Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 638: Decisive Battle 11


In the big tent of the Northland Army.

The wounds on his body were still oozing with blood, and a slightly embarrassed Richard was sitting on the main seat.

Although he killed Gro, the wounds left by the opponent were not so easy to heal.

Richard has a strong physique. At his level, his body’s recovery ability is more than ten times that of ordinary people. With Richard’s physique, ordinary wounds, no matter how deep they are, should stop bleeding and start to heal now. , and then use the sacred blood bottle to treat it. Not to mention a complete recovery, but it won’t be the same as it is now.

There were several large wounds on the shoulders and legs that were poked by Gewu’s spear. The parts that were not protected by the Dragon King’s divine power were the focus of Gewu’s attack.

There are two things that Richard should be thankful for. One is that he protected his face better during the battle. His face was not damaged by the GPU spear. It was just an ordinary bruise. At this time, most of it had healed, leaving him no longer injured. As for sitting in the main seat with panda eyes.

Secondly, the Dragon King’s divine power brought a crotch protector, and the roots of the legs were also protected by the Dragon King’s divine power. Otherwise, the three-way attack would definitely be indispensable due to Gro’s undermining power.

Richard still had several bandages on his body, and the large areas were stained bright red by the seeping blood, but there was still a faint green color around the edges.

The corrosive effect of the GPU Spear has not faded yet, and the wound still has a stinging sensation of being bitten by a reptile.

Fortunately, Richard’s nerves were still strong and he was able to sit in the tent with a calm expression, still holding the ordinary-looking short spear in his hand.

“Artifact Gewu’s Spear (broken)

Effect 1 (Strength): Can greatly improve the user’s physical fitness and strength.

Effect 2 (corrosion): After injuring the opponent, it will produce corrosion and serious injury effects, cause continuous damage to the wound, and weaken all healing effects.

Effect 3 (damaged):?

Introduction: The weapon used by the orc **** Gru was damaged in the battle at Ragnarok, and only retained part of its effect. ”

After suffering so many injuries, it’s not like he gained nothing. At least this broken weapon is good. Although Richard has a better Angel Alliance, it is also a good choice to use it for his heroes.

In terms of the bonus to individual combat effectiveness, the Spear of GPU is stronger than some weapon treasures.

And this artifact has not been able to exert its full effect in the hands of GPU. After it is in the hands of Richard, as long as he returns to the blacksmith shop to repair it, it should be able to improve a lot.

“Sir Richard, the opponent should be the same kind as the assassins who assassinated the eldest prince in Chrysler City before, but they are much stronger.”

“Is Messiah okay?”

“Madam was just a little frightened and has gone to rest.”


The injuries on his body could not move Richard’s face, but after hearing the story of the assassination in the tent, Richard showed a look of fear on his face. The hand that was playing with the GPU’s spear froze a little, and he pointed The tip trembled slightly.

What a risk. Even if you miss out on the opponent’s big strength, you are still a saint who is good at sneaking in and assassinating. If it weren’t for Messiah’s Holy Binding Art trump card this time, the entire Chinese army might have been wiped out by the opponent. .

But now, everything is almost settled.

In the ground army battle, the Orcs barely relied on a slight numerical advantage and the Northland Army, which had superior high-end combat power, to fight an even match.

But in the air battle, Bailong’s decline was obvious. When Richard killed Gro, the White Dragon clan leader was covered with wounds under the siege of two holy dragons, and had no choice but to flee again.

Not to mention that there are still many saint-level warriors in the Northland Army who have not lost their strength. After a few days of rest and recovery, it will be the end of the orcs.

“How many casualties were caused?”

“Three elite swordsmen were killed in battle.”

“One hundred and twenty-one dragon soldiers guarding the tent were killed, and the commander of the Philili Army also died under the opponent’s sword.”

Although Lodis died in frustration in the end, the strength of the realm still caused very serious casualties to the people in the tent.

Three of the powerful elite swordsmen were killed in the battle. If Messiah hadn’t exploded in the end, the casualties might have been even greater. It is estimated that even Catherine would not have been spared.

