Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 635: Decisive Battle 8



The energy inspired by a trace of refined “Malaria Rui” is more than ten times stronger than the original fierce Yang fighting energy.

The original golden-red fighting spirit completely turned into gold, becoming the most essential color of the sun’s fire. The powerful fighting spirit rushed out from the blue sword, instantly breaking through the blood fighting spirit around Gro.


Gero’s hands closest to the sword were instantly dissolved. First, the guards on his hands burned directly.

Although the pair of gauntlets used by Grotto are not artifacts, they are also a rare treasure in the treasury of the Orc Kingdom. During the Elf Kingdom, the powerful Elf Holy Wizard used the soft belly of the Holy Dragon to Made of leather and a variety of precious materials.

Although thousands of years have passed, the enchantment on the gauntlet has long since disappeared, but the material itself is precious enough. Under normal circumstances, it should be invulnerable to water and fire. Even if it is thrown directly into the fire, there will be some black ash on the surface. Burning, ordinary sword slashing is useless, at least it must be attached with a strong fighting spirit to be able to split it.

But at this time, this precious glove burned on its own under Richard’s burst of fierce sun fighting energy. In a short period of time, the fighting energy burst out by Richard was comparable to the power of the real fire of the sun.

After the gloves burned, Groh was not spared. His clothes, which were still intact under the protection of the blood fighting spirit, began to burn.

Gero, who was still aggressive at first, finally screamed under the extreme heat and retreated violently, trying to avoid Richard.


This feeling was all too familiar to Gro. Under the high temperature, everything around him began to blur. In a trance, he saw Richard glowing with golden fighting spirit, which seemed to overlap with a terrifying figure in his impression.


“Aragorn is long dead!”

Soon, Gro vetoed what he had just blurted out. When he regained consciousness, he knew that the human opposite could not be Aragorn.

But the golden fighting spirit and scorching temperature are extremely familiar.

Gero already had the intention to quit, but Richard had no intention of letting him go.

“His Majesty Aragorn is still alive and well, but you should die here today.”


After Grotto retreated, Richard rushed forward like a cannonball. The long sword in his hand collided with the short spear in Grotto’s hand. He was so fast that he could no longer see the blade of the sword. He could only see A little golden afterimage appears.

Gero endured the severe pain of being burned by the high temperature. He could only parry but not fight back. If he slowed down a beat, he would be hit with a solid sword.

With the intensity of Richard’s current attack, Ge Luohu’s blood fighting spirit is completely unable to resist him. If he gets hit by a sword, he will probably be stabbed through, and the battle will be over immediately.

As for whether he can be resurrected through the shaman’s ancestral spirit summoning technique, you can roughly guess it by looking at his anxious and even frightened expression.

“Blow it up!”




Li Cha repeated his old trick again. After being compressed to the extreme, the Sun fighting energy exploded violently around Gro. The explosion effect that had only made Gro a little embarrassed before was now more than ten times more powerful. He immediately made Gro The bomb was **** and bloody.


This high-temperature explosion not only tore open Gropi’s flesh, but there were also sparks on various wounds that were difficult to extinguish like maggots attached to the bones. They clung to the flesh and burned directly through the surface and penetrated into the bones.

Glodu couldn’t help but yell to vent his pain.

I don’t dare to pause at all, because the threat of death is right in front of me…

After a trace of refining sunshine, Richard, who was still wandering in the Realm of Domain, actually broke through the shackles of his original fighting spirit and truly stepped into the threshold of the Realm of Jealousy.

Bigelow borrowed an artifact to reach a higher level at the threshold of touch. After officially entering the realm of jealousy, the whole world changed again in Richard’s eyes.

Gero’s originally fast and hard-to-capture movements seemed like slow motion to Richard now.

Although Gro is still struggling to resist, he is becoming increasingly powerless, and it is only a matter of time before he dies under Richard’s sword.

“Adrillo! What are you waiting for!”

At this time, Grotto’s only hope was Adelillo, who had not made a move yet. The shout surprised Richard, and he slowed down his movements slightly, focusing most of his attention on alerting his surroundings.

Although Adelillo has never taken action personally, Richard has guessed the opponent’s strength through various channels, and 80% of it is probably domain-level strength.

Although Adelillo has always been timid, under the current circumstances, it is time to take action anyway. Otherwise, when Richard kills Gro, Adelillo will have no chance at all.

Richard slowed down his attack and even moved the finger with the God-killing Ring on his right hand. As long as Adelillo dared to appear, he would use all his strength to kill the opponent.

But judging from the huge consumption of the God-Killing Ring, if he uses the God-Killing Ring to kill Adelillo, he will definitely not be able to deal with Gro in front of him.

At that time, all Richard could choose was to use teleportation to return to the camp, huddle in the camp and consume the lives of his men to gain recovery time. There would inevitably be casualties that would make Richard heartbroken.

After Richard diverted his attention, Glo finally breathed a sigh of relief. He tried to escape from Richard several times but was entangled again. After several repetitions, both Glo and Richard discovered a problem.

That coward Adelillo wasn’t even around.

“Adrillo, you **** coward!”


These were Grotto’s last words. After shouting out a word in despair, the blue angel alliance stabbed Grotto’s chest with a golden fighting spirit.

The nearly shapeless armor on Gro’s body, which had been melted by the high temperature, had no defensive capabilities at all.

