Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 632: Decisive Battle 5


In the air, Natalie held the Cold Moon Scimitar in her hand, staring at the orc who was fighting Gru with cold eyes. There was an imperceptible black line on the sharp blade.

Now that Natalie has given up her plan to use “Death Judgment”, Gro’s perception and strength are too strong. Not only can she feel the arrival of “death” immediately, but she can also interrupt Na in time. Talis’ spellcasting.

With this skill, it would be more effective to simply lift the knife and chop it.

After the power of death gathered slightly on Leng Yue’s scimitar, the light on Leng Yue gradually turned from dark green to deep black, and the black threads condensed on the blade.

Then the sword was slashed out, and the black fighting spirit of the sword flew towards Gro who was not far away.


The orc who was fighting Gru turned around and waved the short spear in his hand. The red fighting spirit on the short spear flashed past, and the black fighting spirit was instantly shot away.

The Saint-level fighting spirit slash was easily resolved by Gero.

Only a trace of black energy lingered on the short spear for a few seconds, as if it wanted to erode in, but was cleaned away.

“It’s really weird that the level of the realm of power actually comes into contact with the rules.”

Although Grotto was able to clear away the power of death entangled with the GPU’s Spear in a short period of time, he still showed a slightly doubtful expression.

However, there was no time on the battlefield for Gro to investigate in detail.

“What a pity, it’s useless!”

After saying that, several blood spears came out from Gro’s hand, and the red threads flew towards Natalis not far away at an extremely fast speed.

Natalis had no time to dodge, and the Lengyue knife was placed across her face, blocking the blood spear flying towards her head, but she inevitably received a few more blows on her body.

After several battles, Natalis received at least a dozen **** spears on her body, most of which hit what ordinary people would consider vital points such as the heart and lungs.

Fortunately, although Natalis is not much different from ordinary people, she is still essentially an undead, and the real fatal part is her head.

However, when the blood spear penetrated her body, Natalis was still temporarily confused. The erosion of fighting spirit energy attached to the blood spear made Natalis unable to maintain her balance in the air.



The moment Gro turned around to deal with Natalie, he seized the opportunity and slashed out with a sword. The scimitar with the fighting spirit can be felt by just looking at it, as if his eyes can be… It cuts like a stick.

The scimitar was passed from a rather strange blind corner. The angle and timing were perfect. The only drawback was that the speed was not fast enough.

Without turning his head, Gro put the Gru’s spear back in his hand and firmly held Gru’s scimitar.

When Gru’s other scimitar slashed over, Gro had completely turned around, kicked out first, and kicked Gru hard.

The heavy blow sent Gru flying backwards like a cannonball.


After falling back more than ten meters in the air, Gru turned over and stabilized his figure. He stared at Gru warily for a few seconds without holding back. A mouthful of blood spurted out. This hurt his internal organs and made him feel uncomfortable. .

“My sword skills are good. I have seen so many so-called sword masters, and none of them are as good as you.”

“However, it’s still useless.”

“Before entering the domain, he is just a barbarian who can only use force to overwhelm others.”

Looking at Gru, who was stabilizing his figure more than ten meters away and staring at him warily, Gro still commented with a condescending attitude.

Either to disrupt the other person’s mentality and undermine the other person’s self-confidence, or to distract the other person.

While speaking, Gru ignited a **** fighting spirit and flew towards Gru not far away.

At this time, Moriel and Elena were smashed to the ground. Their injuries were serious, and they obviously did not have the ability to rush to rescue. Natalie also had no ability to rescue.

Gero moved toward Gru this time with extremely strong murderous intent.



Just when Gro and Gru were fighting, a golden flame flew out of the North Army camp.

Richard arrived just in time, slashing through with a golden fighting spirit and stopping Groo as he flew toward him.

Feeling the hot sun fighting energy coming, Grotto decisively gave up his original target, blocked the fighting spirit attack and turned his attention to Richard.

“Finally something decent.”

After staring at Richard for a few seconds, Grotto let out a chuckle. Although in Grotto’s perception, Richard was stronger than the previous heroes, and he was at the same domain level as himself.

But even when facing masters at the domain level, Gro still has absolute confidence.

Hundreds of years ago, he was a master at the pinnacle of the domain level. Now he has a younger body, and he has also obtained the Spear of GPU, an artifact that is very suitable for him.

With the help of foreign objects, if he exerts his full strength regardless of the consequences, he can already touch the scope of the realm of jealousy. How can a human who has just been promoted to the domain level be his opponent?

“Sir Richard, be careful, this guy is very dangerous.”

“If you lose, I can cover your retreat. Go back to the camp first, and Keshid and that team of elite swordsmen will take action together. We should be able to stop the opponent.”

Gru, who was behind Richard, couldn’t help but give a warning. After saying that, he put away his machete and took out the longbow arrows on his back. He locked the arrows in front of him. If Richard wanted to run away, he would be willing to do so. Use the longbow in your hand to buy time for Richard.

Gero’s strength is not much weaker than in his heyday. Whether it is in terms of hard power or combat experience and skills, Grotto is almost impeccable.

Judging from Gru’s understanding of Richard, Richard’s combat skills are still a little immature at the level of the Holy Order, and it is difficult to defeat the experienced orc opposite him.

So Gru couldn’t help but persuade him in the end. There were saint-level combatants and heroes like Somra in the camp who were stronger than ordinary sky-level heroes. Retracting to the camp would definitely ensure temporary peace.


