Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 634: Decisive Battle 7 (Changed)



The time goes back to before the Northern Army set off for the expedition.

Although it is the spring plowing season, things like war cannot completely avoid the farming season.

In addition to several standing corps seizing the time to assemble, the farmers and soldiers who had been trained for a long time on weekdays were also summoned. Some of them were distributed with equipment, and most of them were temporarily reorganized and waiting for the distribution of equipment.

It’s not that the ordnance factory has insufficient production capacity. After several expansions, the ordnance factory in Northland has adopted new production methods such as assembly lines and hydraulic hammer forging. Its productivity is definitely the highest in the entire kingdom.

Most of the time, what limits the production capacity of the ordnance factory is ore resources. The iron ore production in Northland cannot keep up with the expansion of the production capacity of the ordnance factory. The ordnance factory once relied on caravans to purchase and transport the ore from the west until it was explored in the wilderness. It took several veins of minerals to alleviate the embarrassment of lack of coal and iron in the North.

The Northland Ordnance Factory has been exploding at capacity, but there is still too little time left for them. It is already half a miracle to meet the equipment of hundreds of thousands of standing troops. Now the number of peasant soldiers recruited by the Northland is close to two million Well, it is indeed a bit difficult for the Northland Ordnance Factory to equip each one according to the regular army.

So, on some avenues in Miracle City, you can often see some armies with various equipment.

The captain leading the team is equipped with the standard equipment of the Northland Army, while the peasants and soldiers behind him are wearing leather armor, iron armor, rattan armor and other strange equipment. They only wear a blue and white suit with gold embroidery on the outside. Mitsuya’s iconic coat to try to maintain the unity of the team.

Miracle City, in the city lord’s mansion.

“How’s the troop buildup going?”

“The main army has all assembled in Piaoxue City. The faster Dragon Army has basically boarded the ship now, and they can set off just waiting for the last batch of supplies to arrive.”

“After the standing corps is transferred, public security in various places must be good, and don’t give some rats an opportunity to take advantage of it.”

“Richard, please rest assured. Although the army has been mobilized, the number of peasants and soldiers recruited has increased several times. Our peasants and soldiers in the north are also well-trained and have high fighting spirit. The suppression capabilities in various places are only stronger than before. ”

“To what extent will this full mobilization of farmers and soldiers affect spring plowing?”

“Women and the elderly have been organized in various places to rush for planting. Because the use of draft horses and cattle has filled part of the labor gap, the impact of the mobilization of peasants and soldiers on spring plowing has been minimized.”

“Well, you did a good job.”

Due to the emergency of the war in the south, Richard did not give much time for the assembly. This kind of large-scale assembly of troops in a short period of time would not only test the troops, but also the entire logistics and administrative system.

Not to mention that along with the mobilization of standing corps, various regions will also begin to mobilize armed peasants and soldiers to organize spring plowing. The entire Northland is like clockwork, and it is these affairs officers in front of them who are specifically arranging these affairs.

Now it seems that these people have done quite well, completely exceeding Richard’s expectations, and Richard is not stingy with praise.

After understanding some specific situations, Richard continued to confidently leave the army’s logistics and Northland mobilization to administrative officials such as Lint and Egger, and left the city lord’s palace ahead of schedule.

Before going south, he also wanted to bring an important combat force with him.

A yard in Miracle City near the Hunter family castle.

The people living in the courtyard are not members of the Hunter family, nor are they the familiar high-level people in Northland. The identity of the owner has always been a mystery, and the decoration of the courtyard is also very simple. Even the gate is just a simple wooden door, which is more beautiful than the usual wealthy businessman’s mansion. Also keep a low profile.

However, no one dares to underestimate the identity of the owner of this courtyard. After all, the courtyard is next to the Hunter family castle. There is nothing simple about people who can live in this location.

“Your Majesty Aragon.”

In the yard, Richard’s attitude towards Aragorn was quite respectful. He stood in the yard and nodded slightly to Aragorn who was fishing with his back turned.

“What are you doing here, kid?”

It’s just that Aragorn didn’t have any special respect for Richard, a big man whose reputation was resounding throughout the human kingdom and who spoke in the North. He asked without looking back, with a slightly impatient tone.

Richard didn’t care about the other party’s attitude and said directly as if reporting:

“Your Majesty, the orcs you expelled to the eastern plateau have now broken through the Dragon Breathing Pass and are plundering the central plains. Now I am ready to send troops south to fight the orcs to the death.”

