Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 613: Defense 3




The roar of the giant dragon rises one after another in the sky above the city of Sirgrad. Creatures like dragons always love to show their existence. Even the weakest white dragon among the dragons has this stinky problem. From the orc camp Flying to the short distance to Sirgler, it roared at least three or four times.

In the city, the roar of the giant dragon was also heard. Just listening to the sound, the roar of the giant dragon in the city was much louder than the voice of the white dragon. The gap between the two sides was quite large. If the roar of the white dragon was the crowing of a rooster, , the sound of the dragon in the city is at least as high as the cry of a golden eagle. Just from the roar, it can be clearly felt that the dragon in the city of Sirgel is much stronger than the white dragon.

It is a pity that the number of giant dragons in the city is much less than that of white dragons. Counting Moriel, there are no more than two hands of dragons in the city at this time. Two poisonous dragons, two ancient golden dragons and one holy dragon. These are all the dragons in Srgler City. There is no doubt that the combat power of these dragons is quite outstanding and far exceeds that of ordinary dragons, especially the holy dragons of the holy level. It’s not a problem to face an ordinary white dragon one to twenty. Those with slightly weaker combat power had already been lost in the previous brutal battles.

But there are so many white dragons on the opposite side that even giant dragons including Moriel are at a disadvantage if they can fight against ten. Moreover, not all of the white dragons are ordinary white dragons. Not only do they have a certain number of ancient white dragons Dragon, and even the more powerful White Dragon elders participated in the battle. It is impossible to say that even the opponent’s holy-level clan leader would join the battle. After all, after the death of the previous White Dragon clan leader Yamos, the new White Dragon clan leader has basically become Vassal of the Lord of the Rising Sun.

However, when the battle reaches this level, no matter how big the numerical difference is, the giant dragons of Slgrad cannot avoid the battle. After the arrival of the orcs’ large equipment, the pressure on the city wall has already increased greatly. If these are allowed to continue, Bailong attacked the defenders at the top of the city condescendingly. Even if there were a large number of system troops on the city wall to assist in the battle, it would be difficult for the city of Sirgrad to be defended. The white dragon had to be contained. As hundreds of white dragons approached Sirgler, Moriel transformed into a huge ancient black dragon and crashed into the large group of white dragons together with several giant dragons under his command.

“Tear it apart!”


The ancient black dragon transformed by Moriel is at least one-third larger than the ordinary white dragon, and its strength is even more crushing. When it comes up, it bites the neck of a white dragon, and the opponent is breathless. Before it even squirted out, Moriel controlled it tightly, biting her neck three or two times, and scales flew off, leaving a **** patch. After a slight struggle, the air was coming in but not coming out. At this time, her strength had already exceeded Moriel, who has passed the holy level threshold, has completely crushed ordinary white dragons in terms of strength. Even if Moriel has just entered the holy level realm, she is not something that these ordinary white dragons can fight against.

“Boom! Boom….”

However, Bailong had no intention of challenging Moriel in a duel. After Moriel killed a white dragon in the most violent way, it did not completely frighten the other white dragons, but instead aroused the ferocity of the white dragon. , although the white dragon is at the bottom among the giant dragons, it is still a giant dragon after all. Several white dragons rushed up with roars, and several dragon breaths were spit out at Moriel at the same time.

Faced with five or six dragon breaths, Moriel had to evade for a while, and then got into a fight with another ancient white dragon next to her. At this time, the white dragon didn’t care whether it was a companion or not. As soon as Moriel was entangled Just then, she was attacked by the dragon’s breath again. This time, under the entanglement of the ancient white dragon, Moriel did not completely dodge. Several burns appeared on the black dragon scales under the attack of the dragon’s breath.



Although Moriel suffered some injuries, the defense strength of the dragon scales on her body has obviously improved a lot after reaching the holy level. As long as she endures the burning pain, the dragon’s breath that she accidentally touched will not be able to It caused too much damage to her, but the ancient white dragon in front of her was not so lucky. In the final analysis, the ancient white dragon only had the strength of an ordinary golden dragon. Now any of the remaining dragons under Moriel can deal with him. , it was his extraordinary performance to be able to tangle with Moriel. After Moriel dodged a few dragon breaths, a burst of dragon breath sprayed directly onto the ancient white dragon in front of him.

