Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 615: Enter the city


The orcs who entered the city were still showing off their power in the city a few minutes ago, but in an instant they were beaten back by the human soldiers rushing out from various streets.

Because they were unfamiliar with the terrain, many orcs even ran in the wrong direction in the chaos and plunged into the large group of human defenders. Human archers appeared near the walls, on the roofs, and everywhere. There were even some areas covered with haystacks. As soon as the cloth was torn away, the divine crossbow was fired straight at the alley, more than ten meters away from the orc warrior, sending the opponent flying more than ten meters away, including the man and his armor.

Some orc warriors were somewhat ferocious, and they were still trying to fight back in the face of a large number of counterattacks by the human defenders.

“Hold on!”


An orc team of about a hundred people originally followed the order to search for traces of human remnants along the streets east of the main road. As a result, they searched more than a dozen houses and found no trace of humans, let alone soldiers. Not even a civilian was seen.

When the captain who was leading the army was agitated, he heard a burst of shouting and shouting. At first, he thought it was the remnant human army making unnecessary resistance. Instead of panic, he was happy. After all, he had been looking for it for so long. , there are finally traces of the human army.

But after listening carefully, I realized that something was wrong. Such intensive noises and shouts of killing did not look like the movement that some remnants of the army could create, and the enemy troops came from all directions. This was more like a premeditated attack. ambush.

The orc warrior leading the team didn’t have time to think too much and immediately called his men to prepare for battle. Just because he was shouting in the crowd too obviously, several sharp arrows were already galloping towards him.

“Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh…”

A few rays of white light flashed past. Before the orc warrior could see clearly where the archer was, several feather arrows passed through his body. His thick armor could not save his life. The arrows shot directly from The thickest part of the breastplate was penetrated and several vital parts were injured. The orc warrior still grabbed the battle ax and swung it a few times, but by the time the human soldiers rushed closer, he had completely lost his strength.

The ax came down with great effort, and was held up by a young officer with a quasi-knight rank. He then blocked it and the ax fell to the ground. The orc warrior, who weighed several arrows, no longer had the strength to support him and fell to the ground. Passing by The human soldiers admired his bravery and deliberately smashed it with the pickaxe in their hands, confirming that the head was broken before continuing to attack.

Such terrifying archers are naturally the phantom archers who retreated from the city wall. Compared with fighting on the city wall, they retreated to the city and were more flexible. They used their familiarity with the terrain to cause greater damage to the orcs. , when attacking a city, the orcs can also use the shield car and the corner position to hide in the blind spot of the phantom shooter. However, in this kind of street fighting, it feels like they will be attacked by the shooter in any direction. The orc warrior who leads the team After his death, he was constantly attacked by phantom shooters. This hundred-man team became increasingly chaotic, and was quickly wiped out by the human soldiers surrounding the streets and houses.

“Retreat, go back to the main street and occupy the surrounding houses!”

After being attacked by human armies ambushing on both sides, these orc soldiers who dispersed to search instinctively retreated to the main street to form a group. However, when they withdrew, they discovered that the army on the main street had been overwhelmed by human cavalry. Baluo, more than a dozen champion knights and more than two hundred elite centaurs behind them were not something that the orcs who were not even prepared with long weapons could stop.

The chaotic orc army has basically lost its command. The orc army commander immediately organized his men to form a formation to resist when Sir M’rak and Taris led the cavalry charge. Later, because he danced too happily, he was killed M’Lak noticed that his head was smashed open with one hammer. The others who wanted to stand up and take command were also targeted by M’Lak and dealt with them one by one. Even the commander of the earth-level legion could not stand a few blows in front of M’Lak, not to mention that these were just big soldiers. A warrior-level orc officer.

The orc army that entered the city at this time not only failed to eliminate the remaining enemies and completely occupy the city as planned, but was deliberately and unintentionally calculated by the defenders. It suffered heavy casualties and fell into chaos. It was only a matter of time before it was completely divided and eliminated by the defenders. question.

“Your Majesty the Great Shaman! The Seventh and Eighth Legions were ambushed by human defenders in the city and have now lost contact!”


“What’s going on?”

“Where’s Skaar? What does he do for food!”

