Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 639: Decisive Battle 12



The fighting on the battlefield is still fierce, and it has not eased a bit because of Gro’s death. The orcs still have at least more than half a million troops.

The yoke of war is equivalent to trapping two of the most ferocious beasts in a cage. They must bite each other hard until one of them falls before they can walk out of the cage alive.

An originally unremarkable gentle **** in the middle of the battlefield became the place where the two sides fought the most intensely. The corpses of soldiers from both sides were piled from the bottom of the gentle **** to the top of the slope. Blood flowed down the gentle **** and formed directly at the bottom of the gentle slope. red stream.

A large group of soldiers surged up from the slope. Because there were too many corpses on the slope, they could not completely avoid the corpses when charging. The two-man attacking soldiers would leave bright red footprints on the corpses from time to time during the charge. .



“Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh…”

This gentle slope, several miles long and about ten meters above sea level, was originally nothing. It is very easy to find such a drop terrain on the central plain.

But this gentle **** happens to be the only commanding height within the scope of the war yoke. What is even more rare is that this is not only the commanding height, but also basically falls in the middle of the battlefield. From the beginning, this has been the key point for both sides to compete. .

The armies of both sides fought repeatedly on the gentle slope. As long as they took the top of the slope, they could basically cover half of the battlefield with a few large crossbows.

After taking down the gentle slope, the orcs set up their dragon-hunting crossbows and even caused casualties to the Titans.

Originally, the orcs had occupied the **** for a long time due to their superior numbers and individual combat power. The Northland Army only briefly attacked a few times under the leadership of a few Scarlet Crusaders and snake monsters.

But with Gro’s death in battle and Richard’s return, the situation in the central part of the Northland Army’s defense, which had been under attack by the orcs, also changed.

The human army had previously left many elites to guard near the tent to prevent the opponent’s masters from raiding, but now they were all free.

The attacking Northland Army launched a ferocious attack while shouting that the great shaman was dead.

The new force on the attacking **** is the elite dragon army that was originally guarding the tent. Now they are all carrying shields and attacking the orcs on the gentle slope.

Of course the orcs on the **** didn’t just watch, and dense arrows were fired at the attacking human soldiers, most of which made a clanging sound on their shields.

“Big crossbow!”

“Let it go!”

But soon, the more than ten bed crossbows arranged by the orcs on the **** were loaded, and giant arrows nearly two meters long were fired towards the human army down the slope.

Under this kind of kinetic energy, ordinary shields will definitely not be able to withstand it.

Although the Dragon Army soldiers in the front row struggled to resist with their shields, the giant arrow not only knocked them away with their shields, but also continued to kill several people before stopping.

Dozens of casualties were caused in an instant.

“Keep going! Attack!”


The giant arrow directly lifted the soldiers in the front row away, and the scene of coming out through a string of **** gourds was terrifying, but it was very difficult to scare the elite of the dragon army.

The comrades in the front row died in front of him, and the following Dragon Army soldiers continued to charge without even blinking.

“Let it go!”

When the Dragon Army soldiers advanced to the halfway point, the bed crossbows above fired another round of volleys. Because the Dragon Army’s offensive was too fierce, even the dragon hunting crossbows originally used to deal with giants were killed by the orcs. He leveled his shot and caused nearly a hundred casualties.

However, at this time, the dragon army’s forward was only less than fifty meters away from the top of the orcs’ gentle slope, and the big crossbow had no time to fire another round. The orcs’ ordinary crossbowmen stood on the **** and fired another round. After firing the volley, he directly picked up the tomahawk and started rushing towards the attacking human army below.




Both sides unanimously chose to charge directly at this distance.

After the collision, the orcs still had the upper hand. The original advantage of strength and size, coupled with the high and low terrain, the collision forced the attacking dragon army back more than ten meters. The momentum suppressed the Northern Army.

However, the fighting will of the elite dragon army is also very tenacious. No matter how many comrades in front fall, the people behind will fill up without hesitation. After the orcs rushed the dragon army back twenty or thirty meters, there was no one left. The initial momentum started to seep on the gentle slope.

On a gentle **** of only ten miles or so, the orcs deployed an entire legion with sufficient strength. Thousands of people could participate in a single counterattack. Although the dragon army attacked fiercely, it was still difficult to deal with these well-prepared orcs on the slope.

In the fierce battle, blood and flesh were everywhere, and life became the cheapest thing.



Just when neither side could do anything about the other, a wave of golden-red flames exploded directly among the orcs. One of them chopped down several dragon soldiers, and the orc warrior who was killing everyone was killed on the spot. , several orc soldiers fell around, and then a human wearing dark red armor and holding a blue sword joined the battle.

When this figure revealed its true appearance, the attacking Dragon Army soldiers burst into bursts of fanatical shouts.

“Long live Lord Richard!”

“Long live Lord Richard!”

“Attack! Attack!”

“Master Richard is still in front!”

Not to mention Richard’s own high strength, just by standing in front of him, the human soldiers went crazy.

The Dragon Army soldiers who were still overwhelmed by the orcs in terms of momentum suddenly transformed into berserkers one by one. They were more fierce than chicken blood, launching attacks without hesitation, even exchanging injuries for injuries or lives for lives. , this posture made the orcs retreat continuously.


“Ah! Ah!…”

Li Cha certainly wasn’t trying to be cool when he was standing in front. Although these orc warriors didn’t know Richard, they could tell from the changes in the momentum of the human soldiers that Richard was a big shot.

