Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 652: Chaos 1



A giant arrow of nearly two meters shot directly through the black carriage that Richard was riding in. The sharp arrow was unable to make an inch when it approached Richard’s back.

The power of the fierce sun’s fighting energy not only stopped the arrow, but the high temperature also softened the metal of the arrow, and the entire wooden pole began to burn.

In order to protect Messiah, Richard did not draw out his weapon to resist, but chose the most laborious method, directly consuming a large amount of fighting energy and using fighting energy to protect his whole body.

The carriages of the royal family are all specially made. The main body is made of very strong hardwood, with a layer of iron plate half a finger thick sandwiched in the middle. The iron plate is made of the best iron mixed with some rare materials in proportion. It is forged repeatedly at low cost and is better than the iron material of ordinary plate armor.

The carriage needs to be pulled by six horses, which is not entirely in order to show the nobility of the royal family. Two or three horses may not be able to pull such a heavy carriage.

The protection of this carriage is indeed stronger than that of ordinary carriages. Ordinary arrows hitting the carriage can basically only be nailed to the outer wooden board, and the iron layer will definitely not be able to get through.

However, this kind of protection can block ordinary arrows and even the fighting spirit slashes of ordinary knights, but it cannot block large instruments like the divine crossbow.

The Kingdom’s Divine Power Crossbow was still used to deal with orcs. Northland shared its technology with the Kingdom, and the Kingdom also made some modifications to the Divine Power Crossbow.

Unlike the North, which pursues high mobility, the Kingdom prefers to use the Divine Crossbow to defend the city. When long-distance maneuvers are not required, the Kingdom’s craftsmen increased the weight and volume of the Divine Crossbow by nearly one-third, making the power more powerful. It is also stronger than the original Divine Power Crossbow and should be more effective against dragons.

But unexpectedly, this divine crossbow was actually used on Richard.

Before Richard could get up, the second giant arrow flew toward the carriage again.

But this time, the people outside the carriage reacted in time. Without Richard taking action, an arrow with blue and white fighting spirit flew out faster than a giant arrow.


The two arrows collided in mid-air, and the blue-white arrow light accurately hit the middle of the giant arrow, directly dividing the giant arrow into two pieces like a sharp blade.

“The fourth room on the third floor on the right, the first room on the second floor on the left!”

Gru is the only one under Richard who can accurately stop an arrow over two meters in mid-air with a bow. The first one came too suddenly, and Gru was unprepared for the second one. When the giant arrow came, Gru had already quickly bent his bow and nocked the arrow within a second, without giving the second giant arrow a chance to get close to the carriage, and accurately reported its position through the direction in which the arrow was shot.

The elite swordsmen at the front of the team immediately separated and flew towards the location where Gru’s giant arrow was shot.



“Kill the rebels! Long live the kingdom!”

The windows upstairs on both sides were just ordinary wooden windows, which looked very fragile in front of the elite swordsmen. The elite swordsmen, who were like iron towers, crashed directly into the room from the upstairs windows, with almost no movement. When they landed, they found a group of soldiers wearing Guards armor working hard to load the divine crossbow and planning to launch it again.

The clothes of these Guards soldiers are different from the soldiers who lined up on the street to maintain order. Although their armor also has the representative pattern of the royal family, it does not have a hollow design. The breastplate has a turtle back and the hand guards are worn with iron shoes. His body is very neat, and his hand is not a slender ceremonial sword, but a broad-backed heavy sword or even a war hammer. This is a solid equipment for fighting.

Seeing the two elite swordsmen breaking through the window directly, the guards soldiers in the building were stunned for a moment when they saw the oppressive elite swordsmen, and then they immediately reacted. More than a dozen people shouted He killed the elite swordsman.

The scope of the room is not large, and it is not very suitable for the performance of the sword in the hands of elite swordsmen, but in the case of crushing strength, the effect will not change the result even if it does not affect the performance.

Although the incident happened suddenly, the formation of the advancing Guards soldiers was still very organized. The two men in front held their shields and moved forward, while the spearmen behind them walked slowly and lowered their waists, already ready for the thrust. He didn’t look like a newly trained soldier.



The elite swordsman didn’t care about the opponent’s formation, he just swung his sword and slashed in a half arc at the oncoming Guards soldiers. The iron in the hands of the Guards in the front row was The shield immediately broke into two pieces, and the people behind were not able to get any favors. Their fighting spirit continued unabated. Not only did the two shield-hands cut off in half, but the spear-hands also fell to the ground.

Only the soldier left in the room was trying to control the divine crossbow to fire another shot, but he did not catch up in time and escaped.


The remaining soldier was brave. Although he looked at his fallen comrades with extremely frightened expressions, he still shouted and rushed forward with his weapon raised.


