Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 623: Breaking streak






“Come on!”

After a series of thunderous explosions, another orc camp was blown to pieces. The orcs here were not much stronger than the defenders in front of the first camp.

The human army did not even change its routine. Giants and trebuchets threw heavy mines into the orc camp. Hundreds of mines and kerosene bombs together caused billowing smoke in the orc camp.

Generally speaking, the camps set up by orcs are treated with fire protection. The wooden fences are separated by soil, which is not easy to burn. There are many large water tanks in the camp specially used for fire fighting.

But the combination of kerosene bombs and thunder bombs into the orc camp produced a better effect. The flames and explosions could create greater chaos.

After several rounds of mines were used, the black smoke in the orc camp rolled up tens of meters high. Except for a few orcs trying to put out the fire, more orcs were like headless flies, looking for ways to escape. The place where thunder exploded.

After reaching this level, the attacking humans would certainly not be polite. The commander gave the order and the human soldiers rushed forward.

After entering the camp, when you encounter the chaotic orc soldiers in the camp, three to five people will immediately surround them and kill them. If you encounter a large number of people, more than a dozen people gathered together, they will immediately explode with small thunder. Hello, the orcs who encountered the thunder bombs still haven’t made much progress. After being swept away, most of them still don’t know how to avoid the damage of the thunder bombs, and they always stand upright and bear the attacks of the thunder bombs.

“Line up!”

“Line up!”

“Humans are coming! Stop them!”

The orcs do not lack responsible officers and soldiers who dare to fight. As long as an officer takes the lead, the chaotic soldiers will immediately seem to have found a backbone. They will consciously join together and fight under his leadership. They will be reunited in a short time. Hundreds of orc warriors were killed.

“Explode thunder!”


It’s just that they had to go hand-to-hand with the human army and had to overcome a difficulty. When they were about forty steps away, black thunder fell on the orcs’ team, and the iron lumps fell like hailstones. In the orc team, hitting the orc armor made a crisp sound of “dang, clang”. If it hit the helmet, the force would be stronger and it could directly knock out the orc warrior.

Seeing the falling thunder, the orc warriors who were originally in a group began to dodge again. They had already seen the power of the thunder, and they all knew that once this thing exploded, people within a few meters around would be killed or maimed. They were afraid of swords and swords. There was no such panic when facing a thunderstorm.




However, the fuse design of the thunder was very short, and it did not give the orcs much time to react after landing. It only started to explode in a second or two.

This round of explosions killed and injured at least one or two hundred orc warriors. The number of orc warriors who had just grouped together to resist the attack of the human army suddenly decreased by one-third, and the team became sparse.

What’s more important is the blow to the morale of the orcs. A group of orc warriors who finally gathered together and mustered up the courage to fight to the death were confused again by a round of explosions.


“Come with me!”


At this time, there was only twenty or thirty steps between the two sides, and there was no time to throw another round of thunder. The leading human knight ignited his fighting spirit first, and led his soldiers to rush into the hesitating orc team. .

On one side are human soldiers with high morale, strict formation, and an absolute numerical advantage.

On one side is the orc army that has not yet recovered from the thunderous explosion, with low morale and a sparse and chaotic formation.

In this case, no matter how powerful the orcs’ individual combat effectiveness is, it will be difficult to withstand the attack of human soldiers.


Although the orc warrior who led the team was not sent directly to the sky by the thunder, his appearance was very miserable, with blood stains and black ash on his face, as if he had emerged from the mine of some mining disaster.

The armor on his body was also damaged in many places, and blood overflowed from the armor from time to time. It was obviously injured by the previous mine explosion, and it was unknown whether the internal organs were directly damaged.

When the human soldiers rushed up, he was the first to react. He held up his battle ax and fought with the leading knight officer, and kept roaring in an attempt to boost morale.

The injured orc warrior seemed to have become stronger. When the two sides collided, the human knight was shaken by the opponent’s battle ax and was numb.

In terms of strength, even if they are strong men of the same level, humans cannot compare to orcs.

However, the human knight obviously had no intention of dueling with the opponent. Next to him, another grudge was ignited, and a crusader with blood streaks on his armor was attracted. The long sword in his hand was not yet ready. There were beads oozing out, and in just a minute or two, more than one orc might have fallen under his sword.




