Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 629: Decisive Battle 2


“Divine Crossbow!”

“Get ready!”

“Let it go!”

“Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh…”

When the forward troops of both sides approached a distance of 500 steps, the Shenwei crossbows of the Northern Army took the lead in unleashing their power, and more than two thousand giant arrows comparable in length to short spears flew towards the large group of orcs.

Under Christian’s command, the accuracy of the divine crossbow was quite good, with more than two-thirds falling directly into the orc formation.


“Raise your shield!”

“Dang! Dang…”


The advancing orcs are not completely unprotected. The front row is not flesh-and-blood orc warriors, but sturdy shield vehicles.

This reinforced shield car is covered with a layer of iron plate half a finger thick, and behind the iron plate is a hardwood **** thick, with a sandwich layer mixed with soil in the middle to prevent fire attacks.

The design is also more complete than ordinary simple shield vehicles. There are two triangular inclined planes on the front, which are not easy to directly bear force. If the Shenwei crossbow is fired on it, it will be easily carried away by the inclined planes.

Four or five orcs pushed the shield cart, protecting a small group of orc warriors behind them, and kept approaching the Northland army’s line.

The orcs are actually more willing to fight hand-to-hand with the Northland Army. In the melee, the orcs’ individual combat power advantage is easier to use.

Although the shield cart could block some of the giant arrows, many giant arrows still passed over the shield cart and fell directly to the back row. The shield cart could block the divine crossbow, but the shield in the hands of ordinary warriors could not block it.

A giant arrow more than one meter long can penetrate at least two orc warriors when it is fired into the orc array, or it can fall directly from the sky and nail the soldier who is raising his shield to the ground.

After two rounds of shooting, at least hundreds of orc warriors were killed. This result was actually quite good, but it was a bit insignificant for an army of hundreds of thousands.

In addition to the divine crossbow, some ultra-long-range units in the system army have also begun to show their power.

A few bolts of lightning fell on the orcs’ shield carts, directly smashing the shield carts in the front row into pieces. The flying fragments instantly killed five or six orc warriors around them.

Although the Titan’s long-range thunder and lightning attack is single-target in the game, there are always modifications. With such a powerful skill, hitting it directly on the Orc Shield Car will achieve better results.

More than a dozen other ice giants also threw the ice spears in their hands, causing considerable casualties to the orcs hundreds of steps away.


“Let it go!”

The orcs are not completely passive. Compared with humans, the orcs have not lagged behind in the development of war equipment, but have their own style.

To sum up, it is rough and huge. It doesn’t look like much, but its practicality is pretty good. The bed crossbow and dragon hunting crossbow in the orc army are twice as big as the divine crossbow. Several orcs struggled to string it up and launch it. Thousands of giant arrows also flew towards the formation of the Northern Army.

Part of it was blocked by the wooden sign and the big shield, while the other part also fell into the team of human warriors, causing a shower of blood.

It’s just that both sides suffered casualties silently. No one turned around and left when people kept falling down after being hit by arrows. They all silently advanced towards the other side step by step.

“Two hundred steps!”

“One hundred and fifty steps!”


“Let it go!”

When both sides advance within two hundred steps, various long-range attacks become more frequent.

Especially for the Northland Army, at this distance, the Phantom Archer can perfectly exert the power of his arrows, and the Magic Mage can also throw magic missiles at the orcs on the opposite side.

At this distance, phantom shooters, magic mages, and a large number of ordinary strong archers attacked at the same time. The orcs in the front row fell like leeks, creating a death zone at a distance of 150 steps. , which was filled with the bodies of orcs that had been shot like hedgehogs.

“Continue the attack!”

“Crossbow array ready!”

However, the determination of the orcs this time was not that great. Immediately afterwards, a flag regiment with lighter casualties came up and stepped on the limbs of the previous orc soldiers to continue charging.

Everyone knows that in this war, even if you have the chance to be a deserter, you can’t outrun the supervising team, but you can’t outrun the wall that will turn into flying gray light as soon as it comes into contact.

“Steam Crossbow! Lift it up and try it!”

More and more orc warriors came up, but the humans brought out a few slightly strange things.

Four dark war crossbows faced the advancing orc warriors.

As for why there aren’t more?

Of the steam war crossbows I originally carried, this was the only one that was damaged on the road. If it hadn’t been for maintenance along the way, this thing might not even be able to sustain itself on the battlefield.

“Boom, boom, boom…”

Four black steam crossbows began to slowly emit white smoke.

“Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh…”

Dense crossbow arrows were fired, and in one minute, the four war crossbows poured hundreds of giant arrows at the orc warriors a hundred steps away, giving the orc warriors who had just made up for it a hammer, and another More than a hundred orc warriors were hit by arrows and fell to the ground.

“Quick, reload!”

“Stop it, carry it back!”

“Dragon Army, prepare for battle!”


The long-range attacks of both sides were unable to directly block each other. After several rounds of long-range attacks, the orcs still rushed to the front of the Northland Army. The Dragon Army officers who faced the orc army were not timid at all.

After ordering several soldiers to help carry away the steam crossbow, he immediately raised his sword and ignited his fighting spirit, leading the soldiers behind him to attack the orc soldiers who were approaching…



The officers with the strength of the Great Knight took the lead and fought with the orcs who rushed up from behind the shield car. Under the dual effects of the system medicine and the training camp, the combat power of the Northland Army from the quasi-knight to the level of the Great Knight was revealed. Blowout status.

