Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 625: A hard fight


Both wings of the orcs were weakened by the ferocious attack of the Northland army. Especially on the right wing commanded and stationed by Sandru, the undead army even attacked more and more, and the orcs were completely passive and passive. The situation was one-sided and passive, with no chance to fight back. Two earth-level legion commanders were lost, making Sandro a death knight. If Sandru and Elsa were not limited in the number of undead they could control, the undead army on the right would be even more powerful.

As for the orcs, they had no intention of supporting the two wings at this time, but concentrated their forces in the middle. In Gro’s view, the human army was extremely overtaxed, and many masters actually used a large number of troops on the two wings. On the offensive, it looks like they want to surround and annihilate the Orc army, but the central army only has more than 200,000 troops. As long as the army is concentrated and the more than 200,000 humans are eliminated in one fell swoop, they can turn around and attack the humans on both wings. The army has formed a pincer attack, and there is no reason to give up at this time.

The orcs gathered more than half a million troops in the middle, nearly twice the number of human troops. There was no strong city as a barrier. According to Gro’s expectation, in any case, with the support of the white dragon and this absolutely superior force , and was able to successfully defeat the human army on the opposite side, but things did not develop smoothly at all. Not only were the two wings retreating steadily under the human offensive, but even the center where he was the main attack did not make any progress. If he continued to fight like this, he would not be able to make any progress. After he defeated the human army in front of him, the enemy forces on both wings would break through first and form an encirclement situation around the entire orc army.

However, after being suppressed for several days, the orcs found some ways to deal with the thunder, and the battle seemed to have turned a bit.



“Spread out and gather again when the battle begins!”


“Rush over and mix with those humans!”

A great orc warrior led his men to attack again, while the human warriors on the opposite side greeted them with a thunderbolt as usual. The human army was able to withstand the frenzied attack of the orcs for several days with only half the strength of the orcs. Except for the system army, In addition, a large number of mines are also one of their reliance.

When a mine explodes, it will affect at least five or six orc warriors. These orc warriors, who can fight against many on the battlefield, often suffer heavy casualties before they come into close contact with humans. In more serious cases, they are directly killed by dense mines. Collapses have not happened before.

After the battle lasted for several days, the orcs gradually became familiar with thunder, their fear of thunder decreased a little, and they found tactics to deal with it.

I saw that the attacking orc warriors no longer took the same intensive charge formation as before, but gathered together in twos and threes to form the smallest combat unit, with each team moving forward together at a distance of more than ten or twenty meters. Charge quickly.

Although the gunpowder filled in the explosive mine has been improved in many aspects such as formula and granulation, and its power is considerable, it is still not to the point where it can be directly crushed due to generation differences. The effective damage range of the explosion is only five to ten. The size of 100 meters is not comparable to some bombs on Blue Star that have a range of 100 meters without any vegetation after landing. No matter how accurate a mine is thrown, it can only damage two or three orc soldiers at most. It is more lethal than when the orcs used dense formations to attack before. It was reduced too much. After the orcs figured out how to deal with it, the casualties caused by the mine explosion were greatly reduced.

A flag regiment, consisting of thousands of orc warriors, finally got into a melee with the human warriors after suffering hundreds of casualties, completely limiting the effectiveness of the mines.

“Spear! Get up!”


In order to avoid massive casualties caused by mines, the orcs adopted a dispersed attack formation. The effect was indeed very good, but the disadvantages were also obvious. The team was too chaotic, and the orcs had to fight with scattered teams and neat lines of humans. Together, often three or five orc warriors must muster enough courage to face rows of sharp spears.

On the human army side, when they saw that the orcs were about to attack, the front row immediately raised their spears. An orc warrior often had to deal with four or five spears around him. The scattered orc warriors rushed up and were immediately overwhelmed by the neatly lined up humans. The military formation was swallowed up.

However, the orcs were the first to select warriors, and they continued to charge against the human army without fear of death. As time went by, there were more and more orc warriors, and the Northland army was soon drawn in by the orcs. into the melee.



The personal combat power of the orcs is fully demonstrated immediately after entering the melee. An ax can send ordinary human soldiers flying more than one meter high. Even the Northland soldiers wearing double-layer armor are hit by an axe. If they were smashed hard, the consequences would be death or maiming. Human soldiers often had to besieged by two or three people to deal with an orc warrior. After falling into a close-range melee, the casualties of the Northland soldiers began to rise sharply.


“Hold it for me. Behind us is Lord Richard’s Chinese army tent. If you take a step back, you will expose Lord Richard. Lord Richard is watching us from behind! For Lord Richard! ”

“For Lord Richard!”

People in the North basically do not believe in God. For the people in the North, Richard is their god. From a material level, Richard gave them land and exempted them from a lot of messy taxes, which made them struggling. On the food and clothing line, they can have enough food and clothing, and can eat meat from time to time, and they live a good life.

From a spiritual level, whether they are officers who graduated from Northland College or ordinary soldiers, the most instilled idea is to be loyal to Richard. The entire team was stunned when they heard the officer calling Richard’s name. Likewise, morale, which had been slightly depressed just now due to the large number of casualties, was instantly boosted.