Hearing that the two legions were ambushed by the human army, the top orcs, including the great shaman, looked shocked. They did not expect that humans were so resilient, even though the city walls were lost, they were still in the city. Fierce resistance.

“General Skaar has sent people to rescue, but they were blocked from the streets by the human army.”

Skaar is a senior orc general who led an army to siege the city of Kress. He is at the peak of the earth level, and is very top-notch among the senior orc generals in terms of ability and personal strength. He also led the orcs. The army attacked the city wall. Although this attack on the city wall relied on the absolute superiority of the troops and the voluntary surrender of the defenders, it gave generals of the level of Gru and Taize a headache, and their ability cannot be denied in any case.

The orc army entering the city was besieged for less than an hour. Sgar sent reinforcements to support them, but they ran into the defense line run by Taize. Fighting in the complex street terrain was more difficult than attacking and defending the outer city wall. It was even more uncomfortable. The phantom shooters and some semi-hidden divine crossbows that appeared from time to time made them suffer a lot during the attack. The orcs, who experienced street fighting for the first time, had no experience at all and let the defenders fool around from the beginning. They circled around, attacked and were driven out again. After fighting for a long time, they still couldn’t advance very far, let alone support the ambushed army.

“Tell me, humans are still resisting in the city. Is there any way to quickly capture this city?”

“Extend the trebuchet forward one thousand meters, hit the city, and destroy all the houses inside.”

“I’m afraid there are no less than 10,000 houses in this city, and hundreds of trebuchets would be enough to hit them.”

Sirgrad is, after all, a big city with convenient water and land transportation. The city is not too small. There may be a chance for hundreds of heavy artillery. If you want to rely on hundreds of trebuchets to destroy the entire city, you don’t know when it will happen. , and the orcs are in a hurry now.

“How about using fire? Let Skaar command the army to set fire directly. The catapults outside the city will fire oil bombs into the city to force the defenders out.”

“Most of the houses in the city are made of stone, and since Sgar City is close to a river, there is no shortage of water in the city, so it is difficult to cause a fire.”

A few orc generals talked to each other, and the methods they proposed seemed reasonable at first glance, but after careful consideration, they found that they were either difficult to implement or were time-consuming and labor-intensive.

In the end, it was Gro who made the decision to increase the number of troops.

“Move ten more legions into the city. Stop playing hide-and-seek with the humans in the city. Spread out a line and move forward.”

“Yes, Lord Great Shaman!”

After Gro’s order was given, two senior officers immediately began to rectify the troops and headed towards Sergler for reinforcements. There was no trick, so the only way was to use force to suppress the people.

In fact, there is still a considerable gap in combat power between the orcs and the defenders, which is seven to eight times the strength. No matter how many arrangements Gru and Taize make in the city, as long as the orcs advance steadily, they can still guarantee the victory of Sirgrad. , but the time it took to capture the outer city wall was already a bit too much. If they continued to struggle in the city for a while, human reinforcements would probably arrive.

“Your Excellency Adelillo, how long will it take for the human army to reach Sirgrad?”

“According to the information I received, the human army has changed ships in the river valley today. From the river valley to Sirgrad, it will take up to three days to arrive by going down the river.”

Due to the existence of the Rising Sun Cult, the orcs understand humans quite well, and the actions of the Northland army are monitored at all times. It can be said that the orc army can progress so fast after breaking through, except for itself In addition to being powerful, it is also inseparable from the intelligence of the Rising Sun Cult. Wherever the nobles have a firm will to resist, where there are nobles who are willing to surrender, where armies are stationed, and where food and grass are hoarded, there is no need to send people to investigate by yourself. You can find out through Adriello.

“Three days.”

Hearing this time, Gro had some hesitation on his face. After careful consideration, he made up his mind, summoned the two generals around him, and ordered:

“Bring ten more legions up and attack regardless of casualties. I want you to completely occupy this city within three days.”

“Yes, Lord Great Shaman!”

If they can’t take Sirgel, the orcs will be a little passive in their attack north this time. After all, the human army relies on the Longjiang River and the navy. As long as they pass Sirgel, they can go straight to the Golden Dragon City. At that time, they will fight or stay. It is entirely human beings who take the initiative. If the opponent goes directly along the Longjiang River to the Golden Dragon City, then their army of more than one million people will have no choice but to watch.


