Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 612: Defense 2 (wait and see)


(Wait a moment, it’s a bit repetitive, I’ll change it after I finish)


The orcs played with all their strength from the beginning. There was no testing or cannon fodder to explore the way. They didn’t even do things like look for weak points and loopholes in the city defense, and they didn’t wait for the heavy equipment from behind. , in order to bring enough pressure to the human defenders on the city, they carried long ladders and began to attack the city with ants. The casualties were quite heavy, and soon there were corpses lying on the ground under the city.

Because the defenders on the city poured a lot of hot oil and gold juice down, under the open fire, many corpses were still burning small fires, and you could smell a faint aroma of barbecue while standing on the city. , coupled with the strong smell of golden juice, it makes people feel sick and want to vomit. However, this smell does not have a great impact on both sides. Both sides are old soldiers who are used to seeing broken limbs. , most people don’t even care about their own lives when the battle is fierce, and how can they be affected by the battlefield environment.

The battle continued into the evening, but the orcs’ offensive still showed no sign of slowing down. The shouts of killing became more intense at night. There were even many troops preparing to attack outside the orc camp and lit up their torches. Obviously, they There was no intention of giving the defenders any time to rest.

“Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!”



“Captain Akum rushes forward! Captain Akum rushes forward!”

Under the afterglow of the setting sun, an orc warrior held an iron shield and grabbed the gap on the tower where hot oil and gold juice were splashed. With the strength of a warrior class, he forcibly deflected several sharp arrows. He picked up a falling stone and turned over and landed on the city wall of Sirgrad.

The soldiers behind him immediately shouted, not only to be encouraged by the other party and boost their morale, but also to remind the officer responsible for recording military achievements not far away to pay attention. Although someone had successfully climbed onto the city wall and survived for three seconds, The reward for climbing first is gone, but before the large equipment arrives, all those who climb the city wall by long ladders still have hefty rewards.


The orc warrior who rushed up to the city wall had good luck and strength. He successfully avoided being doused with boiling gold juice. He also successfully blocked the stones and arrows with his strength, and finally fought hard. He jumped to the city wall, but just here, his luck suddenly ran out. Before he could stand firm, he encountered a creature that shouldn’t be here.

“Damn it, why are there such filthy creatures like ogres in the city?”

This is the first thought when the orc warrior sees the enemy in front of him.

Subsequently, a ferocious mace struck directly in the head. The orc warrior subconsciously raised the shield in his hand to resist the blow with one hand. After a loud “bang”, the iron shield in the hand of the orc warrior A dent was made, and the hand holding the shield was knocked unconscious.

In just a moment, the orc warriors noticed the huge gap in strength between the two sides. This power was not an ordinary ogre at all. The orc warrior instinctively wanted to dodge, but there was no room for him to dodge on the city wall. Taking a step back, he reached the city wall more than ten meters high, and facing him was the ogre chief with a body as big as a mountain.

Helping, the orc warrior could only raise his right hand that could still be used, and crossed the one-handed ax in his hand, trying to block the blow.


The collision between the mace and the skull made a wonderful sound. The one-handed ax was no better than an iron shield. It was raised in a hurry and had no blocking effect at all. The ogre chief not only removed the weapon from the orc warrior’s hand. It was blown away and directly hit the opponent’s head. The huge force smashed the opponent’s head through the helmet like a watermelon. The yellow and white stuff flowed to the ground. The whole body of the orc warrior fell to the ground helplessly. .

Judging from his last expression, it was not one of panic, but a hint of relief. Anyway, he had already won the credit for climbing the city. When the kingdom conquered mankind, his family and children would all be able to lie on his bed. You can live a good life on your merits.


The orc warrior who rushed up to the city wall had good luck and strength. He successfully avoided being doused with boiling gold juice. He also successfully blocked the stones and arrows with his strength, and finally fought hard. He jumped to the city wall, but just here, his luck suddenly ran out. Before he could stand firm, he encountered a creature that shouldn’t be here.

“Damn it, why are there such filthy creatures like ogres in the city?”

This is the first thought when the orc warrior sees the enemy in front of him.

