Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 626: Anxious


“The orcs rushed up again, where are the thunder bombs? Why didn’t they throw the thunder bombs!”

“Sir, the flag captain, we have already lost all of them just now!”

“How come it works so fast!”

Thunderbolts looked like they were piled up like mountains when they were in the warehouse, but once they were used, they couldn’t withstand the consumption at all. Just the small battlefield in front of the Ninth Flag Regiment, in order to block the orcs’ Attacking requires at least hundreds of mines to be consumed in a day. After the orcs changed their tactics, in order to kill more orcs, the use of mines became more frequent. By now, all the mines allocated by the Ninth Flag Regiment have been used up, and the next batch will probably have to wait for the fleet to be transported along the Jinlong River.

The mines were almost used up, but the situation faced by the Ninth Flag Regiment became more and more difficult. After withstanding a wave of attacks from the orcs, the orc offensive in front of the Ninth Flag Regiment became even more fierce. From the camp where the Ninth Flag Regiment was stationed Looking down, it was all a piece of Wu Yangyang’s head. The attacking orcs had broken through the line of human soldiers. Even if none of the human soldiers retreated, it was difficult to withstand the orcs’ fierce attack.

“Have the people who asked for help been sent out?”

“Already dispatched.”

In fact, their location is not far from Richard’s Chinese army tent. With the eyesight of Richard and other powerful men, they can clearly see the situation here even from a distance, but the Ninth Flag The regiment still sent messengers to ask for help as usual.


“Ask the reserve team to follow me! No one will be left here!”

“Yes, sir!”

The leader of the flag regiment responsible for guarding this place is the earliest student of Ironwood City Academy. At a young age, his strength is already at the level of a great knight. He is considered to be the most direct descendant of the Hunter family. Their loyalty is quite high. At this time, looking at The surging orc army. The flag commander probably had a realization in his heart. If the reinforcements could not arrive in time, it would be difficult for them to survive this round of attacks. However, like the soldiers fighting in front, he would definitely not retreat if he did not receive the order to retreat. Take a step back.

It was his choice to press all the last reserves and several personal guards around him.



“Come on!”

The reserve team of about a hundred people and a few personal guards led by the leader of the Ninth Flag Regiment joined the battle. The leader personally rushed to the forefront of the team and killed an orc warrior with one sword. .

Then an orc warrior raised his tomahawk again and smashed it at him. However, this style of fighting, which was extremely powerful in front of ordinary warriors, was undoubtedly full of loopholes in the eyes of the great knight. The moment the tomahawk was raised, the opponent In the eyes of this banner leader, his entire body was full of flaws. The long sword in his hand turned into a stabbing motion. The light of fighting spirit faintly rotated on the sword. The fighting spirit of the great knight level was cut as easily as tofu. The heavy armor on the orc warrior was opened, leaving a horrific wound on the opponent’s chest, and he fell straight to the ground.

However, the fierce orc warriors were not at all intimidated by the opponent’s efficient killing. After the flag leader killed two orcs one after another, it attracted the attention of the orcs. An orc warrior and several orc warriors surrounded them. .



The banner leader’s martial arts skills are quite exquisite, and he can still handle the siege of many orcs with ease. Although he is only a common knight, the things taught in the academy in the North are no worse than those of noble knights. , breathing techniques and air entrainment techniques are both top-notch techniques, and martial arts are also learned directly from the Crusaders and Champion Knights, making them able to navigate this chaotic battlefield with ease.


After killing several orc warriors, the flag leader kicked the orc warrior in the chest. Although he was smaller than the opponent, he exploded with much greater strength than the opponent. , with one kick, the orc warrior felt a tightness in his chest, lost his balance in an instant, took a few steps back and fell to the ground without being able to stand still. Of course, the human flag leader would not give up this opportunity, and jumped up directly, falling from the sky. The sword instantly pinned the orc warrior to the ground. The orc warrior who had just raised his arm and wanted to roll to the side spit out a few mouthfuls of blood and lay motionless on the ground.


Stepping on the opponent’s body, he pulled out the long sword. He didn’t have time to wipe the blood on the sword, and he immediately had to deal with the orc warriors surrounding him. There are fewer and fewer soldiers around. The few reserves he brought out have been pushed back. Several personal guards have all been killed because they rushed to the front with him. There is no command at the moment. It makes sense, the Ninth Flag Regiment is fighting with one breath now, relying entirely on its will to fight.

“Dang! Dang! Dang!”

After killing an orc warrior, the leader of the Ninth Flag Regiment finally met a great orc warrior. This orc warrior rarely used heavy weapons, but used a Fight with a broad back and long sword.

Orc warriors have always favored heavy weapons such as tomahawks and hammers. After all, they can defeat ten enemies with one force. These heavy weapons can better utilize their strength advantages. One move can often directly knock the weapons out of the hands of human warriors. , when hitting the body, there is no need to consider the problem of breaking the armor. As long as the strength is strong enough, no matter how thick the armor is, it cannot withstand weapons such as the battle ax and hammer in the hands of the orc warriors.

In this style, the orc warrior who still uses weapons like long knives naturally has his own character. After the two sides fought several moves, the orc warrior gained the upper hand. The long sword in his hand Success left the first wound on the leg of the flag commander. Blood flowed out from the wound and stained half of the trousers. However, the flag commander seemed unknown and just stared at the opponent.

He felt a strong threat. Although the orcs he met on the battlefield were strong, most of them had a power style. He had never lost in combat skills, but the orc in front of him had more than just a long sword. Each sword is powerful and heavy, and the skill is not bad at all, without the cumbersome feeling of other orcs.