Moriel’s dragon breath is not only stronger in temperature and power than the white dragon’s breath, it is also extremely corrosive. Half of the scales of the ancient white dragon’s body that was hit from the front were directly burned, causing strong corrosion. Sex directly corroded the internal muscle structure, directly exposing the white bones. After being sprayed by Moriel with a breath of dragon breath, the ancient white dragon lost the strength to scream, and in the end he could only make a little noise like a puppy. The unconscious whimpering sound came. In this situation, it might be possible to save him only by using the resurrection technique.

Moriel, who once again forcibly killed an ancient white dragon, instantly attracted the attention of several white dragons. There were originally five or six white dragons besieging Moriel, but now several more white dragons came from a distance. Among them are not only the ancient white dragons, but also the white dragon clan leader of the holy rank.


The white dragon’s breath, which was much more violent than other white dragons, was sprayed at Moriel. Moriel, who was experienced in combat, knew that there was no time to dodge, so she immediately turned around and responded with a mouthful of dragon’s breath, white and black-red. The dragon’s breath exploded in mid-air, and the huge power directly sent a shock wave in mid-air. However, it was surrounded by giant dragons with good combat power, so they would not be affected by the aftermath. There was almost no pause. Several streaks of white dragon breath were sprayed towards Moriel.

In order to avoid being hit head-on by the dragon’s breath, Moriel had no choice but to run away at a small loss. The leader of the white dragon clan led several white dragons to besiege her. Moriel was suddenly at a disadvantage in the aerial battle and fell into a bitter battle. , Fortunately, Moriel is very experienced in combat, and her huge body is extremely flexible in the air. Although she was besieged, she could still barely remain undefeated.

As for the Holy Dragon, it was also besieged by the White Dragon Elder with more than two digits of white dragons at this time. Although there was no holy level combat power there, it could not withstand more numbers. If it were not for the deterrent effect, the siege would have been rescued at this time. The holy dragon’s situation may be worse than Moriel. As for the other giant dragons, they are basically under siege by eight or nine white dragons, and the situation is quite difficult.

In the sky, the battle between giant dragons attracted the attention of many people in the city. The huge light erupted from the dragon’s breath illuminated half of the night sky. The melee of hundreds of giant dragons was something they would never forget in their lives. scene. A small number of civilians who had not evacuated Slgrad secretly opened their windows and secretly watched the battle in the air with curiosity and trembling.

At this time, Taize had already put the White Dragon Resentment Helmet left by Richard on his head, obviously preparing to use the treasure’s ability directly. This treasure can be said to be one of the most powerful treasures left by Richard. First, after several upgrades, a holy white dragon can be summoned. Although the battle in the sky cannot be directly reversed by a holy white dragon, as long as it is commanded properly and causes chaos in the white dragon, it can at least make Moriel and the others Get out of a disadvantageous situation.

Before Taize could summon him, he was stopped by Gru.

“Don’t use it yet, Bailong hasn’t fully mobilized yet.”

Gru and Taize, who had fought against the orcs at Longxing Pass, both knew that the number of white dragons in the orc army was far more than this number, otherwise the dragons under Moriel would not have suffered so many losses.

“But, Lord Moriel…”

Taize naturally knows that the giant dragon summoned by the treasure is one of their trump cards, or it can be said to be the dragon’s reserve team. If this card is played and another white dragon attacks, they will There is no chance to disrupt the opponent’s position, but the situation in the sky is very bad now. If we don’t care about it, even Dragon Queen Moriel will be defeated sooner or later.

“Let some of the mighty crossbows in the city assist in the battle. Don’t be afraid of exposure or accidental injury. There are much more white dragons, so the chance of accidental injury is low.”

“In addition, after the Divine Crossbow is launched, let the Griffin Knight and Silver Pegasus Knight join the battle. You are summoning the Harpy to help together. As long as you remain undefeated, as long as the pressure is relieved, let Molly Your Excellency, please find an opportunity to keep that holy white dragon.”


Are the Griffin Knight and the Silver Pegasus Knight qualified to join the battle between dragons?

Of course the answer is yes. There are also examples on the continent of Erathia of royal griffins tearing apart bone dragons and black dragons alive. As long as you avoid the strongest dragon scales on the dragon’s body and attack the dragon’s eyes, Or in the softer areas of the abdomen, the sharp claws of the griffon and the sword of the Silver Pegasus Knight can break the dragon’s defense and cause damage to the dragon. But all this was based on huge casualties.

Gryphons and Silver Pegasus are both very valuable units for Richard. Although they are not as powerful as dragons, they are more versatile and capable of reconnaissance, combat, and harassment. It is not cost-effective to use them as cannon fodder. Usually he avoids direct confrontation with the giant dragon. Gru also inherited part of Richard’s thinking, but at this time Gru has no choice. There must be enough troops in the sky to attack, otherwise the white dragon will be free. , there is no need to fight on the ground.