As for the ordinary Dragon Army soldiers, the casualties were even greater. Nearly two hundred Dragon Army soldiers rushed in, and Lodi killed most of them easily. One of the senior officers who were discussing matters in the tent also died.

For a master like Lodis, there really isn’t much difference between officers with high knight power and ordinary soldiers.

“Let’s do a good job in providing pensions.”

“Yes, sir!”

Li Cha had a heavy look on his face and said nonsense to the people in the camp.

The Northland system was founded by Richard, and has been quite perfected after being repaired by several top internal affairs talents. Even if Richard does not say anything, these people who died in the war will receive corresponding pensions in accordance with regulations. .

Richard said this as a habitual gesture. From a heart point of view, at this stage of Richard’s life, it would be difficult for him to have much fluctuation in his heart when more than a hundred ordinary soldiers died in battle.

On the other hand, the death of three elite swordsmen made him feel a little pained. The archangel’s resurrection technique was basically used on the dragon in the air battle. Even if all the archangels in the sky were recalled now, there was still no resurrection technique that could be used. To these elite swordsmen.

“Sir, Madam heard that you are back and wants to see you.”

Just when Richard was about to go out for a patrol, a soldier carrying a message came in.

After Richard returned to the camp, he came directly to the main tent, while Messiah was arranged to rest on the other side by Catherine, and the two had not met yet.

Messiah, who was still a little tired at first, immediately became energetic when she heard that Richard was back. She wanted to come directly to see Richard but was afraid of delaying Richard’s affairs, so a soldier came over to inform him. .

Richard, who was originally going to take someone out for a patrol, hesitated a little, but decided to go and appease Messiah first.

Generally speaking, Richard puts public affairs first in the military, but this time Messiah has made a great contribution, which is justified both privately and publicly.

Richard followed the soldiers to a tent not far from the Chinese army’s tent. Because of the assassin he had just encountered, the defensive force around the tent had been strengthened a lot, and the entire tent was basically surrounded three times.

In addition to a few elite swordsmen, there are more Dragon Army soldiers standing meticulously outward.

Although the possibility of another assassin appearing is extremely slim, these soldiers did not relax their vigilance at all. They paid attention to the movements around them without blinking in order to respond at any time.

“Lord Richard!”

“Lord Richard!”

Seeing Richard’s arrival, the guards guarding outside the tent saluted one after another. Richard nodded slightly in response and then walked into the tent.

Although the outside of the tent is very ordinary and no different from other tents, as the place where Messiah rests, the inside is naturally very different.

In addition to the thick main body made of hard leather, various daily necessities are also quite complete. Although the layout is not luxurious, it is definitely not comparable to the marching tents of ordinary soldiers.

Sword Master Keshid stood in the tent and continued to faithfully perform his mission of protecting Messiah.

Before Richard could make his customary greetings with Keshid to get closer, a beautiful figure pounced on him.

Li Cha didn’t have time to think too much and immediately reached out to catch the other person.

“Dear, I’m so worried about you.”

“It’s okay, I’m back well.”

Messiah was just a head shorter than Richard. Richard held Messiah in his arms, reached out and caressed Messiah’s head while comforting her.

It’s just that the movement seemed a little stiff because it affected the wound.

Although Messiah was a little emotional after seeing Richard, she also reacted quickly.

Richard is injured.

“My dear, your injury.”

Struggling away from Richard’s arms, Messiah began to carefully observe Richard’s injuries.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t look at it. Messiah felt worried when she saw several large bandages on Richard’s body with blood oozing from them.

Due to previous opponents, Richard rarely suffered injuries. Even if he was injured, he could recover through the sacred blood bottle. This was the first time that Messiah was so seriously injured now.

“It’s okay, just a minor injury.”

Richard said it was easy, but in fact these injuries were not minor injuries. Although they were not life-threatening, they had been difficult to recover from, and the corrosive pain never stopped.

If he wants to mobilize his fighting spirit, not only will the pain be doubled, but the wounds may also worsen again. Because of these injuries on his body, Richard will not be able to take action for a short period of time.

