Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 643: New products and effects


(Please wait and see, it’s a bit repetitive, I will revise it after writing)

“Treasure category: God-given body

If the hero equipped with God-given Hip at the end of the weekend belongs to a certain town, the level 4 unit output of that town will be +3

Introduction: A magical treasure. If you collect five pieces, you can get a divine weapon and a divine weapon.

Price: 12,000 gold.

Pharmacies: Knight Stigma Potion X1

Effect: It can increase the probability of the top Sky Knights entering the Holy Level.

Introduction: This is another pinnacle work of the alchemist masters. The holy order is the power of the strong no matter in any time and space. It is truly free from the existence of ants. The alchemist masters are struggling for countless people under the holy order. A new door has opened.

Price: 50,000 Jinnar

Type of soldier: Behemoth X3

Introduction: Behemoth is one of the most powerful creatures on land, and can even be removed to some extent. The powerful Behemoth is ferocious and aggressive, and despises all creatures on land. It has sharp front claws. Being able to easily tear apart dragon scales, even a giant dragon must be cautious when facing Behemoth. If Behemoth gets close to him, the giant dragon will not be able to resist.

Price: 12,000 gold.

Resource type: super resource package

Price: 5000 Jinnar…”

The market was brightly lit at night, and Grandet was still waiting beside Richard, looking fawning.

It seemed like he never needed to sleep. No matter when Richard came, he would always be well-dressed and waiting. Earning Richard’s two dollars was considered hard-earned money.

After Richard walked into the market, he did not exchange a few words with Grandet, and went straight to the point and started checking out the new treasures.

Unsurprisingly, the God-given series appeared in the treasure category. God-given bodies can increase the production of fourth-level soldiers of a force.

The production increase of 3 per week can double the production of fourth-level soldiers in a certain system city. Richard had a slight difficulty in deciding who should own the God-given body.

The Crusaders of the Castle, coupled with Catherine’s specialty bonus, can be regarded as half of the fourth-level soldiers. They can resist and fight on the battlefield. Their swordsmanship is superb and their coordination is exquisite. Fighting knights and warriors of the same level is like playing. , can fight one or two against great warriors, and the effect is immediate every time he enters the battlefield.

And the Crusaders also have the opportunity to advance to the Scarlet Crusaders on the battlefield. Once advanced to the Blood color, they can directly enter the ranks of the ceiling of fifth-level soldiers. Two or three Scarlet Crusaders can even fight against the combat power of an earth-level soldier.

But the tower’s fourth-level soldier archmage is also very popular. Under the influence of the energy tower, the tower’s archmage can be directly upgraded to a magic mage, which is comparable to the existence of sixth-level soldiers.

After a little hesitation, the magic mage was still better.

You won’t have to worry about it in a few months. There are still two pieces left in the God-given suit, and it should be completed soon.

The new potion is exactly the same as last month. It is another bottle of stigma potion. It is very good, but it is estimated that you have to save a few pots before using it. Most of the local talents under Richard are still in the field. The knights and the earth level are spinning around, and currently the one who has the most hope of breaking through the sky level is Richard’s father, Viscount Sauter.

The new troops that appeared this time are somewhat interesting. Richard didn’t use the barbarian force much when he played the game, but he was deeply impressed by the Behemoth. This thing has thick skin and strong attacks, and can be easily torn apart by hand. It’s hard not to remember the giant dragon, but I just don’t know what it looks like in reality.

After reading the new product list, Richard had no hesitation. Although tens of thousands of gold was not a small amount, it was nothing to Richard now. With one thought, he listed the products Purchase.

The simple God-given body and the small golden medicine bottle appeared on the cabinet.

Richard collected the potions and treasures that appeared on the counter and walked towards the market gate.

“Sir Richard, walk slowly, you are always welcome to visit next time.”

“Behemoth, this is much more powerful than a tank.”

Although it was dark, it did not prevent Richard from clearly seeing the three Behemoths outside the market. The height of the three Behemoths was more than ten meters, almost as high as the outer wall of the Stone Fortress. Even. The body is still very large, with a strong body, thick limbs, and muscle edges that look harder than granite.

Clyse City

The midday sun shines on the mottled city wall, which is full of pits and gray shadows burned by the raging fire.

There are many dark red marks on the slope, and there are even streaks of blood flowing out along the gaps in the city wall.

The warriors of both humans and orcs were still fighting at the city wall under the scorching sun. Dozens of ladders and wells were leaning against the city wall. A steady stream of orcs rushed up to the city wall to fight with the defenders.

“Divine Crossbow!”

“Let it go!”

