Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 616: New force


Slgrad City

Most of the city was immersed in fighting. The shouts of killing continued all night without stopping. The fighting was extremely fierce. Under the command of the officers, the orcs attacked regardless of casualties. Although the casualties were heavy, the The progress was good. They had advanced at least several thousand meters into the city overnight, and they were completely in a state of panic.

The defenders also suffered heavy casualties. There were only 70,000 to 80,000 soldiers left in Gru’s hands who could still move. Even the civilians who did not evacuate in time from the city took up arms and joined the battle. Now there is no shortage of soldiers in the city. It’s the weapon. Originally, the orcs were not very friendly to human civilians, but now that they are red-blooded, they will not care about soldiers and civilians. As long as they see humans during the advancement, they will be the targets of their killings.

The sun is rising, the sky is gradually getting brighter, gunpowder smoke fills the entire city of Slgrad, the city is full of corpses rolling down, orcs and humans are mixed together, and even occasionally the corpses of elves can be seen. Who is it now? There was no time to dispose of the bodies of their fallen comrades.

Because there was so much blood, the blood even accumulated in pools of red water on the street, and there were already wooden shields floating above in the deepest part.

It’s not like there are millions of corpses lying around, but the blood flow is already a real scene. If you walk among the corpses and look closely, you can see some **** and severed limbs among the piles of corpses. At this time, It would not be an exaggeration to say that it was a scene of **** on earth.

If a normal person saw this scene, he would feel a little uncomfortable even if he did not feel nauseated and vomited on the spot. But at this time, there were two figures walking on the street full of corpses, as leisurely as walking, and from time to time they would Stop, try to take a deep breath, and look like you are enjoying it.

The black figure walking in front suddenly stopped again, waved his hands nervously on the spot, then turned back to another figure and said:


“Lord Sandro!”

When Sandro called her name, Aisha with a skull face still responded respectfully.

“I like war, I heard the cheers of the undead! This is the real battlefield, ten thousand times better than those low-level races that smell like the sea.”

Sandru is still a bit worried about those low-quality skeleton soldiers transformed from the sea tribe…

The people walking on the ruins of Sirgler were Sandro and Aisha who arrived in advance under Richard’s order.

The attack of the orcs was more decisive and violent than Richard expected. He must be in charge of the army in order to coordinate the heroic soldiers of the system and a large number of local generals and soldiers, and Sirgler may not be able to wait until how long. One hundred thousand reinforcements arrived.

Then it would be the best choice to send Sandro and Aisha to Slgrad City in advance for support. Sandro, as a holy necromancer, can also learn the magic of teleportation in the magic tower.

Although the level is not high and the effect is not as good as when Richard used it, there is no problem in bringing Aisha to Sirgrad in advance.

When Richard’s army was still hundreds of miles away from Sirgrad, Sandro and Aisha arrived in the city ahead of time.

“Yes, Lord Sandro, I feel that the entire continent will be in flames of war, and the army of the dead will sweep across the entire continent. As long as we give us a little time, we can create a new Diya (World of Invincible Heroes) The paradise of the dead), including the entire continent of Xindia.”

Sandru’s excitement obviously also affected Aisha, and she was a little excited when she spoke.

However, Sandro immediately corrected Elsa’s dangerous thoughts.

“No, Sir Richard has designated a new Diya for us. He will not allow us to turn the mainland into a paradise for the undead. Don’t mention it again in the future.”

“Yes, I understand.”

Elsa felt a little disappointed. Under the restrictions of the rules, there was no problem with her and Sandro’s loyalty to Richard, but in essence they were just undead that hated living beings.

“It would be great if Master Richard was also an undead, he would definitely be the greatest undead king.”

Aisha was still feeling pity that Richard was not an undead, but Sandro turned his eyes to look around. Perhaps they were both a little too excited just now, and their voices were a little louder, which attracted some attention. A band of orcs.

This is not an uninhabited land, but a battlefield. Looking at this posture, the orcs must have just captured this place. Except for the corpses lying on the ground, there are no humans around.

