Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 627: Retreat



Compared with the fighting on the ground, the battle in the sky is equally cruel. More than a hundred white dragons, led by the holy white dragons, fought against the dragon army led by Moriel.

The battle between giant dragons is even more brutal than the battle on the ground. After a long period of fighting, the dragon breath has been basically consumed long ago. Both sides use their bodies as weapons to attack each other fiercely. , from time to time there will be a burst of blood rain from the sky, and the bitten dragon will roar from time to time,


A golden dragon roared again, but if you listen carefully to this roar, you feel a little weak. Most of the scales on the golden dragon’s body were burnt black by the dragon’s breath. There were obvious signs of being torn open on the neck, and the blood could not be stopped. Outside, it was obvious that the vital parts had been injured. The white dragons around them looked very embarrassed. They all had some injuries. The more serious ones had one of their eyes blinded by the golden dragon. However, compared to the golden dragon, the condition of these white dragons was still worse. It’s a little better, at least there are no fatal injuries on his body.

The threatening roar of the golden dragon did not scare off the white dragon. The next moment, several white dragons swarmed up again, surrounding the golden dragon and biting it. The injured golden dragon completely lost its ability to resist after a slight struggle. .

The golden dragon that died in the battle hit the ground with a “bang” like a falling object from a high altitude, and then triggered a fight between the ground troops of both sides.

It is no secret that humans have the ability to resurrect dead dragons or directly make them into bone dragons. The unattended corpses on the battlefield have become priority targets. In order to prevent the human side from continuing to increase its combat power, After the orcs find the dragon corpse, they will treat it like an ordinary corpse. If it is too late to burn it, they will behead it. In this way, the dragon corpse cannot be resurrected and it will be difficult to make it into a bone dragon.

“Quick, go and bring the dragon head back!”

This time the body of the golden dragon fell on a flat ground in the middle of the battle between the two sides. The huge movement caused by the landing of the more than ten meters long dragon immediately attracted the attention of both sides. A group of centaurs and centaurs who were still cruising around The mixed cavalry force composed of orcs, wolves, and cavalry immediately rushed towards the golden dragon’s landing point, trying to destroy the golden dragon’s body. However, when they just arrived next to the golden dragon’s body, the thunderous sound of horse hooves rang again.

After hearing the heavy sound of horse hooves, all the soldiers had a trace of panic on their faces.

“The human heavy cavalry is here again!”

“Let’s go!”

“No, this is a golden dragon! It must not be left to humans!”

After hearing the sound of hooves in the distance, the centaurs subconsciously wanted to retreat. After all, compared to the orcs, they were just here to help. They could contribute, but they had to risk their lives to fight. It’s possible that the centaur warriors at this time have fought against human cavalry many times, so they naturally understand what these heavy hoofbeats mean. A high-speed cavalry with both offense and defense cannot cut through the heavy armor on its body, but it can kill them when it rushes. The strongest centaur warriors were knocked away, and their speed was astonishing. They were obviously wearing heavy armor, but they ran faster than the light cavalry. This was a group of monsters, and the centaurs didn’t want to fight each other at all.

But the centaur’s idea of ​​​​retreating was stopped by the accompanying wolf cavalry officer.

“There are not many human cavalry coming. Let’s stop them. You immediately cut off the dragon’s head and retreat!”

Facing the resolute gaze of the wolf cavalry officer, the centaur centurion nodded in agreement, and immediately led his men to prepare to chop off the golden dragon’s ferocious head.

This is not an easy task. Even if the scales on the neck have been broken in the battle, the dragon’s bones are extremely hard. Cutting off the dragon’s head is harder than cutting off a decades-old tree. It takes effort.

“Lord Mrak, some orcs arrived first, and a centurion of wolf cavalry is attacking us.”

“Courage is commendable.”

On the other side, the orc wolf cavalry took the initiative to attack dozens of human cavalry. As long as these human heavy cavalry, armed to the teeth, were delayed for a short while, the centaurs would destroy the golden dragon’s body. It’s worth it to take all these hundreds of wolf cavalry.

But obviously they were a little bit behind, and they met Mrak and rushed over in person.

“Follow me, don’t waste time!”




Mlak took the lead to meet the Orc Wolf Cavalry. He threw the meteor hammer in his hand and accurately smashed the Orc Warrior on the Warg. The Orc Warrior also summoned his fighting spirit to resist, but was defeated by Mlak The meteor smashed his head.

The captain of the wolf cavalry who led the team was eliminated by Mrak in the first encounter, and the remaining wolf cavalry were completely unable to delay the actions of this human cavalry. Although they were small in number, there were about a dozen Red Flame knights riding red and black horses. Under the leadership of Mrak, they directly rushed through the wolf cavalry’s obstruction in a crushing manner.


“Quickly retreat!”

As the sound of horse hooves got closer and closer, the Centaur Centurion had already noticed something was wrong. He didn’t know why the wolf cavalry didn’t buy any time. He only knew that if he didn’t run, he might have to fight with this giant. The dragons turned into corpses together.

After almost all the orc wolf cavalry were killed, the centaur warriors still did not complete their goal. They quickly dropped the golden dragon’s body and retreated before Mrak and his men approached.

“Lord Mrak, do you want to pursue me?”

“No need, we are just a bunch of scared cowards. Our mission is just this dragon corpse.”

Shaking away the blood stains on the meteor hammer, Sir Mrak looked at the direction in which the centaur was escaping with some disdain.