The League of Angels penetrated Gro’s heart as easily as a piece of tofu.

The high temperature on the sword even directly evaporated the blood. Even after a long sword stabbed the opponent through, not even a trace of blood seeped out.

Gero, who had tenacious vitality, was not dead at this time. He stared at Richard with wide eyes. He held the short spear tightly in his hand without letting go at all, with a look of unwillingness on his face.

“The state of jealousy, in the end…”


Gero wanted to say something in the end, but Richard did not have the habit of giving his enemies a chance to say his last words. He first activated the remaining fighting energy of the Sun again, and followed the long sword deeply into his body to destroy Gro’s body.

Even with Gro’s physical strength, at least half of his body was cooked. Then he stirred hard and completely broke Gro’s heart.

Under normal circumstances, there is basically no chance of survival for an injury of this degree, but Richard still did not relax his vigilance.

He was also afraid that the other party might have some strange tricks. After all, it was quite outrageous for a person like the other party from five hundred years ago to be resurrected.

After pulling out the sword fiercely, there was still no blood spurting from Gro’s wound, not even a trace of blood.

Then the long sword drew a perfect arc and swung upwards. Gro’s neck was neatly broken, and a big head rose into the sky.

After reaching this point, Richard was still particularly worried. Then several golden vindictive qi followed closely, and several vindictive qi slashed through, subdividing the flying head into more than a dozen pieces.

Now, even the angel’s resurrection technique and Elena’s reincarnation are useless.

The great hero of the orcs, a heroic figure from five hundred years ago, died in the hands of humans again.

An orc like Gero can be said to be amazingly talented no matter what era he is placed in. With his own strength, he has practiced fighting spirit to the extreme. With his strength, he can become a hero most of the time. The master who suppressed the entire continent.

After all, after the Holy Wizard of Elf became Jue Sheng, the Realm of the Realm has become a ceiling-level combat power. Even the patriarchs of several major dragon clans are only at the peak of the Realm of Strength. They can barely compete with the Realm of the Realm based on their racial talents. Just the environment.

The original Golden Dragon Clan chiefs were all just younger brothers who were beaten up by Aragorn.

Unfortunately, Gro met Aragorn five hundred years ago, and was carried by Richard five hundred years later. The legendary story was interrupted at the beginning.


Gero’s headless corpse fell straight to the ground. If the corpse of a strong man of this level was different from that of ordinary people, it was that it was heavy.

The sound of hitting the ground was louder than some large beasts four to five meters long.


Looking at Gro’s headless body lying on the ground, Richard let out a heavy breath, and his whole body momentum began to drop sharply.

If Gro can hold on for a little longer, Richard may be the first to be unable to bear it.

Although Richard got the way to enter the realm of jealousy from Aragorn, the time was too short after all.

According to Aragorn, in order to enter the state of jealousy, one must transform the fighting spirit throughout the body into higher-level energy. In the past, magic power was a higher-level energy than fighting spirit.

The energy they are cultivating now is a kind of energy that is higher than fighting spirit, and even slightly higher than magic power.

It’s just that refining qi is a time-consuming effort, and refining the sun is an extremely slow process. Richard started from the north and ran the celestial route taught by Aragorn whenever he had time.

But all the remaining traces of Pong Cang Hui Xing ⑷醯头龀ぃ in the body, which finally entered the Divine Court, were almost consumed after killing Gro.

The forcibly promoted Realm of Jealousy also immediately became unstable and fell back to the level of the Realm of Domain.

This made Richard, who had just experienced the power of jealousy, feel a sense of loss for no reason.

“Aragorn only used one sword to kill Gro. I have at least fought Lily, which is still far behind.”

“Master Shaman!”

“Master Shaman!”

“This human killed the Great Shaman! Kill him!”


The final decisive battle between Richard and Gro was completed on the ground. Because the ground’s view was blocked, most people still don’t know the outcome of this battle.

But there were a small number of troops from both sides fighting around them. At this time, when they saw Grot having his head chopped off by Richard, most of the surrounding orc warriors looked like crazy demons and wanted to rush forward for revenge.

The orcs who rushed up looked at Richard’s miserable appearance, and they still had some illusions. Maybe the other party had consumed a lot of energy and had no strength left?

The soldiers on the human side also reacted.

“Protect Mr. Richard!”


But before the two sides could come into contact, Richard swept his sword horizontally and swung out several fighting spirit slashes. The dozens of orc warriors who rushed towards him fell down.

Grew next to him had just pulled out his machete and put it back.

Even if he falls back to the realm, Richard is not a threat to these soldiers.

The human soldiers who rushed over also formed a half circle in front of Richard to protect him in the middle to guard against possible attacks.

“Master Richard! Are you injured?”

“There is some trouble, I have to go back and deal with it.”

“Dispose of the body and take it to Sandro!”

“Yes, sir!”

Although the corpse was almost destroyed by Richard, considering that it was the corpse of the most powerful person after all, what value would it have if something happened?

“Gru and I will go back to the camp together.”

“Yes, sir!”

The surrounding soldiers were not afraid of the horror of the corpse. Several of them took Gro’s body and walked towards the camp.

As time goes by, the impact of Gro’s death in battle will gradually ferment.

The balance of victory and defeat in the war has heavily tilted towards the human side…


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