Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 645: South



Posey City

Compared with the fierce fighting on the central plains, the south has always been in a state of turbulent undercurrents.

The main target of the orcs has always been the central plains. However, the south has not encountered any military disasters for the time being. The trolls and sea tribes that were slightly threatening have been dealt with for a round, and they are now very honest.

While the war is raging in the north, the south seems a little peaceful. Even because some nobles from the north fled to the south, bringing a lot of wealth and a lot of people. In the past few months, Poxi City, which relies on the main basin of the Jinlong River, has turned out to be abnormal. of prosperity.

Businessmen from all over the country gathered here, and there were more vendors pushing small carts selling gadgets. There was also a shortage of coolies carrying bags on the dock, and the wages increased by several coppers.

Once people have money, they always have to consume. When there are more people with money, consumption will naturally prosper. The business of roadside stalls and higher-end restaurants has improved a lot, and even those The pink curtains in the attic have been kept tightly closed recently and the window has not been opened a few times.

The busiest business is the tavern in Percy City. Because of the agreement with the Dwarf Alliance, the first batch of more than 50,000 dwarf heavy infantry entered Percy City.

Although the dwarf has a hot temper, his character is not cruel. As long as no one provokes him, he is still easy to talk to. You can make a superficial friend by buying him a drink. These dwarves have pretty good military discipline in Percy City.

The only problem is that these dwarves can’t help but drink no matter what they do. Fifty thousand dwarves can be worth one or two hundred thousand drunkards. With their presence, the taverns in the city are full almost every day. These dwarves can They still had money to drink, and the price of wine in Posey City was several times higher than what they drank.

Anyway, all walks of life are making money. On the surface, the South is even more prosperous than before the war started.

But the crisis under the prosperity has never been resolved, not to mention that the church’s forces buried in the south are only temporarily dormant due to Pare’s thunderous methods. As long as the orcs go south, they can immediately expose this somewhat illusory prosperity.

City Lord’s Mansion

There were several neatly dressed and capable people sitting in the conference hall, discussing matters.

The two officers wore simple and practical military uniforms, and some other civil servants also wore robes with simple colors. These are the main officials in Posey City. In the past, the nobles in the south were fond of extravagance, and almost everyone coming and going in the city lord’s palace The embroidered robes are colorfully decorated with gold threads and precious stones. Most of the weight of a piece of clothing is in the decorations.

After Parley secured his position as the actual ruler of Posi City and established a certain authority in the southern provinces, he quickly replaced most of Posi City’s officials and replaced them with his own team, and some of them continued to serve. Following Pare’s simple and capable style.

“Sir Parley, the price of food in Posi has increased by more than 50% in the past few days. Although the people can temporarily bear it, if it continues to rise, trouble may occur.”

“What’s going on? Did you just put a batch of old grain in the granary on the market a few days ago? Why did the price rise so much?”

Although the main grain-producing area of ​​the kingdom is in the Central Plains, the climate in the south is also more suitable for growing grain, and there has always been no shortage of grain in the south.

Most of the noble families still have the habit of hoarding grain for two or three years. Parley recently purged families related to the church and confiscated a lot of grain.

In order to stabilize food prices, the city lord’s palace sold off a large amount of old grains. This prevented the food prices in the south from rising sharply due to the war in the north. The sudden increase of 50% in recent days seems a bit abnormal.

“Lord Paley, the price of wine in Posy City has risen sharply recently, and a lot of grain has been purchased to make wine.”

“The price of wine has risen so much? Is it because of those dwarves?”

“Well, those dwarves are not short of money. They drink a lot of wine every day. When the price of wine rises, the price of food also rises.”

“I remember that the dwarves have a regular supply of wine every week.”

It has been less than a week since the dwarves arrived in the city. During this time, Parley was still busy suppressing those nobles who had colluded with the church and who he felt were “colluding” with the church. He did not pay attention to the dwarves’ affairs for a while. Unexpectedly, It took just a few days to have such a big impact.

“Sir, the dwarves drank the wine in two days. The dwarves spent the rest of the day drinking in the city. They almost bought up all the wine in the tavern.”

Pare touched his forehead with a headache. There was nothing wrong with these dwarves, except for being addicted to alcohol.

If the people under his command dared to drink like this, countless heads would have been cut off and hung up. But he could not deal with the dwarves like this. No one could stop the dwarves from drinking, not even the dwarf patriarch.

Pare could discuss everything with the dwarf, but he knew he couldn’t discuss the matter of drinking, so he could only go along with it.

“Purchase some more wine from the North, mix the strong wine from the North with some water, and send it to the dwarves. Even if they are drunk, they must be fed to me.”

“In addition, check for me who is behind the increase in food prices.”

“Yes, sir!”

Although Pare was a little confused at first, after all, he is the old Yin Coin who inherited the fine blood of the Charman family. After a little thought, he was sure that the rapid increase in food prices was not entirely caused by the dwarves drinking. Someone Then use this reason to make a fortune.

“After finding out which companies are driving up food prices, Your Excellency Mi Xiu will lead someone to warn them and ask them to restrain themselves.”


As the number one expert under Pare, Mi Xiu is naturally qualified to participate in such meetings. However, Mi Xiu usually rarely speaks and just follows Pa Lei’s arrangements.

