Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 627: Shackles of war


The War Shackles is a treasure that involves the rules of the Invincible Heroes world. It is no better than the treasures that Richard obtained before. Those are all enhanced treasures that have an effect on Richard.

The yoke of war is a binding treasure. It is intended to impose the rules of the world of heroes on the enemy. To be honest, Richard is not sure about the effect.

After confirming the use of war shackles, the small golden shackles in his hands gradually faded and finally disappeared, while the night sky over the orcs showed strange changes.

“What is that!”

“What is in the sky?”

“What is that? A dragon?”

“What an ugly monster!”

In front of the orc camp, two huge shadows slowly appeared. The huge light completely covered up the moonlight. One was a dark golden dragon. The entire figure was a hundred meters long, and its body was larger than that of a saint. The giant dragon is even more exaggerated. Although there is no movement in mid-air, it exudes a majestic and noble aura. It is really the image of Asha’s true form.

At the same time, it also aroused the vigilance of the orcs. When this huge dragon figure appeared in mid-air, the orcs responsible for operating the dragon-hunting crossbows were already quietly in position. At least hundreds of dragon-hunting crossbows in the camp were aimed at them. In the air, these orcs looked at the hundred-meter-long dragon in the sky, and their hands were sweating.

Can the Dragon Hunting Crossbow really deal with this kind of enemy?

As for the other figure, it is not as noble and beautiful as Asha’s body. As the dark side and nightmare incarnation of the creation dragon **** Asha, Namtaru’s image is indeed very easy to give people nightmares. .

The dark green fat spider body, the terrifying face, and the six spider legs were still shaking from time to time. When this image was magnified dozens of times and appeared in the air, even Richard felt a little chilled when he saw it.

“What’s going on? Why is it so noisy outside!”

The commotion of the soldiers certainly attracted Gro’s attention. Gro, who had not slept for several days during the retreat, was preparing to take a rest in the tent, but as soon as he closed his eyes, he heard the movement outside and immediately fell asleep. Nothing, came outside.

Seeing the two huge figures in the sky, Gro instantly understood what was going on. Anyone who saw this scene couldn’t sit still.

“How did they appear?”

“Sir, according to the patrolling soldiers, they suddenly appeared in the air without any warning.”

Gero stared at the sky, mentally agreeing with the sudden appearance. After all, with his perception, he should not be unaware of such a huge creature appearing in the sky.

“Master Great Shaman, the dragon hunting crossbow and the newly made bed crossbow are all ready to be fired. Do you want to attack?”

At this time, an orc general ran over and reported to Gro. The orcs’ reaction speed was quite fast. In a short time, almost all anti-air and long-range weapons were ready to attack.

“Don’t worry, wait for my order!”

Gero did not rashly order an attack. The opponent suddenly appeared in the air. Firstly, he did not know whether the opponent was an enemy or a friend. Secondly, he could not see through the two figures in the sky and did not dare to take action easily.

Ordinary soldiers rely on their naked eyes to see, but strong men of Gro’s level rely more on perception to understand things. In Gro’s perception, the two figures in the sky are like two black holes. , completely unable to detect the reality, and he could not even be sure whether the other party really existed.

“I am the Creation Dragon God Yasha.”

“I, Namtaru, the Lord of Death and Destiny.”

“Follow the call of the rules and witness a sacred battle.”

“No one is allowed to leave the battlefield when the blood of either side has been shed.”

The two figures in the sky paid no attention to the probing gazes on the ground. After finishing their words, they turned into dots of starlight again and scattered to the edge of the battlefield, drawing a line of light.

If you look at it from mid-air, you can clearly see an irregular, fully enclosed light, in which both the orcs and the Northland army are trapped.

“Lord Gro, look around you!”

The orc general next to him pointed to the edge of the camp with some surprise. From the air, it was a circle of light. From the ground, it was a conspicuous wall of light that directly separated them.

“Sir Adriello, have you heard of these two His Majesty’s?”

Compared with the confusion among the orc generals around him, Gro thought for a while, trying to find the information about the two names in his long-term memory. After all, the Creation Dragon God is also the master of fate and death. This kind of name is very deceiving at first hearing.

