Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 622: Building a stronghold


The orc camps stretch for dozens of miles, and the outer walls of the camps, pits, watchtowers, and civil structures are arranged in a very systematic manner. It is not easy to get benefits from the orcs like those of the Sea Tribe.

Facing the arrangement of the orcs, the army actually has no other good solution except to attack by force. If there are only ordinary soldiers fighting, then they can really only keep filling the soldiers into a millstone of flesh and blood.

But the attacking human army now is different. Not only are they pushing traditional siege equipment such as shield carts and rams, but there are also thunders that the orcs have never seen before, which are constantly falling on the orc camps.




The weight of the new mine has not changed much. It still has a charge of ten kilograms. It is sealed with a metal shell and filled with some messy iron slag. The person responsible for throwing is not a stupid guy like a trebuchet, but a trebuchet. After the human soldiers lit the fuse, the giant on the side directly picked up the ten-pound thunder and threw it into the orc camp.

At this time, hundreds of thunders weighing ten kilograms had fallen on the orc camp that was attacked by humans. There were craters everywhere, and several gaps appeared in the originally solid wooden walls.

Although the gunpowder after improving the formula ratio and achieving granulation is still not as good as the explosives of later generations, its power is still considerable. At least with the current power and stability, it is no longer useless to use in war. , and became a weapon.

And based on the idea that the power is not enough to fill the weight, the mines made by Beidi Ordnance Factory have at least ten kilograms of explosive charge, and there are even large mines of twenty kilograms and fifty kilograms, some of which fall below The power of the explosion on the ground was no less powerful than the cannonballs of later generations.

The orcs were not prepared to avoid the artillery fire. The village where a legionnaire was stationed was plowed by hundreds of thunderbolts and became a mess. Some of the horses blocking the road were directly thrown away. I don’t know where it rolled, but the defensive capabilities of this stronghold destroyed at least half of it.

What is even more serious is the blow to the soldiers in the village. When the thunder hits the ground, its huge power can lift all the orc soldiers five or six meters around to the sky. However, their heavy armor that can block powerful crossbows is exploding. It is very weak, and the power of the shock can directly impact the orc warriors under heavy armor. Some of the orc warriors who fell to the ground in the explosion seemed to have no scars on their bodies, but the cloth except the armor was torn to pieces, and a small amount of blood flowed from their ears and nostrils. , probably had his internal organs shattered.

As for the shrapnel and iron sand splashed by the thunder, the damage range is even wider. The range of thirty or forty meters around the impact point is their damage radius. The slightly unlucky orc warriors were beaten like honeycombs by the splashed iron sand. Likewise, even the armor on his body can’t block the damage from this kind of shrapnel.

Several rounds of mines were dropped, and at least two to three thousand orc soldiers were killed or injured in the camp. A small part of them were killed directly in battle, and some of them were not injured by iron sand and shrapnel, but they were soaked in strange liquids. Even if someone is injured by iron sand and does not die on the spot, there is a high probability that the wound will become infected later.

Such heavy casualties occurred before a close encounter. One can imagine the morale of the orcs at this time. The morale that was originally not very high due to the long-distance attack on the city and the long-term attack, now fell directly to the bottom.

Logically speaking, hundreds of mines should not cause such heavy losses to the orcs, but the orcs have no experience in dealing with mines. The regular camps they set up are always aimed at the cold weapon army, otherwise they will dig a few holes to hide the soldiers. Trench can also avoid most explosion damage.

Many orc warriors didn’t even do the most basic movements of lying on the ground when the thunder fell. They just stood there stunned and were swept away by iron sand and shrapnel, without any awareness of precautions.

It was only later that they discovered that the more they gathered, the higher the possibility of being attacked by thunder. This in turn caused the orc soldiers to subconsciously spread out. Instead of learning to lie on the ground to reduce the probability of being injured, they learned first In a sparse formation, a lot of people should have gathered around the tattered wooden wall, but now there are only a few orc warriors stationed there.