“Buzz, buzz, buzz…”

The mighty crossbow on the arrow tower made a low sound again, and dozens of giant arrows were fired at the orcs who were still pushing the ladder closer to the city wall.



A dozen orc warriors fell under the arrows, but it did not cause any ripples to the attacking troops. More and more orc warriors approached the city wall and struggled against the stones smashed down from the city and the arrows shot from the city. Climb.

“Fire oil!”

“Fire oil!”

“Burn the well!”

The biggest threat to the city wall is not the dense long ladders. Although there are many long ladders, they can be destroyed by a splash of oil and a fire.

The orcs suffered great losses when climbing up the long ladder. Many orc warriors in heavy armor were smashed down by stones and wooden bars on the city wall when they climbed to seven or eight meters. Orc soldiers fell to the ground from this height without dying. He was also half disabled, not to mention having a basin of golden juice poured over his head.

But attacking from the wells is different. The wells are protected and they can rush directly to the city wall from the channels built by the wells. However, just a few wells pose a huge threat to the defenders.



An orc warrior jumped three or four meters from the well fence

There are more and more orcs on the city wall. Although the human soldiers fight bravely, they are still unable to withstand the continuous stream of orcs rushing up. Clay City seems to be in danger.

“Reinforcements are coming! Reinforcements are coming!”

“It’s His Royal Highness the Great Prince!”


“Treasure category: God-given body

If the hero equipped with God-given Hip at the end of the weekend belongs to a certain town, the level 4 unit output of that town will be +3

Introduction: A magical treasure. If you collect five pieces, you can get a divine weapon and a divine weapon.

Price: 12,000 gold.

Pharmacies: Knight Stigma Potion X1

Effect: It can increase the probability of the top Sky Knights entering the Holy Level.

Introduction: This is another pinnacle work of the alchemist masters. The holy order is the power of the strong no matter in any time and space. It is truly free from the existence of ants. The alchemist masters are struggling for countless people under the holy order. A new door has opened.

Price: 50,000 Jinnar

Type of soldier: Behemoth X3

Introduction: Behemoth is one of the most powerful creatures on land, and can even be removed to some extent. The powerful Behemoth is ferocious and aggressive, and despises all creatures on land. It has sharp front claws. Being able to easily tear apart dragon scales, even a giant dragon must be cautious when facing Behemoth. If Behemoth gets close to him, the giant dragon will not be able to resist.

Price: 12,000 gold.

Resource type: super resource package

Price: 5000 Jinnar…”

The market was brightly lit at night, and Grandet was still waiting beside Richard, looking fawning.

It seemed like he never needed to sleep. No matter when Richard came, he would always be well-dressed and waiting. Earning Richard’s two dollars was considered hard-earned money.

After Richard walked into the market, he did not exchange a few words with Grandet, and went straight to the point and started checking out the new treasures.

Unsurprisingly, the God-given series appeared in the treasure category. God-given bodies can increase the production of fourth-level soldiers of a force.

The production increase of 3 per week can double the production of fourth-level soldiers in a certain system city. Richard had a slight difficulty in deciding who should own the God-given body.

The Crusaders of the Castle, coupled with Catherine’s specialty bonus, can be regarded as half of the fourth-level soldiers. They can resist and fight on the battlefield. Their swordsmanship is superb and their coordination is exquisite. Fighting knights and warriors of the same level is like playing. , can fight one or two against great warriors, and the effect is immediate every time he enters the battlefield.

And the Crusaders also have the opportunity to advance to the Scarlet Crusaders on the battlefield. Once advanced to the Blood color, they can directly enter the ranks of the ceiling of fifth-level soldiers. Two or three Scarlet Crusaders can even fight against the combat power of an earth-level soldier.

But the tower’s fourth-level soldier archmage is also very popular. Under the influence of the energy tower, the tower’s archmage can be directly upgraded to a magic mage, which is comparable to the existence of sixth-level soldiers.

After a little hesitation, the magic mage was still better.

You won’t have to worry about it in a few months. There are still two pieces left in the God-given suit, and it should be completed soon.

The new potion is exactly the same as last month. It is another bottle of stigma potion. It is very good, but it is estimated that you have to save a few pots before using it. Most of the local talents under Richard are still in the field. The knights and the earth level are spinning around, and currently the one who has the most hope of breaking through the sky level is Richard’s father, Viscount Sauter.

The new troops that appeared this time are somewhat interesting. Richard didn’t use the barbarian force much when he played the game, but he was deeply impressed by the Behemoth. This thing has thick skin and strong attacks, and can be easily torn apart by hand. It’s hard not to remember the giant dragon, but I just don’t know what it looks like in reality.