“Go kill other humans, they are my prey!”

The surrounding orc soldiers were still in a besieging posture, but the orc warrior had already regarded this senior human officer as his prey and ordered the soldiers to fight elsewhere. He wanted to deal with this human master alone.




“Hoo, hoo~”

After several rounds of fighting, the human flag leader clutched the long sword in his hand tightly. Blood flowed from his arm to the checkered pattern of the sword hilt, the tiger’s mouth burst open, and his hand was trembling slightly.

Even though he was not under siege, the leader of the human flag gradually became weak. He was not in full condition to begin with. He had already consumed a lot before encountering this orc warrior. In addition, he was also weaker than the opponent in terms of strength. After the round of fighting, the situation became more and more miserable.

“You will be a good addition to me!”

“The head of the fifth human knight.”

“Come again!”


The orc warrior wiped the blood on his face with his hands. As a result, the blood on half of his face spread directly to his entire face. The corners of his mouth were cracked when he spoke, making him look even more ferocious.

During the fight with the human flag captain, the orc warrior also suffered some injuries, but the injuries were not serious and did not affect his combat effectiveness. However, the human flag captain opposite had already suffered several injuries. It’s reached the point where the oil is exhausted.



The orc warrior’s long sword struck directly this time and swung the sword away from the hand of the human flag leader. Then he simply used his whole body as a weapon and slammed forward. The human flag leader could no longer stand. Unsteady, he was knocked flying two to three meters away and lay on the ground. And the orc warrior didn’t hesitate, he followed up with a last strike.


Just when the orc warrior was about to kill his opponent, a streak of fighting energy came from the side. The orc warrior reacted very quickly, and immediately gave up the idea of ​​finishing the last blow, and tilted the long knife in his hand to the side, barely able to block it. This time.

Then he looked towards the direction where the grudge attack was coming. It was a human woman wearing silver armor, with only an ordinary long sword in her hand. She didn’t feel any threat or murderous aura from him, as if she was just an ordinary person. Same as people.

But the great orc warrior did not dare to slack off at all. The fighting spirit she unleashed just now proved that this woman was powerful, at least at the earth level, and at the same level as the legion commander.

The first moment the orc warrior turned around, it was as if the orc soldiers around him had made a gesture. The orc soldiers who had deliberately given up the battlefield for him immediately surrounded the human woman who suddenly appeared.

The great orc warrior himself said:

“I am the noblest bloodline of the orcs. Ryan is mine…”


The orc warrior was only halfway through his words when the giant fighting spirit slash that was ten times more dazzling than before had already slashed across. The orc soldiers who had just surrounded him immediately shot out a cloud of blood mist and fell to the ground. At least More than a dozen orc warriors were chopped into two pieces.

The orc warrior also did not put up any effective resistance in front of this fighting spirit slash, probably just because his vitality was stronger and he had time to feel the pain, and he died after letting out a scream.

As for his surname and identity, the human woman opposite had no interest at all.

After this sword strike, there were no orcs standing around him. The human flag captain, who had been knocked down without any fatal injuries, had barely stood up, but he looked a little weak.

When he saw the approaching human woman, he immediately saluted:

“General Elena!”


Elena looked at the other person and nodded, a ball of white light appeared in her hand, and then pointed towards the other person. The flag commander immediately felt that several deep wounds on his body were healing, and the bleeding stopped instantly.

“The Ninth Flag Regiment did a good job. I will lead the charge next, and you can command the soldiers.”

“Yes, General Elena!”


Elena is not a talkative character. After saying a few words, she joined the battle with dozens of fanatics wearing red robes.

At this time, the camp in charge of the Ninth Banner Regiment was almost entirely filled with orcs. A large number of orc soldiers had rushed across the gentle **** and fought with the soldiers of the Ninth Banner Regiment. There were corpses everywhere. The casualties of the Nine Flags Regiment have exceeded half, and the orcs are still investing troops, obviously considering this place as the most promising place for a breakthrough.

Originally, although the soldiers of the Ninth Flag Regiment were still fighting hard, they were somewhat trapped and still fighting. The situation was already extremely bad. However, after Elena joined, the situation was immediately turned around.

Elena used all her strength from the moment she came up, releasing the holy fighting spirit without reservation. She killed at least hundreds of orc warriors in a short period of time. The attacking orcs fell in rows, including the always brave orc warriors. There was hesitation when facing Elena, and only after being scolded by several orc officers did they react and continue the attack.

Under normal circumstances, a saint-level strongman cannot easily fall into the army. After all, the fighting spirit will be exhausted sometimes, and the physical strength will also be exhausted. However, although Elena is not a fighting force among the heroes under Richard’s command, The strongest holy level, but probably the one least afraid of consumption.

Elena’s innate skill, Angel’s Coming, also changed after she was promoted to the Holy level. Originally, it allowed an archangel to directly descend to gain the opponent’s full strength. Now, she can summon an Archangel with Holy level combat power. The four-winged Judgment Angel descends and can be used to restore the state immediately after the fighting spirit is exhausted.

After killing thousands of orc warriors, Elena used the Angel’s Descending skill without hesitation, and four golden shadows appeared on her back, as if she had four golden wings.

After summoning the Angel of Judgment, Elena’s aura became stronger. The orcs, who originally wanted to consume Elena’s fighting spirit and physical strength, were completely desperate and once again left thousands of corpses and retreated hastily. From the camp to the gentle slope, there were corpses of orc warriors. Elena completely defeated an orc flag group by herself.

The commander of the flag regiment who was in charge also quickly directed the remaining troops to cooperate with Elena’s fanatics, seize the high ground and key points, and regain control of the camp.



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