Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 636: Decisive Battle 9


In the human camp, Catherine was still sitting firmly in the chair. Messengers coming and going brought the latest situation on the front line and sent out orders one by one.

When the battle was in full swing, the camp was also very busy. Although Richard took the initiative to use the war shackles, in fact, humans did not have any advantage in the comparison of military strength, even if there were a large number of high-level systems When the army participated in the war, it did not gain a clear advantage.

These powerful system armies are a force that can determine the outcome of wars in small and medium-sized wars involving tens of thousands of people. However, in battles involving millions of people, their role is slightly weakened. .

Hundreds of phantom shooters have long since exhausted their energy, and their string-pulling fingers have bloodstains on them. In order to avoid unnecessary casualties, they have withdrawn to the rear to rest. Similarly, the magic mages have also exhausted their magic power. This type of unit Although she had the ability to fight in close combat, Catherine didn’t have that luxury and called them all back.

System warriors like Halberdiers and War Dancers who have not reached the knight level have basically become high-level cannon fodder in this kind of war, and less than half of them were killed or injured in the melee on the front line.

Even the six-armed snake demon, a high-level creature that is not afraid of group battles, had one end entangled by several great warrior-level orcs, and was trapped in a large group of heavily armored orc soldiers and was eaten to death. Inside.

“Lord Catherine, the orcs have launched a counterattack on the center line. The Seventh Legion of the Dragon Army has been scattered and is requesting reinforcements.”

“With no reinforcements available, let the people of the Seventh Legion organize defense on the spot, and they must entangle the attacking orcs no matter what.”

“Order the First Legion to draw a flag regiment and reorganize the defense line after five miles. There is only one situation for the orcs to rush over, and they will all die on the defense line!”

“Yes, sir!”

Catherine’s order was quite decisive, allowing the scattered troops to organize their own defenses in place, basically using them as cannon fodder to delay the pace of the orcs.

Although Catherine has the reputation of loving a soldier like a child, there is no battlefield veteran who is not a ruthless and decisive person. The so-called loving a soldier like a child in daily life is to sacrifice one’s life at a critical moment.

When it is time to sacrifice and give up, you will not be soft-hearted at all.

Does Catherine really have no mobility in her hands?

Looking at the big tent at this time, it is not necessarily the case. Fifteen elite swordsmen are standing on both sides of the main tent. These super warriors with the peak strength of the sky are basically like little supermen when they enter the battlefield. , fifteen people acting together can directly defeat thousands of orc warriors in a flag regiment.

With proper application, it is normal to hold back tens of thousands of orc warriors, but now Catherine would rather let them stand in the tent than send them out.

In addition to the fifteen elite swordsmen, there was also a more powerful presence in the tent. The Protector Sword Saint Keshid stood behind a lady with his sword in his arms. He focused almost all his attention on On this lady.

His mission is to protect the other party, and he will not interfere with other matters.

“General Catherine, does Richard really not need support? I’m in the camp anyway, so I’m safe. Mr. Keshid doesn’t have to follow me all the time.”

This tent can be said to be the most heavily guarded place in the human camp. Thousands of the most elite Dragon Army warriors guard the camp, and divine crossbows are placed on the lookouts in several corners.

There are still some Crusaders standing guard around the big tent, not to mention there are elite swordsmen and sword master Keshid inside.

For the sake of Messiah’s safety, Richard asked Messiah to stay in this tent when he went to war.

If necessary, let Keshid lead the elite swordsmen to **** Messiah into the casting range of several hundred meters of the Holy Binding.

However, because Adelillo was cowardly enough, Richard did not use this trump card that he least wanted to use. Instead, he killed Gro by himself and returned to the camp.

Just because the decisive battle between Richard and Grotto took place on the ground and was not as eye-catching as the air battle, the news that Richard defeated Grotto has not yet come back.

At this moment, Richard had just defeated Gro, and Messiah, who didn’t know the news, was still a little worried, and even wanted Keshid next to her to support Richard.

But Catherine shook her head and rejected Messiah’s proposal.

“You have to believe Mr. Richard, he never does anything he is not sure of.”

“Your safety is also very important.”

