Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 65: Bander’s house


“Master, there is an ogre tribe that looted Lujiao Village and showed no signs of leaving. It seems that they are going to stay.”

In Bundaberg, Baron Band was rubbing his temples and listening to the news that gave him a headache.

I thought that this group of ogres had done enough harm to the village that they should leave, even if they lost some villagers,

The harvest will be smaller next year and some poor people will starve to death. As long as we survive for two years, we will be able to recover.

The Golden Dragon Kingdom is densely populated, but there is really no shortage of those few villagers. Every year, refugees who cannot live in the mainland come to reclaim wasteland for the lords of the North. Anyway, there is no shortage of people.

But the ogre’s attitude was not like he was going to grab a wave and leave. Not only did he not leave, he also planned to stay.

This is serious. This is a land grab for the permanent residents. It cannot be dealt with by paying some property and the lives of untouchables.

No wonder Baron Bender has a headache.

“How long will there be enough food in the castle?”

Bander rubbed his head and asked in a deep voice

“If we no longer accept refugees, there will be enough food in the castle for more than a year.”

Finally, it’s good news. Counting the Bender family members, soldiers, attendants, and some villagers who escaped with their lives from the ogres, there are nearly 500 people in Bundaberg.

The materials in the castle are quite abundant, so we can finally survive for a while.

The Bander family’s castle is located on the plains to the west of Northland. The Bander family only has a baronetcy and a small fiefdom.

There are only a few villages in the territory, but the advantage is that the location is good, the land is fertile and the crops are good, because the terrain is flat,

The public security situation is relatively good, and many caravans will also pass through the Bande family’s territory, which also brings considerable income to the Bande family every year.

Sufficient income also enabled the Bender family to support several quasi-knights and hundreds of professional warriors,

The most important thing is that the Bande family has two powerful knights in this generation. The current head of the family, Baron Bande, and his two brothers have both successfully been promoted to knights.

This strength is stronger than most viscountries, and the Bande family is the dominant one among the nearby lords.

However, at this time, the Bender family was trapped in the castle by the ogres and did not dare to go out.

In other words, the nobles in the entire fifth war zone have fallen into this embarrassing situation,

The main force of several large ogre tribes is still concentrated near Helburg, but many small tribes have already rushed in like locusts. Although these tribes are small,

But at least there is one ogre warrior with three to five hundred ogres, less than half of whom are young ogre warriors and nearly two hundred quasi-knights,

Although the rest are old, weak, women and children, they are not weaker than ordinary human warriors.

Although there are two knights in the Bender family, the Bender family does not have any advanced breathing and air-entraining techniques. The combat effectiveness of the two knights in the Bender family is at the middle to lower level in the knight class.

Two of them together may not be able to beat an Ogre Warrior, not to mention that the power gap is even greater at the quasi-knight level.

They did not dare to leave the castle to fight the ogres, and could only watch the ogres plundering the village.

That is to say, ogres are not good at attacking cities, otherwise it would be unclear whether the Bender family would survive.

The situation of several lords around the fifth war zone will only be worse than that of the Bender family,

After all, not everyone is as capable of raising troops as Richard. If they dare to leave the castle and take the initiative to fight, Richard may only be able to catch up with him when he comes over.

“Has any news returned from the envoys we sent out?”

“Lord Baron, the messenger has only been out for less than two days.”

“I’m impatient.”

The emissaries sent in several directions have been out for less than two days. Generally speaking, it is naturally impossible for any news to be delivered so quickly.

“Strengthen your guard and go back to your positions. I’ll go take a look at the city wall.”

Baron Bender quickly ended the discussion, because now there is nothing much for the Bender family to do except wait for news from the messenger asking for help.


On the other side, after half a night of fighting, Richard ordered the troops to rest in the village.

Baron Bender did not know that the ogres in Antler Village that gave him a headache had been completely eliminated by Richard. They were completely eliminated in the true sense, and not one of them escaped.

After annihilating the ogres, Richard and others also rescued dozens of terrified villagers from a large cellar,

The reason why they are still alive is that this ogre tribe used them as spare rations to stay,

These extremely frightened villagers just want to seek a sense of security by following Richard and others. Richard and others tried to persuade them for a long time but could not persuade them to leave, so they could only use the threat of force to drive them away.

But Richard also pointed out a way out for them – to go in the direction of Hunter Territory. Anyway, Hunter Territory is large enough and there are not too many people.

“Ron, did you find the flaw?”


Richard and Ron were sitting in a large house in the center of the village, eating and talking. The bluestone-structured house had a high ceiling.

The original owner of the house should have been a prominent figure in the village. At this time, it is unknown whether he died in the ogre attack or escaped.

Because the house was so grand, the ogre who occupied the house before did not even make too many modifications and settled here directly.

Although Richard can endure hardship, he will never wrong himself if he has the conditions.

At this time, I naturally lived in the most comfortable house here if I had the conditions. I searched for some ingredients and made some meals to satisfy my appetite.

“They are too arrogant,

They are scattered everywhere. If the lords of the fifth war zone can gather together, they have a great chance of defeating these ogres one by one. ”

There are only four ogre tribes that have entered the fifth battle area, and they are scattered like a big pie, making it easy to plunder.

If the lords of the fifth theater can gather together, they can finally form a coalition of six or seven knights, fifty or sixty quasi-knights, and more than five hundred professional warriors.

Although this kind of power is not as good as Richard’s, if he faces any small ogre tribe alone, he is absolutely sure to win.

Although the principle is simple, it is extremely difficult to implement.

After all, for a small aristocratic family, any knight is like a needle in the sea. No one dares to send out knights to make their castle empty. They cannot afford to take this risk and can only hope for external assistance.

“We can rely on the gryphon’s reconnaissance to track the locations of several other ogre tribes and eliminate them all.”

Ron knew about the griffin’s reconnaissance capabilities. Relying on the griffin’s reconnaissance, they were like having a God’s perspective when facing the ogres who had no aerial capabilities.

“No, let’s go to Bundaberg first.”

“When we work, we have to collect the money first, right?”

Richard winked at Ron, looking very much like a profiteer.

It’s no wonder that Richard is so obsessed with money at this time. The Hunter family has taken a lot of steps recently. The Flying Bear Army is expanding at a very fast rate. The army is really a gold-eating beast.

The Hunter family, which has never been short of money, is also experiencing financial difficulties at this time and is in urgent need of some windfall to make up for it.

“Gather the troops and get ready to go.”




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