“Get up, don’t lie on the ground!”

“Orcs don’t need cowards! Get back to your place!”

“Supervise the battle team! Supervise the battle team!”

“All soldiers who leave their positions without authorization and run around in the camp will be executed immediately. All soldiers lying on the ground are equally guilty!”

The commander of the orc army commanded here obviously didn’t know how to adapt. Even when the mine explosion caused a large number of casualties to the soldiers, he still followed the old rules and required discipline. The soldiers were not allowed to disperse or lie on the ground to avoid damage.

After all, in war, it is easy for deserters to lie on the ground and pretend to be dead, so in the eyes of most officers, lying on the ground is basically equated with deserters.

At the request of the legion commander, some of the soldiers were hacked to death by the guards supervising the battle, while others stood up and gathered together fearfully, continuing to withstand the huge damage caused by the thunder, until an orc flag regiment with great warrior strength The commander was directly turned into a hornet’s nest by the thunder that fell next to him, causing the entire flag regiment to collapse.

The leader of the orc flag regiment was also unlucky. Thunder explosions can cause considerable damage to ordinary soldiers, but they pose little threat to officers of the level of a great warrior.

Nothing like in modern warfare, where officers have mortal bodies, and generals cannot withstand an ordinary 7.62. Orc officers are all physically strong several times that of ordinary soldiers. They are extraordinary beings who have mastery of fighting spirit, and their armor is also more powerful than ordinary soldiers. Ordinary soldiers are much thicker. Regardless of the defense, physical fitness and reaction speed, they are not on the same level as ordinary soldiers.

The destructive power of thunder is only at the elementary level of gunpowder weapons, and has not developed to the crazy power later.

Some of the iron sand that was splashed out before had not even hit the orc warrior, but he had blocked it with his battle ax in advance, missing some of the iron sand that had penetrated his armor. The kinetic energy had basically reached its limit. It’s stuck in the muscles, and it can be squeezed out after the Dou Qi circulates, so it’s basically no big deal.

So during the explosion, these officers were able to look calmer. They could still stand upright amidst the flying soil, iron sand and explosion fire, which also played a role in stabilizing the morale of the military.

However, due to the different lengths of the fuses, a 20-pound thunder accidentally exploded in mid-air less than a foot away from the orc flag captain.

The leader of the Orc Banner, who was at the center of the explosion, almost withstood the full power of the mine. The iron sand and shrapnel hit him like a honeycomb. The originally fine armor was full of dense holes, and blood flowed down the armor. The little hole seeped out.

The worst thing was the head. Shrapnel almost cut the entire face into a flat surface. Because of the powerful vitality of the warrior, after being knocked down by the thunder, the leader of the orc flag even struggled on the ground. The orcs around him The soldier was planning to go to the rescue, but a second mine exploded, killing him completely. The soldiers under his command were also completely shattered by the mine’s will to fight.

After the death of the orc flag leader, more than 4,000 orc soldiers could no longer maintain their formation and began to evade on their own. Even the personal guards supervising the battle stopped forcing the soldiers and allowed the troops in the camp to run around randomly. , the smarter ones lay on the ground and protected their heads, and those who didn’t understand the situation even got into the tents in the camp.

In short, the entire camp of orc soldiers fell into chaos after encountering the thunder attack for the first time. The wrong command of the orc army commander made this chaos become irreversible.

At this time, it was also a good time to attack. An orc camp that was originally well-positioned was now completely open to the attacking human army.

“Stop throwing bombs, the First Flag Regiment starts attacking.”


The general commanding the attack is Quill. He is considered to be the fastest-growing general under Richard. It is no problem to stand alone. In this battle, he was assigned to the left wing army under Gru. The Flying Bear Army launched its main attack, and the orc camp stuck in the main route of their attack was the first target he wanted to capture.

Although this was not the first time Quil had seen thunder, there was still a big difference between his usual experimental viewing and actual combat. At least the power and effect were greater than he had imagined.

