the attackers caused a lot of chaos, except for the initial arrow, there was no real chance to pose a threat to the carriage.

They only posed a threat to the carriage. From beginning to end, they had no chance of threatening Richard.

The leading knight was stopped by Orang, but the remaining attackers easily broke through the guards in the outer circle, but their progress stopped here. The formation of the Northland Army was like a steel plate Pushed them back the same way.

These attackers were allowed to massacre the Imperial Guards in the outer circle. However, the generals in the North did not understand the situation and subconsciously adopted a shrinking formation to surround the carriage. They did not regard the Imperial Guards in the outer circle as themselves. He was a human being, so he watched helplessly as the other party was rushed to pieces by the attacker.

But the attackers still wanted to get past the Northland Army. They underestimated the Northland Army by rushing toward the carriage. Although the attackers, who numbered less than a hundred people, could not pose any threat to Richard at all, but let them cross Without their own defense line, I am afraid that the entire Northland Army around the carriage will feel ashamed.




A row of spears thrust out from the tight shield array, instantly stabbing several attackers to death.

“Come in!”

“Tap! Tread!”

“Northland Army!”


The Northern Army in formation shouted the word “invincible” very loudly, showing great confidence.

Because in their eyes, they have fought against human armies, snow giants, and orc armies without ever failing. Isn’t this a posture of invincibility? No matter how much credit is given to the high-end combat power of Richard’s command, , anyway, they won the battle, and their enthusiasm and morale were not generally high.

The Northland Army took a few steps forward, and the attackers who had been chopping melons and vegetables at the Imperial Guards subconsciously stepped back.

At this moment, Richard called Quill, who had been guarding the car, over. Quill rode on the horse and bent down hard to make himself as shorter as possible than Richard.

After Richard gave a few instructions, Quill nodded and immediately gave new orders to the Northland Army who were originally guarding the carriage.



The fighting style of the Northern Army suddenly changed drastically, from defense to offense. More than a dozen knight-level officers led a group of Northern Army soldiers in heavy armor and rushed out of the shield formation.

“Long live His Majesty Ren!”

“Long live the Kingdom!”



These attackers have little combat experience in dealing with the outer circle. They are still wearing ceremonial armor and holding rapiers. They look good. They will make a judgment when they come into contact with the Northland Army.

Even though the high-end combat power of the Northland Army was still surrounding the carriage and was vigilant and did not participate in the attack, a group of ordinary heavy-armored warriors rushed out and beat the group of attackers to pieces.

Although the attackers were tenacious in fighting and kept shouting slogans to attack the Northland Army, most of the weapons in their hands could not break through the heavy armor of the Northland Army, while the Northland Army was very Professionally use weapons such as pickaxes and armor-piercing hammers to easily harvest attackers.

Soon, the battle situation turned around. Most of these attackers wearing the standard armor of the Kingdom’s Guards suffered heavy casualties under the combined attack of the Northland Army, and their bodies fell to the ground.

Flowers were thrown all over the floor and blood was everywhere, completely breaking the joyful scene just now.

The last time the imperial guards fought a **** battle in the capital was when His Highness Xi colluded with the Rising Sun Cult to cause rebellion.

Up to this point in the battle, it can be seen that the attackers are actually average in both quantity and quality. They are just ordinary elites plus a few knights and big knights. It is okay to show off their power in front of ordinary people. If you want Assassinating Richard is a joke.

After the Northland Army took action, the attackers began to use extreme force, but were pushed back to the street and suppressed by the Northland Army.

The people shooting arrows upstairs on both sides did not escape the sanctions of the elite swordsmen. Several elite swordsmen cleaned up one by one, and after a burst of killing and screaming, there was complete silence.


“Let go!”

The battle between Ao Lang and the leader of the attackers here has also come to an end. Ao Lang is indeed a genius who can be directly selected into the Knight Academy from the army. Although they are both masters of the Grand Knight level, Ao Lang quickly became a master of the knight academy. He took control of the situation, took advantage of the opponent’s mistake, and suddenly used force to swing the long sword away from the opponent’s hand.

Then the Hengjian pulled smoothly and broke the opponent’s wrist armor. Blood spurted out from the wrist and the fingers hung down feebly.




Olang did not go there to take lives. After severely injuring the opponent, the attacking knight tried to fight back, but as soon as he got up, Olang kicked him in the chest and fell out.