“Why are there two humans here? Were they hiding before?”

“They look like human civilians. Go and deal with them alone. The people from the third team are already in front. Don’t fall too far behind them.”

“Yes, Captain!”

After saying that, a two-meter-tall orc warrior walked towards Sandro and Aisha with a battle ax raised and a sinister smile on his face.

This team of orcs had just cleared away the resisting human defenders in this street not long ago. While they were cleaning up the remaining human soldiers, they were attracted by the voices of Sandro and Aisha talking.

“Hey, two skinny humans, for your cooperation, I will let you die without any pain.”

The tall orcs sped up and came over step by step, but Sandru and Aisha didn’t move. They looked like they were frightened. They were more than two meters tall and had strong and muscular bodies. As far as the orcs are concerned, Sandro and Aisha, two necromancers who are about 1.6 meters tall and skinny all over, look really weak and boundless.

It was only when the orc warrior got closer that he realized something was wrong, because he could clearly see Elsa’s mummy-like withered face under the gray robe. The folds on it made the orcs, a race that generally looks ugly, They all feel ugly.

That was no longer in the category of normal creatures. When they were more than ten meters away, the orc warrior who just wanted to deal with the two humans hesitated because he saw Aisha’s face clearly. .

We have obviously searched just now. Although these two humans are small and small, they should not be so able to hide. There are corpses all around. The two humans have no fear at all and just look at themselves calmly. It is a bit weird. .

“Hurry up and come back, everyone is still waiting for you.”

The orc warrior only hesitated for two or three seconds, but the captain dozens of meters away was a little impatient. After all, in his opinion, it was just two axes, and this subordinate was still dawdling.


After being yelled at by the captain, the orc warrior didn’t think much. Isn’t it just a bit ugly? Being ugly can block the big ax in his hand.

After getting rid of all the messy thoughts in his mind, the orc warrior jumped over and raised his battle ax to chop at Aisha in front of him. However, when he was still two or three meters away from Aisha, the battle ax in his hand Suddenly it became extremely heavy, and the battle ax that was held high suddenly fell down, carrying the orc warrior with it and falling to the ground.

“Did that guy fall by himself?”

“Hahahaha, this stupid **** actually tripped himself up.”

The inexplicable collapse of the orc warrior did not attract the attention of other orcs for the time being. Instead, some people laughed loudly. They were not aware of the seriousness of the problem at this time.

The fallen orc warrior also staggered up. At this time, he also tried to bend down to pick up the battle ax. Unfortunately, the moment he bent down, he felt that the armor on his body was extremely heavy, let alone the weight of the armor. The tomahawk was picked up, but this time he couldn’t even straighten himself up again. After a slight stalemate, he fell to the ground again.

“What’s going on?”

The orc captain, who was still a little angry at first, saw that the soldier he sent fell down again, and he began to realize that something was wrong, and his face became serious. The first fall may have been a trip, but the second time it didn’t matter. There is obviously something wrong with walking around and falling down again.

“Those two humans are a little weird, come with me and have a look.”

“Yes, Captain!”

After the captain gave the order, the orc warrior who had been smiling playfully suddenly became serious. Facing the two humans, he even meticulously arranged a battle formation. Several shield bearers walked in front, crossbowmen and hand-held weapons. The warriors with axes all walked in corresponding positions and followed the warriors holding shields in front.

“Okay, stop playing.”

On the other side, the weakness of the first orc warrior sent out became more and more serious. He could stand up on his own before, but now he was like an upside-down turtle, tightly held down by the armor on his body. Pressed on the ground, he couldn’t even turn over, so he could only struggle feebly.

After Sandro gave the order, Elsa raised her hand again and recited a short spell in a hoarse voice. The orc warrior who fell on the ground let out a scream with his remaining strength, and then stopped. There was no movement.

The Orc team finally realized that the two of them were not ordinary human civilians at all, but dangerous enemies.

“Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh…”

The orc crossbowmen took the lead and fired several sharp arrows at Sandru and Aisha. The crossbows in the hands of the orcs were generally made more crudely than humans, but in terms of power, they were no better than those made in the North. The crossbow is small.

