Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 624: Victory after victory


“What is that, a will-o’-the-wisp?”

On a battlefield strewn with corpses, it is normal for sporadic will-o’-the-wisps to appear, but on this battlefield where the orc army and the main force of the North are fighting, the looming green fire at night is not necessarily a will-o’-the-wisp. It’s very possible. These are extremely threatening things.

“What a will-o’-the-wisp! Those skeletons are coming up again! Get ready to fight!”

“Careful, send the signal quickly!”

“Fight them!”

“Spread out quickly, don’t get together!”

At night, a group of patrolling orc soldiers accidentally encountered a group of skeleton warriors. They dutifully made a noise to alert the orc soldiers in the camp, but they were slightly trembling when they spoke.

A pile of skeletons holding swords at night is certainly scary, but that is in the eyes of ordinary people. For these orc warriors rolling and fighting on the battlefield, just a pile of skeletons will not scare them. Maybe when the mood strikes, they can dismantle the Skeleton Warrior and make soup.

It can make them fearful, naturally because these skeleton warriors or Sandru did something very inappropriate when commanding the skeleton warriors.

When the orc patrol team issued a warning, the skeleton warrior who sneaked up no longer buried his head and quietly approached while suppressing the movement. Instead, under the command of Sandro, he threw away the arrangement and headed not far away. The orc camp rushed over.

There are still a small number of human soldiers vaguely beside them. When the skeleton warriors rush to a close enough distance, they will ignite some of the thunders carried by the skeleton warriors.

When it comes to the use of mines, even Gru on the left wing has to bow to Sandro Gan. Taking advantage of the undead soldiers, Sandro himself developed a set of quite harmonious tactics.

A large number of mines were directly tied to some skeleton warriors, and then human soldiers helped ignite them. The skeleton warriors immediately rushed towards the orc team under his command.

When you are lucky, you can take away dozens of orc warriors with a “bang”, rush through the outer defense line of the orcs, and if you bomb next to the orc camp, it is very likely to directly break the orc camp.

After using tactics like this too often, the orc warriors would naturally feel a little frightened when they saw the skeleton warriors. After all, they were not afraid of close combat, but they were afraid that if the opponent self-destructed, everyone around him would be taken to the sky. .

Furthermore, there is another advantage for the undead to use this tactic. They don’t have to worry too much about hurting their own people. In addition to the explosion damage caused by thunder, what causes more casualties is the iron sand and various messy debris that fly out at the moment of the explosion. But the undead this A species that will not die unless the soul fire is extinguished can avoid this kind of damage to the greatest extent. Many skeleton warriors have many iron fragments and iron sand embedded in their bones and can still continue to fight. Normal soldiers cannot be killed even if their bodies are swept away by iron sand. He has long lost his ability to fight.

Sandru commanded his undead army, relying on this shameless tactic to attack much faster than Gru’s side.

Furthermore, another advantage of the undead army is that they are tireless and not afraid of night battles. The orc army on the right wing will encounter undead night attacks almost every night, and the entire orc army is extremely exhausted.



As two explosions sounded, the sky-high flames illuminated the night sky. Most of the orc patrol team that had just warned was wiped out, and the rest were overwhelmed by the undead army rushing up in the night. The undead army now has After joining the powerful fighting races of orcs and centaurs, the strength is no longer the same as when fighting the sea tribe in the South China Sea.

In the team, there are not only low-level undead such as skeleton warriors and zombies, but also a large number of black warriors. In the night, even if some orc warriors rebel violently, they can only smash a few skeleton warriors and cannot do anything. If you use it too much, your neck will be wiped off by the Black Warrior, and you may even join the ranks of the Black Warrior.

“Stop them!”

“The escapees are subject to military law!”

“Bring the crossbow up and shoot wherever there is light!”

“Buzz, buzz…”

The machine made a sound, and several giant arrows were directed towards the location where the fire had just been lit. A skeleton warrior happened to be standing on the path of the giant arrow, and was instantly blocked and broken. This kind of use by several people The heavy crossbow kills almost everyone below the knight. Although the soul fire of the skeleton warrior has not been extinguished, the skeleton warrior without the lower body is not even comparable to the kobold. The skeleton warrior spinning in place with the sword is inexplicable. It also brought out a bit of joy.

The key lies in his original goal. The human soldier who had just been responsible for igniting the thunder failed to escape his fate. He was pierced by a giant arrow and nailed to the tree behind him. After a few struggles, there was no movement. .


“Remember to smash their heads. Only if you smash their heads open will these skeletons stop moving.”

“If it’s moving rotten flesh, remember to poke their chests.”

The orc officer loudly reminded his soldiers about how to deal with the undead warriors,

The orcs who encountered the night attack were not completely in disarray, and even showed some ability to cope. In the night, a large number of long-range weapons fired at the position where the fire was lit, causing many casualties to the human soldiers assisting the attack.

However, compared with the results achieved, these casualties can only be said to be insignificant.

In the round after round of thunderous explosions, the orcs not only suffered heavy losses, but also the team became very chaotic. Under the impact of the undead, the orc camp became shaky.

“Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh…”

“Boom! Boom!”

In the dark night, the whistling of arrows and the sound of explosions were mixed together. Countless soldiers fell into the night, and the shouts of killing became more and more intense. Finally it gradually levels off.

The fighting will of the orcs is not low. Even when they encountered a surprise attack when they were extremely exhausted, they were still able to resist for several hours before collapsing. When the sky turned white, the battle basically came to a small end. .

Sandro then commanded his undead army to capture a stronghold of the orc army. More than 10,000 orc warriors were stationed here, and they had not had two chances to fight against humans.

“Elsa, go take care of the battlefield.”

“Yes, Lord Sandro!”

With Elsa joining in, Sandro has saved a lot of things…


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