Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 611: Defense 1





The orcs’ trebuchets were constantly throwing huge rocks towards the city of Sirgrad. The city walls were smashed with a roar. The orc army completely skipped the so-called testing phase and paused for half a day under the city to wait for the siege equipment. After the assembly and layout were completed, they directly launched a full-scale attack. They wanted to seize the important city of Sirgen, which was stuck at the throat of the Jinlong River, before the Northland army arrived, and gain the initiative on the battlefield.

At this time, the orcs were completely suppressing the city of Slgrad in front of them in terms of numbers. The small number of trebuchets in the city of Slgrad were completely suppressed after a few rounds of counterattack. The soldiers on the city wall could only try their best. Holding a shield or standing at the corner to avoid the stones. Although these trebuchets are generally accurate, they cannot hold up too many. There are at least more than 300 trebuchets outside the city, and they are throwing stones and burning into the city. If you are unlucky enough, it will be smashed by fireballs, leaving no intact corpse behind.

“Come on!”

“Hurry over!”

As the firepower on the city was completely suppressed, the orc army below did not hesitate at all. They pushed a shield cart and carried sandbags and templates and rushed over. Before launching a direct attack, there was another obstacle in front of the orcs. Difficulty, a moat with a width of more than 30 meters. The city of Sirgrad, next to the Jinlong River, easily diverted the water from the Jinlong River to the edge of the city, forming a moat that gave all attackers a headache. Fortunately, the spring has not yet reached the flood season. , when summer comes, the moat of Sirgrad can even reach a width of 70 or 80 meters.

A large number of orc warriors rushed to the moat under the cover of shield vehicles, and then quickly threw the sandbags on their backs into the moat. It was impossible for the defenders on the city to just watch them smoothly fill in the soil with bows and arrows. The Hebed Crossbow shot at the orc army filling the river almost non-stop. Although the orc warriors were protected by shield carts and wooden vines, they were still inevitably shot down by arrows from the city.

The shield cart and wooden vines cannot completely block the dense arrows, especially some divine crossbows hidden on the city walls. After a frontal hit, their power can directly overturn the shield cart to the ground, and there are also white lights mixed in. Each of the ordinary arrows can successfully kill or seriously injure an orc warrior.

Gru also has more than 300 phantom shooters in his hands. He can kill the orc warriors by name from more than 100 meters away. The hit rate is extremely high. In order to protect the safety of the phantom shooters as much as possible, every Each phantom shooter is accompanied by two ordinary soldiers holding large shields. They don’t have to do anything but ensure the safety of the phantom shooter. They have large shields on both sides, as long as they are not hit head-on by stones thrown by the trebuchet. Nothing can threaten the safety of the phantom shooter.

In order to capture the city of Sirgrad as soon as possible, the orc army did not take the time to capture some human civilians to participate in filling the river. Instead, they directly used their own soldiers to fill the river, which should be done by cannon fodder. Many of them The orc warrior rushed to the river with the sandbags, and let the phantom archer on the wall kill him with an arrow. He fell directly into the river and became one of the sandbags filling the river. After a while, the moat was quite cool. The water was dyed blood red.

“Rush up and speed up!”

Because of the constant attacks by phantom shooters, hundreds of orc warriors fell into the river in a short period of time, and the casualties were greater than expected.

“Master Great Shaman, the casualties of the Five Flags Regiment are a bit heavy. Isn’t it a pity that these soldiers died filling up the moat? Just wait for half a day, let’s go grab some humans from around and let them By filling in the river, we can reduce casualties.”

Gero and several senior orc generals were also watching the movement of the army on a gentle **** with a good view. Except for the great shaman who had a calm face, the other orc generals did not look good. In order to fill the moat , the casualties were a bit heavy, and hundreds of people were killed or injured in just a short time. These people were enough to directly attack a human castle on the Great Plains. Now they are all dead on the edge of the moat. The key is that it has just begun. I don’t know how many people have to die to fill the gap.

Originally, the protection strength of the orcs’ equipment would not have caused such heavy casualties at this distance, but the phantom shooter is indeed an unreasonable unit. Not only does it maintain a hit rate of more than 80% at a distance of more than 100 meters, Each arrow also had an armor-piercing effect. The main casualties of the orcs were caused by them, and even the casualties caused by more than 20 divine crossbows were just an addition.

“Continue the attack. If the Five Flags Regiment suffers heavy casualties, it will be rotated down, and another regiment will be replaced. This moat must be filled within today.”

Gero directly rejected the other party’s suggestion, and also issued an order to increase the intensity of the attack. Time is everything now. Groo hopes to completely capture the city before the Northland army arrives.