Messiah is not a stubborn and unreasonable person. After being rejected by Catherine, she did not bother or make any fuss, and nodded with a worried look on her face.

He just looked south through the camp door, as if he could see through all the obstacles along the way and see his sweetheart directly.

“What’s going on with Sandro? Is there any battle report from the left wing?”

“The undead army on the left wing only has a slight upper hand, and the orcs fight very bravely.”

“This guy moves too slowly.”

“When we played against me before, my speed…”



Just when Catherine complained about Sandro and prepared to adjust the troops, Keshid, who had closed his eyes to recuperate and held his sword like an ornament, suddenly opened his eyes.

After shouting “Be careful”, he slashed at Catherine on the main seat with his sword.

The fighting spirit slash made a crisp sound as it was about to approach Catherine.

A blurry black shadow appeared around Catherine.

Sword Master Keshid’s perception is extremely sensitive, and he was the first to notice that there was an enemy in the tent.

After realizing that the other party was approaching Catherine who was commanding the army and showing a faint murderous aura, Keshid slashed out with a sword energy without saying a word.

The black short blade that originally stabbed Catherine had no choice but to fight back, and with one blow the fighting spirit that Keshid had brought was dispersed.


But Keshid’s blow bought Catherine some time.

Although Catherine is not the strongest among the heroes, she is still a battle-hardened commander of the army. During the battle in Erathia, as a pillar of humanity, she was assassinated not once or twice.

In the less than a second that Keshid bought for her, Catherine made the most appropriate response.

First, he drew his sword and slashed forward. While doing this, he fell backwards with force.

The assassin who originally wanted to pursue subconsciously avoided it. When he pursued again, the forward knife only left a little skin wound on Catherine’s body.


Katherine rolled heavily from her high position to the ground, then rolled on the spot without any regard for her image, trying her best to distance herself from the assassin.

Although Catherine is not good at fighting, she is still a master of the sky level. Ordinary assassins will not leave him in such a mess. As long as he can resist one or two, the guards will immediately surge up.

The moment the opponent appeared this time, Catherine began to frantically warn that the assassin might be more powerful than she imagined. Following her instinct, Catherine immediately gave up the option of confronting the opponent and made the best choice.

The surrounding elite swordsmen also reacted at this moment, igniting their fighting spirit and surrounding them.

“Protect Lady Catherine!”

More than a dozen elite swordsmen surrounded Catherine in the middle. The sight of a group of iron bumps made people’s scalp numb. Catherine, who was surrounded by elite swordsmen, also felt a little relieved.

After being temporarily out of danger, Catherine stood up calmly and looked at the assassin.

The opponent’s figure is still very blurry when moving, and even vaguely visible, making observers unable to help but guess whether the opponent exists in reality.

After restraining the breath, if you don’t look carefully, it will be difficult to spot the opponent. If he didn’t let out a little murderous intention at the last moment, this guy might have succeeded as soon as he came up.

Although Gro has been killed by Richard and the possibility of the orcs making a comeback is very low, if the commanding Catherine dies, it will still cause chaos in the army and add some variables to the battle.


“Protect your lord!”

Tap, step, step…

At this time, the Crusaders and Dragon Army soldiers who were guarding outside the big tent also heard the noise and rushed in. At least a hundred soldiers poured into the big tent at once, and many Dragon Army soldiers were pointing their crossbows forward. Looming black shadow.

If time delays for a while, more soldiers may rush into the tent.

Fortunately, Catherine’s tent was wide enough to allow hundreds of people to rush in without it being too crowded.

“Tsk, tsk, I haven’t done anything for so long, my hands are raw. I didn’t expect that a swordsman who has just entered the holy level can be so sensitive.”

“This guy Adelillo really gave me a difficult task. The target is not low in strength, and there are more than a dozen sky-level saints. We must try to kill all the high-level officials in the big tent.”

“It’s really troublesome.”

More and more guards were rushing in, but the shadow showed no sign of urgency. Instead, he glanced inside the tent, as if he was still looking for other valuable targets, except for a few soldiers wearing high-ranking officers’ armor. In addition, his gaze lingered for a while on Messiah, whose temperament was completely different from the people around her. The terrifying look made Messiah shrink slightly behind Keshid unconsciously.

