Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 651: Accident


The south gate of Jinlong City is six to seven meters high and nearly nine meters wide. Even a carriage of the size that Richard was riding in could accommodate four vehicles traveling in parallel.

At this time, the heavy iron gate of the south gate was wide open, and the Juma and other roadblocks that were originally supposed to be placed near the city gate had been moved to unknown locations.

The city gate has already been cleared of martial law, and the road is wide and open enough for the cavalry to charge directly.

Both sides of the city gate were also lined up with guards wearing ceremonial armor. When they saw the carriage approaching, they all knelt down in order to pay tribute.

The garrison troops who were supposed to stand on the city wall to enforce martial law were all withdrawn, with no intention of fortifying the city.

It can be seen from the city gate that the streets on both sides of the city are already filled with people holding flowers to greet them. Some of them should be the official arrangements of the kingdom, but most of them are people who come to greet the heroes voluntarily. .

I am afraid no one in the entire kingdom has ever enjoyed such high courtesy.

The majestic Golden Dragon opened the door to Richard without reservation.

There was also a high-ranking official at the gate who was responsible for greeting the carriage, but he was obviously taken aback when he saw the carriage being guarded by a large group of Northland Army soldiers.

Fortunately, this was also a guard who reacted quickly enough. He immediately crossed over to the outer perimeter and stopped more than ten meters away from the carriage. In front of the carriage, there were elite swordsmen and a large number of Northern Army soldiers. Under the gaze, he bowed and saluted, and then shouted to Richard in the carriage.

“Dominique, Marquis of the Kingdom and Speaker of the House of Nobles, is here to welcome His Excellency Richard, the King of the North, on the order of His Majesty Ren.”

“His Majesty Ren has an order. Sir Richard does not need to remove his armor. He can directly enter the palace by car to meet with His Majesty.”

The Marquis of the Kingdom seems a bit ordinary compared to the two princes in the west and the north, but in fact he is already the top dignitary in the kingdom. The speaker of the House of Nobles also has a position of equal power with the two prime ministers. Richard was the first to annex Regarding the legality of the Will family’s territory, theoretically speaking, the Marquis Dominic has a higher say. This big shot who was once able to decide the fate of the Hunter family with just one sentence, his status was completely reversed in just one or two years. At least he was not qualified to directly drive and ride into the palace.

After hearing Dominic’s voice, Richard opened the heavy curtains of the carriage. He did not dismount and made any gesture. He just nodded towards Marquis Dominic as a response.

Logically, he has received favor from the king, so he has to get out of the car to express his gratitude. But now, the only thing Richard needs to be afraid of is the gods who are still peering into the material world. The mortal government no longer has much restraint on him. He was tired, not because he was domineering, but because he really didn’t need to act anymore. The incense in the car smelled very comfortable. Messiah, who had worked hard all the way, was still fast asleep in his arms. He really didn’t want to get out of the car.

Fortunately, Domini was also an old man and didn’t care about these details. After Richard showed his face and nodded, he quickly stepped aside and made a gesture of invitation to the team. Waiting for the team to enter the city.

But at this time, the carriage driver from the Northland did not move. He would not care about the speaker’s instructions. He would only execute the orders of Richard and the Northland General. The safety in front has not been confirmed yet.

Quell, who was riding a horse, made a gesture first, and a group of Northland troops at the back of the team ran up in neat steps.

The equipment of this group of Northern Army soldiers is not as gorgeous as that of the Guardsmen lined up on both sides of the gate. There are even some traces of battle left on their armor. Even the repaired armor is hardly as bright as when it was new.

However, these elites who had gone through several **** battles had steadily overpowered the guards on both sides in terms of momentum. They were obviously in a marching formation and did not even level their spears, but they still attracted the attention of the guards at the door. In the commotion, some people with weak psychological quality even wanted to draw their swords to defend themselves, but they were quickly stopped by the officers around them just as they were halfway drawing the swords.



“Who asked you to draw the knife!”

The frightened officer ignored the rushing North soldiers, and first went up with two big ear scrapers to wake up the soldiers under his command.