In this continent with extraordinary force, the higher the status on the battlefield, the stronger the strength. The orcs around him did not dare to look down upon him, and dozens of people surrounded him to restrain Richard.

But they didn’t even get close to Richard. With a wave of the long sword in Richard’s hand, the golden-red fighting spirit slashed out in an arc, and dozens of orc warriors fell to the ground instantly.

However, Richard did not give up at this time. Without waiting for the following orcs to rush up, he slashed out a few more swords and directly cleared the hundreds of orc warriors around him, creating a big gap in the orc line.

The orcs who originally wanted to rush forward stopped and did not dare to move forward.

It’s not like they haven’t seen strong men before. They also have experience using ordinary soldiers to deal with strong human orcs.

The sword and shield men came forward to double-team, and the spears and axes followed behind. They were besieged in circles. Hundreds of elite orc warriors, coupled with some warriors holding down the formation, even the earth knights had to die in them. .

But Richard’s strength is completely beyond the limit of what they can handle. For the strong men who have reached the realm of the domain, the army can only wait until the opponent is tired of killing before they have a chance.

If Richard hadn’t been held back by someone of comparable strength, he could have slaughtered thousands of people by himself.


“Charge forward!”

While the charging orcs were frightened to death by a few bursts of fighting spirit from Richard, the attacking Dragon Army soldiers immediately seized the opportunity and rushed forward along the gap opened by Richard.


“The great shaman is dead! Throw away your weapons and surrender without killing!”

“The great shaman is dead! Throw away your weapons and surrender without killing!”

Li Cha went directly to the battle and immediately accelerated the progress of the Dragon Army’s attack.

The strongest of the orcs stationed above is the commander of the garrison. Although his strength at the peak of the earth level is enough to be considered a strong man anywhere, he didn’t even have the chance to swing his ax when facing Richard. nothing.

The orc army commander was killed by a very casual fighting spirit slash before he even completed a slashing motion with his battle axe.

Although the orc warriors on the gentle **** were very resilient, they completely collapsed after more than 70% of the casualties were killed. About two to three thousand orcs fled towards the orc camp, and some of them completely collapsed in confidence after being killed by Richard. Even under such circumstances, he chose to surrender.

A few hours later.

The battle on the gentle **** has basically subsided. Although the orcs made several counterattacks, facing Richard, who fired unparalleled directly into the crowd, the orcs returned in vain every time, and in the end they could only retreat two miles. Completely giving up the gentle slope.

At this time, there were only corpses on the slope, and more than a thousand orc soldiers with nervous and frightened faces. Their weapons were confiscated, their hands were tied, and they were each guarded by a human soldier. They were uneasy. Waiting for the next step of human processing.

“Sir Richard, the gentle **** in the middle has been completely captured! What should we do with the remaining prisoners?”

Although the slogan was to surrender and avoid death, when Richard was actually asked this question, Richard responded with a throat-cutting gesture without hesitation.

Within the yoke of war, either you die or I die. It can be said that no one who is considered an enemy within this range can survive.

Moreover, given the hatred between the two sides, there are very few prisoners of war left behind. It is impossible for the Northland Army to spare precious troops to guard these prisoners of war at this time, let alone keep them.

Killing prisoners is a cruel and correct choice.

The officer who asked for instructions immediately understood and was ready to go down and deal with it.

“Now take these surrendered orcs back to the camp and deal with them in a more discreet manner.”

“Yes, sir!”

Orc Camp

“General Welch! The high ground in the middle is occupied by humans!”

“General! The three legions on the flanks were divided by the undead army!”

“Let Hutt bring cavalry support, rescue the three legions on the left, and then quickly shrink the defense line!”

“Yes, General!”

“What did Farul do? An entire legion was not defended!”

“General, the commander of the Farul Army has been killed. In addition to a large number of knights, humans also have holy warriors directly participating in the battle.”

“The Thirteenth Legion tried to counterattack once but was repelled by humans.”


“Let the Thirteenth Army also retreat and shrink the central defense line.”

“Yes, General!”

Although the orc camp was still busy, as the war situation worsened, the atmosphere became more and more gloomy. Although Welch, the orc coach, commanded the army with a calm face, he became more and more desperate inside.

Shortly after Gro’s death, he got the news and made the right decision at the first time.

Covering up Gro’s death.

After all, in such a large battlefield, there were only a few orc warriors who saw Grot die, and most of them were killed by Richard. It was not difficult to control the remaining ones.

Although the Northland Army kept shouting the news that the Great Shaman was dead, most of the orc soldiers only half-believed it, and their morale was not greatly affected.

But the more serious consequence of Gro’s death in battle was that the high-end combat power of the Northland Army had almost no scruples in taking action. Except for Moriel and Elena, who were somewhat seriously injured, and were still recovering from their injuries, Gro and Na Talis has basically recovered her fighting strength.

Gru led the right-wing army to victory, and Natalis even killed several white dragons in the air, leaving the white dragons with no courage to fight back.

The elite swordsmen who originally served as guards in the camp also rushed to the front line again.

The orcs’ so-called samurai group, a mobile force mainly composed of warriors and great warriors, is like a joke in front of the high-level force of the Northland Army.

The more Welch directed, the more powerless he felt. Failure was actually inevitable.

Under normal circumstances, when the war reaches this stage, they should consider how to withdraw their troops, preserving their strength and minimizing losses. However, under the shackles of war, they have no possibility of retreating.

He can only try his best to mobilize his troops and generals like a tinker, trying to cause greater damage to mankind.




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