Night has fallen, and the orcs’ attack has not stopped. Although the defenders set up an ambush and killed many orcs the day before, and won another great victory when the orcs were unprepared, the casualties of 10,000 to 20,000 people at this time It was nothing to the orcs, and it would not improve the situation of the defenders in any way. Under Gro’s order, an army of nearly half a million orcs poured into the city. Instead of fighting street battles with humans, they took advantage of their strength and spread out in full force, capturing street by street. After advancing day and night with torches, the defenders soon began to be unable to hold on. Not only did the ordinary troops suffer heavy casualties, but even the system troops continued to suffer casualties.

A dilapidated street was filled with corpses from both sides. The casualties on both sides were about the same. It was hard to tell which side had more casualties. But from the scene, it was the orcs who had the advantage, because there was only one woman standing on the human side. In the middle of a circle of corpses, the orcs were more than ten meters away, maintaining a dense formation, looking like they wanted to attack but were hesitant.

“What’s going on here? The Fifth Flag Regiment next to us has advanced for more than a hundred meters. Why haven’t you taken it down yet?”

There was no progress here for a long time, and it was discovered by the orc officer behind. Soon an orc general wearing a high-ranking officer’s armor came over and asked.

“Legion Commander, that human is too strong. All the human troops around her have been dead for a long time. She has been blocking us for almost half an hour, and as many warriors as she went up have died.”

The orc warrior next to him immediately defended himself. At the prompting of the other party, the army commander also glanced at the opposite side through the firelight. This glance made the orc army commander also take a breath. The entire battlefield It seems that there are both human corpses and orc corpses, but the human casualties should be larger. After all, the gap in combat power is there. The casualty ratio that is close to one to one is all because of the support of systematic troops and heroes.

But just looking at the feet of the woman opposite, I found that the surroundings were densely packed with corpses of orc soldiers. I estimated that there were at least two to three hundred people in the first year. There was not a single corpse of a human soldier around. This can only mean that , this woman alone killed two or three centurions, which made him, the legion commander, even uncertain.

However, after taking a breath of cold air, the order that should be executed must still be carried out. The order of the great shaman is to attack regardless of casualties. How can it be hindered because of this woman?

“You, lead the men and continue the attack, otherwise military law will be imposed! Don’t let the Third Flag Regiment be shamed because of you cowards.”

“Sir, we are not cowards!”

Having reached this point with what the legion commander had said, what else could the orc warriors leading the team do? They could only look at the terrifying human woman, gritted their teeth and shouted to embolden themselves.

“Orc warriors, for the kingdom! Charge with me!”

More than a hundred orc warriors rushed forward, and then a burst of white fighting spirit flashed, which was quite dazzling in the night. Along with this dazzling fighting spirit light came the incessant screams of the orcs, Less than a quarter of an hour after a hundred orcs rushed forward, they all turned into dead souls under the sword.

The human opposite just picked up the sword and wiped the blood on the sword with his sleeve.

“Continue to attack! I don’t believe she can keep releasing her fighting spirit.”

Under the supervision of the legion commander, the orcs did not hesitate this time, and a new team immediately rushed forward.

“Orcs are indeed a bunch of savage guys.”

The person guarding here was none other than Elena. Although all the soldiers she led were killed in the battle, she alone blocked the orc army for a long time, killing the orcs who were so frightened that they did not attack for a while.

It’s just that at this time, her fighting spirit has indeed been almost exhausted.

Looking at the commander of the orc army who was giving orders in the crowd, he seemed to feel something and took a step back into the crowd.

She could only give up the tempting idea. In order to avoid exhausting her fighting spirit and falling into the army, Elena chose to turn around and leave. The attacking orcs breathed a sigh of relief. They would rather face the snake people. That kind of monster never wants to meet this woman again.

After this battle, we should be able to achieve a breakthrough…


City Lord’s Mansion

“Lord Gru, if the orcs continue to attack like this, we may not be able to sustain your reinforcements. Should we consider breaking out?”

“Don’t worry, Lord Richard already knows the situation here. He sent people to support us?”


“An old acquaintance.”


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