Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 650: Enter the city


General Orang was born a commoner, but his family was considered to be a rich peasant family. He had good nutrition when he was a child, and the whole family could barely support him to practice martial arts. Later, he first joined the army, and then was selected as a knight of the royal capital because of his outstanding talent. College studies.

In terms of composition, this general with the strength of a great knight is definitely a royal party member. He is also loyal to the Charman family. After all, if he hadn’t been selected by the knight academy because of his talent, he would have ruined everything based on his family background. He cannot be trained into a great knight.

After entering the knight academy in the royal capital, all his training expenses were borne by the royal family. He was born close to the royal family. There are many officers born like him in the Imperial Guard and the garrison in various places. They are members of the royal family. An important force to check and balance the nobility.

This kind of people have a natural dislike for powerful local nobles like Richard, not to mention that Richard is now marching to the Golden Dragon City with hundreds of thousands of troops.

In the eyes of people like Ao Lang, people like Richard have the labels of Northland warlord and traitorous traitor written on their foreheads.

It’s just that although Ao Lang is loyal, he can’t understand the situation. He can’t stop the general trend in the North. Some strange thoughts in his heart have just begun to appear, but they are extinguished by the old left prime minister. At this moment I can only wait here for Richard to get off the boat.



The big boat that Richard was riding finally stopped at the shore, and a long ladder was put on the shore with a bang.

Although the drop of more than ten meters is nothing to Richard, he does not need to use fighting energy and can land steadily with just one jump.

But there are still thousands of soldiers on board the ship who need to disembark, and a passage must be built.

The soldiers of the Imperial Guard on the shore held their halberds on their hips, standing upright, and lined up neatly. The armor they wore was not the heavy armor worn in actual combat, but some extremely polished armor pieces, and even There are also some hollow patterns. This kind of ceremonial armor shines in the sunlight and looks quite mighty.

Not to mention the combat effectiveness of these newly added Imperial Guards, at least their ability to stand in line and fill the scene is sufficient.

It’s just that sometimes, supporting a scene is not something that can only be done if there are a large number of people lined up in an orderly manner.

Richard glanced at the mighty Imperial Guards below, and waved to the elite swordsmen beside him.

The elite swordsmen immediately understood what Richard meant. The ten elite swordsmen did not take the long ladder taken down from the building boat. Instead, they all used their fighting energy to jump out from the building boat, and then like a wave of The flight formation flew more than ten meters away in an orderly manner, and finally landed in a very flamboyant manner.

The Prime Minister Zuo squinted at the elite swordsmen who landed not far in front of him. These two-meter-tall warriors wearing spiked heavy armor and dark red cloaks could smell each other even from such a distance. The looming smell of blood.

These ten sky-level masters killed so much that the smell of blood clung to their bodies and could not be washed away.

He suddenly understood how the main force of the orcs was lost to the Northland Army. In addition to the giant dragon, Richard’s endless number of masters were enough for the orcs to drink from.

Fortunately, he stopped Oulang’s boring little moves, otherwise he would have angered the King of the North and made him think that he had brought people to give him power, and he might have been hacked to death on the spot without even complaining.

Ten sky-level masters are a bit of a luxury for a kingdom that currently has no sky-level combat power. Those who are a little more knowledgeable below can’t help showing expressions of surprise.

Even the guards lined up on both sides couldn’t help but glance at the elite swordsmen. Sky-level masters were already legendary existences to them. Ten of them appeared at once, which really challenged their recognition. Got it.

Orang, who was standing next to the left prime minister, was equally shocked and frightened. Not to mention the giant dragons that did not show up, these ten sky-level masters were enough to make him give up all his messy thoughts.

Ao Lang lowered his head after putting his thoughts away, and felt an inexplicable sadness in his heart. The strength shown by the Northland so far, even if several princes lead troops back to the capital, there is no chance to compete. Do you really want to…

“Tap, step, step…”

Here, the Northland Army did not care about the changes in the hearts of the left prime minister and Orang below.

After ten elite swordsmen landed and stood still, a large group of Northland Army soldiers followed the long ladder built from the building boat to the shore. Under the command of Quill, they also followed the queue of the Guards and joined them. Stand side by side.

The Northland Army, which had just won a great victory, had a completely different momentum when they stood there. They immediately overturned the display of the Guards. The people of the Guards looked at the Northland Army who suddenly crowded next to them. The soldiers didn’t dare to have any dissatisfaction, and they lost their momentum.

After the Northland Army on the building ship arrived at their station, Richard showed up with Messiah and a group of senior generals.

“Welcome to the King of the North!”

“Welcome to the King of the North!”


As Richard walked down, both the Imperial Guards and the soldiers from the Northland Army knelt down uniformly on both sides, kneeling on one knee in the direction of Richard and clasping their fists to show respect.

The Prime Minister Zuo was even more smiley and walked towards Richard.

“Lord Richard, Heili is here to await your arrival in compliance with His Majesty Ren’s will.”

After saying that, he bowed towards Richard.

The kingdom’s top dignitary could easily decide the life or death of the Hunter family with a stroke of his pen a few years ago, but now he had reduced his posture to dust in front of Richard.

Although Richard had given him a blow just now, he still gave him face at this time and took the initiative to help Zuo Xiang up.