The soldiers were new recruits, but the officers leading the team were drawn from the Old Guards. These officers could see that the rushing Northland Army had no intention of fighting, and were afraid that the new soldiers under their command would draw swords and cause trouble. An unexpected conflict arises.

Once the elites on the opposite side are overflowing with murderous intent and the smell of blood cannot be dissipated, once a conflict occurs with them, the group of guards under him who have only practiced a little formation and stance may not be able to survive a round. It has to collapse.

As the officers at the door expected, the Northland Army who rushed over did not even look at them, but went straight into the city gate.

“General Quill, what do you mean?”

Looking at the actions of the Northland Army, Orang, who was already holding back his anger, saw that the carriage did not move. The Northland Army squeezed out the Imperial Guards and entered the city first. He couldn’t help but come up and question him.

“This is for the safety of the King and Princess of the North. Presumably General Olang and the Left Prime Minister don’t want any accidents to happen.”


Quell gave him a blunt rebuttal. Although Orang still had an angry look on his face, he had no choice but to shut up. He was not qualified to have an attack. Even if he was dizzy, the left Prime Minister who looked calm next to him had no choice but to shut up. He will also be suppressed to death.

The Guards soldiers who had not received any orders did not dare to stop the Northland Army rushing into the city on carriages. They could only watch as the Northland Army soldiers from a flag regiment entered the city first, followed by the Northland Army soldiers. They ran very skillfully along the steps on both sides of the city gate to the city wall.

In fact, you do not enter the city directly when entering from the south gate. In a city like Jinlongdu, there is usually an urn city behind the gate. After entering the urn city, it is still surrounded by city walls. You must pass through the second city gate to be considered a real city. Entering the city gate, if the siege team manages to open the first gate, they will face attacks from all sides of the urn city. Not only ordinary bows and arrows, but also heavy equipment such as crossbows and crossbows are mostly mounted on the walls. Facing the rain of arrows and heavy crossbows inside, even the masters of the sky level may fall into it.

Of course, the heavy deployment of troops on the urn city may still threaten the sky-level masters, but it is no longer a threat to Richard. Now there must be at least four or five holy-level masters to have a chance to fight against Richard. The giant arrow fired by the divine crossbow couldn’t even break through Richard’s protective fighting spirit.

However, the Messiah on the carriage was still very fragile. In order to prevent accidents, Richard did not stop Quil and others from their slightly outrageous actions.

The Northland Army entered the city in a simple and efficient manner, checking whether there was an ambush in the barbican city, and then completely controlling the south gate.

About a quarter of an hour later, the soldiers of the Northland Army had occupied all the key positions on the south gate, and then the leader of the flag regiment sent a safety signal on the tower.

After seeing the signal, Quill was a little disappointed.

Yes, Quill actually wanted the kingdom to do some kind of ambush. A person like him, who was born and raised in the Hunter territory and trained by the Hunter family, had no loyalty to the king at all.

He was very unhappy that there was still a nominal king above his own lord. In his eyes, the Northland had strong soldiers and horses, and even the orcs were no match for him, so there was no need to support the kingdom.

Wren can do this king, but my Lord Richard cannot do it?

The heroes in the system are relatively aloof. Except for Moriel who wants to cause trouble, most of them have a dispensable attitude.

However, many people in the Northland Army, which is mainly local people, have similar ideas to Quill.

The Northland has actually formed a huge interest group, with territory, an army, and an independent system. The conflict of interests with the kingdom has been increasing. Previously, the threat of orcs also brought this conflict to a halt. Pressed.

Now that the main force of the orcs has been greatly reduced and the threat to humans has been greatly reduced, the contradiction between the Northland Group and the kingdom has become increasingly apparent.

Under normal circumstances, it would be a matter of time before rebellion reaches this point. The two parties are actually trapped in a prisoner’s dilemma. Even if the leader has no intention to rebel, the group under his command will drag the individual forward.