After all, orcs are more powerful. Craftsmen can make the crossbow a larger size, and orcs have enough strength to pull the bowstring.

Sandro and Aisha were not wearing any armor at first glance. Under normal circumstances, being shot by these dozen crossbows would definitely end up turning them into hedgehogs, but when these dozen weapons When the arrow flew close to them, it was blocked by several white bone shields suspended in mid-air.

The arrows and bone shields made a dull collision sound before falling weakly to the ground. There were no traces on the several bone shields. At the level of the Holy Order, almost all mages have a very strong ability to protect themselves. , it is definitely not something that can be threatened by surprise.

The magic of bone shield may be very common in Richard’s eyes, but in the eyes of the orcs, it is a bit subversive. The orcs’ high-level people have some understanding of magic and know that there is such a thing, but these low-level people The orc soldiers were not that knowledgeable. Seeing the floating bone shield, they felt extremely weird and hesitated slightly in their charging steps.

“Rush up and chop them to death!”

The orc captain was the first to react. Seeing that the crossbow was of no use, he simply took the lead and charged forward, intending to get close and cut down the opponent.


But before they could get closer, they encountered something even weirder.

I don’t know when, the corpse that had fallen to the ground stood up again, part of it instantly lost its flesh and blood, leaving only the weapons and armor on the bones, and a dark green glow appeared in the eye sockets.

Part of it still maintains its appearance in life, but the face has completely lost the expression that a living thing should have, and the movements are slightly stiff.

But no matter how they changed, the orcs could still clearly recognize that these were their former comrades.


“Bam, are you alive again? Don’t you recognize me?”

The orc warrior who led the team exchanged axes with an orc who stood up again. The other person did not lose his flesh and blood and turned into a skeleton. The orc warrior recognized his former comrade at a glance. The other person died here not long ago. , the body had not completely cooled down, and it suddenly stood up, which caused a huge shock to him.

It’s just that he wanted to get close. The zombie resurrected by spiritualism did not hesitate at all. He picked up the battle ax and struck it with the axe. The orc warrior could only fight. As soon as the weapons of the two sides touched, the orc warrior was shocked and numb. After becoming a zombie, your combat effectiveness may not be as good as before, but your strength will definitely increase.

Looking at the dull face of the opponent, the orc warrior also woke up. This was no longer his former comrade-in-arms, but an enemy.


“No mercy, they are already enemies.”

Although it was the first time to see the undead, the orcs reacted quickly and did not appear timid. They quickly fought with the undead.

After the orc warrior exerted his full strength, the orc who turned into a zombie was no match, and half of his hand was cut off after a few moves.

But before he could completely deal with the zombie orcs in front of him, more undead surrounded him. In the streets around them alone, there were no less than a thousand corpses, both human and orc. At this time, almost Stand up and half attack them.

No matter how brave these dozens of orc warriors were, they were quickly drowned in a pile of bones. Finally, some of them got up from the ground again and joined the undead army.

“They have become skeleton warriors directly. These orc skeletons are probably stronger than ordinary skeleton warriors.”

Sandro looked at the hundreds of undead warriors around him and nodded with satisfaction. Most of them were skeleton warriors. Even the weaker human soldiers were elite warriors during their lifetime and directly became skeleton warriors. After they are completed, the actual combat power of these skeleton warriors is only slightly weaker than that of living orc warriors. If you fight one of the previous sea clan skeleton soldiers, it is estimated that ten of them can be defeated. In addition, there are more than a hundred zombies and three black warriors. warrior.

It was only the first battle after the two entered the city, and there were hundreds of elites around them who could fight.

“Sir, wherever we go next, we may soon attract an army of orcs.”

“Let’s go inside and find our friendly forces. Lord Richard’s order is for me to obey Gru’s command.”


ps: I would like to recommend a book with the same theme of Invincible Heroes, “Heroes of Invincible”. It is a traditional lord online game. If you are interested, you can take a look.


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