Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 619: Dilemma


After several days of fierce fighting, how many corpses are there in the city? In order to speed up the advance, the orcs’ attack regardless of casualties left at least more than 100,000 corpses. There was basically no cleaning up, and the losses on the human side were not even greater than that. Much less orcs.

Including civilian casualties, there are at least more than 200,000 corpses in the city that have not been dealt with. At this time, half of them have become members of the undead army. When more than 100,000 undead warriors cooperate with the remaining human armies, When they started to counterattack, the orc army that was still besieging the humans was immediately caught off guard.

“Lord Legion Commander, the streets to the east are full of monsters, and the First Flag Regiment can no longer withstand them!”

An orc soldier hurried to a temporary orc command post in the city. When reporting the news, his face turned pale and he was trembling slightly as he spoke. He was obviously frightened by the undead army.

This orc army is one of the main forces responsible for attacking Slgrad from the east. The first orc army that was wiped out by the undead army belonged to this army.

“Didn’t you say that you can deal with those monsters? Why can’t you stand it all of a sudden?”

“There are so many of them, they are everywhere, like they are crawling out of hell.”

“How many are there?”

“There are so many of them, they are popping up continuously on the street. There is no way to estimate the number.”

In street fighting in the city, it is difficult to estimate the number of enemies and ourselves. The orc warriors who came to report could only use many such vague numbers to describe the number of the undead army.

“There are still dragons, at least ten bone dragons. We also need the support of dragon hunting crossbows…”

Although the combat power of the bone dragon is a shame for seventh-level soldiers, it is at least the combat power of the earth level. The sudden appearance of ten on the battlefield, fighting in conjunction with the ground troops, also brought a lot of pressure to the orcs.


“Stop these bone scum, reinforcements will be here soon.”

After sending out soldiers to ask for help, the orc flag regiment at the front was almost overwhelmed by the undead army.

Fortunately, the defeated soldiers who had escaped earlier gave them a warning. The orcs who were still in an offensive posture immediately retreated and defended with their houses. If they had continued their scattered attack posture before, I am afraid they would not even have a chance to send out soldiers for reinforcements. will not have.

But even with preparations, they still could not sustain themselves until reinforcements arrived. The Undead Legion had absolute combat power and numerical advantages in this direction.


“Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh…”

A black warrior kicked open the door of a courtyard. The debris piled behind the door flew to the floor. Several sharp arrows were immediately shot from the courtyard, but none of them touched the black warrior. His body was swept away by the long sword in his hand.

Contrary to zombies, not only did the Black Warrior not become slower due to being undead, but his flexibility was also improved. In terms of strength, he was completely worthy of a fifth-level soldier.


The orc warriors defending this courtyard were unambiguous at all. They didn’t care whether the arrows they fired just now were successful. After firing the crossbow, they immediately picked up their weapons and rushed over. Five or six orc warriors surrounded them and immediately attacked. The posture of cutting the black warrior into pieces.




When the leading orc warrior struck the black warrior with an axe, the black warrior also grasped the black knight’s long sword and swiped it.

The orc’s battle ax fell on the head of the black warrior. The huge force caused the black warrior to tilt his body and his whole head to the left. The posture was very strange.

Because a normal person is hit by an orc with a tomahawk. No matter how strong the helmet is, if he is hit by a tomahawk, the huge impact will at least make his head buzz.

But the Black Warrior was not affected at all. The long sword in his hand slashed accurately. The dark fighting spirit was not obvious on the long sword, but the fluctuations of energy could still be barely seen.

The orc warrior who fought against the Black Warrior was cut into two pieces by the Black Warrior along the gap in the armor. He fell to the ground and screamed several times before being touched by his companions who couldn’t bear it and ended the pain. .

The Black Warrior also took the opportunity to stop and straighten his head that had been smashed just now, and soon returned to its original appearance.

A group of skeleton warriors following him also took the opportunity to rush into the yard. The dozens of orcs who were defending in the yard were still resisting.

They swung the battle axes in their hands and knocked down several skeletons. The leading orc warrior directly faced the black warrior who was not easy to mess with at first sight.