Subsequently, a ferocious mace struck directly in the head. The orc warrior subconsciously raised the shield in his hand to resist the blow with one hand. After a loud “bang”, the iron shield in the hand of the orc warrior A dent was made, and the hand holding the shield was knocked unconscious.

In just a moment, the orc warriors noticed the huge gap in strength between the two sides. This power was not an ordinary ogre at all. The orc warrior instinctively wanted to dodge, but there was no room for him to dodge on the city wall. Taking a step back, he reached the city wall more than ten meters high, and facing him was the ogre chief with a body as big as a mountain.

Helping, the orc warrior could only raise his right hand that could still be used, and crossed the one-handed ax in his hand, trying to block the blow.


The collision between the mace and the skull made a wonderful sound. The one-handed ax was no better than an iron shield. It was raised in a hurry and had no blocking effect at all. The ogre chief not only removed the weapon from the orc warrior’s hand. It was blown away and directly hit the opponent’s head. The huge force smashed the opponent’s head through the helmet like a watermelon. The yellow and white stuff flowed to the ground. The whole body of the orc warrior fell to the ground helplessly. .

Judging from his last expression, it was not one of panic, but a hint of relief. Anyway, he had already won the credit for climbing the city. When the kingdom conquered mankind, his family and children would all be able to lie on his bed. You can live a good life on your merits. “Bang!”

The orc warrior who rushed up to the city wall had good luck and strength. He successfully avoided being doused with boiling gold juice. He also successfully blocked the stones and arrows with his strength, and finally fought hard. He jumped to the city wall, but just here, his luck suddenly ran out. Before he could stand firm, he encountered a creature that shouldn’t be here.

“Damn it, why are there such filthy creatures like ogres in the city?”

This is the first thought when the orc warrior sees the enemy in front of him.

Subsequently, a ferocious mace struck directly in the head. The orc warrior subconsciously raised the shield in his hand to resist the blow with one hand. After a loud “bang”, the iron shield in the hand of the orc warrior A dent was made, and the hand holding the shield was knocked unconscious.

In just a moment, the orc warriors noticed the huge gap in strength between the two sides. This power was not an ordinary ogre at all. The orc warrior instinctively wanted to dodge, but there was no room for him to dodge on the city wall. Taking a step back, he reached the city wall more than ten meters high, and facing him was the ogre chief with a body as big as a mountain.

Helping, the orc warrior could only raise his right hand that could still be used, and crossed the one-handed ax in his hand, trying to block the blow.


The collision between the mace and the skull made a wonderful sound. The one-handed ax was no better than an iron shield. It was raised in a hurry and had no blocking effect at all. The ogre chief not only removed the weapon from the orc warrior’s hand. It was blown away and directly hit the opponent’s head. The huge force smashed the opponent’s head through the helmet like a watermelon. The yellow and white stuff flowed to the ground. The whole body of the orc warrior fell to the ground helplessly. .

Judging from his last expression, it was not one of panic, but a hint of relief. Anyway, he had already won the credit for climbing the city. When the kingdom conquered mankind, his family and children would all be able to lie on his bed. You can live a good life on your merits. “Bang!”

The orc warrior who rushed up to the city wall had good luck and strength. He successfully avoided being doused with boiling gold juice. He also successfully blocked the stones and arrows with his strength, and finally fought hard. He jumped to the city wall, but just here, his luck suddenly ran out. Before he could stand firm, he encountered a creature that shouldn’t be here.

“Damn it, why are there such filthy creatures like ogres in the city?”

This is the first thought when the orc warrior sees the enemy in front of him.

Subsequently, a ferocious mace struck directly in the head. The orc warrior subconsciously raised the shield in his hand to resist the blow with one hand. After a loud “bang”, the iron shield in the hand of the orc warrior A dent was made, and the hand holding the shield was knocked unconscious.

In just a moment, the orc warriors noticed the huge gap in strength between the two sides. This power was not an ordinary ogre at all. The orc warrior instinctively wanted to dodge, but there was no room for him to dodge on the city wall. Taking a step back, he reached the city wall more than ten meters high, and facing him was the ogre chief with a body as big as a mountain.

Helping, the orc warrior could only raise his right hand that could still be used, and crossed the one-handed ax in his hand, trying to block the blow.


