Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 63: Night fight


I don’t know which sword reflected the cold light that hit Bruce’s eyes. Bruce is also an experienced ogre warrior after all.

After a slight shiver, I woke up completely,

“Enemy attack!”

Bruce shouted loudly in a voice that sounded gurgling to the ears of Richard and others.


Although I couldn’t understand what the ogre on the other side was shouting, it was obvious that I and the others had been exposed.

Richard no longer hesitated and stood up from the grass and charged, followed closely behind by Ron and others.

Faced with the humans who directly attacked, Bruce had no fear. After Bruce issued a warning, fast-moving ogres rushed out of the dilapidated shack.

These shacks are all modified from the original villagers’ houses. The ogres are much taller than humans. They are not suitable for ogres to live in unless they are modified.

These renovations are also very rough, and can even be called shabby in the eyes of Richard and others, but for the ogres who live in huts and animal skin tents all year round, these stone and wood structure houses are quite good.

Facing the charge from Richard and others, Bruce showed quite fearlessness, and joined the ogres who were driven out of the shack one after another to launch a counterattack.

Benefiting from the good habits developed in the wilderness, Bruce never leaves his weapon. Even when he goes out to deal with small hands, he always carries his mace with him.

It’s just too late to put on the armor,

However, the thick skin of the ogre itself is a layer of natural armor. An ogre warrior like Bruce whose body has been further polished,

Even if he was naked, it would be difficult for ordinary human warriors to break through his defenses.

At a distance of thirty steps, the first to show off their power were the sharpshooters under Richard’s command. Their fast-firing crossbows instantly covered the dozens of ogres that rushed out.

And Bruce, who was in charge, received special attention from the marksmen,

However, Bruce has always been dismissive of human arrows, except for the powerful bed crossbow. Such short arrows are like scratching an itch when they are shot on the body.

Except for some unlucky ones who were shot in the eyes, these arrows basically did no harm to them.

Bruce casually used his mace to deflect the arrows flying towards his face, and paid no attention to the other arrows flying towards his body.

But the moment the arrow came into contact with the mace in Bruce’s hand, he realized something was wrong,

The power is too heavy,

Just as this idea came to his mind, Bruce had no time to react and firmly caught several other arrows with his body.

The arrow penetrated Bruce’s skin easily, and did not go deeper until it was embedded in Bruce’s tight muscles.

Although Bruce was not seriously injured, he felt uneasy in his heart.

You must know that as an ogre warrior, Bruce’s defense ability is much higher than that of ordinary ogres,

Even he could only barely resist these arrows, so the other ordinary ogre warriors who rushed out together might not have any good results.

A volley from more than sixty sharpshooters knocked down half of the ogres who followed Bruce.

The ogre warriors were also stunned by this round of volleys. They had never seen such a lethal arrow.

However, the ogres are brave after all. Although they suffered heavy casualties in this round of arrows, they still have no intention of retreating.

In Bruce’s mind, as long as he rushes into the human front, he will no longer have to face such a terrible rain of arrows,

The ogres have a huge advantage in close combat. There are not many human soldiers on the opposite side. Even if one or two human knights Bruce appear, they will not be afraid.

It is normal for ogres to have such confidence,

Under the racial advantage, except for a few peak experts, human quasi-knights are usually no match for ogre warriors. It takes at least two quasi-knights to compete with one ogre warrior.

The ogre warriors also maintain this racial advantage when facing strong human knights. Their natural size and strength advantages allow them to overwhelm human knights in most situations.

Even one against two or one against three is not a big problem.


Richard has already fought with Bruce, who is leading the way,

The marksmen did not have time to launch a second round of shooting,

After all, reality is not a game. Although the shooting frequency of the marksman is faster than the archer before the upgrade,

But the distance of thirty steps is indeed too short. No matter how fast, there is no time to shoot another round, and they can only retreat to the side and rear of the team to snipe the ordinary ogre warriors who then rush out of the shack.

In the first round of fighting, Richard did not consider the consumption of fighting spirit at all, and directly used all his strength to draw the sword, and for a while he was evenly matched with Bruce.

After entering the intermediate level of the Qing Qi Entrainment Technique, Richard’s strength is already at the upper reaches of the knight level. Only then can he be on par with the Ogre Warriors,


After the handover of weapons, Bruce took half a step back. Before he could catch his breath, Ron, who was following Richard, also ignited his fighting spirit and joined the battle.

Seeing this situation, Bruce has already begun to think about retreating. It’s not like Bruce has never dealt with two knights before.

But obviously neither Richard nor Ron are the kind of ordinary knights who can be dismissed at will,

Both of them can’t keep one Bruce alive, let alone two.

However, Bruce knew very well that he could not turn around immediately. Turn around and leave now, not to mention those powerful arrows in the distance would not let him go.

Just these two knights can catch up with him from behind and kill him. They have to wait for more warriors to rush out.

He has seen that this human army is not large in number. With the same number, his ogre warriors have an absolute advantage.

With other ogre warriors restraining him, he still has a chance.

Bruce was heartbroken and rushed forward, waving his mace and roaring,

According to Bruce’s idea, even if they can’t defeat these two human knights, there won’t be much problem in containing them in a short period of time,

What’s more, there are seven or eight ogre warriors around him who have also arrived. Although he was attacked, he still has a chance.


When Bruce fought against Richard again, the slightly slower ogre warrior also fought against the Crusaders behind Richard.

Perhaps it should be called blocking the road instead of fighting. The Crusaders stopped charging, ignited their fighting spirit and directly split the wooden stakes in the hands of these ogre warriors with their swords.

Then he chopped down the ogre warriors blocking the way like tearing apart a piece of rag.

Seven or eight ogre warriors were all wiped out without making a splash in front of more than 20 crusaders,

Bruce saw a scene he would never forget. The light of more than twenty humans igniting their fighting spirit dispersed some of the night in front of him.

“It’s all over”

This was Bruce’s last thought. Seven or eight long swords attached with fighting spirit struck one after another,

Bruce struggled to resist, ran away, and was subsequently hacked to death by a group of Crusaders who knew no mercy,

“Come in, leave no one behind!”

Richard didn’t pay much attention to the fallen ogre warrior. With a wave of his sword, he led the army to continue the attack.

The outcome of this night attack has actually been determined



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