On average, two centurions can equip one knight, which is even more luxurious than the royal capital’s imperial army in the past. In terms of proportion, it is already equivalent to the proportion of orc warriors among orc warriors. In a head-on battle, You won’t suffer any loss in terms of mid-to-high-end force.

The leading officer ignited his fighting spirit and chopped down two orc warriors with one sweep of his sword. Then he was approached by the orc warrior and restrained each other.

The remaining warriors quickly followed, and the two sides collided in front of the formation.


The weapons met, and the orc’s battle ax struck the battle armor with an unpleasant metal collision sound, and blood spurted out from the wound.

The Northland Army did not show any weakness, even hitting the orcs with pickaxes and armor-piercing awls created **** holes.

The moment the two sides came into contact, they entered the bloodiest state of consumption and fighting, with screams and blood splattering everywhere.

Looking at the scene, the orcs still have some advantages. Although the Northern Army has been armed to the extreme, in hand-to-hand combat, the orcs still have an extremely huge advantage in strength and physical fitness. They are generally more than a head higher than the Northern soldiers. The orc warrior, who was a little wider, wore heavy armor like a small tank. If he hit it forward with his shield, he could usually knock the human soldier to the ground.

The elite soldiers of the Dragon Army need at least two people to cooperate to have a chance to knock down the orc warriors with armor-piercing weapons.



The orc forwards fought very fiercely, driving the Northland Army’s ten-mile-long front line inward by dozens of meters, but they soon encountered a tough enemy.

Ron led dozens of Scarlet Crusaders and more than 300 ordinary Crusaders around him from the fulcrum, and immediately suppressed the momentum of the orcs. Ron, who was at the peak of the earth level, was not inferior to the orc army. The long-level master, after killing two orc warriors, still suppressed the orc army commander.

The fighting power of the Crusaders behind them was also exaggerated. Working in small groups, they used superb swordsmanship to quickly kill the orc warriors. Within minutes of joining the battle, they drove the orcs out of the battle line.

“Let the Samurai Group go up!”

“Don’t let those humans move on!”


The Northern Army used the Scarlet Crusaders and ordinary Crusaders as assault force. The Orcs also had a support force composed of warriors and great warriors. They immediately came up to the Crusaders after they took action to prevent them from attacking ordinary warriors. of slaughter.



“Let the rear team speed up and mix with the humans. We have the advantage in strength and are not afraid of fighting with the humans.”

“Yes, sir!”

“Full speed ahead, full speed ahead!”



As the orcs accelerated their actions, a dragon roar came from the air, and two purple dragons, protected by more than twenty giant dragons, flew over the battlefield.

The rain of fire formed in the sky, and then flew towards the orc rear team.

The two purple dragons use Meteor Fire Rain at the same time, which can cover a range of seven or eight miles, including most of the orc rear team.

The single damage of the burning rain of fire is not very high. Even if it hits an ordinary orc warrior, it cannot kill it immediately.

But the rain of fire continued to fall from the sky. As soon as the orc warriors extinguished the flames on their bodies, they would be immediately attached to their bodies by the falling fire rain. After a few more times, the hair and cloth on their bodies were directly Lit up and even become a pyromaniac.

The burning pain was much more unbearable than the damage caused by swords. Many of the orc elites, who had scars all over their bodies and were able to shout for battle after being stabbed several times on the battlefield, were also burned and screamed in agony.

More importantly, under the rain of fire, the more than 100,000 orc warriors covered in it were completely thrown into chaos. Not to mention how many were burned to death by the rain of fire, the orc warriors were everywhere in order to extinguish the flames on their bodies. Get lost, the formation suddenly ceased to exist. As for rushing forward to support the front troops that were already fighting with the Northland Army, there was no way to talk about it.

“What is this? Is it human magic again?”

Purple Dragon used Meteor Fire Rain before, when it was against the Sea Tribe in the South China Sea. The orcs had never seen such a large-scale offensive magic. Seeing the flames falling from the sky, Grodu was a little anxious.

If this rain of fire continues, there will be no need to fight this battle.

“Has human magic actually recovered to this extent?”

Before Gro could react, Adelillo raised his hand first, and the Vulcan Mask appeared in his hand, and then threw it into the sky. Under the eyes of hundreds of thousands of people, a red The canopy enveloped the orc army, and most of the fire rain falling from the sky was blocked.

This defensive artifact was used to cover the orc army when it detoured from the snowfield to attack the North. At that time, it protected thousands of orcs from passing through the snowfield for more than half a month, preventing them from dying in the extreme white wind of the snowfield. At this time it came into play again.

“This is not the magic released by human magicians!”

“Quick! Those two purple dragons are the magic they released. They must be destroyed! Using the Vulcan Cover on such a large scale will not last long.”

“General Welch! I leave the command of the army to you!”

“Yes! Lord Great Shaman!”

Welch is also one of the senior orc generals who have been following the battle. Although his personal strength is not strong in the earth class because of his older age, he is extremely experienced in using troops. He has lived for more than 40 years. He is definitely an experienced general when it comes to leading troops in battles, and Gro is relieved to hand over the command of the army to him.

“Let Bailong come with me!”

Gero himself was very decisive. After Adriello finished speaking, he immediately knew that it was time to fight, and immediately took out the green Gewu Spear and flew towards the purple dragon in the air.



The remaining hundreds of white dragons also followed closely under the leadership of the holy white dragon. After knowing that there was no way out, the white dragon was also aroused with ferocity


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