After reading the new product list, Richard had no hesitation. Although tens of thousands of gold was not a small amount, it was nothing to Richard now. With one thought, he listed the products Purchase.

The simple God-given body and the small golden medicine bottle appeared on the cabinet.

Richard collected the potions and treasures that appeared on the counter and walked towards the market gate.

“Sir Richard, walk slowly, you are always welcome to visit next time.”

“Behemoth, this is much more powerful than a tank.”

Although it was dark, it did not prevent Richard from clearly seeing the three Behemoths outside the market. The height of the three Behemoths was more than ten meters, almost as high as the outer wall of the Stone Fortress. Even. The body is still very large, with a strong body, thick limbs, and muscle edges that look harder than granite.

Clyse City

The midday sun shines on the mottled city wall, which is full of pits and gray shadows burned by the raging fire.

There are many dark red marks on the slope, and there are even streaks of blood flowing out along the gaps in the city wall.

The warriors of both humans and orcs were still fighting at the city wall under the scorching sun. Dozens of ladders and wells were leaning against the city wall. A steady stream of orcs rushed up to the city wall to fight with the defenders.

“Divine Crossbow!”

“Let it go!”

“Buzz, buzz, buzz…”

The mighty crossbow on the arrow tower made a low sound again, and dozens of giant arrows were fired at the orcs who were still pushing the ladder closer to the city wall.



A dozen orc warriors fell under the arrows, but it did not cause any ripples to the attacking troops. More and more orc warriors approached the city wall and struggled against the stones smashed down from the city and the arrows shot from the city. Climb.

“Fire oil!”

“Fire oil!”

“Burn the well!”

The biggest threat to the city wall is not the dense long ladders. Although there are many long ladders, they can be destroyed by a splash of oil and a fire.

The orcs suffered great losses when climbing up the long ladder. Many orc warriors in heavy armor were smashed down by stones and wooden bars on the city wall when they climbed to seven or eight meters. Orc soldiers fell to the ground from this height without dying. He was also half disabled, not to mention having a basin of golden juice poured over his head.

But attacking from the wells is different. The wells are protected and they can rush directly to the city wall from the channels built by the wells. However, just a few wells pose a huge threat to the defenders.



An orc warrior jumped three or four meters from the well fence

There are more and more orcs on the city wall. Although the human soldiers fight bravely, they are still unable to withstand the continuous stream of orcs rushing up. Clay City seems to be in danger.

“Reinforcements are coming! Reinforcements are coming!”

“It’s His Royal Highness the Great Prince!”


“Behemoth, this is much more powerful than a tank.”

Although it was dark, it did not prevent Richard from clearly seeing the three Behemoths outside the market. The height of the three Behemoths was more than ten meters, almost as high as the outer wall of the Stone Fortress. Even. The body is still very large, with a strong body, thick limbs, and muscle edges that look harder than granite.

Clyse City

The midday sun shines on the mottled city wall, which is full of pits and gray shadows burned by the raging fire.

There are many dark red marks on the slope, and there are even streaks of blood flowing out along the gaps in the city wall.

The warriors of both humans and orcs were still fighting at the city wall under the scorching sun. Dozens of ladders and wells were leaning against the city wall. A steady stream of orcs rushed up to the city wall to fight with the defenders.

“Divine Crossbow!”

“Let it go!”

“Buzz, buzz, buzz…”

The mighty crossbow on the arrow tower made a low sound again, and dozens of giant arrows were fired at the orcs who were still pushing the ladder closer to the city wall.



A dozen orc warriors fell under the arrows, but it did not cause any ripples to the attacking troops. More and more orc warriors approached the city wall and struggled against the stones smashed down from the city and the arrows shot from the city. Climb.

“Fire oil!”

“Fire oil!”

“Burn the well!”

The biggest threat to the city wall is not the dense long ladders. Although there are many long ladders, they can be destroyed by a splash of oil and a fire.

The orcs suffered great losses when climbing up the long ladder. Many orc warriors in heavy armor were smashed down by stones and wooden bars on the city wall when they climbed to seven or eight meters. Orc soldiers fell to the ground from this height without dying. He was also half disabled, not to mention having a basin of golden juice poured over his head.

But attacking from the wells is different. The wells are protected and they can rush directly to the city wall from the channels built by the wells. However, just a few wells pose a huge threat to the defenders.



An orc warrior jumped three or four meters from the well fence

There are more and more orcs on the city wall. Although the human soldiers fight bravely, they still have some resistance


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