Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 620: The war begins


“Sir Adriello, what does the Lord of the Rising Sun want?”

When Gro made up his mind to fight the Northland Army in a decisive battle near the city of Sirgrad, the senior orc generals in the tent stopped arguing and left to take action. The army reorganized the camp, recruited more grain and grass, and conducted reconnaissance and testing. This series of things was very busy.

When only Gro and Adelillo were left in the big tent, Gro suddenly asked Adelillo a question.

“Of course because we have a common enemy.”

“Human? I remember it was recorded in the elven classics that the Lord of the Rising Sun is a rare human god.”

After all, Gro is a character from hundreds of years ago. At that time, the gods had not gone far away, and he still had a certain understanding of the gods at Gro’s level.

“No **** is willing to see magic flourish again. We admit that magic is great, so magic should be erased from all traces of its existence.”

“Then what can we orcs gain in the end?”

“Isn’t it enough for the orcs? The fertile soil of the Central Great Plains will become the territory of the orcs again. Your children can grow up healthily. There is no need to use cold water to screen out children with stronger physiques. Your elderly can be safe. There is no need to go into the ice and snow alone in the winter to save some food.”

“And what you really pay for is your faith in our Lord.”

As the war progressed, the missionary work of the Rising Sun Cult in the Orc Kingdom did not stop for a moment. Not only did it vigorously preach in the newly occupied areas, but it also spread comprehensively within the Orc Kingdom. Temples were established in almost all cities.

The Rising Sun Cult is very bluffing. Otherwise, it would not have existed in the Golden Dragon Kingdom for so many years. Now that it has the official support of the Orc Kingdom, it naturally attracts believers very quickly. They are all in the Orc Army. Many believers of the Rising Sun Cult.

Although the overall proportion is not high now, if this continues, sooner or later the influence of the Rising Sun Cult among the orcs will reach a level that is difficult to ignore.

“Give faith? Let the orcs also become slaves of the gods?”

“I don’t know how many races are willing to become slaves of gods but cannot.”

“The influence of the recovery of magic power is faster than I imagined. Some humans are actually able to use undead magic that was taboo during the Elf Empire. His Majesty Gro now needs to consider how to defeat humans as soon as possible. It’s not our church’s problem. When human magic flourishes, the orcs don’t know if they will have the opportunity to be slaves to humans.”

“Are those things called undead? That’s quite appropriate. As long as the white dragon arrives in time, we will be sure to defeat those humans.”

“Don’t worry, Bailong will never disobey my lord’s will…”


In the spring twilight, a large group of centaur warriors stood on a gentle **** from a distance and looked angrily at a group of cavalry wearing blue and white armor opposite. It was the first time that they felt fear towards other cavalry.

The thousands of corpses scattered between the two teams of cavalry prove that a tragic cavalry battle took place here before.

Most of them are the corpses of steppe centaurs, and there are only a few human corpses. Judging from those who died in the battle, it is obvious that the centaurs suffered a big loss.

There are nearly 30,000 centaurs standing on the gentle slope. One-third of the centaurs on the central plain are concentrated here.

The humans on the opposite side only have about 10,000 riders, only one-third of the centaurs. The difference in numbers is not small, but their momentum is really overwhelming the opposite side. At this time, they have even begun to move forward slowly, and again He looked like he was going to take the initiative to attack.

In order to ensure speed, most of the human cavalry are only light cavalry with armor from the knights above. Only the more than a thousand cavalry at the front are war horses and heavy cavalry with all human armor.

It was these more than 1,500 heavy cavalry that made the Centaurs understand what the gap was.

The 1,500 heavily armored cavalry are composed of almost 40 champion knights, the same number of unicorn holy beasts, more than 500 members of the Red Flame Knights and hundreds of people riding improved Western Horses. There are also more than 400 elite centaurs wearing special armor among the quasi-knights.

Normally, the champion knights are treasured by Richard. Generally, the champion knights are not allowed to fight and consume. There are not many combat forces on the ground that can cause casualties to the cluster of champion knights. The fierce dragon battle in the sky with them Without participating, the casualties of the Champion Knights have always been within the controllable range. At this time, after the Northland Army and Gru’s army merged, the number of Champion Knights was quite considerable.

Because of the specialty of the elf hero Siel, the unicorn holy beast is produced twice as fast as the champion knight. Although the elf city is built later, the number is almost the same as the champion knight.