It’s just that the leading orc warrior was no match for the black warrior. He was killed by the black warrior after more than ten moves, and the remaining orc warriors were quickly overwhelmed by the undead army.

The orc army of a flag regiment has basically no resistance against an army of more than 100,000 undead, and more than 5,000 orcs have become new materials to enrich the army.

The Orc Legion to the east does not need to consider the issue of support. The Undead Legion is advancing very quickly. They are also entangled by the Undead Legion at this time, and even retreat is a luxury.


In mid-air, the bone dragon breathed out, burning at least seven or eight orc warriors into charcoal. One skeleton warrior was also affected, and the soul fire was extinguished directly under the high temperature.

The good thing about the undead is that there is no morale. When the Bone Dragon breathes dragon breath, it only needs to consider how to maximize the damage. If you hurt eight enemies and lose two, you will still make a profit.

After a few dragon breaths, the orc warriors in front were afraid to fight the skeleton warriors and zombies, fearing that they would be breathed down by the bone dragon once more people gathered.

“Dragon-hunting crossbow!”

“Where’s the dragon hunting crossbow? Shoot down all those bone dragons for me!”

“Buzz, buzz…”


Under the order of the orc army commander, regardless of whether the dragon-hunting crossbow would be exposed at this moment, the dragon-hunting crossbows hidden in the two courtyards were immediately launched, aiming at a bone dragon at the same time.

One arrow missed the target and flew past the bone dragon’s tail. The other arrow accurately hit the bone dragon’s wing. The bone dragon, which had one of its wings broken off, could not stabilize its balance. The download fell to the ground, immediately causing cheers from the orc warriors.

Although he only shot down a bone dragon, it was still a good start. After all, he had been bullied by the bone dragon before, and now he finally had some means to fight back.

Fortunately, although the Bone Dragon fell to the ground, it landed among a group of undead warriors and did not fall into the orcs. There is still a possibility of recovery after the war.

The exposed dragon-hunting crossbow had no chance to make a second attack.


In the courtyard where the dragon-hunting crossbow was, a dozen orc soldiers were still reloading, but a few black warriors directly broke open the door and rushed in with a group of skeleton warriors. Dozens of orc soldiers took up their weapons. They put up a fierce resistance, but they were no match for them. In a short time, everyone including the leading warrior fell in the yard, and the dragon-hunting crossbow became a trophy for the defenders.

Soon, human soldiers came over and took over the dragon-hunting crossbow.

Without the means to deal with the Sky Bone Dragon, the decline of the Orc Legion became even more obvious. After the legion commander was killed by several death knights in the chaos, it completely collapsed. The nearly 30,000 Orc Army in the east suffered losses. After half the battle, they no longer had the heart to fight, and most of them fled along the streets, just wanting to escape from the city and stay away from the undead army in the city.

After defeating the orc army to the east, the defenders followed the breach and outflanked the orcs on both sides, breaking the siege of the orcs in the city. The orc general Skaar, who commanded the battle, reacted quickly. When the orc army collapsed, they quickly made adjustments and gave the order to retreat.

After leaving tens of thousands of corpses and voluntarily withdrawing from Sirgrad, greater casualties were avoided.

On the river north of Sirgrad

The dense white sails almost completely obscured the sky. At first glance, one might have thought that large clouds in the sky had fallen onto the water, completely covering the river.

Thousands of large ships, this is a huge fleet capable of transporting 500,000 troops and supplies that Richard managed to scrape together almost all the ships in the North.

As for the various types of small boats, the number was almost impossible to count. A large number of small boats transported soldiers towards the landing point on the river. By this time, tens of thousands of soldiers had arrived on the river and controlled the entire landing site.

More than twenty giant dragons and hundreds of gryphon knights patrolled back and forth in the sky, and all enemies trying to invade could not escape their sight.

According to the current speed of action, it is estimated that it will take two days for all the troops to land.

“Quil, how are the soldiers doing?”

When the fleet arrived at the landing point, Richard, Quil and others came to the shore first. After staying on the ship for such a long time, they felt a little bored even if they didn’t suffer from seasickness.

