Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 648: “Solution”


Although the changes came quickly, and both Mi Xiu and Hussein had not yet come out of the desolate atmosphere just now, their movements were not slow.

Who knows if the church has made any other arrangements here.



Almost as soon as the red light disappeared, Mi Xiu appeared in front of Sang Lin.

The huge gap between the holy level and the earth level gave Sang Lin no chance to react. The scepter in Mi Xiu’s hand hit Sang Lin firmly on the chest.

Mi Xiu’s move was not as simple as making Sang Lin’s breastplate dent. The piece in contact with the scepter exploded like a cannonball. The thick armor on Sang Lin’s chest disintegrated directly into pieces, and his ribs They were all broken, and more than half of the chest was dented.

This blow caused Sang Lin to lose all ability to move. A mouthful of blood spurted out all the internal organ fragments, with an expression of extreme pain on his face.

The vitality of earth-level masters is also tenacious enough. An ordinary person would have died long ago from an injury of this degree, but Sang Lin could still kneel on the ground in a deformed posture, then raised his head and stared at Mi Xiu.

“Impossible, I am obviously the Son of God, why didn’t the Lord of the Rising Sun respond to my prayer!”



Sang Lin looked at Mi Xiu with a look of horror on his face, as if he wanted to say something else, but Mi Xiu didn’t hesitate at all. With a smash of the scepter, Sang Lin’s head exploded like an inflated watermelon.

The walls on all sides were painted with red and white paint, but there was nothing on Mi Xiu’s body in front of Sang Lin.

Although the scepter used by Mi Xiu is a heavy weapon, his control of power is very delicate. If he insists on classifying this kind of control into a realm, it should be called Ruwei.

Sang Lin’s headless body fell limply to the ground, with blood flowing out. This time, he really couldn’t move at all.

“Son of God!”

“Has the Lord of the Rising Sun abandoned us?”

The scene of Sanlin being killed finally moved the group of expressionless priests around him. These fanatical priests had a firm belief in the Lord of the Rising Sun.

They also have great expectations for the coming of the Lord of the Rising Sun. What makes them unable to accept the death of Sang Lin in front of them is not the **** scene. Most of these people have experienced fighting, and they have also seen more **** scenes. Passed.

What made them panic was that as the son of God, the vessel that bore the coming of the Lord of the Rising Sun had his head smashed into pieces by Sang Lin. This was a collapse of faith.


After Mixiu killed Sang Lin, he did not continue to take action, but stood there in a daze.

But Hussein was not idle, and he killed the crying priests.

These guys are also part of this trap, and they should be the only remaining masters of the church in the south. If we kill them, we won’t be afraid that after Pare leads his army north, the church will cause trouble in the south again.




In addition to Sang Lin, there were five other priests present. They stood in the shape of a five-pointed star and used the power of the magic circle to block Hussein’s attack.

Now that the magic circle disappeared, these people were immediately attacked by Hussein.

Hussein’s movements were actually just a beat slower than Mixiu’s. When Mixiu smashed Sang Lin’s head, the long sword in Hussein’s hand also penetrated a priest.

The other two priests belatedly picked up their weapons and tried to resist, but were kicked to the wall by Hussein’s side kick. The other one was seriously injured by a fighting spirit slash.

In a blink of an eye, only two of the five priests were left.

In fact, the five priests in the tower are not weak hands. The church has been operating in the south for many years and there are many masters. It is difficult to find masters on the earth level, but the great knight can still pull out many.

Many talented masters at the peak of the Great Knight also seized the opportunity after the recovery of magic power and successfully broke through to the earth level.

After Misu left the church, the Rising Sun Cult also added several earth-level masters.

Among the five people present, there are three great knights and two earth-level masters. In a normal battle, although the five people will not be Hussein’s opponents, they will not collapse so quickly.

But Sanlin’s death had such a huge impact on them that they were not ready to fight the first time Hussein took action.

“Kill out!”

“Fight him!”

A few bursts of blood still woke up the remaining two priests, and they held weapons and attacked Hussein at the same time.



“Humph, without the magic circle, is this all you can do?”

“Sure enough, the current church is just a bunch of rubbish.”


An earth-level priest and a great knight only managed two or three moves in front of Hussein before one of them died and the other was injured.

The priest of the rank of knight was cut off by Hussein the moment the long sword was handed over to him, and he was killed with one strike.

The priest on the earth level took a step away but was still unable to escape. The Achilles tendon in his foot was cut off. He was half-kneeling and cursed angrily at Hussein.

“Those who break faith cannot escape the punishment of the Lord of the Rising Sun!”

“Take care of yourself first!”



Before Misiu left, Hussein was firmly in the second combat position in the church. In terms of combat experience and cultivation level, Hussein was steadily crushing them.

The priest who was half kneeling on the ground suddenly stood up and tried to attack Hussein, but his neck was wiped off with a sword. The action seemed like he had hit Hussein’s sword himself. In the end, His neck was stuck on the sword, and his eyes were wide open as he stared at Hussein who refused to fall and was kicked to the ground.

It has only been more than ten breaths since the effect of the magic circle disappeared. Only Misu and Hussein were left standing in the entire tower.

“Your Holiness? Are you okay?”

Although Hussein was fighting just now, he also noticed that something was wrong with Mixiu’s state. After dealing with several priests, he immediately came over to ask.

“It’s okay.”

However, Mi Xiu had recovered from the previous state and waved his hand to show that he was fine.

“His Holiness the Pope!”

“Captain Hussein!”

At this moment, there was a burst of rapid footsteps, and an officer of the Knights rushed up with more than a dozen elites. They saw Mishu and Hussein standing on the tower and the corpses on the ground. , relaxed a little.

The worst didn’t happen.

Sure enough, it is unnecessary to worry about the safety of powerful men like Master Mixiu and Master Hussein.

“Clean up this place.”

“The person just now should be Count Vals. Identify the body. The evidence of collusion between the Vals family and the church is conclusive. Their castle and land should be confiscated.”

“The captured soldiers will be screened later. If they have nothing to do with the church, their weapons and equipment will be confiscated and released.”

“Yes, sir!”

Seeing these soldiers coming up, Mi Xiu gave some instructions

These soldiers who have just come up are responsible for the task of cleaning up the tower and handling the aftermath.

“Let the team rest for half a day, return to Posey City after dinner, and notify the surrounding garrison to take over Valsburg.”

“Yes, sir!”

The “Son of God” incident in Valsburg was successfully resolved, but it was inexplicably anticlimactic, and nothing seemed to happen after the dazzling red light.

The last high-end power of the church in the south was wiped out in Valsburg, and Parley no longer had any worries when he led his army north.

After making some arrangements for the follow-up treatment of Valsburg, Misho took Hussein and the members of the Knights to Posey City to join Parley’s northward army…

With such important combat forces as Mishu and Hussein, it is certainly impossible for Parley to let them idle in the south…


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