Although the fighting has been fierce in the past few days, the cavalry led by Mrak has gained the upper hand in the battle. It has already beaten the originally arrogant centaur cavalry to a phobia. Even the courage to take the initiative to fight with the human cavalry All gone. After breaking away from the infantry, the centaur cavalry no longer had the courage to fight the human cavalry.

“Hurry and fasten the rope and take the golden dragon back. We will be in trouble when the orc infantry comes.”

“Yes, sir!”

The cavalrymen quickly took the ropes off their horses and tied the body of the golden dragon. Then more than ten cavalrymen worked together to drag the body of the golden dragon away towards the human camp. After a while, the orc brigade The infantry was belatedly arrived, and they could only wait for the golden dragon to be resurrected or turn into a bone dragon to continue wreaking havoc

In the air, the battle is still going on. In the post-Elf Empire era, this is definitely an epic air battle. There are more than two hundred dragons on both sides participating in the battle. The white dragon almost controls the entire clan. All the strength was thrown into the battle.

In order to win the air battle, Catherine also put every bit of force she could send into the air to support. In addition to the more than 20 dragons led by Moriel, she also needed a mixture of night angels and archangels under Natalis. The angel team also has more than twenty sky-level combat capabilities.

There are hundreds of gryphon knights and dozens of Silver Pegasus knights, and even the gargoyles of Snowfield City have been sent to the sky to participate in the battle. As long as they can cause a little trouble to the white dragon, it will be considered as an air battle. Made a contribution.



Morill, who transformed into a holy black dragon, had a huge target and was constantly entangled by a large number of white dragons on the battlefield. However, the agile Natalis bypassed several white dragons and was as close to the white dragon patriarch and the holy dragon as she could. In the battle of dragons.

A black fighting spirit suddenly shot out and struck directly on the White Dragon clan leader. A half-meter deep wound appeared on Bailong Beishang. The black fighting spirit still remained in the wound and corroded the white dragon’s body. The huge pain caused the holy white dragon to roar in pain, and subconsciously swung its tail towards her, but Natalis easily dodged it.


Seizing the opportunity, the holy dragon immediately pounced over, biting the white dragon’s flesh wings and started tearing them apart, leaving several terrifying teeth marks on the opponent’s body.

“Roar! Roar! Roar”

Seeing that the White Dragon Clan Leader was in danger, more than a dozen white dragons rushed over to support him, allowing the opponent to break free. Facing more than a dozen white dragons, Natalie also chose to avoid the edge temporarily, but During this period of time, Natalies had slashed several times in succession, leaving several **** wounds on the White Dragon Chief.

Although there are many white dragons in the air, they are not dominant on the scene. After all, the white dragon’s combat power can only be equal to that of the bone dragon, and cannot be regarded as a complete dragon. After a fierce battle, the white dragon’s losses are close to One-third, but the northern air force only lost some units such as gargoyles and griffons. Most of the dragon’s casualties were directly rescued by the archangel. Bailong was increasingly at a disadvantage.

After the clan leader was seriously injured by Natalie’s knife several times, he was completely unable to support himself. After a few sobs, the white dragon seemed to have received the order, and collectively began to flee towards the orc camp

“These cowardly white dragons who are afraid of death dare to retreat privately even though there is no order to retreat!”

“Foreign races are indeed unreliable, and so are white dragons and centaurs!”

“These white dragons disobeyed military orders and should be punished!”

In the orc tent, some officers who witnessed Bai Long fleeing from the air were filled with indignation and wanted to give Bai Long some punishment. Although Bai Long suffered a lot of losses in the battle with the Northland air force, in their eyes , it was definitely not the time to retreat. As a result, these white dragons ran back privately, and the sky was directly given to humans.

“Have people go quickly to treat Bailong’s injuries and send food to Bailong.”

Compared with the anger of the orc officers, Gro was calmer on the surface. After all, Bai Long was not an ordinary orc warrior. He couldn’t just execute Bai Long just because he was defeated and ran away. If it weren’t for Adelillo’s deterrence, Bailong probably wouldn’t care about the orcs, and would just run away without even returning to the camp.

“Let the Fifth Army and the Seventeenth Army withdraw and stop attacking.”

“Yes, Lord Great Shaman!”

After Gro said, the orcs in the big tent quickly became quiet, and they all subconsciously began to follow Gro’s orders.

What they said they wanted to punish Bai Long was just lip service. Everyone knew that they could not punish Bai Long in any real way.

“Sir, what should we do if the two legions withdraw to attack? Humans have used less and less mines in the past two days, and they should be almost used up. If we continue to attack, humans will soon be unable to withstand it.”

The Northland army has consumed a huge amount of mines in the past few days. Almost all the reserves in the army have been used up. The production in the North cannot keep up with the consumption of the war. The mines on several fronts have been exhausted. The Orc ground troops were faring much better than they had been in the past few days.

It should have been the Orcs’ opportunity, but there was too much time delay in the front, and they were unable to break through in the middle. There was already a risk of being outflanked on both wings. In addition, Bailong’s defeat in the air battle, Gro now also We dare not risk the entire army being annihilated and continue to attack, so we can only make a relatively safe choice.

“Without the white dragon’s restraint, the human dragon will soon be able to support the ground battle. Continuing the attack will only increase casualties.”

“Order the front-line attacking legions to gradually break away from contact with humans, withdraw to the main camp, shrink the defense line on both wings, and abandon the forward camps.”

“Sir, are we retreating?”

“We can’t fight anymore. Not only the giant dragon, but also at least five saints on the opposite side have appeared. It’s too risky to continue fighting.”

Gero was also decisive. After thinking about the pros and cons, he immediately gathered his troops and issued an order to prepare for a retreat.


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