But the only difference is that there is extraordinary power in this world, and a person’s power can defy all mortal forces to a certain extent. Richard is extremely powerful in the Northland. He is not only the leader of the group in the Northland, but also the leader of the group. The ceiling of the group’s force and personal authority are heavier than any dictator in the history of the earth. Without Richard’s approval, Quill and the others do not dare to make any trouble for the time being. They can only look for such small things. Stubble.

Seeing that there was no ambush in Weng City, Quill could only wave his hand, and the mighty convoy started moving again.

The elite swordsmen were still walking in front of the carriage. The soldiers of the Northern Army surrounded the carriage in three circles and three circles in the middle. The senior generals accompanying the city rode behind the carriage on red flame horses and moved the carriage Protected tightly.

“Lord Richard!”

“King of the North!”

“King of the North!”

After passing through the empty Wengcheng, there was an endless sea of ​​people on the streets on both sides. It seemed as if the entire royal capital had gathered at the gate of the city.

Many people in the crowd were holding flowers and fruits, looking eagerly at the city gate. When they saw the Northland Army and the carriage appearing, the crowd instantly burst into cheers.

Most of these people have no time to worry about the relationship between the kingdom and the Northland. Their world is relatively simpler. The Northland Army is the hero who defeated the main force of the orcs and saved them from the atmosphere of constant panic. come out.

As for Richard, in the hearts of the people of the Golden Dragon Kingdom, he is comparable to the first king Aragorn.

What’s more, Aragorn is too far away and Richard is right in front of him.

All things considered, Richard has become the most admired hero in the hearts of most humans.

The moment the carriage entered the city, the noise on both sides became louder and louder, without any intention of stopping. Some excited citizens held up flowers and wanted to get closer to the carriage, but were killed by the guards on both sides. Damn it.

Flowers are thrown at the motorcade from both sides from time to time. The streets in Jinlongdu are extremely wide. The carriage in the middle is at least twenty meters away from both sides. Most of the flowers cannot be thrown onto the carriage and can only be thrown to the north. On Jun’s body, even Quill had a wreath hanging diagonally on his head.

Quil was riding on the horse, his serious face could not help but smile from time to time, and he was obviously very happy with this kind of welcome.

“Lord Richard!”

“Sir Richard, I love you!”

The atmosphere of the Golden Dragon Kingdom is open. In addition to cheers, from time to time there are girls who boldly express their love to Richard. People around him don’t take it seriously, but they also attract imitation. Later, not only girls shout “I love you” You”, even some men also shouted. At Richard’s level, attraction is gender-neutral, and everyone only has admiration and no jealousy.

Richard, who had not shown much attention during the whole journey, curiously opened the curtain on the carriage, and his eyes happened to meet a girl who had just expressed her love loudly.

It was an aristocratic girl wearing a white dress with a beautiful face. Her cheeks were slightly red because of her bold shout just now. After meeting Richard’s eyes, she not only did not retreat, but even louder. She screamed, jumped and waved to Richard, completely losing the usual reserve of aristocratic girls.

“Honey, what are you looking at?”

Just when Richard was about to wave and say hello to his fans, the faint voice of Messiah came from beside him.

“Honey, you’re awake.”

Richard’s expression remained unchanged. After closing the curtain, he turned to look at Messiah beside him. Messiah’s eyes were still a little blurry at this time. He stretched while speaking, his movements were lazy and elegant. .

“Well, it’s too noisy outside.”

Messiah seems to have overdrafted his mental power by forcibly casting a small forbidden spell. After the war, his spirit has been a little depressed. He slept most of the way. Even now, he looks like he has not fully woken up. I don’t know. When can I fully recover?

“Wake up, we are about to arrive at the palace, and we will see your father soon.”


Speaking of this Messiah, he became a little more energetic, nodded, cheered up and sat up, and the next second he reached out to hug Richard and lean on Richard’s shoulder.

Before she could hug her, Richard’s big hands grabbed her first and held her in his arms.


Richard made such a big move that Messiah screamed subconsciously.


Richard hugged Messiah and pushed her down. There was a roar outside the car.

Subsequently, various screams came from both sides, as well as the rapid pace of the Northland Army.

“There is an ambush!!”


“Protect your lord!”……


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