However, of course, the bigger the power of the thunder thrown at the orcs, the better, and it did not give the other party a chance to react. After hundreds of thunder exploded the opponent to pieces, Quill immediately ordered to let him go. Ground troops launched an attack.

“Come on!”

Thousands of soldiers who served as vanguards rushed into the orc camp with little difficulty. The arrows that should have been flying in densely only a few sparsely landed on the heads of these soldiers. The horses blocking the way were quickly He moved away, but no orc soldiers came to stop him.

Even the originally strong village wall was in some tatters, with at least a few large holes for several people to pass through.

The attacking first flag regiment was particularly dissatisfied. Before they even got close to the wall, a group of soldiers carried several gunpowder packets weighing hundreds of kilograms and stuck to it.

“Get ready to blast, everyone get out of the way!”


After the improvement of gunpowder, Richard proposed a variety of methods for use on the battlefield, and then various generals repeatedly demonstrated and tried them. The original big guns and artillery that were always ineffective have not left the experimental field.

But the most basic application method has been practiced for almost all. This method of burying a large amount of gunpowder directly under the camp, igniting it and then blasting it has been tried many times. The soldiers responsible for burying the gunpowder have also been specially trained for a period of time. time.

Because there was basically no resistance from the orcs on the outside, the process of burying the gunpowder was extremely smooth. It only took about ten minutes to fill the prepared gunpowder packets to the bottom of the wall.

After the surrounding soldiers retreated hundreds of meters away and lay on the ground, the soldier in charge of the explosion lit the fuse, and a loud bang broke out ten seconds later.

Thick black smoke rose tens of meters high and could be seen almost from the entire battlefield. The orc soldiers who were still behind the wall estimated that they would not even be able to find a complete body now.

“Rush in.”


The commanding officer did not wait for the black smoke to completely dissipate. He knew very well that after that amount of gunpowder exploded, it would be impossible for the earthen and wooden stronghold built in several days to withstand it.

A large group of human soldiers rushed into the orc camp almost unscathed amid the thick black smoke.

At this time, the orc camp was still in chaos. Facing the rushing human soldiers, most of them did not offer resistance and turned around and ran away. Soldiers who have lost their will to fight cannot be effective, even if On average, these orc warriors are a full head taller than human warriors.

“Line up! Stop these humans!”

“Explode thunder and throw it!”



The army finally encountered decent resistance after they invaded the orc camp for at least 500 meters. The orc army commander led his personal guards and gathered thousands of soldiers around him to face the attackers who entered the camp. Human soldiers kill.

Although there are only a thousand orc soldiers, it is not easy to eliminate them with a flag regiment. If the orc soldiers do not lose their fighting spirit, even the most elite human army will not be able to get any advantage in a frontal battle. .

However, the human soldiers who acted as the vanguard did not use the tactics familiar to the orcs. Instead of charging with big guns after firing a salvo of bows and crossbows, they came up and threw hundreds of small thunderbolts.

The explosive charge of these mines, which are less than two kilograms, is not large, but the advantage is that they are large in number and can be thrown accurately. They fell into the orcs dozens of meters away and exploded, causing a burst of chaos. Dozens of them The orcs were killed and wounded.

However, the orcs following the legion commander obviously had stronger fighting will. They did not collapse after being thrown by the thunder for a while, but instead gritted their teeth and continued to move forward.

“Rush over and mingle with these humans.”


At this time, the orc commander finally issued a correct order. The orcs no longer adhered to any formation, and charged forward with weapons in hand.




The two sides fought fiercely together, with steel colliding and blood flying everywhere, and the orcs were suppressed to the extreme by the thunder

The attacking first flag regiment was particularly dissatisfied. Before they even got close to the wall, a group of soldiers carried several gunpowder packets weighing hundreds of kilograms and stuck to it.

“Get ready to blast, everyone get out of the way!”


