Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 630: Decisive Battle 3




Gero moved very quickly. When a large number of white dragons were still on the way, Gro had already rushed into the dragon pile. His flexible movements allowed the surrounding dragons to break through without even reacting. Entering, the Gewu Spear in his hand hit Zilong on the head with a slashing motion.

“Woo, woo…”

The purple dragon that was chanting a spell and releasing a shower of meteors and fire just now screamed when it was hit before it could react. Then it began to fall weakly. The other purple dragon did not dare to stay far away and immediately stopped releasing magic. , fled to one side.

The dragon’s resistance to blows should be among the best among creatures, and the head is the hardest part of the dragon’s body. Most of the time, to hurt the dragon, you have to start from the slightly softer parts of the neck and abdomen.

But Gro’s hateful blow was extremely powerful. Hitting Zilong’s head was like hitting a puppy. One second after being attacked by Gro, Zilong began to twitch in the air, and then began to fall unconsciously. , I don’t know if he was crushed to death or just fainted.


Just when Gro was about to pursue and make up for it, a burst of dragon’s breath came from his side. The extremely high temperature contained in the dragon’s breath could be felt from more than ten meters away.

The reaction speed of the black dragon transformed by Moriel was also not slow. A burst of dragon breath forced Grotto back, without giving the opponent a chance to chase the purple dragon. Faced with the dragon’s breath sprayed by the holy dragon, Grotto He had to temporarily avoid the sharp edge and raise his height again to avoid the dragon’s breath.


“Blood Spear!”


Gero snorted coldly, and immediately turned his target to Moriel, who was coming forward. A line of blood spurted out from his hand, flying towards Moriel who was still breathing dragon breath in the distance.

Moriel felt the danger, and did not dare to continue breathing dragon breath. She immediately hid aside. The blood spear that was originally shot at Moriel’s head was deflected to her shoulder, and a blood hole was opened in her shoulder in an instant. , the solid dragon scales and powerful body of the holy black dragon were like rags in front of the blood spear, with no defensive ability at all.


Before Moriel could recover from being penetrated by the blood spear, Gro had already appeared behind Moriel, forming a red afterimage in the air at a high speed. Although Moriel could clearly see the opponent’s movements , but before he had time to react, he was hit hard by Gro from the back. The GPU’s spear easily pierced the scales on his back, and the sharp short spear sank more than half a meter deep.

Fortunately, the ancient black dragon that Moriel transformed into was huge. Although Gro’s blow was severe, it did not pierce the heart. Moriel immediately began to roll in the air and threw Gro from his back, but Ge Wu The wound left by the Spear began to bleed non-stop, and black and yellow pus soon began to emerge. Although the GPU Spear was a broken artifact, it still had some special effects.



In the air, the huge black dragon kept spitting dragon breath at Gro. Although Gro didn’t dare to catch the dragon’s breath head-on, he could easily avoid it, and he could also find opportunities to fight back. Whether it was speed or strength, Gro was against Moriel had the advantage of being crushed, and soon Moriel was covered in bruises under Gro’s hands.

Although they are both at the holy level, there is a huge gap between the realm of power and the realm of domain.

“Death Judgment!”

Just when Gro was crushing Moriel with an absolute advantage, Natalies, who led the angel team on the other side, was the first to come to support. As soon as she came up, she held the Cold Moon Scimitar high and launched the death judgment.

The surrounding black energy converged towards Natalie’s blade, and Grotto also felt the fear of facing death. Death Judgment is a regular skill with an instant death effect, even in the Realm of the Realm. Gro can’t resist the rules of death.

If the opponent uses it, he will die immediately.

It’s just that Gro and Natalie’s previous goals are different. Death Judgment has a few seconds to prepare. Most creatures targeted by Death Judgment will almost immediately lose the ability to move in fear, just waiting for the judgment to come. Life and death are all left to illusory probabilities. But Gro is an exception.

Although a strong sense of crisis surged into his heart, Gro not only did not lose the ability to move in fear, but reacted quickly, immediately gave up on Moriel in front of him, turned around and turned into a red light and flew towards Natalie. past.

At this moment, Moriel’s body had been stabbed with many **** holes by Gro, and she looked very miserable. However, after discovering Natalie’s actions, she still tried hard to hold Gro, and with difficulty, she took a breath of dragon’s breath and tried to Stop Gro’s actions.

However, Gro’s actions were quite determined. He waved the Gewu Spear in his hand and forcibly rushed out of the dragon’s breath.

If ordinary people were touched by Moriel’s dragon breath, they might immediately turn into a pile of fly ash, but Glo rushed out of the dragon breath with some burn marks on his body.

Gero, who had gotten rid of Moriel, faced Natalis in the distance with several blood spears, all heading towards Natalis’ head.

Natalis, who was originally an undead creature, could ignore most physical injuries, but she did not dare to injure her head. Essentially, she still had to keep her soul fire intact.

After some mental calculation, she found that she could not successfully release the Death Judgment before being hit by the blood spear. Natalis immediately terminated the Death Judgment, put the scimitar in her hand on the crossbar, and blocked the way towards her. Several **** spears came from the door.

Fortunately, the Cold Moon Scimitar in Natalie’s hand is also a rare treasure. Gro’s blood spear did not have the power to penetrate the scimitar, but the huge force was transmitted to Natalie through the scimitar. Si’s body was pushed, and Natalie was pushed back more than ten meters in the air before she stabilized her figure.


The next second, Gro had arrived in front of Natalis, thrust out the Gru’s spear, but was narrowly held back by Natalis with the Cold Moon Scimitar.

“Let go!”


Gero’s speed and strength were far superior to Natalis’s. As soon as he exerted force on his hand, Natalis couldn’t resist it. The movement of holding the short spear was deformed. Gro found an opportunity and kicked him in the stomach, sending him flying backwards.



“Huh, here comes another one!”

When Gro was about to pursue, a sharp arrow silently shot from behind him. Gro turned sideways and deflected the arrow with the short spear in his hand, heading in the direction of the arrow. Looking over, he saw an elf in the air in the distance, holding a long bow and nocking an arrow, looking at him indifferently. Next to the opponent was a woman holding a long sword, wearing a silver-white battle armor, and a resolute face. This should also be a strong human being who appeared many times in the battle report, and she was indeed a saint.

After Glo took action, in addition to Sandro who wanted to control the undead army, the Holy Dragon who was entangled with the white dragon, and the Protector Sword Master who stayed in the commander’s tent, Richard’s holy-level combat power had already been They all went out to fight and formed a siege on Gro.

However, Gro, who found himself in a double-teamed situation, had no intention of retreating. Instead, he picked up the GPU spear in his hand and made a throat-cutting motion in the direction of Gru and Elena. provocative.

“I want you to know clearly how big the gap is between the holy level and the holy level…”



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