Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 628: Decisive Battle 1


At dawn, the sun shines directly down, making it look a little dazzling. The spring sunshine is rare and a bit fierce.

However, the light wall did not disappear due to direct sunlight. Instead, it changed from white light to a substantial black. Mottled red traces flashed from time to time on it, which was more conspicuous than the light wall at night, always reminding people within the range. Do not attempt to leave this range until the battle is over.

A puff of smoke drifted out from the camps of the Northland Army and the Orc Army. Soldiers from both sides took turns cooking and resting. Those who moved faster were already gathering to prepare for war. There were millions of troops separated by a distance of more than ten miles. It’s not much different from sticking to the face.

At night, Catherine also sent an army of undead to sneak attack and test, but the orcs who were on guard were blocked by the team, and they did not get much advantage.

At this time, there is not much meaning in playing tricks. Both sides are restricted to a very small plain area, and every move will be clearly seen by the other side.

“Drive, drive, drive…”

“Come on!”


The infantry of both sides were still preparing, divided into several groups and slowly approached, but the cavalry had already made contact first. Sir M’Lak led tens of thousands of cavalry to bite the centaur and a team of ten thousand, like maggots attached to the bones. Generally cannibalizing each other.



Mlak relied on force and rushed to the front with the violent female Talis. There were almost no enemies around the centaurs. The meteor hammer could smash the brains of the centaur warriors when it hit them.

Even a leader-level centaur would find it difficult to take M’rak’s move.

In comparison, Taris, who just slashed with a sword, seemed much gentler, but the killing efficiency was not much worse than M’lak. M’lak smashed the opponent’s brain, while Taris only killed the opponent. A wound was left in a vital location.

The two of them were spears, and hundreds of centaur warriors had fallen wherever they passed. Among them was a Centaur Centurion who did not believe in evil and came up to intercept Sir M’Lak. Let M’Lak easily hit him with a hammer. killed.

Under normal circumstances, the centaurs would have been defeated by now. Although they were more numerous, they could not withstand the unilateral killings crushed by the high-end combat power of the human cavalry. The champions followed closely behind. Knights, unicorn holy beasts, and even the weaker Red Flame Knights are not something centaur warriors can fight against. They can only use their lives to consume the opponent’s fighting spirit and physical strength. The centaur leader is not willing to bear such a big orc for the orcs. casualties.

But now, the centaur also has a reason to fight. The centaur leader is not blind. They could clearly see the two figures and the wall of light in the air last night.

Even after the orcs tried it, the centaur gave it a try. After saving two lives, he found that he had no way out. Although he was unwilling to do so, the centaur also knew that he was really like the orcs. He was a grasshopper on a rope. It was impossible to leave the orcs and run away. He could only follow the words of the two figures in the sky at night and fight to the last person.

So in the early morning cavalry battle, the Centaur performed much more actively. As soon as Mrak came up with his men, the Centaur took the initiative to send a team of ten thousand people to fight.

“Chief Hutt, Chief Apudu’s side is no longer able to hold on, do you want to withdraw?”

The Centaur officer on the side obviously did not have the consciousness to fight to the end. Seeing the heavy casualties of the ten thousand people in front, he subconsciously felt that he should retreat.

“Retreat? Where to retreat? We have no way out.”

“Don’t the orcs want us to entangle each other?”

“Send a team of two thousand people up, and then ask for help from the orc wolf cavalry, asking them to send at least five thousand cavalry, and work together to find a way to entangle this human cavalry!”

“Yes, Leader Hutt!”


Accompanied by the thunderous sound of horse hooves, a dark group of centaur warriors rushed out from the formation on the flank of the orc army, followed by a small number of wolf riders. Without any hesitation, they headed towards the unilateral direction under the leadership of the officer. Slaughter the centaur warrior Dumlak and his party rushed forward.



“Lord Mrak! Two more centaurs and ten thousand troops came from the orcs, as well as some wolf cavalry. Do we want to withdraw?”

Taking into account the ten thousand centaur troops they were tearing at like crazy, the enemy’s cavalry strength was already more than three times that of our own.

An ordinary commander would have considered running away by now, but Mrak glanced around first, as if confirming something.

After a long time, M’lak smiled softly, probably because he saw something.

The orcs not only dispatched 20,000 centaurs and some orc wolf cavalry for support, but also secretly mobilized 20,000 multi-armored infantry on both sides to detour. As long as Mrak was entangled by the centaurs for a while, the elite of this legion The orcs will also rush to join the battle. By then, M’lak’s less than 10,000 people will have to face enemies five or six times their own size.

These five or six times the number of enemies are not just a mob, but well-trained elites. If they are trapped, the only ones who can be sure of escaping are Mraktaris, the champion knight. They may all be consumed in it.