“Sir, most of the seasick soldiers have recovered. They only need a while to adapt to fighting after arriving on shore.”

Because nutrition and training are guaranteed, the physical fitness of the Northland soldiers is quite good. Even a small number of those who suffered from seasickness adapted after two days on the ship. Now they can basically go to battle ashore. A situation occurred that Richard was worried about.

“Where is the team led by Catherine now?”

“Lady Catherine is only slightly behind us. We may not have finished logging in before Lady Catherine can arrive.”

When Quill replied, he still couldn’t hide his surprise. It was true that the team led by Catherine moved too fast, and the land route was not much slower than them.

However, this was a very normal situation in Richard’s eyes. Catherine led all system troops. The Titans and Ice Giants that took up too much space in the fleet were all sent overland by Richard.

The marching ability of these system armies is inherently better than that of ordinary soldiers. With the addition of Catherine’s advanced logistics skills, the movement speed is not much slower than that of a light cavalry with one person and two horses. They set off two days in advance. caught up with the speed of the fleet.

“Well, let’s arrange for the landing soldiers to camp first to prevent the orcs from sneak attacks.”

“Yes, sir!”

Setting up camps to prevent orcs from sneak attacks is actually just a complete preparation. To the south of the landing site is Sirgel. The main force of the orcs who have not captured Sirgel cannot bypass Sirgel to fight the reinforcements and put themselves in a double-team. middle.

In the orc camp, the atmosphere was a little dull at this time because the war was not progressing smoothly.

“Humans have landed north of Sirgrad, let’s talk about how to deal with it next.”

When the undead army counterattacked in the city, Grot did not send out a large number of reinforcements as before, but only asked some of Skaar’s troops to be escorted out of the city.

Because it doesn’t make much sense to capture Sirgrad now. When Gru commanded the defenders to launch a counterattack, the Northland fleet had already appeared on the river, and more than twenty giant dragons were After making a circle in the sky near Sirgler, Gro’s energy had been transferred to dealing with the landing of the Northland army.

“Your Majesty the Great Shaman, the human army landed directly here because they want to fight us in the plains. There must be something to rely on.”

“No matter what they have to rely on, they still only have 500,000 people. As long as we eliminate this human army here, humans will have no ability to resist at all.”

The direct landing of the Northland army was actually unexpected by the orcs. The orcs, including the great shaman Gro, generally believed that the human fleet would go directly down the Jinlong River to support the royal capital.

If the army of more than 500,000 people has the ability to resist the attack of the orcs with the city of the royal capital and the navy on the Jinlong River, the orc army wants to capture Sirgel in order to block the passage of the fleet going south. It makes it difficult for the troops in the North to support the Golden Dragon City.

But now, although they did not capture Sirgler, the human army has no intention of continuing to move south. Instead, it landed from the north of the city, as if it wanted to fight the orc army here.

“The human army is more than 500,000, and those ghosts in the city have at least 100,000. If according to our judgment, they can resurrect the corpses to fight, you have to consider that those things may develop even more. The number of corpses that the city has not yet had time to dispose of is enough for them to expand to 200,000.”

The orcs also did some research on the sudden appearance of the undead army. Although they did not have anything like holy water to prevent the corpses from being used, they still found a way to deal with it, which was to destroy the corpses or cremate them. Or chop off the head.

Whether it is a cremated corpse or a corpse with its head chopped off, spiritualism cannot resurrect it normally, and it can also prevent corpses on the battlefield from being used, but both methods are easier said than done. , during the battle, no one has the time to deal with it. Only the victorious party is qualified to clean up the battlefield and dispose of the corpses.

The orc army withdrew from Sirgrad under the pursuit of the defenders. Most of the corpses left in the city were not processed in time, and they could only become materials for the undead army.

“Whether it is 200,000 or even 300,000, we have an absolute advantage in military strength. Since humans dare to land and fight, then we will eliminate us here.”

Although they suffered heavy losses during the attack on Slgrad, the main force of the orcs is still there. There are more than 1.2 million combat troops alone, and there are hundreds of thousands of centaurs as mobile forces. They are still at an advantage in terms of strength. of status.