Every moment, orc warriors are shot down by arrows on the city wall, but the speed of filling the river is getting faster and faster. Although the casualties of using orc warriors directly are huge, the benefits are also obvious. First of all, their strength and His physical strength is much stronger than that of humans, and he can carry several bags of sandbags at a time. Secondly, they have strong initiative. If ordinary humans were captured to fill the river, they might not dare to be too obviously passive under the supervision of the orcs, but they would definitely not be as desperate as the orc warriors who kept holding sandbags to fill the river. The warrior is really squeezing every ounce of his strength just to fill up this **** moat as soon as possible.




The orcs who filled the river were not always beaten unilaterally. The orcs’ trebuchets, which had an absolute advantage, would hit the walls of Sirgrad City from time to time. The walls were smashed with holes, even if every The phantom shooters are equipped with two shield bearers to protect them, which can intercept arrows and flying gravel. However, there are still unlucky ones who are directly hit by the stones thrown by the trebuchet. The phantom shooters also appeared in the orcs’ counterattack. Scattered casualties.

When the time lasted until the afternoon, the orcs had dropped thousands of corpses next to the moat. However, the moat at this time had almost lost its function. The 30-meter-wide moat had to be filled by the orcs with corpse river sandbags. A thoroughfare was found, and more than a dozen shield vehicles were already driving slowly along the road filled by the orc warriors. Some orc warriors continued to widen and level the road filled in under the rain of arrows from the city. They needed to These filled-in roads can pass large devices such as ladders and shafts.

“General Gru, these orcs are really good at fighting.”

“Except for not having Behemoths and Cyclops, they are actually no worse than barbarians.”

Seeing the orcs filling up the moat in front of them, Gru and Taize did not panic at all, and were in the mood to comment on the orcs’ combat power.

“Get ready, it was just an appetizer, and the next step is the real meal.”

“Hey, it’s time for them to try Somra’s method.”

Outside the city

As the moat was filled up, the orcs also launched a full-scale attack. From the beginning, they were besieged on all sides. Two legions launched an attack in each direction, and four or five legions were waiting to rotate behind, taking advantage of their strength to the extreme. , more than a hundred white dragons also appeared from the orc army at this moment, pretending to be ready to join the attack at any time.

The human soldiers also stood on the city wall. At this time, the orc trebuchets had stopped firing in order to avoid accidental damage. The city of Sirgrad was faced with a densely packed and countless number of orc warriors.



“Come forward! Kill all those humans!”

The fastest moving orcs have followed the shield car to the city of Slgrad. Due to the urging of the commander behind them, they cannot even wait for the well railing behind to come up and jointly oppress the defenders on the city wall, but first Use the simplest long ladder with hooks to stand on the battlement. One person presses the bottom of the ladder, and the following person holds up a shield and rushes up.

“Golden juice, golden juice!”

“Fall down for me!”

“If you don’t fall down for a long time, do you want to keep it for yourself?”


During the battle, the human commanders also seemed particularly irritable. When they saw a few soldiers carrying gold juice moving a little slower, they couldn’t help but curse. Fortunately, the soldiers in the city were also veterans of Longxing Pass. He was also used to the vulgarity of these officers. He didn’t feel nervous at all when being scolded, and quickly poured the golden juice down the long ladder.



Other than being smelly, the boiled gold juice was no different from boiled oil. The orc soldiers who were soaked were immediately burned and screamed. After climbing a few steps, they could not help but fall down in pain. .

Then, the soldiers on the city wall simply used torches to set the entire long ladder on fire. For this kind of long ladder hooked on the city wall, there is basically no need to try to overturn it. Direct destruction is the best option.

Sirgler City’s defense preparations are quite complete, with Gru leading the army, and among the heroes there are heroes like Taize who are good at defense. It can be said that under the current conditions, they spent a month to defeat Sirgler. The city defense of Le City has been achieved to the extreme. Among the dozens of long ladders that were put up on the city wall in the first batch, not even a single orc warrior successfully climbed up the long ladder. He was either half-cooked by the fire oil and gold juice, or was directly hit by stones. and smashed it down with wooden bars.

“The Great Shaman has an order!”

“The Great Shaman has an order!”

“The first person to climb the city wall, regardless of his status, will be promoted to three levels if he survives. He will be assigned a thousand livestock and a thousand acres of land. The great shaman will directly accept him as his disciple… If he dies in battle, he will be His children will enjoy it! The great shaman will personally teach his children.”

As soon as the attack was thwarted, the great shaman began to draw a big pie. Not to mention the financial rewards for upgrading to the third level. Being accepted as a disciple by the great shaman and personally teaching him would benefit ordinary soldiers and even middle- and lower-level officers. It’s a step to the sky, and this reward can be inherited by children. This means that as long as you are the first to rush to the city wall, even if you only survive on the wall for one second, your descendants will basically enjoy it inexhaustibly.

Facts have proved that although the trick of drawing a pie is old-fashioned, it is indeed very useful. The orc warriors carrying the long ladder felt as if they were suddenly given a shot of blood. They rushed up with red eyes and howled as they went up. More orc warriors rushed to the city wall, and more and more long ladders were built up. The pressure on the defenders began to gradually increase…


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