Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 617: Untitled


Sandro’s position was originally on the front line of the battle between the two sides, not far from the human defenders. After fighting several waves of small-scale orc troops in the middle, he entered the area controlled by the defenders. Not only did the undead army around Shishandru not decrease, but it increased to more than a thousand people in a short period of time.

“Attention, there is a situation!”

Sandro led his undead army into the area controlled by the defenders. When the battle was so tense, it certainly attracted the attention of the defenders.

The soldiers operating the Shenwei crossbows have already filled their arrows, the soldiers at the eaves have also cocked their crossbows, and the soldiers hiding everywhere have also grasped their weapons. There are only a few hundred people defending this area. If there were no systematic soldiers and heroes to support them from time to time, they would have been completely wiped out by the orcs.

Now this remnant army looks at the more than a thousand strange troops wearing orc equipment coming from the opposite side, and immediately prepares for battle. Although this garrison is a remnant army, it is not a defeated army, although there is no possibility of victory. But he has the courage to fight to the death.

The knight in charge of the command wiped the long sword in his hand, trying to wipe the knight’s sword as clean as possible, but some of the blood stains on it were condensed and could not be wiped clean. The knight simply gave up and asked several people around him. The soldier ordered:

“The fight will start soon. If I die in the battle, you should stop trying to **** my body out. If you have the time, killing two more orcs is worth more than anything else.”

“Yes, Master Aleph!”

The surrounding soldiers did not perform any more touching dramas. They just nodded silently, holding weapons each and looking at the approaching “orc” army. They only waited for the commander’s order before they launched an attack. , thinking that he must kill an orc to take his back.

Aleph was originally from a noble family in the Central Plains. Aleph, who was quite talented, also became a knight in his twenties. Unfortunately, as the third son in the family, the eldest and second son were both knights. Under the circumstances, there was no possibility of inheriting the title. Aleph, who was very ambitious, decided to go to Longxingguan to try for military glory. The nobles in the central plains were generally richer than the nobles in the north. Aleph chose When Aleph joined the army, his family not only prepared a full set of equipment for him, but also appointed about a dozen of his sons who had practiced martial arts since childhood to join the army with Aleph.

According to the rules, they are Aleph’s personal soldiers. If Aleph dies in battle, they must at least **** Aleph’s body alive to avoid guilt. Otherwise, they will be punished by death no matter where they go and their families will be implicated. But now the central government The Great Plains have been overrun by orcs, and whether their family is still there or not is a question.

Besides, the battle in Silgler was so brutal that they were almost in a state of numbness. In addition to killing the enemy, their own lives were not included in the calculation. How could they care about whether to take back the body or not? Facing Ah Lev just nodded numbly regarding the arrangements outside of the battle. Now the only thing that allowed them to respond quickly was the instructions about the battle.

When the blood-stained human knight heard the soldiers around him calling him master again, he moved his lips and instinctively wanted to correct the other person’s call and let him address his military position, but he gave up when the words came to his mouth. Well, I’m afraid no one can survive this battle, and there’s no point in correcting it. His face sank, and he concentrated on looking at the approaching orc army.

When the orcs got close enough, they immediately ordered:

“Get ready to fight!”

The human army responsible for the defense of these streets was originally part of the garrison of Longxing Pass. They followed Richard on the northern front and fought jungle battles with the orcs in the northern dense forests. They also defeated the orcs under the command of Gru. Even when retreating, the North Route Army did not suffer heavy losses like other defenders and was defeated. Instead, they followed Gru and retreated to Slgrad after nothing could be done.

Compared to some of the defeated troops gathered by Gru on the way and the tens of thousands of troops originally stationed in Sergler, the 100,000 troops who followed Gru from the northern line of Longxing Pass are the most powerful and tenacious. It’s also quite high. They didn’t show any intention of retreating during the battle to defend the city. If they can still save some strength after this battle, they can just reorganize it into a new ace army.

“Master Aleph, there seems to be something wrong with those orcs. Why are there still some soldiers with only bones left in them?”

Sandro and Aisha placed the zombies in front of them during the march. The undead warriors wearing the armor of life still had some flesh and blood on them, and it was not easy to see the difference from a distance.

But the skeleton warriors in the team can tell at a glance that something is wrong as long as they are a little closer. The dense white bones and green soul fire do not look like normal orc warriors.

“It’s so ugly.”

This was Aleph’s first reaction when he saw the skeleton soldiers. There was no fear, only disgust. The surrounding soldiers were a little surprised, but did not show any special emotions. This group of soldiers who had been fighting on the battlefield until they were numb, crawling around among the **** corpses, had no fear of death. How could they be a group of skeletons? Able to scare.

“Fire the arrow!”

After feeling disgusted, Aleph immediately gave the order to release arrows. Although the opponent was a bit weird, it did not affect Aleph’s recognition of the opponent as an enemy. After all, most of these undead warriors were transformed from orcs. The body is covered with orc armor, which is highly recognizable, and the direction in which it came is also the direction of the orc attack.

“Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh…”


The crossbow fired a round, and the two Shenwei crossbows also made a buzzing sound.

It’s just that ordinary crossbows are really weak against heavy armored units, let alone heavy armored units that turn into undead. A round of crossbows only adds a few decorations to the zombies walking in front, but there are two. The Divine Crossbow shattered a skeleton soldier and pinned a zombie to the ground.

Just when Aleph picked up the sword with the determination to die and stood up to engage the opponent in hand-to-hand combat, a hoarse but extremely clear voice came from the opposite side.

“Wait a minute, we are not enemies.”

“Huh? Who are you?”