However, even if the Northland soldiers are not afraid of death, they cannot make up for the innate physical gap with the orcs. In addition, the orc warriors who fight them are also elites with a strong will to fight. The Northland army has no numerical advantage. It was very difficult. In a short time, the casualties exceeded 30%. If there were no reinforcements, it would be a matter of time before the human soldiers in this flag regiment were wiped out by the orcs with superior strength.


“Sir Richard, the Ninth Flag Regiment is in some danger. The orcs and a flag regiment are fighting with them, and the thunder did not cause enough casualties to the orcs.”

While the army was fighting in the middle, the top brass of Northland were also observing the battle situation. The battle started very smoothly. The first large-scale use of mines on the battlefield brought better results than expected. Attacking in the middle The orc army’s attack was thwarted in the face of thunder for several days, leaving behind tens of thousands of corpses but killing less than 10,000 human warriors.

As for the attacking troops on both wings, relying on mines and system troops, they were overwhelming all the way. The orc troops of similar strength had no strength to fight back. If we continue at this pace, I am afraid that in a few days, the two wings will be able to penetrate directly and complete the task. The orc army was surrounded. The key to the entire battlefield is how many days the more than 200,000 people in the middle can withstand an army of twice as many orcs.

The officer on one side subconsciously reported the situation to Richard who was present, but Richard turned his attention to Catherine who had been looking at the map. The meaning was obvious that Catherine was in charge now and she should give the order.

“To the west of the Ninth Banner Regiment are two banner regiments of the Silver Wing Legion, which are also the closest troops to the Ninth Banner Regiment. However, opposite them there is already an entire legion of orcs, so they are still somewhat lacking in strength. Once mobilized, the orcs may immediately change the direction of their attack.”

“The Tenth Legion of the Dragon Army five miles to the east cannot be mobilized either. They have just defeated the orcs once. The team is not strong enough and they have to guard against the orcs attacking again.”

“Can Lord Mrak’s cavalry come back for reinforcements?”

“No, the Ninth Banner Regiment’s side has gentle slopes and gravel terrain, which is not suitable for cavalry charges. However, we may bring over the orc wolf cavalry who like this kind of terrain.”

Because the troops in the middle are weak, Catherine already has a shortage of troops. The Ninth Flag Regiment is in a hard fight, but there are no conventional troops around to support it.

However, Catherine’s face remained calm. She dared to target the annihilation of this orc army and make such a huge arrangement. Of course she had enough confidence. This confidence not only came from the explosion of thunder, but she also had several trump cards. type it out.

“Let the team of outstanding swordsmen go and provide support. Defeat the orcs quickly and then come back. Don’t waste too much time on fighting.”

In order to make the attack on the left wing go smoothly, Catherine arranged for the giants and part of the Scarlet Crusaders to fight under Gru, but she left more than a dozen elite swordsmen who were like battlefield meat grinders in the central army as a group of soldiers. A special team that can provide quick support. Such a team, where all members have peak sky-level combat power, can exert the combat power of an entire legion wherever they go.

“Lady Catherine, the outstanding swordsmen have just fought a battle. I think they have not fully recovered their fighting spirit and physical strength, so why not let me go.”

Just when Catherine was about to let the outstanding swordsman put out the fire again, Elena took the initiative to ask for support.

“No, Lord Elena, you must remain in full condition. The other party’s Holy Order has not yet taken action.”

When it comes to the number of holy orders, of course humans have the upper hand. To be precise, Richard’s side has the upper hand, but this comparison cannot just look at the number. With the artifact Ge Wu’s Spear in hand, Gro’s strength has already reached the pinnacle of the Realm of Domain. There are almost no opponents in the Realm of Jealousy. I am afraid that Gro’s combat power alone can be equal to seven or eight Li. Look at the heroes here who have just entered the holy level.

Although Richard has reached the realm of realm combat power, in Catherine’s opinion, he is definitely not as good as that old orc strongman. Moreover, the opponent has more than a saint-level combat power like Gro, and there is also the leader of the White Dragon clan. , Lord of the Rising Sun and Divine Envoy are two other holy orders that are also on the bright side.

So, in addition to the heroes who want to lead the troops into battle, Catherine lets Elena and the Protector Sword Master and other holy-level combat forces recharge their batteries in order to prepare for the opponent’s holy level.

“Let General Elena go to support, let the outstanding swordsmen rest for a while, at least their fighting spirit will be restored before going into battle.”

Katherine had just rejected Elena’s request to fight, but Richard suddenly agreed to Elena’s request. Catherine turned her eyes to Richard with a little doubt in her eyes.

But Richard nodded firmly to her.

“I’m sure.”

“Okay, let Elena go to support you.”


If you don’t consider the existence of the holy class in the orc army, of course it is the best solution for Alina to bring her dozens of fanatics to support. After all, no matter how strong the outstanding swordsman is, he still needs to rest. With Li After Richard’s affirmative response, although Catherine didn’t know where Richard’s confidence lay, since Richard said he was confident, of course she, as a subordinate, could only believe it unconditionally.

After receiving the consent, Elena immediately went out and rushed towards the Ninth Flag Regiment with the more than fifty remaining fanatics around her….


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