“You don’t need to be so polite, Mr. Heilixi. This makes me a little embarrassed.”

“You are the hero of our clan, no one can be worthy of you.”

“His Majesty Ren originally planned to greet you in person, but he was overworked during this period and felt a little uncomfortable, so he asked me to do it for him.”

“His Majesty Ren is diligent in state affairs and admirable.”

Of course Richard doesn’t believe the left minister’s words. Renn is a master of the Grand Knight level. He is basically invulnerable to Chengdu. Not to mention overworking, with the energy of a Grand Knight, he just keeps doing it. Nothing will go wrong for three days and three nights.

It’s just that Richard won’t point it out. When Ren came, he was embarrassed because Ren was not only the king, but also Richard’s father-in-law.

Although Ren is an old man, Messiah is a simple and kind wife who makes Richard feel distressed.

“Lord Hairich, what’s wrong with my father’s health??”

Compared with Richard pretending to be confused, Messiah on the side really believed it. She held Richard’s hand a little heavier and asked the left minister nervously.

“Don’t worry, Your Majesty, Your Majesty is just a little tired, nothing serious.”

“That’s good.”

“The carriage has been prepared for the King and Princess of the North, and His Majesty Ren is waiting for you two at the palace.”

After exchanging a few more pleasantries and making some useless remarks, we finally got to the point.

Richard did not get in the car with Messiah immediately, but asked again:

“I entered the palace, what should I do with the soldiers of the Northern Army?”

“Enough camps have been prepared in Jinlong City, we just need to go directly into the city.”


Richard nodded, obviously satisfied with the kingdom’s arrangements. He could only say that he was worthy of Ren.

Then he took Messiah into the carriage and marched towards the Golden Dragon City not far away. Quil led some of his soldiers to chase behind the carriage and planned to enter the city together…

The royal carriage is much larger than ordinary carriages. In addition to the emblem of the Charman family tattooed on the outside, there are also some patterns decorated with gems and gold wire.

The craftsman relied on his superb skills to carve some hollow patterns on the purple-black carriage.

The purple-black car body is decorated with golden textures. This appearance makes people feel noble and elegant at first glance.

The space inside the carriage is larger than it looks from the outside. Several people can lie directly on the velvet cushions without feeling crowded. After Richard and Messiah got in the car, they even felt a little empty.

A special ointment has been lit in the aromatherapy furnace in the middle. As soon as you enter the carriage, you can smell a faint aroma, which makes people feel extremely comfortable.

This kind of special aromatherapy ointment is not only scarce in materials, but also requires extremely high production technology. It is almost smokeless after being lit, and only smells fragrance. It has the effect of calming the mind and sleeping. It is only available in the royal family and a few companies in the kingdom. The top nobles can afford it.

Although Richard’s status has improved, such luxury enjoyment is still rare.

First, Richard himself did not pursue extravagant and sensual enjoyment, and most of the income in the North was invested in strengthening the army and construction.

Secondly, the Hunter family was originally a rural aristocracy in the North. They rose too quickly under Richard’s hands and lacked the so-called aristocratic background. Their enjoyment of this kind of thing is still limited to eating meat and drinking wine. , at most wear some gorgeous clothes, and haven’t learned more advanced enjoyment yet.

The cart was pulled by six pure black horses from the West. Their hair was as smooth as if it had been smeared with oil. It was obvious that they had been well taken care of.

Generally speaking, only Ren was eligible to ride in a six-passenger carriage. Richard’s ride in a six-passenger carriage was a little overstepped in terms of rituals.

However, no ignorant person dared to question Richard’s qualifications to ride in a six-carriage carriage.

The carriage moved steadily towards the royal capital. Quill led a large group of Northland Army soldiers and completely squeezed out the guards who were originally guarding the carriage. The carriage representing the royal family was surrounded by people wearing blue and white armor. The elite of the North.

Although Richard’s strength does not require any protection, the Northern Army still strictly enforces the guard formation, with sword players in the outer circle, spearmen and crossbowmen in the inner circle, and several knight-level soldiers. The officer walked close to the carriage.

If there is an attack, the Northland Army soldiers marching with the carriage can immediately form a circular formation to protect the carriage.

Although their appearance is not as flashy as the original Guards, their actual effect is far stronger than that of the Guards.

Gru and other heroes who came with the ship followed the carriage on red flame horses. The Zuo Prime Minister and Orang who were responsible for welcoming them were squeezed out of the Northland Army’s defense circle along with the Guards.

The most outrageous thing is that as the commander of the legion, Quill walked around the carriage twice after Richard got on the carriage. Finally, he stepped forward and pushed away the driver, and replaced him with a great knight from the North. Driving for Richard made it clear that he only trusted his own people in Beidi.

This scene made Ao Lang want to have a fit, but as soon as he stepped forward, he was glanced at by Richard through the curtain of the carriage. He instantly lost all courage and was dragged back by the left prime minister.

The carriage was walking in the middle. The Northern Army was close to the carriage to protect it. The Prime Minister Zuo and others who were responsible for welcoming them walked with the Imperial Guards on the outermost edge. After walking for a long time, the team of tens of thousands of people finally arrived. At the east gate of Jinlongdu.


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