Gru also has hundreds of Silver Pegasus and more than 200 griffons. In addition to leaving the necessary reconnaissance team, most of them were sent to the air battle. Taize also blew the Harpy at the same time. The demon’s horn summoned hundreds of cannon fodder. This mixed team of divine crossbows immediately joined the battlefield in the air after two rounds of firing.

During the melee, griffins were hit by the dragon’s breath one after another, turning into fireballs and falling from the sky. They were almost cooked when they landed. The Silver Pegasus knight was hit by the white dragon’s tail and fell directly to the ground. The huge size and strength gap between them and the white dragon makes them have no room for error when facing the white dragon. A slight mistake will lead to death.

However, while the casualties increased greatly, the situation of aerial combat has changed a bit. This aerial team of hundreds of people is actually not a soft persimmon. A raptor like the Royal Griffin is absolutely perfect in nature. The existence at the top of the food chain not only caused a lot of losses to the white dragon, but also caused a lot of harm to the white dragon. A white dragon accidentally left alone and was directly besieged by dozens of griffins. A breath of dragon breath killed several griffons immediately. It was disemboweled by the griffins that came up. While they suffered losses, they finally played a role in containing the dragon. The air battle turned out to be evenly matched, and the outcome was not clear for a short time.





“Hiss, hiss…”

While the battle in the air was going on hard, the battle on the city wall was even more pessimistic. As the orc wells built up the city wall one after another, the defender’s original advantage of being at a high altitude was offset a lot. A large number of orc warriors passed directly through the wells. They rushed to the city wall and fought hand to hand with the defenders. Many places on the city wall were already stood by orcs. At least a thousand orcs rushed to the city wall and this number was still expanding.

The snake demon, which had been fighting quite easily at first, was now exerting all its strength. Its six arms were constantly dancing to deal with the attacks of the surrounding orc warriors and even the great warriors, and hissing sounds were heard from time to time.

“Kill this monster!”

“Let’s go together!”

“Go and stop those human reinforcements.”

The most dangerous place on the city wall now is the place where the snake monster is besieged. Suddenly, more than a dozen orc warriors and more than a hundred orc warriors rushed up to this section of the city wall. They not only quickly cut down the surrounding human defenders , even the few Crusaders and Ogre chiefs who were originally fighting here were not able to escape unscathed, and fell to the ground like ordinary soldiers, becoming the background of the entire battlefield. The human soldiers who came to support were stopped by the orc warriors and elite orc warriors who rushed up, and were in a hurry more than 20 meters away from the snake demon.



Besieged by several orc warriors, the snake demon began to gradually fall into a disadvantage. He was even accidentally hit with an ax on his waist, making a painful hissing sound. Fortunately, the snake demon’s body structure is different from that of humans. , although there was a big hole in his waist, it did not affect his movements. With one hand behind his back and a sword, he drove away the orc warrior who wanted to expand the victory.

“Bang, bang, bang, bang…”

Just when the snake demon was about to be unable to withstand it, the orc warrior beside it began to pulse with blue electric light. The orc warrior who was the first target had just raised his battle ax to attack the snake demon. The next moment, his movements froze, and he fell to the ground twitching. The surrounding orc warriors were not much better. Even if they did not fall, they were twitching all over and their standing was a little unstable.

Soumla’s chain lightning has been reserved, only for emergency use on the battlefield. These orc warriors who besieged the snake demon became his first target, and the damage of the first hit without any reduction was completely exceeded. It exceeded the endurance of the orc warrior and killed him on the spot. The subsequent attacks after the reduction also caused considerable damage. The orc warrior and ordinary warriors who were hit would be seriously injured and unconscious even if they did not die.

Except for the first target, the chain lightning jumps randomly. Somra threw the skill among a group of orc warriors, maximizing the effect of the skill and allowing the snake demon to successfully escape.

The snake demon who ran out from the siege of the orc warriors was unambiguous. He used his swords against the orc warriors who were still standing and twitching around him. Then he turned and attacked the orc warriors who were blocking the reinforcements, and joined a large group of human soldiers. The crisis Temporarily lifted.

Only in other directions, where there is a lack of high-end combat power, the gap is getting bigger and bigger. The entire defense line is holding on under extreme pressure. The orc army rushes to the city wall through dozens of wells. More than one commando team composed entirely of orc warriors was organized in the camp, and they seemed to be preparing to capture this key city in one night.



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