The orc warrior who was targeted by the Scarlet Crusaders had little ability to resist. He pushed back the human knight who had just attacked him and then smashed his ax at the Scarlet Crusaders with all his strength, hoping to continue to gain the upper hand with his strength.

Unexpectedly, the Scarlet Crusaders, whose fighting and killing skills have reached an almost perfect level, did not accept this trick at all and did not give him any chance.

The long sword easily removed the force of the battle axe, and then slashed it diagonally from a very strange angle, cutting off the arm of the orc warrior.

The orc warrior immediately let out a scream. The Scarlet Crusaders were not in the habit of torturing their opponents. The scream was very short, not even more than a second.

Looking like a bulky crusader in full body armor, he was quite agile. After drawing out his sword again, he penetrated the orc warrior’s throat through the gap in his helmet, ending all the pain of the opponent.


“Come on!”

There were also several small groups of orc officers appearing in the camp, taking the lead in gathering soldiers to try to resist, but they were quickly overwhelmed.

Facing a large group of northern soldiers wearing blue and white armor, the orc warriors would find it difficult to effectively resist even if their individual strength was much stronger.

pickaxe, armor-piercing awl…

The Northland has a set of methods against the heavily armored Orc warriors. The Orc warriors waved their battle axes and tried their best to resist, but with the cooperation of the Northland soldiers in twos and threes, they were very powerless. In the end, the Orc army in the camp was overwhelmed by the attacking human warriors. There was a complete rout under the impact…

The afterglow of the setting sun falls

A few human soldiers climbed to the heights of the camp, roughly tore off the orc war flags and threw them to the ground. The watching soldiers even stepped on them.

The golden three-arrow flag symbolizing the Hunter family in the Northland was hung at the highest point of the camp, which also meant that the camp was completely occupied by the human army.

When the Three Arrows Flag was raised, the surrounding soldiers unconsciously cheered together. This was the sixth orc camp they had conquered today.

“The legion commander has an order to repair and restore the camp to guard against orc raids!”

“Hurry up and move Juma over here!”

“Over there, dig the trap again!”

It was getting late, and the left-wing army also stopped attacking under Gru’s order and began to rest and digest the results of the battle.

These camps originally established by the orcs have now become ready-made camps for the human army.

“Hate, it was blown up so badly before, and now we have to repair it. This damage is too severe. If I had known better, I wouldn’t have blown such a big hole.”

“What nonsense are you talking about? If we don’t blow up the outer wall, if we are blocked by orcs, how many brothers will die.”

Several human soldiers were carrying wooden stakes to repair the large holes in the camp that had been broken by thunder. The soldiers who drove the piles couldn’t help but complained, and were immediately scolded by the captain.

“Hey, let me just talk about it. The fact that we were able to capture so many orc camps today was not entirely due to the effect of thunder.”

“I heard that even one of the great orc warriors was killed by a thunderstorm today, tsk tsk…”

At this stage, mine explosions are difficult to pose a threat to a powerful warrior of the level of a great warrior. Being able to kill a great warrior can only be regarded as the other party’s unlucky, but these low-level soldiers don’t know that much.

To them, great warriors and great knights are both superior beings. Killing small soldiers like them on the battlefield is almost as difficult as killing chickens. If they encounter them, they can only kill them with human lives.

It feels a bit strange to be killed by a weapon like thunder that can be used by them.

“Captain, you said that the thunder is so powerful, is it still useful for us to exchange so many military achievements for a chance to become a knight…”

“Why is it useless! How many orc warriors can be killed by the thunder today? Don’t we have to rely on the knights to go up and fight, if it happens to kill a great orc warrior, you won’t take the knights seriously?”

“What if, I heard that this thunder is still being improved. The earliest thunder was much less powerful than now. Sometimes it could not even penetrate armor, but now it can kill a great samurai by chance. Okay, let’s do more research at the ordnance factory in the future, maybe we can kill the orc warrior directly without any chance.”

“You kid, you thought so much and used so many thunder bombs today, but in the end you rushed forward and fought to decide the outcome.”

“The captain of the sixth team is from my hometown. When he charged, an orc warrior smashed his head open with an axe. If he had been a knight, he would not have to die today.”


