Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 618: Natural disaster


Slgrad City

With the addition of Sandro and Aisha, Gru’s troops have become slightly richer from the original extremely tense state.

When fighting on the continent of Erathia, no matter which race they are, except for the undead, they will try their best to deal with the corpses of their companions. Cremation is the most basic operation. Sometimes some holy water will be sprinkled to avoid the corpses of the fallen. Used by the undead.

Diya’s necromancers have often done this when the two forces are fighting, sneaking into the battlefield to make some money and take away some corpses.

But on this continent, magic has basically disappeared in the thousand years since the elves disappeared, and no force has the awareness to dispose of corpses in time to prevent necromancers.

Many times corpses are disposed of because they are afraid of causing local contamination and causing a plague. However, the war in Sirgrad City is extremely fierce. The orcs have not even disposed of the corpses outside the city. How can they have time to dispose of the corpses in Sirgrad City.

Silgrad City, with corpses piled up everywhere on the streets, has completely become a material warehouse for Sandro and Aisha. In just one day, Sandro and Aisha created an army of tens of thousands of undead. Army.


A courtyard outside the city lord’s palace

The surroundings were full of skeleton warriors patrolling back and forth. Walking from the gate into the school grounds of the courtyard, there were all guards with white bones along the way. Walking among them felt like accidentally stepping into the world of the dead.

A group of human soldiers struggled to drag a huge dragon corpse to the vicinity of the other courtyard. Then, ignoring the skeleton soldiers with green fire eyes on both sides, they went straight through the gate and sent the corpse all the way to the campus of the other courtyard.

At this time, the school ground was no longer as empty as usual. It seemed a little crowded after more than twenty dragon corpses and a large number of orc warrior corpses were piled up in rows.

“Sir Sandro, this is the last white dragon corpse that can be found in the city. Although at least fifty white dragons were killed in the past few days, most of them fell outside the city and under the control of the orcs. urban area.”

After the orcs launched a full-scale attack, they had already controlled nearly half of the territory of Sirgler. They were lucky to be able to find twenty white dragon corpses.

“The number is not small, but these white dragons are simply the sea tribe among giant dragons.”

Sandro, who was walking on the school ground in a black robe, was looking at the corpses placed on the school ground. His attitude was not as if he was facing each of the corpses, but as if he was selecting merchandise for display.

The Necromancers perform spiritualism in the game by converting the number of dead enemy soldiers into skeleton soldiers in proportion after each battle, but in reality it is of course quite different from the game.

Although Sandro can continuously create an army of the undead, he is still limited by magic power and materials. Some corpses that have been dead for too long or are too damaged cannot be used as materials for spiritualism. Sandro may be able to Summoning thousands of undead warriors at once, but it is difficult to summon tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands of undead armies in an instant, at least with the current strength, it is impossible, otherwise other forces in Erathia will not have to mix, wait. It’s over after being unified by Diya.

Aisha moves around on the battlefield, constantly creating skeleton warriors to supplement various defense lines, while Sandro is waiting in this courtyard for some good materials to be sent over by the defenders.

Except for the corpses of some strong orcs, the most valuable thing on the battlefield is of course the white dragon that died in the battle some days ago.

Although he was a little dissatisfied with the white dragon’s corpse, Sandro still walked to the middle of a pile of corpses and began to use spiritualism.

After an obscure but eerie spell, about half of the more than twenty white dragon corpses began to change.

Although he has been dead for two or three days, the powerful body of the white dragon has not completely lost its activity. Under the influence of spiritualism, the original flesh and blood slipped from the white dragon’s body, and the hard dragon scales softened immediately after falling to the ground. It’s like a brand-new sofa leather suddenly aged more than ten years ago.

After the flesh and blood on the corpse fell to the ground, it quickly changed from dark red to black and gray. It looked like bacon that had been hanging moldy for several years in the south.

The only remaining white bones have undergone considerable changes. The originally stronger keel bones actually showed a faint luster. Under the influence of magic, all the energy in the flesh and blood was transferred to the keel bones and was lost. After flesh and blood and dragon scales, this skeleton will face the enemy directly.

Finally, scarlet soul fire ignited in the bone dragon’s eye sockets, which looked more aggressive than the light green soul fire of the skeleton warrior.



Half of the white dragons whose corpses were already cold turned into bone dragons under the spiritualism. More than a dozen skull dragons got up from the ground and the first thing they did was roar at the sky, announcing their arrival.

Creatures like dragons cannot change their nature even if they become undead.

“It’s incredible.”

The officers responsible for transporting the corpse and the surrounding human soldiers looked shocked when they saw the corpse of the white dragon they had delivered, half of which had lost its flesh and blood and turned into a skeleton before standing up again.

Even though they had seen skeleton warriors and zombies in the past two days, they were not as shocked as the Skeleton Dragon.

Then, the officer leading the team became excited again. When these bone dragons enter the battle, they will be enough for the orcs to drink. If they create some undead, they may be able to counterattack the orcs. During these days, I had been feeling aggrieved by being bullied by the orcs relying on their superior strength. Now I finally had a chance to feel proud.