“It’s hard to find them putting so much effort into setting up such a simple game.”


“Withdraw, withdraw, withdraw…”

Sir M’Lak was not a stubborn person. He did not become arrogant after taking some advantage with his cavalry. When he saw that he could no longer take advantage, he decisively gave the order to retreat.

The human cavalry, which had just been chasing the orc wolf cavalry and centaur warriors for a killing spree, quickly retreated under the command of Sir Mrak.

The ten thousand men chased and bitten by Sir Mrak and his cavalry had no ability to entangle the Northland cavalry at all.

After Mrak ordered the retreat, the entire human cavalry left the battle almost instantly.

If you want to entangle the human cavalry, a team of ten thousand people is still not enough…

Without the entanglement of the centaur cavalry, the cavalry under Mrak’s command were faster, and the orc infantry who were approaching in a roundabout way on both sides were thrown far away.

“Leader Hutt, do you want to pursue me?”

“No more pursuit, retreat!”

“Yes, leader!”

Not only did the orcs send out infantry to try to encircle them, the Northland army also sent out reinforcements to relieve the siege at any time.

A group of black skeleton cavalrymen in the distance were already approaching. The scarlet soul fire in the eyes of the more than twenty death knights led by them made the centaurs shudder.

After several rounds of contact between the cavalry of both sides, the centaur warriors and the orc wolf cavalry still suffered heavy losses. The orc infantry repeatedly tried to intervene in the battle in a roundabout way, but Mrakye Talis’ battlefield sense of smell was too sensitive. No matter what method the orcs use, the human cavalry can always break away from the battle one step ahead and jump out of the encirclement of the orc infantry.

However, because the centaurs fought more actively, the losses suffered by the human cavalry also gradually increased.

“Lord Mrak, we have eliminated at least three thousand centaur warriors, but we have also lost more than two hundred cavalry, and the skeleton cavalry also lost a lot.”

“The Red Flame Knights also killed five knights in the battle. They were all knocked off their horses in the chaos after their fighting spirit was exhausted.”

In a large-scale cavalry battle, falling off the horse almost means death. Let alone the knight class, even falling into the earth class is very dangerous. Only the sky class has the ability to fly directly into the air and fly a short distance away from the battle.

It is normal for ordinary Northland cavalry to suffer losses. After all, they are just ordinary elites. They ride on Western horses and wear Northland standard armor. They may not be able to win one-on-one with centaurs. Such a high damage ratio is entirely due to the high-end combat power that suppresses the Centaur’s momentum.

But the loss of five members of the Red Flame Knights speaks volumes. These knights riding red flame horses and wrapped in iron skins generally suffered zero casualties in previous battles. Ordinary centaurs It would be difficult for a warrior to break through their defenses against them, let alone cause casualties to them.

Now that the centaurs are starting to work hard, the Red Flame Knight’s consumption has increased a lot. He is fighting more with less, and the recovery of fighting spirit and physical strength has been slightly behind. He is wearing a heavy armor and has not been broken by weapons. Fang fell off his horse directly due to physical exertion, resulting in five casualties.

“Forget it, let’s go back and rest for a while, these centaurs are starting to work hard.”

Mlak gave an order, and the cavalry who had left the battle quickly returned to the flank of the army. The skeleton cavalry also turned away, without giving the orc infantry a chance to make direct contact.

It was not that the orc infantry who were pursuing in a roundabout way did nothing. After Mrak led his men to retreat, the orcs who came around picked up the centaur’s body. It is not accurate to say that they picked up the body, because they had no time to fight. The dead centaur was carried back directly, but the corpse was simply destroyed to prevent the skeleton cavalry team from growing again.

“Dang! Dang! Dang!”

“Retreat quickly, retreat quickly!”

The golden sound sounded, and the centaur warriors and the roundabout orc infantry who rushed up to support also retreated like flying, otherwise they would have become a prominent part of the battlefield.

The protagonists of this war are still the huge infantry groups on both sides. The shackles of war actually limit the performance of the cavalry to a minimum. When the black infantry on both sides press forward, the cavalry who have no room to move can only Able to retreat into the cover of the infantry formation.

“Boom! Boom! Boom!”

“Boom! Boom! Boom!”

As the war drums beat loudly, a large number of infantrymen pressed forward. The orcs dispatched ten legions at once, organized into different square formations, and began to advance forward. The Northland Army also made similar arrangements. The formation, from the very beginning, is the posture of a decisive battle.

Both sides did not have much time to build camps. It was meaningless to rely on large camps for defense. On the contrary, it was self-limitation. After the cavalry tried a little and failed to gain any decisive advantage, both sides unanimously took the initiative to fight. In the end, they still had to rely on An infantry decisive battle to end this battle once and for all…


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