“Hey, there is actually a big fish.”

“Who are you?”

Seeing that the other party turned his attention to Messiah, Catherine immediately shouted loudly, trying to attract the other party’s attention.

While speaking, he did not forget to make a gesture. The soldiers holding crossbows around him immediately understood, and the weapons of dozens of crossbows sounded at the same time.

“Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh…”


The dense rain of arrows headed towards the opponent, leaving the assassin with almost no room to escape.

But when these arrows were about to approach the opponent, the opponent’s looming body completely disappeared, and dozens of powerful crossbows missed the target.

The next second, a black figure appeared among the soldiers. With a flick of the short blade, all the soldiers around him immediately fell to the ground.



The guards in the tent reacted not too slowly. The moment the opponent appeared in the crowd, they threw away their crossbows and picked up their melee weapons. Three or two people formed a formation close together, ready to attack at any time. Launch a siege.

It’s just that the speed of the black shadow is too fast, and these soldiers have no chance to draw their swords. The opponent appears wherever they want, and the surrounding soldiers can’t even make a slashing action and immediately fall to the ground.

As the black shadows continued to kill, corpses quickly fell to the ground in the big tent. The smell of blood filled the entire tent. The originally bright tent also dimmed inexplicably. The sun was blazing outside. It was sunny, but it looked like a cloudy sky in the tent.


“For Lord Richard!”

“Stay closer, protect me!”

Faced with the one-sided killing, the guards who rushed in did not collapse, but continued to make adjustments in order to fight back.

“I like to see prey desperate in the shadows, but I don’t like your expressions.”

“Humble annoying, remember my name, I am the first envoy of the great Lord of Shadows, Lodis!”

At this time, Lodis was no longer as cautious as when he first arrived, and his mentality was much more relaxed, because after the confrontation just now, he confirmed one thing: the humans in the camp did not master the God-killing Ring.

Otherwise, what greeted him the first moment he appeared was not Keshid’s fighting spirit, but the impact of the God-killing Ring.

The ring that the Mad Emperor gathered the power of the entire Elf Empire to forge is simply the nemesis of all divine creatures. Not only the gods, but also the envoys who are associated with the gods are extremely afraid of them.

Judging from the strength of Keshid’s sword just now, if he had activated the God-killing Ring to strike, he would be lying on the ground at this moment, and he would be slaughtered even if he was not dead.



Although the guards who rushed in were very brave, the strength of the Holy Realm could no longer be offset by courage and numbers.

In a short period of time, Lodis directly penetrated the surrounding guards and engaged the elite swordsman.

Compared to ordinary soldiers, these elite swordsmen finally have some ability to fight back, at least they have a chance to swing their swords.

The heavy sword was cut down, and the short blade in Rodis’s hand was held firmly. The sword of the elite swordsman could directly cut off the dragon’s head, but Rodis blocked it with one hand.


The next second, the elite swordsman was kicked away by Rodis. The huge force caused the armor on the chest of the elite swordsman to collapse. He fell to the ground and vomited out a mouthful of blood, and even some solidified blocks. shape object.

Just one strike rendered an elite swordsman incapacitated.

Then he dodged a sword that was almost certain to hit by another elite swordsman at a weird angle. He turned around and inserted the short black blade from the joint on his neck. The moment he drew the sword, blood began to flow. When it came out, it was obvious that the knife directly broke the artery.

“Good strength, but not as good as those mage puppets.”

“Your Excellency Keshid, please take Ms. Messiah away first, and we will do our best to hold him back.”

Although the elite swordsmen tried their best to stop the opponent, the disadvantage on the scene was obvious at a glance. The opponent was able to appear and disappear in a small space, harvesting lives as easily as hunting.

Catherine also had to prepare for the worst.

Keshid, who had not taken any action, nodded, turned around and grabbed Messiah and prepared to evacuate, but Messiah had no intention of taking action. Instead, she looked up at Keshid and asked:

“Your Excellency Keshid, if the opponent cannot move for one second, are you sure you can kill him?”

Looking down at Messiah who looked serious, Keshid nodded subconsciously…



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