Hearing Gru’s kind reminder, Richard just nodded and responded with a “hmm”, then he held the azure blue Angel Alliance in both hands and fiercely attacked Gru.



After bursting out with all his strength, Richard was very fast. Under the scorching sun, Richard’s Yang Dou Qi was able to be brought into full play. Within the scope of influence of Richard’s domain, others looked at Richard and felt as if he was It’s like looking at a little sun.

The moment Richard rushed towards him, Gro even felt as if the sun was setting in the sky.

Different from Gro’s ferocious fighting spirit with strange blood fighting spirit, Richard’s Yang fighting spirit is grand and grand, and at first it outweighed Gro’s in terms of momentum.

If it were an ordinary master, under such a momentum of falling like the sun, even if he didn’t run away, he would feel guilty, and he would not be able to fully display his strength.

But Gro looked directly at Richard who was attacking, and with a swipe of the short spear in his hand, he caught the attacking Angel Alliance.

When the two artifacts collided, they were both intact. There was no winner or loser, but Grotto stepped back a few meters. This was the first time Grotto stepped back after taking action.

“Good strength.”

“But if you still only know this little brute force, what’s the difference between you and them?”

In terms of pure power collision, Gro is no match for Richard. After all, the Ring of Giants can directly add the full power of a giant to Richard. Even at the level of the domain, it is a considerable bonus. .

However, in this level of battle, except for the powerful force that can directly break the space, the impact of ordinary strength bonus on the battle is only better than nothing.

After flying back a few meters, Gro easily relieved the force of the long sword…

Although Gro said he kept provoking, he was very decisive in his actions. After removing the force from the sword, he immediately shot several **** spears at Richard.

Several blood spears blocked the space for Richard to hide from several angles, and arrived in front of Richard in less than tenth of a second.




Before reaching the domain level, these blood spears would definitely be a trouble for Richard. Without treasures to protect him, direct fatality is possible.

But after arriving in the Realm of Domain, Richard’s perception of the surroundings and his own speed have greatly improved, and he can make a judgment the moment the opponent takes action.

He did not dodge, but quickly waved the Angel Alliance in his hand to block two blows, and then relied on the strength of the Dragon King’s divine power to take one forcefully.

Gero’s blood spear was difficult to penetrate the Dragon King’s divine power, but the huge power still made Richard’s chest hurt. The impact of a blood line was stronger than being hit with a siege ram.

Fortunately, the improvement of the Realm of Domain is all-round. Compared with before, Richard’s physique has been qualitatively improved in all aspects. The blood line that can give him a shot of blood in the Realm of Power stage is now replaced by the Dragon King. The blockage of divine power only caused a pain in Richard’s chest.

“What a treasure. Last time I said he should be mine.”

Gero’s blood spear can even penetrate thick city walls directly, and the armor that can block his blood spear is the only dark red armor he has ever seen on Richard.

Gero made no secret of his greed for Richard’s Dragon King power.


At the moment when the blood spear was released, Groh himself turned into a line of blood light and attacked. He did not expect to be able to defeat a realm realm saint with just a few blood spears. From the perspective of others, several streaks of blood arrived almost at the same time.



“Come again!”

“Aren’t you very strong? Why hide?”


The movement between the two in the air was louder than summer thunder.

The roaring sound almost covered up the movement of millions of people fighting below.

Compared with the sounds of their fight, the roar of the dragon in the air seemed like a murmur.

The soldiers on both sides who were fighting fiercely couldn’t help but look up in the direction of the sound.

But in their eyes, the battle between Richard and Grot was just a blood-red light and a golden-red light constantly colliding, and nothing could be seen.

At least people above the sky level can catch their movements. To participate in the battle at this level, the sky level is the threshold, a threshold to become cannon fodder.


After dozens of fierce battles, the two sides slightly distanced themselves and stopped.

At this time, Gro not only had a little sweat on his face, but also had many burn marks on his body. Not to mention embarrassed, at least he was not as calm as before.

Fighting with Richard, especially under the scorching sun, requires you to be tested by high temperatures at all times.

Li Cha benefited from the treasures on his body, and his defense power was not to mention, and there were no obvious wounds on his body.

There was only a faint trace of blood at the corner of his mouth. After dozens of high-intensity confrontations, Richard also felt uncomfortable.

“I underestimate you. Even though you are using foreign objects, I am still a little surprised that you can fight to this extent.”

“Huh, stop talking nonsense.”

“When it comes to using foreign objects, the weapon in your hand is not ordinary.”

Given the strength of the Angel Alliance, even the sophisticated weapons made by the dwarves would have been damaged under such a high-intensity confrontation. How could they remain as intact as they are now.


“Same as Aragorn back then, he refused to suffer any loss with his words, but it’s a pity that he has strength…”

“Young Master, you old guy was killed by Aragorn with just one strike. Do you deserve to talk to Aragorn?”


As the saying goes, scolding people does not reveal their shortcomings. Grotto made casual remarks about Aragorn, but he did not know that Aragorn lived in the North. At the beginning, Grotto was not at the same level as Aragorn. On the battlefield, he defeated Aragon with just one sword. If Gong is killed, how can he talk to him more?

Richard is very clear about this paragraph.

Gero rarely seemed to be irritated, but he calmed down after being speechless.

“How can you be angry with a dying person?”

“Let you see the power above the domain.”


After saying that, Gro’s face turned red and his momentum continued to rise.

In the battle just now, he has not tried his best…


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