“Master Great Shaman, our army failed to attack Slgrad and the morale of the soldiers is not high. We have not yet figured out human combat methods. It is too risky to conduct a decisive battle based on numerical comparison alone.”

“Why don’t we retreat south first and let the centaurs harass and test the human army along the way? We continue to concentrate our troops. As long as some time passes, at least more than one million troops can be mobilized on the Great Plains. Then we will have another Eat this group of human reinforcements.”

After defeating the Longxiguan garrison, the orcs have always had an absolute advantage in terms of military strength. Not only did they send almost all the existing domestic troops to the Longxiguan battlefield, they also continued to mobilize more troops and sent a steady stream of troops. Go to the Golden Dragon Kingdom.

Although the population of the orcs is much smaller than that of humans, the number and proportion of the mobilized troops is much higher than that of humans. More than a year after the war began, the total strength of the orcs has continued to increase, because of the material supplies from the Central Plains. The orcs in the country don’t even have to worry about destroying production, and almost all the young men of the right age have to be sent to the battlefield.

The proposal of this orc general was obviously conservative and more prudent. Even Gro was a little moved after hearing it, but his suggestion was quickly opposed by others.

“Is General Kendem so quickly frightened by those skeletons?”

“We still have a total of 1.2 million warriors, all of whom are the most elite warriors, and more than 100,000 centaur warriors to assist us in fighting an upright battle on the plains. What reason is there to be afraid of those humans?”

“If we retreat and the humans save the defenders of Slgrad City and then take the boat south again to the Golden Dragon City, then we will lose the opportunity to eliminate the main force of the humans here. At that time, we will still have We have to face a human capital with convenient water and land transportation and a million troops stationed there.”

If the first sentence can be regarded as a sentimental statement and was directly filtered out by Gro, the second sentence made Gro shake a little. After reaching the level of Gro, he will never be affected by the dispute between feelings and morale. If you fight on your own, you will only consider the pros and cons.

If they don’t look for an opportunity here to fight a decisive battle with humans, there is a high probability that humans will board the ship again, continue southward along the Jinlong River, and station in Jinlong City.

Golden Dragon City originally had only 200,000 to 300,000 garrison troops stationed at full capacity. After breaking through Clays City, it was only natural to seize Golden Dragon City. However, if the Northland army was allowed to enter Golden Dragon City, it would be a quick battle. A quick resolution may turn into a protracted war of attrition.

“If humans go south, it will only take more time for us to concentrate our troops. Why take risks here? Although humans do not have many troops, those dragons and giants need the lives of a large number of soldiers to fill them.”

“There are also those soldiers who have resurrected from the dead. They should be caused by human magicians. We need more information.”

“Have human magicians recovered to this extent?”

“During the siege, there were many human magicians who released missiles. Although the threat was not as great as those resurrected soldiers, they still caused us a lot of damage. The recovery of magic power improved the human magicians more than we imagined. We need to win quickly, we can’t delay any longer.”

The top brass of the orcs are aware of the recovery of magic power. It is precisely because of this knowledge that they have a sense of urgency to completely defeat humans. They do not know how powerful human magicians are, but they know how powerful the elven empire is. Even with only one-tenth of the level of elves’ magic, the orcs can be easily overwhelmed and unable to stand up.

That is a power that even the gods are afraid of.

Although human magicians are recovering their spell-casting abilities, the progress is definitely not as fast as the orcs imagined. Even in the current base camp of human magicians, the Magic Academy in Snowfield City, there are only a few dozen low-level magicians. Messiah is a special existence, and Luo Lin, who has the best talent, has only reached the level of a great magician.

It was just the spell units and heroes produced by the system that successfully caused the orcs to misjudge the speed of magic recovery. Even Gro was a little anxious.

Whether we should retreat first and then concentrate our forces or take this opportunity to fight on the spot, the orc generals debated endlessly, and even Gro was hesitant.

“The White Dragon Clan Leader’s injuries have completely recovered, and fifty white dragons will come to support him within two days.”

Adillo, who had been silent all the time, suddenly spoke, making Gro determined that he could no longer delay the time…


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