Gero’s era was not long after Ragnarok, and some classics even recorded the names and origins of certain gods in great detail, as well as their preferences and habits.

It’s just that Rao Shigro flipped through his memory like a book and couldn’t find any information about the names Asha and Namtaru, so he could only throw the question to Adelillo.

However, Adelillo’s appearance was not much better than him, with the same confused look on his face.

He just paused for a moment and then said disdainfully:

“Creating the world, you still control destiny and death? Aren’t you afraid that big words will get off your tongue?”

Compared to others, Adelillo, as a strong man who has been attached to the gods since the era of the Elf Empire and has survived to this day, knows better the meaning of those words and holds the several priesthoods. Let’s not mention creation for now. Gods who control destiny and death were powerful beings that could easily overwhelm the Lord of the Rising Sun during the Elf Empire. They were also the first targets of the Holy Magisters and the Mad Emperor. Not even Hui Hui was left. , how could it suddenly appear here, and the name doesn’t match at all.

Adrilo has completely regarded Asha and Namtaru as liars.

However, this is not important. For Richard, whether the shackles of war can be effective is what he cares about most.

“Sir Adriello, look at those light walls. According to what they said, we probably won’t be able to leave.”

“Humph, how will you know if you don’t try.”

Gero nodded, agreeing with Adriello’s words.

“Send a team of people and try to see if they can cross the wall of light.”

“Yes, Lord Great Shaman!”

Soon, the orcs selected more than a dozen elites, led by a warrior, to try to cross the light wall. Gro, Adelillo and others also stared intently at the soldiers who were preparing to test the light wall.

After all, regardless of whether the two huge figures were bragging just now, the dozens of miles long wall of light was not an illusion.

“Try throwing the stone!”

“Yes, Captain!”

Under the watchful eyes of a group of orc high-level officials, several orc warriors began to test. Their actions were relatively cautious at first. They first picked up a stone from the ground and threw it against the light wall.

There was a “pop” sound.

The stone passed through the light wall smoothly and fell to the ground outside without any blocking effect, as if the light wall was just ordinary light.

Seeing that the stones passed unimpeded, the orc warriors became more courageous. One of the orc warriors took a few steps forward easily and reached out to touch the light wall.

It was just a simple action, but something terrible happened the next second.

The orc warrior who touched the light wall first swelled his whole hand. He turned around with a painful expression on his face, as if he wanted to ask for help, but failed to make a sound. Instead, his whole body swelled. stand up.

The other two orc warriors wanted to step forward to help but were stopped by the orc warrior leading the team.

The next second, the orc warrior whose whole body had just swollen exploded, and his whole body burned violently. The high temperature of unknown degrees was burning his body. Just a few seconds later, an originally strong orc warrior became a Became a pile of ashes.

What’s even more frightening is that there is no trace of the armor and weapons on his body, turning directly into a pool of liquid on the ground…


Several orc warriors, including the orc warriors, stared dumbly at what had just happened. First, there was a feeling of grief for losing their comrades, and then a strong fear came over them. They had moved faster just now, maybe there was something on the ground right now. The lump of ash is myself.

“Don’t try, you go down first.”

Less than a minute after the orc warrior turned into ashes, Gro had already walked over, accompanied by Adelillo.

Gero squatted down, picked up some of the black ash on the ground and rubbed it on his fingers.

“Even if the fire burned for three days, it wouldn’t be like this. Even the weapons would be burned away.”

“So, only one of us or the humans on the opposite side can leave this wall of light alive, right?”

Gero kept talking to himself, while Adelillo on the side did not answer, but his face became extremely ugly.

To achieve the level just now, he can also do it using the artifact given by the Lord of the Rising Sun, it just takes a little effort.

But did the other party stretch for dozens of miles, or did it passively? How much strength does it take to achieve this step?

Anyway, he knew that if the wall of light had no upper limit and would be burned to ashes immediately upon contact, then even the Lord of the Rising Sun would not be able to achieve this level.