As he spoke, Aleph made a downward movement with his hands behind him, stopping the soldiers who were about to attack and asking everyone to calm down.

Out of the array on the opposite side came two men in black robes whose figures were incompatible with the surrounding “orcs”. They were 1.6 meters tall. They were blocked by the orcs before they came out, so no one noticed at all.

Of course, Aleph could make his men stop their actions and ask questions, not only because of this voice, but also because Sandro ordered the undead army to stop advancing.

“We are Lord Richard’s subordinates. The army from the North is on the way to help. We came here in advance to support.”

“How do you prove that you are Lord Richard’s subordinate? Do you have a warrant from Lord Richard?”

Aleph, or the entire 100,000-strong army on the northern front, after fighting many victorious battles with Richard and Gru, they almost regarded themselves as Richard’s subordinates and asked Sandro to prove his identity. It all depends on Richard’s warrant.

Sandro naturally had Richard’s warrant. He threw it in the air and accurately landed in the hands of Aleph, who was more than twenty meters away.

But after he actually handed it over to Aleph, Aleph was dumbfounded. He subconsciously said that the only warrants he had ever seen were the Longxingguan and Kingdom versions. What did the one in the North look like? I’ve never seen it before, so I don’t know how to distinguish between authenticity and fakeness. I just said it casually, but I didn’t expect that the person on the other side actually took it out.

“You can get out of the way now. I’m going to see Gru now. If I’m later, I’m afraid it will delay Sir Richard’s affairs.”


With more than a thousand undead monsters wearing orc armor, they also named them to go to the core area to meet the coach Gru. Now they have to pass through his defense area, and he doesn’t know whether the other party’s warrant is true or false. He really doesn’t know. Dare to let the other person pass easily.

The two sides were in a stalemate for several seconds. Sandro and others waited for the other party to get out of the way, but they only saw that Aleph was reluctant to give orders.

“I really want to pull out this guy’s soul and torture him to death and turn him into a wraith.”

Aisha made no secret of her murderous intent, and Sandru was also getting impatient. If it weren’t for Richard’s restraint, the hundreds of human defenders on the opposite side would have been Sandru’s use to expand the undead army. s material.


Just when the two sides were in a stalemate and the atmosphere was getting awkward, a sudden voice sounded, with a bit of surprise in his tone, and the next sentence expressed his hostility without any concealment.

“Let Sir Richard release these nasty bone scum.”

“Lord Mrak.”

The person coming is none other than Sir Mulak, who led the cavalry before. Because he has the special ability to lead troops with speed, if he only leads the system army, he will be incredibly fast. He can quickly reinforce the defenders in all directions, so Gru will be able to maneuver. All system soldiers are handed over to him, playing the role of fire-fighting captain.

Just in time, Sir Mrak led his people to the vicinity of Aleph’s defense area. Hearing the sound of bows and crossbows firing, he rushed over to support. Unexpectedly, he saw something he hated as soon as he arrived.

It is also possible that human (castle) forces have never seen undead heroes. Their disgust for the undead is the same as the undead’s disgust for the living.

Sandru also followed the sound and saw Mrak coming with the champion knight.

“It’s Sir Mrak.”

“Sandru? And Elsa?”

“It’s you two lunatics who came to support you.”

Both sides are famous heroes on the continent of Erathia. They have fought against each other countless times, so they recognized each other at a glance.

Sandro and Aisha didn’t feel anything when Sir M’Lak called them mad. After all, for undead creatures, madness is not even a derogatory term.

“How about, what does it feel like to be rescued by the undead?”

Sir M’Lak did not respond, obviously still a little panicked.

“Don’t waste any time, take me to Gru.”


Although he was quite disgusted with undead creatures, Sir Fumrak immediately turned around and gave Aleph an order after confirming the identity of the other party.

“Get out of the way!”

“Yes, Lord Mrak!”

Compared with heroes who suddenly appeared like Sandro and Aisha, heroes like Sir Mrak who have been active on the battlefield are naturally more effective in speaking. Most of them, from officers to soldiers, know him. Mrak’s order Aleph immediately obeyed.

City Lord’s Mansion

Gru’s temporary command center

“Sir, the third western section has been occupied by orcs, and the defenders have been completely wiped out.”

“Order the Third Banner Regiment to retreat to the second section of the west area, give up 500 meters to the orcs, and reorganize the defense line first.”

“Yes, Lord Gru!”

The soldier who sent the message hurriedly ran out again, and immediately wanted to go outside to convey Gru’s order.

“Sir, area No. 7 East is in urgent need and may be lost soon.”

“The area of ​​East No. 7 cannot be lost. Let the five mobile centurions go up. It must be defended.”

“Yes, sir!”

In order to strengthen the organization in street fighting and to facilitate command, Gru and Taize divided Sirgrad into dozens of areas. It was almost clear at a glance where to give up and where to hold on. In this way, Gru He Taize has been doing extreme micro-management, making the best use of every bit of force at hand.

Coupled with the fact that Mrak led mobile troops to plug leaks everywhere and the powerful personal abilities of several system heroes, he was able to withstand the ultimate pressure in front of the overwhelming orc offensive, constantly fighting against the orcs who had superior strength.

But now in the city lord’s palace, bad news has come one after another. Although they are struggling to survive with the help of system troops and heroes, it won’t be long before the orcs can break the current deadlock if this continues.

“Lord Gru, Mr. Sandro is here.”

After a string of bad news, Gru finally heard good news.

The situation was critical. Gru, who was originally not too fond of undead creatures, breathed a sigh of relief after hearing Sandro’s arrival.

“Please come in Sandro.”

“Yes, sir!”


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