To put it so lightly, I just don’t want Messiah to worry.

“It’s just a small injury!”


After saying this, Messiah reached out and pulled off the bandage on Richard’s shoulder, and Richard couldn’t help but let out a soft cry of pain.

Hearing Richard’s cry of pain, Messiah subconsciously stopped her hand. The next second, her face became more worried, tears welled up in her eyes, and her face was full of distress.

I saw a flesh hole the size of a bowl exposed under the bandage. The wound was not even the normal bright red, but dark red with green, which looked very abnormal at first glance.

“Honey, is this a minor injury?”

“Hey, after all, you killed a tough guy and had his head taken off, so it’s normal to get hurt.”

“It doesn’t matter who you kill, but it doesn’t matter if you lose a fingernail!”

Messiah’s tone was unusually strong. It was slightly different from the usually gentle Messiah, but it was very helpful to Richard.

Just when Richard was about to say a few words of comfort to Messiah, Messiah had already begun to recite a spell.

“Dear, don’t bother, it’s useless, he will be fine on his own in a few days.”

The light system does have several good healing spells, but Messiah has only mastered basic magic such as ordinary healing spells before. It is okay to target ordinary injuries, but what happened to Richard’s wound? He knew that not even the sacred blood bottle could dispel the corrosive effect left by the Spear of GPU, so a few healing spells would be of no use.

But Richard’s persuasion was useless, and Messiah continued to recite the spell.

“The Wind of Holy Healing!”

The golden light first concentrated on Messiah’s hand, and then followed Messiah’s palm to fill several wounds on Richard’s body.

Then something unexpected happened to Richard. The effect of the artifact that could not even be dispelled by the sacred blood bottle completely faded away.

The green corrosive power receded, and the wounds on Richard’s body first returned to their normal bright red color, and then the granulations began to grow, growing together at a speed visible to the naked eye under the influence of light.

The wound that originally had a stinging sensation was only slightly itchy, but after the epidermis recovered, it completely became normal.

Except for the fact that the skin at the wound looked whiter and more tender, there was no sign of any injury.

“Messiah, this is it?”

Richard never expected that the corrosive power left by the Spear of Georgia would be solved by Messiah’s magic without even solving the sacred blood bottle. He looked at Messiah with an expression full of surprise.

Although Messiah looked pale and tired, she was in a very happy mood.

“Holy Healing Wind, when I set out, I read in a book that this is the magic with the best healing effect among light spells. I just want to learn it.”

“This magic is really difficult. I practiced every day when I was on the boat. It took me almost half a month to master this magic.”

What kind of talent is this?

The speed of Messiah’s cultivation made Richard wonder if the other party was also hanging on him. The Holy Wind of Healing is notoriously difficult to master like the Holy Binding Technique. Now Messiah has actually learned two techniques. indivual.

This cannot even be explained by talent, it is simply a monster.

“Does it still hurt?”

Ignoring Richard’s surprised expression, Messiah carefully stroked Richard’s healed wound and asked.

“It doesn’t hurt anymore, it’s completely healed.”

After speaking, Richard shook his arm and recovered completely, with no abnormality at all. The healing spell cast by Messiah completely dispelled the corrosive effect left by the GPU’s Spear.

After checking his body, Richard also noticed Messiah’s pale complexion.

“Is the consumption too high?”

Although Messiah has mastered two extremely difficult magics, her own strength is only at the level of a magister. Compared with the two high-level magics, her total magic power is not enough.

Even in the era of the Elven Empire, where talented magicians emerged in large numbers, a magician could use up his magic power by releasing a small forbidden spell and squeeze his mental power to the limit. After that, he would have to rest for at least a day or two before he could recover. After all, that was supposed to be the domain of the Holy Magister.

But Messiah just relied on her super talent of light magic and used two high-level light magics in a row in one day.

At this time, Messiah had not only exhausted all her magic power, but was also mentally weak to some point. The strong mental backlash made her brain tingle.

Messiah did not answer Richard’s words, hugged Richard with her slender hands, and looked up at Richard with still a gentle smile.

“I’m very happy to be able to help you.”


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