The collision between the mace and the skull made a wonderful sound. The one-handed ax was no better than an iron shield. It was raised in a hurry and had no blocking effect at all. The ogre chief not only removed the weapon from the orc warrior’s hand. It was blown away and directly hit the opponent’s head. The huge force smashed the opponent’s head through the helmet like a watermelon. The yellow and white stuff flowed to the ground. The whole body of the orc warrior fell to the ground helplessly. .

Judging from his last expression, it was not one of panic, but a hint of relief. Anyway, he had already won the credit for climbing the city. When the kingdom conquered mankind, his family and children would all be able to lie on his bed. You can live a good life on your merits. “Bang!”

The orc warrior who rushed up to the city wall had good luck and strength. He successfully avoided being doused with boiling gold juice. He also successfully blocked the stones and arrows with his strength, and finally fought hard. He jumped to the city wall, but just here, his luck suddenly ran out. Before he could stand firm, he encountered a creature that shouldn’t be here.

“Damn it, why are there such filthy creatures like ogres in the city?”

This is the first thought when the orc warrior sees the enemy in front of him.

Subsequently, a ferocious mace struck directly in the head. The orc warrior subconsciously raised the shield in his hand to resist the blow with one hand. After a loud “bang”, the iron shield in the hand of the orc warrior A dent was made, and the hand holding the shield was knocked unconscious.

In just a moment, the orc warriors noticed the huge gap in strength between the two sides. This power was not an ordinary ogre at all. The orc warrior instinctively wanted to dodge, but there was no room for him to dodge on the city wall. Taking a step back, he reached the city wall more than ten meters high, and facing him was the ogre chief with a body as big as a mountain.

Helping, the orc warrior could only raise his right hand that could still be used, and crossed the one-handed ax in his hand, trying to block the blow.


The collision between the mace and the skull made a wonderful sound. The one-handed ax was no better than an iron shield. It was raised in a hurry and had no blocking effect at all. The ogre chief not only removed the weapon from the orc warrior’s hand. It was blown away and directly hit the opponent’s head. The huge force smashed the opponent’s head through the helmet like a watermelon. The yellow and white stuff flowed to the ground. The whole body of the orc warrior fell to the ground helplessly. .

Judging from his last expression, it was not one of panic, but a hint of relief. Anyway, he had already won the credit for climbing the city. When the kingdom conquered mankind, his family and children would all be able to lie on his bed. You can live a good life on your merits. “Bang!”

The orc warrior who rushed up to the city wall had good luck and strength. He successfully avoided being doused with boiling gold juice. He also successfully blocked the stones and arrows with his strength, and finally fought hard. He jumped to the city wall, but just here, his luck suddenly ran out. Before he could stand firm, he encountered a creature that shouldn’t be here.

“Damn it, why are there such filthy creatures like ogres in the city?”

This is the first thought when the orc warrior sees the enemy in front of him.

Subsequently, a ferocious mace struck directly in the head. The orc warrior subconsciously raised the shield in his hand to resist the blow with one hand. After a loud “bang”, the iron shield in the hand of the orc warrior A dent was made, and the hand holding the shield was knocked unconscious.

In just a moment, the orc warriors noticed the huge gap in strength between the two sides. This power was not an ordinary ogre at all. The orc warrior instinctively wanted to dodge, but there was no room for him to dodge on the city wall. Taking a step back, he reached the city wall more than ten meters high, and facing him was the ogre chief with a body as big as a mountain.

Helping, the orc warrior could only raise his right hand that could still be used, and crossed the one-handed ax in his hand, trying to block the blow.


The collision between the mace and the skull made a wonderful sound. The one-handed ax was no better than an iron shield. It was raised in a hurry and had no blocking effect at all. The ogre chief not only removed the weapon from the orc warrior’s hand. It was blown away and directly hit the opponent’s head. The huge force smashed the opponent’s head through the helmet like a watermelon. The yellow and white stuff flowed to the ground. The whole body of the orc warrior fell to the ground helplessly. .

Judging from his last expression, it was not one of panic, but a hint of relief. Anyway, he had already won the credit for climbing the city. When the kingdom conquered mankind, his family and children would all be able to lie on his bed. You can live a good life on your merits.


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