The reason why Mi Xiu was sent to warn is also very simple. Mi Xiu has recently been the main force in cleaning up and suppressing the church forces in the south. In addition, Parley suppressed dissidents and forcibly colluded with the church’s families. Mi Xiu led others to exterminate the family. The number of nobles could not be counted on both hands.

Mixiu was considered a fierce figure among the southern nobles at this time, so it was perfect for him to warn these people. Just showing his face could make some people’s legs tremble.

“However, I have to wait until I finish handling some things at hand, which will be fine in two days.”

“Oh? What did General Mi Xiu discover again?”

What Mi Xiu did most in Pare was to suppress the church and clean up the nobles related to the Rising Sun Religion. As the former pope of the Rising Sun Religion, this was his professional counterpart.

At this time, I heard that Mi Xiu said that he still had to deal with things, most of which were related to the church.

“I discovered something interesting while dealing with the Vals family. The Rising Sun Cult seems to have discovered a son of God.”

“Oh? Son of God?”

“It’s just some lies.”

Mi Xiu shook his head, as if he didn’t take the other party too seriously.

As a former pope, Mi Xiu is very familiar with the affairs of the church. The so-called coming of the Son of God is just a trick used by the church to deceive people.

“How much military assistance does General Mixiu need? If necessary, Percy’s city guards can be mobilized directly!”

“No need. If there is too much noise, it will alert others. I can handle it myself.”


Seeing that Mi Xiu was so confident, Pa Lei nodded and said nothing more.

With Mixiu’s strength, Hussein and some elite knights who defected together, they can handle almost all the problems in Posy City. If they can’t handle it, there is actually not much point in transferring the city guards.

“Is there any latest news about the north?”

“It’s still the same, Clay City has been besieged by orcs, but the orcs probably haven’t conquered Clay City yet.”

“My eldest brother is really good at training and commanding troops. If I have to meet my eldest brother in battle one day, I don’t know if I can survive.”

“I am willing to fight to the death for His Highness Parley.”

Parley’s speech was somewhat unobtrusive, and most of the people present were confidants. When they heard that Parley said that he wanted to meet the eldest prince in battle, not only were they not panic-stricken, but they all looked happy. What they fear is that Pare himself is unwilling to fight.

Although almost all of the earliest regular regiments affiliated with the kingdom in the south were transferred to the north, with the financial resources and population of the south and Parley’s methods, an army of nearly 300,000 was also raised at this time. Although the number of troops was less than There was less than before, but this was an army that Pare could fully control, plus the dwarf allies.

From the perspective of Pare’s subordinates, they have to compete with the eldest prince no matter what.

Pale pressed his hand, signaling to his subordinates to be calm.

“Fighting with eldest brother is something that will happen in the future. The most important thing is to deal with the orcs first.”

“Where are the troops now??”

“The Sixth Army and the Seventh Army have arrived near Poxi City. The Ninth Army and the Eleventh Army were a little further away from Poxi City in order to guard against the Sea Clan. It will take a few days for the Twelfth Army to arrive. The rebellion started by the Us family and the Rising Sun Cult just a few days ago is still resting.”

“Well, there can’t be any problems with the logistics supply. After all the legions arrive, the army will camp outside Posi City and rest for a few days before heading north.”

Pare is running the south and has no intention of watching the fire from the other side. Waiting for the orcs to break through the Golden Dragon City and sweep the north, it is absolutely difficult for him to settle down. Pare is not so short-sighted. After the dwarf reinforcements arrived, he began to mobilize forces. Ready to go north to help fight.

“Sir! The latest military information!”


While several people were still discussing the military situation, a soldier wearing light armor hurriedly ran in, holding a red-sealed letter in his hand.

Parley took the letter and read it for a few seconds, his pupils dilated, and he read it again carefully, fearing that he had read it wrong. His expression became as wonderful as that of the eldest prince at that time, and his whole demeanor changed so much that the person on the table Several other people also became quite curious and wanted to know what could cause Pare to change his expression so exaggeratedly.

Pare didn’t give in. After digesting it for a few seconds, he calmed down and said:

“Everyone, I’m afraid we haven’t given the troops any rest.”

“The latest military report shows that the Northern Army going south clashed with the Orc army, winning two battles. In the second battle, the main force of the Orcs was completely annihilated, and the Orc commander was beheaded. As a result, the city of Clais was relieved of its siege.”


“How is that possible!”

They never expected that the war in the north would change so quickly. There were no fools present, and some of them were knowledgeable soldiers. They knew very well how difficult the orcs were to deal with. The elites at Longxingguan faced them in the field. It is difficult for the orc army to win, let alone a battle of annihilation.

In an annihilation battle, at least the opponent’s general must be killed or captured, and more than half of the opponent’s strength can be said to be annihilated.

Since Aragorn, the human army has not had such a great victory against the orcs.

“Your Highness, is the information accurate?”

Normally speaking, there cannot be any errors in the intelligence regarding the outcome of such a large-scale decisive battle, but it is so incredible that some people still can’t help but want to confirm whether the intelligence is accurate.

“I will send someone to verify again, but there should be no problem with the information.”

“The King of the North is truly a hero.”

“Get ready immediately and urge the army to move north as soon as possible. If you wait a little longer, we really won’t even be able to drink soup!”

“Yes, sir!”

There was no time left for them to continue to marvel. Among the people present, except for Misu who didn’t care much, everyone else knew the urgency of the matter. If Pare continued to stay in the south, the throne might really have nothing to do with him. .


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