“Hurry up and work! We need to repair it overnight, and we have to make up for two rebel horses. The orcs have suffered such a big loss today, so we have to be careful about their counterattack.”

“Yes, Captain!”

The emergence of mines has affected the form of war to some extent, but it is far from enough to determine the direction of the battlefield. After all, the mines in the North are equivalent to the level of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. In that era, cold weapons were still Still mainstream on the battlefield.

In addition to the proper use of mines, the reason for such great results today is that the orcs have no experience in dealing with them and are somewhat helpless in the face of mines.

Under the night

The lights in the orc tent are brightly lit

“What are you doing on the left today? You lost six villages in a row in just one day, and lost two to three thousand people.”

“Master Great Shaman, humans have invested giants on the left wing, and there is also a new weapon that explodes like thunder when it lands. It can also directly collapse the wall of the camp. Before each attack, humans have to destroy the entire camp. Explode once and the damage will be heavy even before the attack.”

“Is there a physical version of mankind’s new weapon?”


“Bring it up!”

Soon two orc soldiers walked into the camp holding two black mines.

A circle of orc generals gathered around him curiously.

A two-pound mine and a ten-pound mine are quite different in size. The same thing is that only half of the fuse is outside.

Many of the gunpowder weapons produced in this era did not explode due to various reasons. One or two out of ten would not explode on the ground. Although the human army would recover the unexploded mines after the battle, the number was still small. If there are too many, it will be difficult to recover them all without missing a single one. The orcs still easily obtained a few mines that did not explode.

“Your Excellency, Great Shaman, be careful, the explosion of this thing is quite powerful.”

Gero reached for a two-pound thunderbolt, and the orc general next to him immediately reminded him.

However, with Gro’s strength, even if a thunderbolt explodes in his hand, it probably won’t hurt him at all. A strong man of his level can be called a humanoid nuclear weapon in modern times, and conventional weapons are difficult to harm. .

I took the thunderbolt and weighed it gently in my hand. I didn’t feel any energy fluctuations. It was obviously not a magic product.

“How to use?”

“Just light up the thread outside.”

Gero didn’t hesitate, and led his people to the open space outside the big tent, and ordered people to light the thunder.



A two-kilogram thunder and a ten-kilogram thunder exploded respectively.

Each of them left a hole in their place. When the ten-pound thunder exploded, it lifted up all the surrounding wooden targets.

Looking at the power of the thunder explosion, the surrounding orc generals looked unhappy.

As generals leading the army, they naturally understand the significance of this weapon.

Gero couldn’t help but frown and said:


Items without any magic fluctuations can have the power of low-level magic items. If humans can make such weapons in large quantities, it will definitely not be good news for the orcs. Although this thing is not a threat to real masters It is large, but the damage to ordinary soldiers when used in battle is too great…

“Bring it to the craftsmen first and let them take it apart to see if there is any possibility of imitation.”

“Yes, Your Excellency the Great Shaman.”

Gro’s first idea was to hand over the explosive thunder to the craftsmen to try to imitate it, but without the gunpowder formula, this attempt could only be in vain. The orcs had already begun to imitate the divine crossbows obtained on the battlefield, but the explosive thunder did not exist. It cannot be figured out by skilled craftsmen.

“Sir Adriello, how much information can you provide about new human weapons?”

Afterwards, Gro asked Adriello again.

Of course, counterfeiting is not as fast as stealing directly.

But Adelillo shook his head.

Although the Rising Sun Religion has penetrated deeply into the kingdom, the Northland has always been blank. In the past, the Northland was not important. In addition, the Lanster family, the first family in the Northland, was a newcomer who had nothing to do with the church. The nobles dealt a severe blow to the church, and the Rising Sun Cult did not develop vigorously in the northern underground.

When the Northland became powerful enough to deserve attention, the church tried to do something but found that the place was run by the Hunter family like an iron barrel and could not penetrate at all.

They were able to get some information on the mobilization of the army. After all, it was difficult for large-scale military mobilizations to leave no traces, but places like the Research Valley of the Ordnance Factory were simply not accessible to ordinary spies.

“That’s all, let the craftsmen try to imitate it first, and then let those officers who have experienced mine explosions come over, and we can discuss how to deal with it.”

Gero sighed. If he failed to get the trick, he could only rely on the lives of the soldiers to try and make mistakes.


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