Facing the white wall of light in front of him, he had a strong feeling that if he dared to touch it, his end would not be much worse than that of the orc warrior just now.

According to the rules mentioned by the two figures just now, he is also included in the scope. If humans want to leave, not only must they kill hundreds of thousands of orcs in the scope, but he, Adelillo, is also included. Inside.

Originally, because of Rand’s lesson, Adriello had always been cautious. Because he was worried that the other party would use the God-killing Ring again, he never took action himself. He had always acted as a troublemaker to encourage others to participate in the war. This time he will also Forced to quit fighting.

“Catch some more living creatures to try.”

“Yes, sir!”

Gero still wanted to test it out. Being able to throw stones has proved that dead objects can pass through unimpeded. The soldiers turned into gray as soon as they touched it. He didn’t know if other creatures could successfully cross the light wall.

Even if the orc army huddled together, it occupied an area of ​​more than ten miles. Large animals could not be found. They climbed hundreds of meters into the sky and dug three feet into the ground. After a while, they still managed to get some things like voles and birds.

Soon, there were more than a dozen cages piled up around Gro and Adelillo. The orcs, who had been short of food for a long time, were quite happy to catch these small animals.

At Gro’s signal, the orc warrior first opened a cage next to the light wall. The voles inside came out and immediately fled in the opposite direction of the light wall. None of them went in the direction of the light wall.

The surrounding orc warriors had no choice but to capture most of them back.

These voles with extremely low eyesight have a good sense of danger and subconsciously avoid the wall of light created by the shackles of war.

However, the orcs will not let these poor little things go.

Including the dozen voles that had just escaped and been captured, hundreds of animals in dozens of cages were carried by the orcs to the bare wall and thrown directly outside the wall.

The moment the cage touched the light wall, it was intact. However, the living creatures were immediately ignited the moment they crossed the light wall. Hundreds of light spots lit up instantly, and were completely extinguished when the cage landed. Only some Black ash was scattered all over the floor, proving that the scene just now was not an illusion.

“It seems that we have no retreat.”

“Sir Gro, although I don’t know whether this is divine magic or magic, I know that no matter which method is used, the energy has a limit. If it is consumed to a certain extent…”

“Does Sir Adelillo mean to let my sons use their lives to open a way? Doesn’t the Rising Sun Cult always say that divine power is great and infinite? How can it be exhausted again?”

“You believe that divine power is limited, Mr. Adriello, and your faith is not pious enough.”

“Sir Gro, you…”

“Sorry, my sons can die in battle, but they should not do such meaningless consumption.”

What Adelillo meant in his words was that he wanted the orc army to directly attack the wall of light formed by the war shackles, trying to use up all their energy to find a way out.

But before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Gro, who also asked Gro to sarcastically say that he would use the life of an orc warrior to break through the limit of the light wall’s energy.

This theory is a bit like the critical battle during World War I. As long as the density of soldiers exceeds the density of bullets of the defender, it can break through the opponent’s defense line.

But the premise is that there is no such thing as Maxim on the opponent’s position.

Comparatively speaking, the yoke of war, relying on Asha and Namtaru as its strength, is much more terrifying than Maxim.

Fortunately, Gro vetoed Adelillo’s suggestion, otherwise the orcs themselves might have destroyed their morale before the Northern Army could attack.

After Adelillo’s proposal was rejected by Gro, his face was very ugly and he was obviously in a very bad mood.

No matter how reluctant Adelillo is, for Gro, the yoke of war does not bring all bad things. At least Adelillo, a powerful force like him, will be forced to take action this time, and Bai Bai has always been a little timid. Both the dragon and the centaur were forced to fight.

The shackles of war cut off the retreat of the orc army, and also truly twisted the orc army into a single rope.

“All troops, hurry up and return to camp to rest tonight.”

“Deploy more sentries to prevent humans from sneak attacks at night. Tomorrow morning will be the time for the decisive battle.”

“Yes, sir!”

Adrillo is afraid of fighting, but most orcs are actually not afraid of fighting and even have some inner resistance to retreat.

Gero gave the order, and the orc generals present responded with a bang…


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