In this team, there are nearly a hundred earth-level combatants alone. With the help of more than a thousand cavalry, led by Mrak and Taris, even natural cavalry like centaurs are overwhelmed by them. Killing is timid.

As for the remaining more than 10,000 light cavalry, although they are also elites in the North, they seemed to be a bit of a powerful addition in this battle. When the two sides clashed, the more than 1,000 cavalry in the front row took over. The centaur penetrated, and they only had to swing their sabers a few times, and they won the battle without even a decent fight.

At this time, he slowly stepped forward under the command, preparing to attack the centaur.

“Leader Hutt, the opponent is here again, do you want to continue attacking?”

On the Centaur side, they were obviously a little frightened after losing thousands of riders. If they had seen a whole team of human cavalry attacking in the past, they would not have been afraid at all.

Even if the opponent is heavy cavalry, they have many ways to deal with it. After all, the strongest heavy cavalry they have encountered in the past is the small number of heavy cavalry in the Western Region. Once the troops and horses are equipped with armor, they will immediately become Extremely bulky, centaurs are inherently faster than normal light cavalry, and can easily kill heavy cavalry with their speed.

But the human heavy cavalry in front of them was different. Not only did they have thick armor, but their running speed was not slow at all. When the centaurs tried to distance themselves during several trials, they were overtaken and chopped to pieces.

The feeling given to the centaur is that the opponent’s horse is not tired at all, but the knight on the horse is tired first.

“No, let’s retreat. The two 10,000-person troops at Munro are nearby. They will understand what’s going on as soon as we retreat.”

“Let those heavy cavalry start running, wait for their physical strength to be exhausted, and wait for Munro to come over and directly block them and disperse them.”

“Just like how we used to deal with the orc heavy infantry on the grassland, mobilize them.”

“Yes, Leader Hutt!”

After being severely taught by the cavalry led by Mrak and Taris, the centaur warriors have almost learned their lesson. Even with several times the numerical advantage, they began to be cautious. Before the human cavalry could increase their speed, After getting up, the centaur warriors began to turn around and retreat.

“Lord Mrak, the centaurs have retreated, should we continue to pursue them?”

Sir Hardman was speaking on the side. As the deputy of the Red Flame Knights, he almost brought up the entire Red Flame Knights. After all, although Richard is the nominal leader, he cannot be free. Specialized in managing the knights, what they can provide is the most important red flame horses and material support.

And Hardman recruited knight-level masters from all over for training, forming the now powerful Red Flame Knights. However, even such a powerful knights, in front of the team composed of the champion knight and the unicorn holy beast They all seemed a bit weak.

He is also convinced by the command of M’rak and Taris. His own earth-level strength is not enough for a champion knight, let alone the sky-level M’rak and Taris.

“Can the Red Flame Knight’s physical strength still support him?”

Mlak didn’t even ask about the war horse. The red flame horse has only warmed up now, and may not have even broken out. His main concern is that the knight on the war horse cannot support it. After all, he is wearing heavy armor. Even just swinging a sword is very tiring.

“No problem, the Red Flame Knight is not that fragile.”

Hadmen was more familiar with the situation of the Red Flame Knights, so he naturally knew where the limits were, and immediately responded to Mlac.

“Then follow slowly with your men. If there are centaurs on the flanks who want to join the battle, stop them immediately.”

“Yes, sir!”

“What about you?”

Hadmen subconsciously lowered his head to accept the order, but when he raised his head, he realized for a moment that Mrak had handed over the command of the army to himself. What were they going to do?

The next moment, Sir Mrak told him the answer.

As soon as the meteor hammer in his hand was raised, the surrounding champion knights, unicorn holy beasts and centaur elites immediately understood and quickly increased their speed. They gathered a total of 500 horses and left Hardman and others behind. , chasing the centaur warrior who turned to retreat at a speed that was difficult for them to understand.

At the peak of the sky level, M’lak’s speed special effect has been restored to about 80%. The originally extremely fast units such as the Champion Knight can rush faster than a racing car under his speed effect.

More than five hundred riders quickly closed the distance with the centaur in front at a speed visible to the naked eye.

“Leader Hutt, the human cavalry is catching up!”

“They are chasing just in time. Munro should have received the news. As soon as Munro’s two thousand troops appear, we will eliminate this group of human cavalry.”