“Damn it, do you know how much trouble you’ve caused?”

The knight who was kicked to the ground by Aurang struggled to get up, but as soon as he arched his back, Aurang slapped him on the shoulder with the back of his sword. He was already seriously injured. Immediately, he was photographed and fell to his knees on the ground.

Afterwards, Ao Lang kicked the long sword thrown by the opponent on the ground away, ensuring that the opponent would never have a chance to touch the long sword again. The long sword in his hand was firmly placed on the opponent’s neck and he did not make a move. Meaning, he is obviously ready to capture the opponent alive. No matter how much Orang resists the Northland Group in his heart, he must give an explanation to the Northland King at this time. Although the Northland army has not completely entered the city, a legion has also followed. There are so many masters, and if they really get into trouble, there will be big trouble.

“Come back with me and confess to His Majesty Ren!”

However, just when Orang thought he had taken control of the situation, the great knight who was kneeling on the ground suddenly smiled, and then continued to shout loudly:

“Long live His Majesty Ren!”

“Long live the Kingdom!”

What the other party shouted was actually Ao Lang’s heartfelt voice, but the occasion was obviously a little wrong. Ao Lang took another step forward and was about to slap the other party in the face to block his mouth.

The great knight suddenly pulled out a dagger from behind with his uninjured left hand. When Olang saw that the opponent still had a sharp blade hidden, he subconsciously took a step back, but the next scene made his face become extremely ugly.

“What are you going to do!”

Olang stretched out his hand to draw out his sword to stop the opponent’s movement, but the opponent’s move had been brewing for a long time and was very determined. Before Olang’s sword was handed over, the dagger had already stabbed his chest, and the dagger was made into a sharp awl. It was so sharp that it pierced the opponent’s breastplate without any hindrance due to the strength of the knight. In an instant, only a small short handle was left outside. What’s even more cruel is that when the dagger penetrated the heart Finally, the other party made a stirring motion, perhaps instilling fighting spirit.

Even a strong knight with strong vitality would not be able to recover from this kind of injury. He just had extraordinary strength to hold on for the time being.

Only half a second late, Ao Lang’s long sword stopped in mid-air. Looking at the opponent’s smile, anger rose up. He simply squatted down, grabbed the opponent’s neck, and yelled at the opponent. :

“Tell me! Who ordered you to attack the King of the North!”

“Of course it’s His Majesty Ren’s order.”

Even though Orang grabbed his neck, the high knight officer still said this with a smile.

After being splashed in the face by Ao Lang’s spit, he showed a bit of disgust.

Olang was so angry that he almost lost his mind. He raised his other hand and slapped the opponent in the face. This time, he did not retain any strength at all. He threw his big hand like a cattail leaf fan in the face and directly slapped the opponent in the face. Half of his teeth were knocked out and his face was swollen.

It’s just that the other party was also about to die, so he didn’t care about this at all. After spitting out a mouthful of blood, he used his last strength to shout again:

“Long live His Majesty Ren!”

“Kill the traitors!”

After shouting, the pupils of this high knight officer gradually dilated, his eyes began to lose their sparkle, and his heart was broken. Being able to live for such a short period of time was already a sign of his tenacity.

“Damn, bastard!”

However, the other party swallowed it in one breath, but Olang almost suffered internal injuries.

After regaining consciousness, Ao Lang looked around.

There were piles of corpses scattered around the carriage, including ordinary civilians, his own subordinates, and attackers, but no corpses of the Northland Army were seen, and the scene was basically controlled by the Northland Army. Well, the number of attackers was not large. Counting the archers upstairs, there were no more than 300 people. At this moment, they were either captured or turned into corpses on the ground.

The most important carriage was hung with some arrows, and a terrifying giant arrow penetrated half of it. However, depending on the situation, the North King should not have been harmed, otherwise these North Army would not have been able to control them so calmly. In this situation, it was time to just go berserk, but even so, the soldiers of the Northland Army not far away looked at him a little wrong, and the word suspicion was completely engraved on their foreheads. Even the Imperial Guards wearing ceremonial armor were They are excluded.

The biggest blessing is that the King of the North was not harmed, and he still maintains enough sense to restrain these North soldiers. As for what will happen next, Oulang no longer dares to think about it, and only has a sense of powerlessness. It struck deeply.



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