Compared to the humans in Erathia, the humans on this continent do not have the fear of the undead as Richard imagined. After all, they have not experienced the pain caused by the undead army like the lives on the Erathia continent. Instead, these undead warriors rescued them from a difficult battle like a timely rain.

In peacetime, there may still be people who are afraid and resistant to the existence of the undead, but after the war reaches this level, everything is done for the sake of victory. As long as the enemy can be killed, in the eyes of these defenders, skeletons Warriors can be skinny beauties.

“Sure enough, it is too weak. There is not even a ghost dragon. Even if it is a level weaker than an ordinary bone dragon, if it does not have the flying advantage, it may not even be able to defeat the Terror Knight.”

Compared with the shocked and excited human soldiers at the scene, Sandru was still a little dissatisfied with the white dragon. The bone dragon was originally weaker than the ordinary dragon, and now it is limited by the white dragon’s strength during his lifetime. Even weaker, after all, even if it has turned into a skeleton, the white dragon is still smaller than other giant dragons.

As a seventh-level soldier in the cemetery, he may not be a match for some sixth-level soldiers now.

Fortunately, the success rate this time is not low. For advanced undead creatures such as bone dragons, even if Sandru, the legendary necromancer, comes to summon souls, the success rate is not too high. Relying on Sandro’s undead magic Only with superb attainments, a treasure trove, and a little bit of luck can we achieve this astonishing half success rate.

As for the other white dragon corpses, they lost the possibility of igniting soul fire after the soul summoning failed, and their remaining functions could only be to be dragged away, skinned and cramped to be made into armor and bowstrings.

After feeling a little comforted, Sandro turned his attention to other undead creatures around him. There were not only twenty white dragon corpses in the yard, but also hundreds of corpses of warriors and knight-level masters. Now The children also stood up for almost a third of the time. They were basically still wearing the armor they had when they were alive. The style had not changed much, but the armor had turned into black and gray under the erosion of the death energy.

Ten skull dragons, more than a dozen death knights, and nearly two hundred black warriors, this is a group of high-level undead that can support a large-scale battle.

It is also worth mentioning that the materials used by Sandro to make undead creatures include not only orcs, but also humans.

Among the more than 200 black warriors in the yard, more than 20 are obviously smaller in size. The black warriors wearing human standard armor look out of place with the tall black warriors around them.

These are all human knights who were recently killed in battle. The human defenders had no objection at all to being made into undead creatures to continue fighting. After learning that they could be resurrected and continue fighting after they died in battle, they were all very enthusiastic.

On this issue, the Golden Dragon Kingdom is more inclined to be practical. Pragmatism is the tone set by the first generation of monarch Aragorn. Although usually everyone will also pay attention to a person’s death and burial in peace, and will punish those who desecrate the corpse. people.

But the overall atmosphere is not particularly conservative. It is much more cost-effective for these soldiers to kill a few more orcs than to rest in their graves.

So the scope of Sandro’s soul-calling is even wider. Not only the corpses of orcs, but also the corpses of human warriors are within the scope of his soul-calling.

Looking with satisfaction at the fluttering bone dragon in front of him and the black warriors who had formed their formation, Sandro said to the officer next to him:

“Go tell Gru that the counterattack can begin.”

“Yes, Lord Sandro.”

After receiving Sandro’s order, the officer who had been doing the dirty work of collecting and transporting corpses hurried away with his men. His light pace could not hide his excitement. It was finally the turn of those **** orcs. .


“Smash their heads! Cut off their waists!”

“Dang, Dang…”

To the east of Slgrad City, on several streets classified by Gru as the East Fourth District, a fierce battle broke out between the orc army and the defenders again, but this time the main force fighting the orcs was not the flesh-and-blood humans before. The defenders were a group of undead troops that were emotionless, tireless, ugly and gloomy.

Originally, the human defenders here have reached the point where they have run out of gas. Half a flag regiment of more than 2,000 people has been beaten down to less than 1,000 people. Without reinforcements, it is only a matter of time before they are completely captured by the orcs.

But because hundreds of undead warriors joined in, not only was the place not captured by the orcs, but the defense line was also much more stable. The orcs attacked fiercely all morning, but nothing was gained.


An orc warrior struck a skeleton warrior on the waist with an axe. The heavy and sharp battle ax chopped the skeleton warrior into two pieces in one stroke.

After losing the support of his lower limbs, the skeleton warrior who looked ferocious just now immediately turned into a typical example of incompetence and rage.

The upper half of his body fell to the ground and he kept struggling. He waved the weapon in his hand and tried hard to chop at the orc warrior in front of him. However, without his lower limbs, it was difficult for him to even move. How could he possibly hit the orc warrior in front of him.


The next second, the orc warrior turned over the battle ax in his hand and hit the skeleton warrior on the head accurately. The skull was broken, the green flames in the eye sockets were extinguished, and the skeleton warrior suddenly stopped moving. It turned into an ordinary white skeleton on the ground, like a corpse that had been killed for many years on an ancient battlefield.


