Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 64: Annihilation


The long sword slashed diagonally, and another head flew up, and the ogre’s dirty blood emerged from the neck cavity like a fountain,

Half of Richard’s body has been dyed dark red, looking particularly ferocious under the flickering dim light of the torch.

With the fall of Bruce, nothing in the village can resist Richard and the Crusaders,

With Richard, Ron and the Crusaders as arrows, the spearmen followed closely behind, and there was no enemy in front.

The Crusaders sometimes cut down the ogres to the ground with a sword. Some ogres with strong vitality were still struggling to get up and screamed on the ground. Then they were stabbed several times by the spearmen who followed them. Transparent.

Going to the back, some ogre warriors were called out by sharpshooters one by one as soon as they walked out of the hut. A short-range volley from four or five sharpshooters could make an ogre warrior lose the ability to fight in an instant. The opportunities for Richard and others to have direct contact were gradually lost.

The battle was completely one-sided. The ogres, who were originally extremely powerful in front of humans, turned into lambs to be slaughtered.

The tragic casualties and desperate battle situation have shaken the originally cruel and militant ogres,

After the ogres came out of the shacks, they no longer rushed out of the road in the center of the village.

Darkness is the best cover for escape. The reason why ancient armies usually did not fight at night is that it is difficult to control the army in the dark.

Specially tests the soldiers’ fighting will and discipline,

In the daytime, with officers, supervisory teams watching over them, and comrades around them cooperating, ordinary troops can maintain a certain degree of discipline and fighting will,

But at night, not only is it difficult for military orders to be issued smoothly, but soldiers who do not have a strong will to fight can easily escape from battle under the cover of darkness.

Only the true elite can continue to maintain discipline and fighting will in the dark night,

Obviously, Richard and his heroic invincible army meet this standard, but the ogres are a little bit off,

Although the ogre is brave and has a strong will to fight, he is still trying to fight back even though he is completely crushed.

But in terms of discipline, the gap between the two sides is huge.

The soldiers under Richard’s command worked closely together like sophisticated killing machines, while the ogres were like headless flies stumbling into each other to die.

When the casualties reached a certain level, even the originally brave ogres began to retreat.

Many ogres who came out of the shacks were lucky enough to escape the first round of harvesting by the sharpshooters, and then turned around and tried to escape under the cover of night,

If it were an ordinary army, facing the enemy and escaping in the dark, it would be difficult to truly leave no one behind,

But when Richard said he would leave no one behind, he really would not let anyone go.

When some ogres gradually fled outside the village, Richard still led his troops to kill the ogres who dared to resist and some old and weak people hiding in the house. It seemed that he had given up chasing these cowardly escapees. .

These ogres who escaped under the cover of night were a little ashamed, but also felt lucky. After all, it was better to die than to live. If they stayed in the village, they would almost certainly die.

They could still vaguely hear the roars of their fellow tribesmen and the whines of the old and the weak in the village, but they did not want to stay nearby for a moment longer, but chose to stay away,

For those who have escaped, their bottom line will be infinitely low in a short period of time. The same is true for ogres. At this time, their only thought is to survive.

The village behind them became increasingly blurry, and the shouts in the village could no longer be heard. Only the light rising into the sky reminded them of what was still happening in the village.

Finally safe,

Having run far enough, a few insect chirps occasionally came from the silent farmland.

There are still a few eagle calls…

Where did the eagle come from?

These are the last thoughts of the few ogres who escaped,

The reason why Richard and his soldiers did not pursue these fleeing ogres is simple,

No matter how fast they run, they can’t outrun the royal griffin in the sky,

Gryphons are not suitable for swooping in villages with densely packed houses, and Richard did not let the griffins participate in the battle in the village.

He just ordered them to patrol around the village and kill any ogres that escaped.

The gryphon, which is difficult to use in the village, is definitely a frightening existence in this wild plain.

With the cry of eagles, these three-meter-long aerial beasts launched a death dive towards the ogres on the ground,

With the power of swooping, the Royal Griffin’s claws can even lift the skull of an ogre in an instant.

Even if they are not killed by one blow, they can rise into the air again to look for the next opportunity, until the ogre is **** and completely incapacitated.

If these ogres can deal with it calmly, stand up their long soldiers, and gather in groups of three or five, they may be able to cause harm to the royal griffins,

However, these fleeing ogres had long been frightened, and some had even thrown away their weapons, so they were still thinking of confronting the griffins.

In the end, they could only be killed one by one by the Royal Griffin.

“A brilliant victory!”

As the last ogre was found and eliminated from the shack, the system popped up a prompt like the sounds of nature,

The crusaders who entered the house did not care whether the ogres in the house were old or weak, and they resolutely carried out Richard’s orders – leaving no one behind.

Even Ron, who has always had some compassion, was not merciful when he started. After all, those corpses that were hung up as food storage could not be faked.

The battle with the ogres is more cruel than the battle with humans. There is almost no room for mediation between the conflicts between the two sides. It is a life-and-death race battle with no room for mercy.

“Get 5500 experience points.”

This battle provided Richard with 5500 experience points,

Part of the task progress has also been completed,

Ordinary ogres killed a total of 317, which is not far from the 500 required by the mission. However, the mission of the ten ogre warriors only completed one,

The last time he killed 50 ogres, he was rewarded with walking boots. This mission is much more difficult. If he completes the mission, he will receive some rewards. Richard has great expectations.

Also, I have to say that the experience of killing ogres is much higher than fighting with the same kind.

Now there is not much experience left before the next upgrade. This time the ogres move eastward, which is considered a disaster for the Northland.

But for Richard personally, it is a rare opportunity.

The battle lasted for half a night, and by the time the last ogre fell, the sky was already getting slightly brighter. Pato was holding the sword at Richard’s side, and he had not yet regained his composure.

As an envoy, Richard had no intention of letting him participate in the war.

But the ogres are raging in their own territory, and if Richard wants to take action, Pato can’t stand by and watch.

However, although he also participated in the battle just now with the army, he basically did not have many opportunities for a quasi-knight to take action.

But joining the army in the war gave him a chance to truly observe the strength of Richard’s men,

This is the first time he has seen a concentrated attack by more than 20 powerful knights,

The green glow of fighting spirit almost formed into one, lighting up a small area of ​​the night sky,

The charging ogre is like a moth flying to the flame in the dark night, hitting this light and dying.

Although these Crusaders were strong, they did not completely cover up the excellence of other arms. They cooperated with the tacit understanding of the ruthless spearmen,

Pato was deeply impressed by the marksman who was able to shoot extremely lethal arrows with precise shooting skills.

The next focus of expelling the ogres may not be fighting, but how to raise the supplies and Jinnar promised to provide Richard.


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