It’s just that his courage has no effect at all in front of the elite swordsman. The elite swordsman made the opponent lose his balance with a backhand, and his head and body twisted into a weird 90-degree shape and flew out of the broken window. Got out.

It only took about ten seconds for the elite swordsmen to eliminate the attackers in the room, leaving only a mighty crossbow that had just nocked an arrow and had not had time to launch.

There were also no accidents on the other side of the street. After the elite swordsman rushed into the room, there were a few short screams, and then there was no sound.

“Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh”

“Bang! Bang!”


The attackers were more than just soldiers operating divine crossbows in two houses. After the attack by the two divine crossbows, people appeared one after another from the houses on both sides of the street. More than a hundred archers holding military bows fired at the carriages. , these arrows had good accuracy, and most of them landed on or near the carriage.

The arrow hit the carriage and was blocked by the iron layer, making it difficult to move forward. It made a “duh, duh” collision sound. The movement was a bit loud, but it did not pose any danger to the carriage. It only frightened the Messiah and kept attacking Li. Check your arms and drill.

The carriage was not dangerous, but there were casualties among the soldiers outside. The Northland Army, which was neatly dressed all over, was okay. The Northland Army soldiers in heavy armor gathered around the carriage and raised their shields. Almost no one was injured, but the outer ring was wearing The Praetorian Guards in ceremonial armor are a little unlucky. The hollow armor on their bodies cannot be said to have no protective capabilities. However, the armor made for the sake of appearance is somewhat difficult to block the close range shooting of strong bows. Because of the dense formation, this A hail of arrows rained down, and at least a dozen Guards soldiers who were responsible for welcoming him were shot to the ground by arrows.

“It’s okay, it’s okay, I’m here, don’t be afraid.”

Messiah has never realized that he is a master. After encountering an attack, he instinctively seeks a sense of security from Richard. Richard is not nervous at all. This kind of attack cannot threaten his safety at all. Just as he reached out to comfort the Messiah, he was thinking about who was the initiator of this attack

“General Orang, what’s going on!”

Like Richard, the left prime minister and the speaker in front of the team were also puzzled. They were actually more confused than Richard. After seeing that most of the attackers were wearing the armor of the Imperial Guard, they both felt at a certain moment. I suspected that this was arranged by Ren En from time to time, but after I calmed down a little, I felt that Ren En would not do such an anti-intellectual thing, and immediately questioned Ao Lang, who had always been dissatisfied with Richard.

“I don’t know what’s going on! Don’t worry about this for now, stop these assassins!”

Ao Lang was also confused. Although the officers of the Knights Academy were hostile to Richard, they had not heard of anyone planning to attack the Northland King’s carriage. Isn’t this a mess? In order to prove his innocence, Ao Lang simply led his men to kill the assassin who rushed over.

“Protect the King of the North!”

“Protect Mr. Richard!”


“Kill the traitors!”

“Long live the Kingdom!”


Some people in the teams that were originally greeting them on both sides suddenly drew their weapons and attacked the convoy. A large number of civilians screamed and ran away. If you slowed down a little and blocked their way, you would inevitably be stabbed.




The first people to fight the attackers were not the well-equipped Northland Army, but the Guards who were pushed to the outermost circle by the Northland Army. However, it was not so much a fight as a unilateral massacre.

This group of Guards soldiers wearing ceremonial armor and holding rapiers look good, but they have no combat effectiveness at all. In addition, many of the opponents are also wearing Guards armor, which makes the Guards soldiers who have no combat effectiveness in the first place The Guards soldiers were in confusion, and they were even a little confused about which side they were on.

This group of guardsmen wearing ceremonial armor fell into chaos, but the attackers were not merciful at all. When they saw the guardsmen blocking their way, they just passed by with a knife and quickly killed seventy of the guardsmen. Baluo, their target seems to be only the black carriage in the middle.

It was not until the reinforcements of General Orang and several of his cronies, who were powerful knights, that the attackers’ progress was slightly hindered.



The leading attacker and Ao Lang fought together, and instantly burst out with strength that was not weaker than the opponent’s. The fighting spirit giant swords collided fiercely. After several fights, Ao Lang felt that something was wrong as they fought. These attackers He looked very familiar, as if he was really from the Imperial Guard.

“People from the Third Flag Regiment!”

“What are you doing? Is this an order from His Majesty Ren?”


“We are here to eradicate the traitors for His Majesty!”

“Damn it, do you know what you are doing?”

“Put down your weapons and surrender immediately, and come back with me to confess to His Majesty!”



While talking, the two sides fought for two more rounds. Olang’s words had no effect at all, and the opponent’s attacks became more and more fierce! .


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