“Damn, it’s so powerful. A dead person is stronger than a living person.”

After just finishing off a skeleton warrior, a tall zombie wearing orc armor immediately approached the orc warrior.

Both sides used orc battle axes. The first blow was a complete confrontation of strength. When the confrontation came, neither the warrior-level orcs took advantage of it. They were forced back half a step by the power of the zombies.

This guy is much harder to deal with than those skeletons.

For ordinary orc warriors, it is not a big problem to fight against the Skeleton Warriors one on one. After all, the Skeleton Warriors are only barely at the threshold of a quasi-knight in terms of combat power. Their shortcomings are very obvious and can be killed with a little targeting.

But zombies are different. After sacrificing part of their speed and flexibility, zombies gain greatly increased strength and ability to withstand blows. Even the orc warriors have to spend some effort to defeat the opponent.

“Use the pickaxe to hit the heart!”


In order to save their fighting spirit as much as possible, the orc warriors did not directly burst out their fighting spirit and forcibly kill the zombies. Instead, they relied on their strength to hold the zombies head-on, and then immediately called for assistance.

Two orc warriors rushed over with sharp pickaxes on their heads. Taking advantage of the stalemate between the zombies and the orc warriors, they hoeed down the zombie’s back heart. The pickaxe disappeared completely. At this depth, as long as the heart If it wasn’t because he was on the wrong side, he would definitely be heartbroken.

Sure enough, the zombie, which could have competed with the orc warriors in strength, suddenly softened and fell to the ground with a gentle push.

The heart is one of the key points of a zombie. As an undead creature, a zombie cannot bleed, and most of its organs have lost their function. Only the heart and head are the key points.

Compared with smashing open the zombie’s helmet, it takes less effort to pierce the heart directly from the weak point of the armor on the back.

“Fortunately, apart from being scary, the combat effectiveness is not that strong, and there are not even those who can use fighting spirit.”

The ability of the orcs to learn in battle is far better than that of most races. After just one day of fighting, they found the weaknesses of the skeleton warriors and zombies, and immediately developed targeted tactics.

With their powerful military power, the orcs still have the initiative. After tens of thousands of undead warriors, mainly skeleton warriors and zombies, joined the battle, they only temporarily stabilized the front line, and they were still far from taking the initiative.


“Continue the attack!”

“The legion commander’s order is that the two-story stone building must be captured before dark.”

After smashing the last skeleton warrior in front of him, the leading orc warrior pointed at the stone building a hundred meters away and gave the order to continue the attack.

After receiving some information about the undead, the top orcs still gave the order to continue the attack. After all, there were already so many casualties in the early stage, the city gates were opened, and most of the city had been occupied. There was no point in giving up. Those who can give up must try again no matter what.

Facing the undead, in addition to summarizing their weaknesses and informing the soldiers, the orcs continued to play their advantage cards and increase their troops.

At least more than a thousand orc warriors poured into these streets in the East Fourth District, which together were less than two thousand meters apart. They relied on their numbers to overwhelm the hundreds of undead warriors guarding the place.

The remaining one or two hundred human defenders were defending near the stone building in front. As long as this stone building was captured, this area would basically change hands.

“None of these humans who insulted the corpses of our warriors will be spared.”


Just when the orc warrior was secretly feeling cruel, there was a roar in the air that made him instinctively frightened.

The roar of the giant dragon, even though it has been heard countless times, still makes people unable to help but fight.

Looking up subconsciously, the attacking orc warriors saw a scene they would never forget.

Ten skeletons in the sky flew toward them with flapping bone wings. Even without dragon scales and flesh, they could still easily identify that they were giant dragons.

After losing its flesh and blood, the dragon’s head, which was only white bones, looked even more ferocious. The scarlet soul fire was still particularly conspicuous even from a distance of several hundred meters.

Not only did humans summon the fallen warriors to continue fighting, but the dead dragons could not escape the fate of being continued to be driven…




Although the speed of the bone dragon is slightly slower than in life, the distance of several hundred meters is still a short distance for them. In the few seconds when the orc warriors were stunned, the bone dragon had already swooped down.

A few cold white dragon breaths fell on the street where the orc warriors were.

When they attacked the stone house just now, the orcs were in a dense formation. Most of them were crowded on the street. Facing the dragon’s breath falling from the sky, they didn’t even have room to escape. They were burned to death by the bone dragon’s breath. On the street.

The orc warrior who rushed at the front of the team, as the first target of the bone dragon, was directly transformed into a charred corpse in the dragon’s breath.

A large number of figures also appeared in the direction of the stone house in the distance, occupying the entire street in the blink of an eye. Skeleton warriors, zombies, black warriors, death knights…

A steady stream of undead appeared on the battlefield, instantly drowning the orc army that was still in chaos, and many of the fallen orc warriors stood up again and joined the undead army…


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