Although Aragorn has always lived in Miracle City, Richard never dared to restrict Aragorn’s freedom. Aragorn did not always stay in the yard and never went out. Occasionally he would go to Miracle City for a stroll.

Richard didn’t believe that Aragorn didn’t know about such a big thing as the orcs’ breach of Dragon’s Breath Pass, but the other party pretended to be confused and didn’t care, so he just made it clear.

“Well, your spirit is commendable, then I wish you success!”

Aragorn was still looking at his fishing rod, as if he was trying to catch a Kun from this small pond, and his words were still full of confusion.

“Your Majesty, humanity is now at a critical point of life and death, and I need your help.”

Seeing that Aragorn still looked like he was trying to fool him, Richard was too lazy to continue playing dumb with Aragorn here, and directly hit a straight ball, hoping that Aragorn would go south with the army and take action.

Aragorn, who has changed his body again, should have recovered a lot of strength after recuperating for such a long time. At least Richard, who is in the realm of the realm, still cannot see through the depth of Aragorn.

Even if Aragorn is not in full condition, he is at least as strong as the realm. If he can fight south with the army, Aragorn will be able to easily contain the powerful orc with his strength.

However, when Aragorn heard that Richard wanted him to take action, he still shook his head.

“The time has not come, the time has not come!”

“Your Majesty, I can’t wait until you want it. The orcs have occupied the central plains, and next is the royal capital. If our northern army is defeated, the kingdom will be in danger, and mankind will be in danger. For the sake of mankind, we must not If you become a slave to the orcs again, please join me in expelling the orcs again!”

Seeing that Aragorn still looked like he wanted to be a salty fish, Richard directly resorted to the ultimate move of moral kidnapping.

Listening to Richard’s impassioned speech, Aragorn finally made some noise. He turned around and looked at Richard. He stared at the excited Richard for a long time and smiled:

“You did a good job this time.”

Richard’s excited expression froze on his face. Originally, Richard’s qi-nurturing skills were quite advanced, and he could even fool himself after pretending to do so. However, in front of Aragorn, there was always a way that he could be seen through at a glance. It feels like the power is broken in an instant.

Ignoring the wonderful changes in Richard’s expression, Aragorn continued to speak:

“Although you are not that righteous, I do believe you are willing to fight for humanity.”

“But humans are not that fragile and will not collapse as quickly as you said.”

“As for the kingdom? If it is destroyed, it will be destroyed.”

Aragorn didn’t seem to care about the kingdom’s destruction. On the contrary, Aragorn had a slight reaction when Richard mentioned that humans could no longer be slaves.

“Orcs are not the real enemy of mankind. I figured it out five hundred years ago.”

Although Richard did not personally experience what happened five hundred years ago, he still had a basic understanding of what happened from various sources.

The Kingdom of the Golden Dragon was stabbed in the back by the Cult of the Rising Sun. Both Aragorn and the Lord of the Rising Sun were injured. Only then did the orcs have the opportunity to launch a counterattack after surviving on the eastern plateau for hundreds of years.

So, Richard can probably guess who the real enemy Aragorn is talking about.

“But Your Majesty Aragorn, the gods are still far away, but the orcs are already close at hand.”

“Are the orcs close in sight…”

“I also didn’t expect that over the past few hundred years, a prosperous and stable life would have weakened human beings to this extent.”

After hundreds of years of peace, the human population has grown explosively, but its combat effectiveness has dropped a lot compared to the beginning of the founding of the country.

Even excluding the factors of Aragorn and the golden dragon, the ruthlessness of humans back then was something that humans today don’t have.

At the beginning of the founding of the People’s Republic of China, human beings fought without distinction between men and women. Anyone who could hold a weapon dared to fight the orcs. Even if the orcs defeated the regular human army in a certain area, they still had to deal with the entire area. Almost all humans.

Either kill all the humans, or deal with the endless harassment of humans, and the entire population will become soldiers to a higher level than in the Northland today.

It was almost impossible in Aragorn’s time to have an almost unimpeded approach to the capital after breaking through the Dragon’s Breath Pass.

“That’s it!”

Aragorn sighed, then threw the fishing rod in his hand and stood up.