“No, Chief Hutt, look, they are already less than 500 meters away from our rear team.”


Hurt turned his head, and what he saw in front of him made him think that there was something wrong with his eyes. He had never seen a cavalry running so fast.

No, let alone cavalry, he has never seen such a fast creature. There is no difference between this speed and flying close to the ground.

“Order the rear team to stop retreating immediately and form a formation to counterattack!”

Although he was horrified by the scene in front of him, Hutt’s reaction was not too slow and he immediately ordered the rear team to stop and prepare for battle. Otherwise, if the rear team was directly attacked during the retreat, it would probably cause the rear team to collapse directly. or even lead to more serious consequences.



However, Hutt’s order still came too late.

The centaur warriors performed well. Even after being suppressed by the human cavalry for several rounds and losing morale, they turned around to fight according to the order.

It’s just that Hurt didn’t estimate the speed of the champion knights led by Sir M’Lak. The thousands of centaur warriors in the rear team turned around and collided with the champion knight in the front before they ran fifty meters. A centaur that collided with the champion knight flew up.

A centaur warrior weighing more than 700 kilograms was directly hit and flew into the air.

After all, the champion knight may weigh more than three tons including the armor on his body. With the addition of Sir Mrak’s speed, the charging speed reached a terrifying 150 kilometers per hour. A collision like this would be a direct collision. What a difference it makes to a speeding car.

This collision directly shattered the centaur’s brain. Even the red flame horse, which had never known what obstruction meant, shook its head slightly and was slightly confused.

The intercepting centaurs were knocked out one after another, unable to stop the flying champion knight. Finally, the champion knight’s speed slowed down, but it became even worse.

With the outbreak of fighting spirit, they were not even qualified to get close. From time to time, they were suddenly affected by the blindness of the unicorn holy beast and fell into chaos. Thousands of centaur warriors intercepted Sir Mulak and others in less than a quarter of an hour. More than half of the time was lost in a long time, and the rest quickly dispersed, and it was not like touching this terrifying group of human cavalry again.

But Hutt didn’t even have the courage to look back at this time, so he was chased by Mrak with the Champion Knight and the Unicorn Holy Beast. He peeled off layer by layer like an onion, and the centaur warriors on the periphery appeared. A large number of people fled.

At first, he planned to retreat temporarily and wait until the other two troops of 10,000 people arrived to counterattack. At this time, it had turned into a complete rout without any chance of counterattack.

As for the two thousand troops he was looking forward to, they did appear on the battlefield. The centaurs have been able to fight the orcs for so many years, and they still have tactical literacy. This tactic is similar to the Mongolian cavalry’s kite first and then roundabout attack. I don’t know how many times I have played this game. As soon as the nearby Munro received Hutt’s signal, he led a team of two thousand people from the flank of the battlefield to try to complete a roundabout outflank.

But that was aimed at heavy cavalry that could not keep up with their speed. They could use this tactic to avoid direct head-on conflict and drag the opponent to death.

But this tactic cannot deal with heavy cavalry like the Red Flame Knights who are faster than light cavalry.

As soon as they appeared on the battlefield, they were entangled by Hardmen’s leaders. Without the champion knight and the unicorn holy beast, the combat power of the Red Flame Knights cannot be underestimated.

The two ten thousand troops led by Munro were forced into a head-on confrontation by the heavy cavalry of the Red Flame Knights before they had time to consume their opponent’s energy.

The weapon in the centaur’s hand struck the heavy armor of the Red Flame Knight, and the damage was basically just a white mark. Even blunt weapons like war hammers are not very effective. The armor in the North is lined with lint and other shock-proof materials. Due to its unique design, blunt force blows would sometimes leave a hole in the armor, but the knight inside could still be alive and well and continue to fight.

And a condescending slash from these Red Flame Knights can make the centaur warriors’ blood splatter, causing fatal damage to these centaur warriors.

Mengluo, who came to help in the battle, used his fighting spirit and used all his strength to finally cut down a human heavy horse and knock him off his horse.

But the centaur warriors around him were all slaughtered by human heavy cavalry. At this time, he also felt the pain that Hutt had felt before. He could not defeat the opponent in a head-on battle, retreated and could not outrun the opponent, but came to support but was defeated. Trapped myself in.

At this time, looking at the men around him who were being chopped down by humans, he felt like he had been tricked by Hutt…




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