After the improvement of gunpowder, Richard proposed a variety of methods for use on the battlefield, and then various generals repeatedly demonstrated and tried them. The original big guns and artillery that were always ineffective have not left the experimental field.

But the most basic application method has been practiced for almost all. This method of burying a large amount of gunpowder directly under the camp, igniting it and then blasting it has been tried many times. The soldiers responsible for burying the gunpowder have also been specially trained for a period of time. time.

Because there was basically no resistance from the orcs on the outside, the process of burying the gunpowder was extremely smooth. It only took about ten minutes to fill the prepared gunpowder packets to the bottom of the wall.

After the surrounding soldiers retreated hundreds of meters away and lay on the ground, the soldier in charge of the explosion lit the fuse, and a loud bang broke out ten seconds later.

Thick black smoke rose tens of meters high and could be seen almost from the entire battlefield. The orc soldiers who were still behind the wall estimated that they would not even be able to find a complete body now.

“Rush in.”


The commanding officer did not wait for the black smoke to completely dissipate. He knew very well that after that amount of gunpowder exploded, it would be impossible for the earthen and wooden stronghold built in several days to withstand it.

A large group of human soldiers rushed into the orc camp almost unscathed amid the thick black smoke.

At this time, the orc camp was still in chaos. Facing the rushing human soldiers, most of them did not offer resistance and turned around and ran away. Soldiers who have lost their will to fight cannot be effective, even if On average, these orc warriors are a full head taller than human warriors.

“Line up! Stop these humans!”

“Explode thunder and throw it!”



The army finally encountered decent resistance after they invaded the orc camp for at least 500 meters. The orc army commander led his personal guards and gathered thousands of soldiers around him to face the attackers who entered the camp. Human soldiers kill.

Although there are only a thousand orc soldiers, it is not easy to eliminate them with a flag regiment. If the orc soldiers do not lose their fighting spirit, even the most elite human army will not be able to get any advantage in a frontal battle. .

However, the human soldiers who acted as the vanguard did not use the tactics familiar to the orcs. Instead of charging with big guns after firing a salvo of bows and crossbows, they came up and threw hundreds of small thunderbolts.

The explosive charge of these mines, which are less than two kilograms, is not large, but the advantage is that they are large in number and can be thrown accurately. They fell into the orcs dozens of meters away and exploded, causing a burst of chaos. Dozens of them The orcs were killed and wounded.

However, the orcs following the legion commander obviously had stronger fighting will. They did not collapse after being thrown by the thunder for a while, but instead gritted their teeth and continued to move forward.

“Rush over and mingle with these humans.”


At this time, the orc commander finally issued a correct order. The orcs no longer adhered to any formation, and charged forward with weapons in hand.




The two sides fought fiercely together, with steel colliding and blood flying everywhere, and the orcs were suppressed to the extreme by the thunder

The attacking first flag regiment was particularly dissatisfied. Before they even got close to the wall, a group of soldiers carried several gunpowder packets weighing hundreds of kilograms and stuck to it.

“Get ready to blast, everyone get out of the way!”


After the improvement of gunpowder, Richard proposed a variety of methods for use on the battlefield, and then various generals repeatedly demonstrated and tried them. The original big guns and artillery that were always ineffective have not left the experimental field.

But the most basic application method has been practiced for almost all. This method of burying a large amount of gunpowder directly under the camp, igniting it and then blasting it has been tried many times. The soldiers responsible for burying the gunpowder have also been specially trained for a period of time. time.

Because there was basically no resistance from the orcs on the outside, the process of burying the gunpowder was extremely smooth. It only took about ten minutes to fill the prepared gunpowder packets to the bottom of the wall.

After the surrounding soldiers retreated hundreds of meters away and lay on the ground, the soldier in charge of the explosion lit the fuse, and a loud bang broke out ten seconds later.

Thick black smoke rose tens of meters high and could be seen almost from the entire battlefield. The orc soldiers who were still behind the wall estimated that they would not even be able to find a complete body now.

“Rush in.”


The commanded army


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