At a speed that even Richard could not react, he appeared next to Richard in an instant, stretched out his hand and grabbed Richard’s left hand.


Aragorn’s sudden movement made Richard wary. The other party’s sudden movement made Richard instinctively want to resist.

It was only after exerting force that he realized that the hand that was being strangled could not move at all. With Richard’s physical strength, he had no problem knocking over an ancient dragon. However, he was caught by Aragorn, but he could not even resist. nothing.

Subconsciously, Richard wanted to use his fighting spirit, but Aragorn stopped him.

“Seeing that you really want to contribute to mankind, I will pay some price to help you once, don’t resist.”

Li Cha also reacted after hearing this. From the standpoints of the two of them, Aragorn had no motive to harm him. Moreover, judging from the opponent’s actions, he was really not his opponent, and he was even far from it.

Li Cha tried his best to restrain his instinct and let the other party do what he did.

A strange fighting spirit began to enter Richard’s body along Richard’s wrist.

“You kid, you have gained all your strength so quickly, and your foundation is not bad, but it’s a pity that you borrowed it from outside.”

Richard’s strength was improved with the help of the system. Although the system was very conscientious and laid a solid foundation for each improvement without leaving any hidden dangers, Aragorn still noticed some problems after careful inspection.

“Hey, strength is just like a weapon. It’s fine if it’s yours. Why bother thinking about how you got it.”

“Huh, sophistry.”

“The weapons are not easy to use, let alone one’s own strength.”

“However, you are so weird. You obviously used external forces to forcibly improve your level of strength, but your foundation is actually more solid than others who have worked hard and practiced hard.”

Richard continued to pretend to be stupid. After all, he couldn’t tell Aragorn directly. This was a strength improved by adding points to the system.

But Aragorn’s next words made Richard pay more attention.

“The cultivation of fighting spirit is still too superficial. It is just a set of training methods created by the elves. Being able to practice fighting spirit to the realm of strength is considered a gift. Domain should be the limit of fighting spirit cultivation. .”

“The last person who could reach this far with fighting spirit was the orc five hundred years ago.”


Because Richard’s strength was all increased by adding points in the later stage, he really has never experienced the hardship of practicing fighting spirit. After listening to Aragorn’s words, he felt that compared with the holy magicians who appeared together during the Elf Empire, , the probability of knights and warriors practicing fighting spirit to appear at the holy level is too small, let alone the jealous state where they can fight against the gods.

“Then how did you enter the realm of jealousy, Your Majesty Aragon?”


“Do you think Lie Yang Qi Jue is just an ordinary fighting qi cultivation method?”

“Isn’t it?”

“Of course not!”

“Although it is called the Lieyang Qi-Yining Jue, it is actually fundamentally different from the Qi-Yining Jue created by the elves. It draws the true fire of the sun to temper the body, and gathers the essence of the sun to turn it into Niu Tong. Bai Skeleton enters the divine court and uses the power of the sun for his own use. It is a power that is purer than magic power. It is not so much about entraining Qi as it is about refining Qi!”

“I, the Qi Refiner of the Great Zhou Dynasty, rely on this Qi Refining Technique to fight against the likes of lich, immortals and gods…”

“Remember! How to induce the refinement of the sun? Ox? I will only teach you once!”

There was too much information in Aragon’s words. A single sentence was enough for Richard to think about it for a long time, but at this time, he did not dare to think about anything else. All his attention was focused on Aragon’s ?paixi?br/>

A powerful and gentle wave of Zhou Tian finally reached the top of his head and stopped with Aragorn’s fierce pull.

After stopping his movements, Aragorn, who was clearly a puppet, actually showed signs of fatigue. He closed his eyes slightly and said:

“Feel the power of Shenting well. It is the key to entering the realm of jealousy. If you encounter an enemy you can’t deal with this time south, activate it.”

After that, Richard turned around and walked back into the house regardless of the doubts.

Li Cha was left standing there alone for a long time to digest.

When Richard opened his eyes again, lightning seemed to suddenly emit from his eyes.

Richard took a step towards the house first, then stopped and shouted into the house.

“After the army moves south, I will ask my seniors to take care of Miracle City.”

“You kid, you know how to cause trouble for me!”

“Hey hey…”

“Get out of here.”

Li Cha didn’t care about the other party’s bad attitude. He bowed his head respectfully outside before turning around and leaving.

Follow the northern army and head south…



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